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tv   The 77 Percent  Deutsche Welle  April 21, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm CEST

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of the lost or emphasizing the award winning offer is available worldwide. every language level, learning gem and has to go what does it take to overcome any challenge of your in your life? on today's program we travel across the african continent to hear from those who didn't let life bring them down and also overcame their own challenges. and then might just overcome one of my own fuse, the fear of heights. i am a kid english another and this is the 77 percent. have you ever come across people that tell you that your dreams will never come to let's you get in your head? well, i'm here at this bouldering station here in bun germany to overcome one of my own
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fuse, the fear of heights. well, come with me. before i get started, i need the right equipment, starting with this bouldering shoes, but i still need a little motivation since i'm scared. but the next people in this report did not listen to the nieces and became successful. i'm sure that can motivate you. and also for 20. yes. now i played, i mean i did i play the for the wow. i've played incentive god. i'm in light on you know did it gain confidence and self esteem before i was too shy to perform in front of people. but because of done, i'm no longer afraid new. this is
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what in trouble that all means that whether it's real job is good. but let's have many the breakdowns as a one job or gotten of the football team fees at least have $3.00 things in common . they leave for the sport, they all faced stereotypes and the end of lifting their disability. stop them participating in local, know, international competitions. this must go to the craft and i using their bodies in ways which society and they themselves never imagined. must the mc contract at polio at the age of 2, leaving him with a partial paralysis of his legs for him and his team gaining a place on the court with an appeal of bustle before we. we have not the right to police yet, but are we improve as we show them that this will share this basketball in we shift is not just something to relax. they see that cost we uh some type 3 years. so literally they give us place
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will chat, basketball has its own rules, play is going to move at chaz up to 2 times before dribbling a 3rd, push is considered traveling and inclusive sport. well jobs, good boy can actually be played by anybody as long as they are sitting in a wheel chair and have arms to dribble and move in empty football, it's a whole different game. all the players who are missing a leg qualified with the exception of the goody who is missing an arm instead. really, i like 5 and says and on the board section difficulties or you the approaches them will file ending test item. so i'm gonna click that link to keep the ball. if filed for the b boys and b girls of key god, those rules don't my tax break. dancing is a free form where everybody plays through this friends. former french kimberly's
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brigands will champion junior, but see that by now, for instance, admitted to the top despite he's 40 of the extra honest friends from working on questions can be advantage you at whether it's for community buildings trends or just for the love of the sport. what all these at leads have learned is that they wouldn't let society dictate what they can and kind of to i would like to read. like it's kind of more than just thought it is still psyche for that. there's indeed that benefit got to say, oh, i would like to be like the math, but i would like to be flashed on like you do. in fact should i would like to sing like is feelings more than a team? i would like to play basketball. okay. they feel a little bit tied, but i was told that i need them to be a bit tied to be able to grow up onto the school, so not so much. okay, let's take a look. this feels rock solid,
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which is making me feel comfortable while with that report gave me a boost of confidence and also a little bit of fighting street. and speaking of fighting, did you know that nelson mandela was a boxer, this board has a rich history in africa. if you don't believe me, let's take a look. when you're up to, from the around the was what they associate boxing in africa. i'm going to think of the industry must rumble in the jungle, the final boxing much between george foreman and we'll have it in the in contest set in 1974. the so called fights of the century in front of a 100000 people was on the one hand, a great test to watch whether you were looking for more to don't king and level publish. it is time to buy dictated mobile to specific boxing already had to reach history in africa, even though to us influence and steam plays a major road in 2023, a total of $206.00 boxes, a 100 and to 2 men and 64 women from 26 african countries,
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the 4th income is owns the own date for the african lead men's and women's books in championships. but no combat sport is growing faster than mixed martial up. pleasures with african roots have dominated several weight classes in the ultimate fighting championship in recent years. this include is ryan dis. sonya camaros mom and frontier got new, who recently switched from an inmate to boxing and now trains with the legends like mike tyson. but do you know that besides this international fighting styles, they are a variety of traditional, martial arts on the continent like them in the synagogue and the gumbo or ingle us additionally bumped to marshal up that is the origin of the brazilian, combust sport. couple years up, most of the traditional african marshal us do you know? right. your answer in the comments be no. another african martial arts from that i
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can think of is new by resting into done it dates back from thousands of years ago . and i do, yeah, they do it a little bit different. they have a combat support, quote done. and we made a young major in of to many years and sacrifice as he is now. excelling at his support. i might need a little bit more time tools to excel. that's my challenge. the goodness, the debris and you know about, but it's a highly decorated and then a fight to a full time national kick books in goodman. at least he has comcast readings, both domestically and internationally. to meet the bees is routes lie in the gritty dumb b r n as of nigeria, snow. the. so we, uh, you know, a lot of people will come, i'm come fits,
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you understand to show the abruptness you understand and just like anyone come by sports, you understand? yeah, it really comes here to, to, to win after i, i, i for anything be, then i realize that, okay, let me take this to the global level. i think if it comes you to sorta here on the, you know, break or fifties and we get some of the 2 guys. let me go and get the media and did . but despite the brings and they made success, he has not forgotten where he came from today. kind of supportive also is coming home, my old neighborhood. and this guy used to train. yeah. is this keeps, yeah, it's due for to work. and then on. that's what i used to put my pods. mount buddhahood, the punching. i live with me. this is i'm telling you were like, i knew this. please don't text me away, but i feel peaceful when i come back for the sweetness of reunions can only last so
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long. you brings training. regimen is unforgiving, and early the next morning it's time to get back to the job. he who owns his skills, under the guidance of coach of the law, he tree goes sadly, who introduced him to kick books. they might mostly debris. his background came from them, b is fight this. that's why they, it took you to a fight to you to, to fight. that means becomes he's tightening your phone, you be tv to see what was going to go down. if it is very good and it kind of fights to britain has decided that on this trip home, he will step back into the dump the ring to take on a challenger. he thinks the game can be integrated into more than come but sports. and despite to see is of competing english, the father of i read as it doesn't want to see his fellow know them asked it's left behind as much as my colleague, i know he's moving forward. i mean, i'm succeeding. i really want to, my young wants to, to succeed in coming to you know, this how i did my such as i live. so i was to come back as soon as i can do it. i
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believe that this junction young guys continue to become do more than i do, you understand. and that's why. busy i'm always, you know, i will always be here as a strong off of my life. do you know what to do to support the i'm here with myself. my wife is always been i'm, you know, my wife's been stuff from my sometimes when i come back from our competition, my dad used to actually i went to a fees part of the sports needs a lot of your money. you have your time, everything, you know, you'd have to supplement, like with 14 number list of to give yourself it just to be strong enough. loved to use for your time to train you rocked. depends of course, she's one of the focus on only fights and such a picture of your findings. it's really hard for me to do that.
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so i have more equipment with me. so what is this? it's chuck for any sport. it is important to be safe. just like this chop, it helps me group onto this thing, so i'm safe. and also i have a soft landing just in case i fall. but that's not the same for them be the combat support can be very dangerous for the participants. let's take a look. at transitional nigeria and chromebook supports both cultural weakness. busby needs, it's life, significant health, wasteful competitors. let's delving diesel. head trauma tops the list like a chromebook support number exposes fights is too forceful blues, increasing the risk of concussions and traumatic brain injury. put in 2 aspects chronic exposure to head trauma and dumping may lead to new. it'd be generally 2
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conditions affecting movement memory and cognitive function. over time dump deluxe stringent rules and safety protocols found an article and by sports, leaving fights as vulnerable to injury. occasionally, the additions that fights us into about, well intoxicated, making the actions unpredictable in dumb be securing at kills. i came to look called blue sands as the ultimate objective political combat times compelled to exhaust all i've been used to complete the whole the pod. yeah, advisories, and some of the end result to apply unconventional tactics reports clean. the window is then to celebrate that m through z yes. typically by the crowd whom it also participates in betting on demarcus. i like a black one box full dump. it locks weight, categorization, leading fights us to engage based on confidence rather than sized piracy. this kind
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of excludes less advantage and keep in mind the consistence to english dumbbells, unique aspect, slides hun ruffin, with cloth and roofs present. additional consents, finances may deliver more forceful strikes due to the full sense of security provided by cloth, wrapping hyphen in the risk of injury for both patterns. based on this of cheating have been reported in the past. with some contestants resulting to taxes, such as the ceiling blocks, splinters, we need the cloth and roofs of them and on time even of the bruising contests don't be lost. the medical infrastructure i've seen in columbus schools. this makes it less likely for one systems to seek medical attention, done, but also locks comprehensive awareness programs and educational resources which are crucial for mitigating health with see an article about sports. well,
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dumb be holds a significant cultural legacy. it is imperative to address these health risk efforts to regulate, educate, and provide medical support of vital for present been done based how we teach well and showing the safety of its practitioner plans to modernize and stunned by the sports underway by the night u. n. sports ministry, now we know about the health risk associated with somebody, but at least the participants are taking care. now let's head back to children as a test for his fight. and i'm also going to prepare for my fights in the world of combat sports done based on as a martial arts, deeply ingrained in the house, the culture of nigeria competitive in a dump, the much 6 overpass each other immune for total submission. we've even done,
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they have evolved over time and i there is federal government intends to mainstream is as a support and activities as task settings, the local sizes, prepare for the boxes and the done be are in a debris and arrives to witness. perspective is we have to put bite tickets on come on watching to 0. so when i started to account for me, just a guy. so this guy who was on my name with the vision for some of these days went on about money. sometimes it's all about, you know, mean is you is there's like glad you to, i shouldn't say to bring us isn't me. if i test to car is the series of them be within him. it shows insight into the of emphasizing the precision required in every move on the floor with one on and then usually just do it on the new account. you punch a nissan altima to do a problem with you. oh you, he asked on my forehead. that was not available. no, no, no drop. please note that don't see anybody on it. please use the features as
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options in denby victory or q me smoking you open and down are forcing them also very for done big competitors. the primary weapon is to strong sites is also locally known as the staff. oh, i mean that it's basically the fees dropped in a piece of cloth covered by a totally noted code, but should be introduced. which edition on power to bring says yeah, if you look up to our new shown, we've done this, we have been using the tool thomas, i'm looking for. yeah. i missed my advice on the team to post on auto renew, put them into the fields or do a hunting season. it's pretty drugs. someone tells you the course, something from the 20 books, some within you look at the code the, you know, this is funny model. some summaries and a scheme of, of on i know that, you know,
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the student is helpful towards some people, the instability, the a 100 and the, you know, vivian understand. yeah, i agree. and then they bring it out and then they come to fight, which is when they hit somebody gets on cost us the knock that scales cold minutes, the feasible i mean since cause must be huge. this is done through breaking a meals together to brain invites itself sizes to share food on the same table, to repair this cars and to discuss the future of this both in the area with a needs the development debris is consensus. being of these things that were small to be done to modernize the traditional schools. well it was just that was they had real very badly. and then he went here, he's come close on the advice and let's come to the office out to this for free. brent circle, where the guy that used to call him is that we, i don't want to get a hold of i hate on sundays, but it was for you understand this is just really,
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really is awkward. so we love all these offers of what the people we also have the privilege or somebody don't want to come for the call. we don't want to more than likely in order to make them be more professional. no, we're good to stuff isn't joe. i have no, that's not for is up. i'll try to show, you know, we have to do that. absolutely taken long has has been done. b debris steps back into the ring. he got to interested in his people one small. this isn't i'm going to get back to me. i don't. the last time i felt and done too much in this. i didn't know since the 13th. that's why i'm back to see that. i've got 10 years i'd have to come back and i'm not a novelist. because i've really begun with each keke and strikes to bring dominique proving that his skills, a shop as of the as his open at fault is debris. this victory is not just his own. it's. that's
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right. i'm for tradition. and to see the i know i'm getting excited, it is not as scary as i thought it would be. but before i can this, well let's head to our last report from a dw health series where we follow plus size been so perpetual. she tells us about the struggles with her weight gain and also how she's using tends to overcome it. so i think, oh, don't agree the food is good, right? it's a great source of energy and a great source of neutrons. well, what happens when we take more than all but it needs all, we constantly make on healthy choices over time. one very of yes, communication is that we've gain weight my baby 30. we've got broke up. the guy says that they're complaining job be coming to fight, that'd be coming to bank. so he went and finding that one, leaving me was out. hello
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and welcome once again, so healthy me no cap, se space. and with me, i have perpetual with a wonderful dance of, by the way, agree with a v. we'll talk about that. and um, so let's go straight into it. when did you 1st notice that you had a problem enjoyed? i have been a pleasure guy says, but as i was growing it's gifts becoming the guy and big of both points. did you realize this needs to be taken care of and take off for it all a frenzy? i don't have any mind about that because i think they ended out. i just gets bigger people normally. but the same size most people see class size, people don't know you fascist, need some information. we have the best not issues we face just happens to the waste pain, the back pain,
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your knee pain. and aside all those things. you get cumulate that by people eat when you ivan walking around, people come shouting, hey hey, this is you. i know you monday or you what i, i don't really get me and this has been messed with it with the symptoms you hat in the little thing. i do, i swear i have time when it gets too long distance i gets tired designs. yeah. so it was the green check, dw, africa community to see what interesting comments are there and from canada is asking hi dark. are there any complications of obesity that actually lots of complications following obesity? you have hypertension, you have sites or damages even metabolic syndrome. if you want to be show that you do not have any of those complications is best to always book a check off,
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which your doctor just so that your show because the area you know, the phone. but that's a hopeful vestibular question. and how has those conditions affect to your friends or you're familiar with my baby, 30 categories that they're complaining. you are becoming too hot. that'd be coming to bank neither quest effect. so he went to and finding that woman leaving me was a shoulder. most of history really hard. how are you trying to find your way around? it's excellent. it's enough not too much of a sealant to exercise, reduce the intake of carbohydrates and dance. and that's really helped me. okay. it has really boost my courage. me every day i tried to do a dance that it keeps me healthy and it has really bounced my courage. and i really
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liked that. did you try reducing sugary foods, staying away from shifting fluids? doc reserves and injection to help me stuff because i would try if i did 30 days, i can talk to one be a try and try. and i think that that's what's most important. the fact that you're trying what's, you know, need, is consistency. the ability to just stay with it and consume you, you know, my fail but because going continue from what from where you stopped diets that are very heavy and vegetables may look boring, but they're actually very healthy. here's why. most of those dies contain a lot of 5, but with actually help slow down digestion reduce the rates so which glucose is absorbed into your bloodstream. so add more vegetables into your diet. secondly, you need to build muscle on your weight loss. jenny muscle has very high as simple as names, so even when you're not exercising,
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your muscles are actually burning weights. lastly, try not to drink your calories sold as one of those sugar drinks. many times contain a lot of calories, which could then add, so give them the food you eat, said on help in paint your weight loss. jenny, have you lost any weights? that's all. why am i was? i can't, i wait one that's to uh when i give birth, i do use to 130 was was dancing, and now we're wanting to has your symptoms improve? that's old because of this progress. yeah. so thank you, professional for share your story with us. thank you talk and maybe also that doesn't classes because i have to list fits if you've lend something and share those with a friend or family member. and don't forget to put your comments on the comments section. the
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i did it. i conquered one of my peers, which was the fear of heights, and i'm very proud of myself. i hope you felt motivated by this episode. but if you need just a little bit more, here's a song by donita featuring sunday service choir called stand strong. i am locating ocean of o until next time. i'm not able to look by tomorrow.
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the the, the
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action i just felt i felt like i was ready to direct money would stop director and act to add like shovels on in an exclusive interview. anecdotes from the center, as well as the analysis and what really drives the ox unavailable outcome in profession minutes on the w
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ruling with an iron just the policy. i'm surveillance every day and i for the people that really look like how does the reading so many govern the ice in a state exclusive insight into the world of the gym? in 75 minutes on d, w. the in many countries, education is still a privilege. property is one of the main causes some young children work in mind. charles, instead of going to class others, can attend classes, the minions of children, of the wills, collins going to school. we also want
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to just education makes the world make up your own mind. made full minds do big ultima bill. companies play a role in the destruction of the rain forest. i have kind of raised all over brazil union. we process $30000.00 hides a day and 90 percent of that is for the forward market. the auto industry, for example. the letter for luxury cost awesome comes from illegal capital times in the m as in. yet the automobile industry doesn't care about the supply chain. profit, all that much. illegal leather stats may said on d w the
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. this is the w news. why? from berlin? the us house of representatives passes urgently needed aid for ukraine. the 61000000000 dollar package provides fresh weaponry and munitions to keep as excited back against russian forces attempting to capture gets territory. also coming up pakistan ready to send hundreds of thousands of refugees back to afghanistan. the plan leaves thousands of women fearing for their future under taliban rule. the
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