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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 21, 2024 3:00pm-3:15pm CEST

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the, the, this is dw news lie from berlin renewed hope in ukraine after us lawmakers approved a new package if urgently needed military aid. the $61000000000.00 package promises fresh weapons and ammunition for key fast 8 flights to hold back. russian forces also coming up packaged and ready to send hundreds of thousands of refugees. back to afghanistan. the plan leaves thousands of women fearing for their future under tell then the
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warm welcome to viewers around the world. i'm michael. ok. ukrainian president for a lot of his zalinski has welcomed what he called a life saving a package passed by the us house of representatives. lawmakers approved a long delayed bill providing almost $61000000000.00 in military support to ukraine . democrats joined forces with some moderate republican lawmakers to push the bill through the majority of republicans voted against a make his chin waves ukrainian flags as the house of representatives gave the green light for more a to ukraine. the nearly $61000000000.00 a package includes funds from weapons for keys, for training, for ukrainian soldiers, as well as more cash to help the us replenish its own weapons stockpiles. so it provides for greater accountability over ukraine
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a. it forces an in game strategy for the ukraine war and includes a loan instrument of this for an a to ukraine, and the repo act to ensure that russian assets pay for part of the bill. it's the pool that ukrainian soldiers have been waiting for. since last year, the troops fighting on the front line had been forced to russian munition allowing russian forces to launch more deadly massaro attacks on ukrainian cities. forcing residents into air, right shelters, and destroying civilian infrastructure. like power generation plans, keith has been pleading for more defense systems for months. ukraine's president expressed his gratitude to the us, little make his involved and moving the stalled aid forward. the board. i think
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every one who's supposed to del package. this is a like saving decisions. i am grateful personally to speak of mike johnson, to all american hearts who like us and ukraine, feel that russian evil definitely should not prevail. so i hope that the package will be considered in the us senate and submitted to president biden's desk quickly enough to look at shifting the final vote to release the support for ukraine should happen this coming week. meanwhile, russia's foreign minister has announced the kremlin same to capture the ukrainian city of hawk keith in a russian radio interview survey lab. rob said that hockey is key to put in this idea of creating the militarized zones in ukraine, which would protect russian border settlements from ukrainian fire or keepers, ukraine's 2nd largest city and has been under fear,
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spin environment for weeks with key infrastructure being targeted. i asked t w's, russian affairs analysts. konstantin agree. what he knows about most goes plans to launch and all loud take of hockey. if uh frankly, i think this is part of this typical a very, very full c p r. i told you so, and i'm going to do this. i told you so. so the fact that you're not prepared, that's not my problem. that is very typical thing. one hasn't been has strongest level, doesn't decide anything. he's not fall on the decision making machine. he's just voicing basically opinions. that's all the piece don't of us. know. they've got to keep it's uh, i think clear that it is in the gross sales overall shall be because of didn't 1000 feet of all for show me whether in the last 2 weeks, at least for the couple months. but what to put in the launch this offense
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is white. so the question especially know off to the us a package was basically it's closed and it's really quite the risk. oh, you have to we think that it's, it may be a way of telling a package. i'm not, i'm not afraid i'm going to do my own thing in the brain and that's probably the best, the best explanation, konstantin, from your vantage point and know how of course. how does the new $61000000000.00 us a package to ukraine, likely impact russia's planning in terms of scale or timing? it is an extremely unpleasant thing for property and then for the company and then for the russian aggression. because of course, it shows that india and there is a bipartisan agreement and we got the grant. and also there is
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a u. s. vote agreement. public opinion polls showed that support team grant is in the us entrance. so i think to logic stem, this is probably the most unpleasant news for the kremlin since a but least old job last year since the not very successful ukrainian counter offensive. i want to go back konstantin, if you will, to something you were saying earlier. just do a slightly deeper dive. what do you make of laugh robs, seemingly frank and direct rhetoric easy, their strategy behind what he's saying in this radio interview. what is the strategy we have to ask, put to? not lots, but i think it is a way of telling the international community that's russia is not going to relate differentially. this is the message, no matter what happens is, are we, i'm not going to relate. this is very typical messaging because keys always use
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that. and i think that in this respect, it is also a way of trying to impact uh, significant parts of public opinion in the run up to the european problem at the lectures and in the us. because those who are against aiding you crate, those who are full, if you wish, some kind of deal with the kremlin, they will say we'll see no met. so whether we give them money or whether it was withholding money to come and remains the same. so we have to talk to put them, i think roughly that's probably the strategy, the political structure due to a strategy at least konstantin exit as always, many, many thanks. thank you. in other stories making news. another landmark bill from the us house of representatives effectively banding the popular social media platform tip top, unless it separates itself from its chinese parent company by dance. the bill gives
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tick tock one year to sell it steak to a u. s. based entity, lawmakers from both parties raise and national security and data privacy concerns is really soldiers have killed 2 palestinians in the west back. israel's army says they attack soldiers at a check point near the town of hebron. westbank residents have launched a general strike to protest. the deadly is really raid at a refugee camp. earlier this weekend, the palestinian red crescent says 14 people were killed. fighting is flaring in miramar, as the military winter battles rebels at a border crossing in the east. thousands of flat across the border to neighboring thailand, armed ethnic groups captured an army out post last week. the fall of the strategic border town is the latest in the spring of defeats for the hood that seized power 3 years ago. for a snow storm in germany, south has caused chaos on highways as the state of bavaria. braces for more wintry
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weather. hail, rain, ice, and snow have made driving conditions extremely difficult. over the weekend forecasters or warning locals to watch out for black eyes and following treats to pakistan. now where the government plans to the port some $800000.00 african refugees under the show called illegal foreigners repatriation plan, the move would see many people deported to afghanistan regardless of their residency status, including those born in pakistan to refugee parents. dw visited several african women, fear and deportation, and life under conservative. tell them rules. melinda was born in pakistan's spot to ask around background, mean she faces deportation to west counties, done. she is deeply worried. what that would mean for her future prospects?
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come up on his own so i could get getting it. what would we do in afghanistan? it'd be thought of on the bunky of the taliban have restrictions on women. yeah, the key girls can't leave the house and go to work enough. dennis done behind me going to the 60 feet logic and there is nothing there for us auto body in a part a. could you be here in pack of stone? we mean a free to earn a living. they don't normally wear avail, thought, so they don't want to show their faces here. they fee, it's how the band repercussions in the events that forced to leave packet stones government is planning to expel more than a $1000000.00 undocumented migrants as 800000 from f county stone. even people born in pakistan, all those holding national identity cards are being defaulted. the 2nd phase of expulsion started earlier this week.
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education is that the full funds have many women's minds with the taliban in afghanistan and excluding most goals from attending schools. the bottom ones, we don't want to go back to afghanistan, we can study here and find work. i can continue with my educational teaching if we went to afghanistan with a totally bond of close schools to women, you know, educational work as possible because maybe for this shape i was only she a. but when i don't want to go to afghanistan, me up and i want to study and become a teacher or a doctor in this isn't possible in afghanistan a little. i don't want to go. the 5 guns in pakistan have sets up their own communities. as many say they have fled from tell it then rule which is known for its deeply conservative religious policies. bots, pakistan says the high number of f guns presents
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a security risk. i made an uptake in terror attacks for these ask and goals, and the many likes i'm allowed to study and work in pakistan. the future looks bleak. a scorching summer along australia as west coast is threatening the survival of its already endangered penguins. the birds are struggling to find protection from recent feet. waves. local volunteers are thinking outside the box to keep the penguins cool and boost their chances of survival. just south of tooth on australia is waste coast lies. penguin island home to the largest population of penguins and waste and astray, the it's a popular destination. the fed bid watches and tourist but a mid climate change and rising temperatures. the penguins are on the threes. numbers here have plummeted by around 80 percent in the past 10 years.
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now, selma's, unfortunately, we've just has a, we've had a high number of or last number of days we've, we've really high above average temperatures. then we will find that we will get very strong from either heating local volunteers the steeping up to help the penguins survive crafting new sting boxes to keep them cool. the boxes have events and double glaze wools, making them 8 degrees cooler than pink wood made nice. these boxes, hopefully going to play a really important role in helping this population adapt to climate change. and hopefully we all would hate to think that my grandchildren, when he to see penguins and how lucky on the doorstep. i mean you got the jewel of the crown here in rockingham. you got show what all is marie pock. scientists estimate 0 only around $350.00, penguins,
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least on the island. and with more than 10 summer heat, waves predicted time is of the essence to help them adapt to our planets, changing climates to, as you know, parents is home to many famous sites. but this weekend, the eiffel towel and the lou had some competition in the capital. 50 camels, lama is in l. paco's. all name was known as camel. it's have been led through parents, is the largest part in a parade event. celebrated the animals and their contribution to food security, economic growth, and their cultural significance. the u. n. declared 2020 for the international year of the camel. and here's a reminder of our top story. ukraine has hailed a $61000000000.00 aid package passed by us lawmakers in the house of representatives. the long awaited bill had been delayed for months by partisan wrangling. the us senate in president joe biden are expected to approve the legislation in the coming days. will end if they're up. next one family has
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ruled north korea for decades. how has the came dynasty affected world politics? find out on talk. so that's next. the last name is the calls back. said loud. thank you so much for joining in. welcome to the don't hold bad. a lot of people do that. it's all about saying it aloud. next, would it be nosy bay like good. everyone to king. check out the award winning called com. so hold back.


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