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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 21, 2024 4:00pm-4:16pm CEST

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is dw news line from berlin renewed hope in ukraine. after us lawmakers approve a new package of urgently needed military $8.00 to $61000000000.00 package, promises fresh weapons and ammunition for keith as it finds to hold back, rushing for 6 plus tick tock under thread in the us. the house passes a bill effectively banning the popular social media app unless it's separate from it's chinese parent company
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the i'm michael ok. welcome. ukrainian president. a lot of his zalinski has welcomed what he called a life saving a package passed by the us house of representatives. he said the $61000000000.00 a bade will send a powerful message to the kremlin that washington will stay with keith. the legislation is expected to be approved by the us senate on tuesday and quickly signed into law by president joe biden, ukrainians hope this report will help stop the current russian advance on the front line. on the street in the ukrainian capital keys, people commemorates soldiers who died, defending ukraine from russian troops. that's cautious release, the more aid from the us could finally be coming soon of the literacy. so the media at 1st glance,
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$61000000000.00 might not seem like a lot, but it gives us a chance to get weapons as soon as possible and kicked the russian invaders out of ukraine. which is going to allow them is the unit who is a consumer. we eat the end, the war on times this a very unfair to us. it keeps fighting with the aid, we get more, we don't have a lot of options. it's out all me without partners weapons, it's a pool, but ukrainian soldiers have been waiting for since last. yeah. so you cranes, president has been pleading for more defense systems and more munition the, i think every one who supported dell package. this is a like saving decisions. i am grateful personally to speak of mike johnson, to all american hearts who like us and ukraine,
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feel that russian evil definitely should not prevail. us low mike, his kid and waved ukrainian flags off to the votes. the nearly $61000000000.00 a package includes funds for more weapons for key. you've more training for ukrainian soldiers as well as more cash to help the us replenish its own weapons, stockpiles the final vote to release the support for ukraine should happen. this coming week. meanwhile, russia's foreign minister has announced the kremlin a me to capture the ukraine into dave hall keys in a russian radio interview survey lab. wrong said that hockey is key to putin's idea of creating the meal to try zones in ukraine, which would protect russian border settlement from ukrainian fire. keith is ukraine's 2nd largest city and has been under fish bombardment for weeks with key
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infrastructure being targeted. i asked dw is russian affairs analyst konstantin, edward, what he knows about most goes plans to launch and all loud takeover of hockey's. and uh frankly, i think this is part of this typical a very, very poor c p r. i told you. so i'm going to do this and i told you so, so the fact that you're not prepared, that's not my problem. that is very typical thing. one hasn't been has strongest level, doesn't decide anything. and he's not all of the decision making machine. he's just voicing to basically opinions that all that he spoke to was know they've got to keep it's uh, i think clear that it is in the crosshairs overall shall be because i've been down since the fall all flush on the weather in the last 2 weeks. in a couple months,
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but what to put the movie log this up if it is white. so the question especially know off to the us, the package was basically it's closed and it will be quite the risk of truly seeing that it's, it may be a way of telling a package or not i am not afraid. i'm going to do my own thing in the brain, and that's probably the best, the best explanation, konstantin, from your vantage point and know how of course, how does the new $61000000000.00 us a package to ukraine, likely impact russia's planning in terms of scale or timing it is an extremely unpleasant thing for, for food and then for the crime and then for the russian aggression. because of cause it shows that india and there is a bipartisan agreement and we got the grant. and also there is
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a u. s. vote agreement and public opinion polls showed that support team grant is in the us entrance. so i think to logic stem, this is probably the most unpleasant news for the kremlin since the but least also last year since the not very successful. ukrainian counter offensive. i want to go back konstantin, if you will, to something you were saying earlier, just do a slightly deeper dive. what do you make of? laugh robs, seemingly frank and direct rhetoric easy, their strategy behind what he's saying in this radio interview. what is the strategy we have to ask poor, not lots, but i think it is a way of telling uh, the international community that's russia is not going to relent. differentially, this is the message, no matter what happens is are we, i'm not going to relate. this is very typical messaging because the keys always use
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. and i think in this respect, it is also a way of trying to impact uh, significant parts of public opinion in the run up to the european problem with the lectures and in the us. because those who are against aiding you crate, those who are full. if you wish some kind of deal with the kremlin, they will say, well see, know, that's all whether we give them money or whether it was withholding money. the company remains the same. so we have to talk to put them. i think roughly that's probably the strategy, the political structure due to a strategy, at least konstantin exit as always, many, many thanks. thank you. you know, their stories making news is really soldiers have killed 2 palestinians in the west back. israel's army says they attack soldiers at a check point near the town of hebron. westbank residents ever launched a general striking protest. a dedlock is really raid at
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a refugee camp earlier this weekend. the palestinian red crescent says 14 people were killed. fighting is flaring up in miramar as the military who into battles rebels at a border crossing in the east. thousands are flat across the border to neighboring thailand. armed ethnic groups captured an army post last week. the fall of the strategic border town is the latest and the spring of defeats for the winter. that seized power 3 years ago. in japan, a search and rescue operation is underway. after 2, navy helicopters crash in the pacific ocean, one person has been confirmed dead and 7 crew members or missing. the accident happened during a night time training flight official say it is likely that the helicopters crashed into one another. a snow storm in germany itself is caused chaos on highways as the state of the very braces for more winfrey, weather, hail, rain, ice,
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and snow have made driving conditions extremely difficult over the weekend. forecasts or warning locals to watch out for black eyes and following treats us house lawmakers have passed at landmark bill effectively banning the popular social media platform, tick tock, unless it's separate itself from its chinese parent company like that. the bill gives tick tock one year to sell it steak to a u. s. based entity, lawmakers in both parties, res, national security and data privacy concerns. it will now go to vote in the senate where it's expected to patch earlier. i talked to general as 5 young pressure more engaging and asked him how china has reacted to the us bill. so not after the latest vote, but um, in general, the government here has comments it extensively on the us bill. for example,
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the foreign ministry. and it has strongly criticized to both saying that basically it only serves us interest that the us what um basically abuse, national security at to bring down chinese companies. and that also the us would apply a so called a robust logic to steal chinese companies. so very strong criticism via and if you look at how a chinese state media were effectively owned by the government and most of also by the communist party, how they have frame to issue. that is also quite remarkable. they, for example, focused on um, concerns for press freedom in the u. s, which actually is really a very, a delicate balancing act, given the fact that you know, not only all waste and pest pumps up and tea in china, but also take talk itself is not available. actually what you can download here on the app store as in china is the end. it's no tentative version that of course, applies to it. time use of loss and date as the whole point of the chinese government that only allows online platforms that district the abide by the sense
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of shipper would see a and that has not been the case for, for example, what's app um and all those other wisdom pets pumps that are not available and then at the defective blocked to you in china. i'm curious how the business universe is reacting to this news. is it conceivable to people that take tough will actually be separate from its parent company? so if you talk to experts, i mean they think there's no way that a badging, i mean the chinese government will allow the take top to be sold to a us company. i think for that tick tock is too important and the algorithm is very superior. it is, it's, i mean, one of the strongest, the chinese companies abroad. and actually if you look at how bite the end of the month, a company optic talk is reacting. it stays very silent. and the reason is because it's really in the hops. but if it is outspoken, for example, it's um, uh, you know, criticizing the behavior of the u. s. government and basically count us there on
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the rates of it basically says that take talk is acting independently from bite. then the chinese mother company, on the other hand, it's also cannot be critical to the chinese government because i'm a seizing ping. i'm the head of state and trying to demand episode legality from its companies. and if they a distance themselves from the chinese government, then um, basically they lose market share. they again regulated. and i mean, they have also been a lot of ceos that has been disappeared for several months. so i think it's really a very um, strict um and difficult situation also for buy tends to buy the company of tick tock. our thanks is always to withdraw the list of fabi and crash american vision. tens of thousands of demonstrators have taken to the streets of spain's canary islands, to demand changes to mass torres, and they say the current economic model homes local residents in the environment. the protesters, one or authorities to take steps to lessen the negative effects of so many torres,
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flocking to the popular destination. the canaries have a limit. that's what many of these posters read that's thousands of local residents across the 7th in every island protest against my students. and i don't know, but i'm looking at what we heard of it. this demonstration will be historically. we're convinced that it is going to find that people are finally raising their voice and say, i'm not going to stay at home. residents say they are not against tourists. both say, after all tourism accounts for about 25 percent of the archipelago cdp, but they do want the numbers to be regulated. now still nearly 40000000 tourists visited the canary islands. that's more than 6 times its own population. north ticket, i was curious to know that we don't want to or if we want quality tourism, we are one beach is full of garbage and we don't want housing books all over the
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islands. i, the activists say the tourism projects like luxury hotels, out of times illegal and the destroy natural habitats. to projects in southern pen and re fi have been particularly contentious. all of this resentment is also driven by dissatisfaction to present living conditions. people complain of low wages, limited water supplies, and the housing crisis to them. whole model of tourism is unsustainable. this is the, it's not only the tourism project, it's the cues, the precarious work, the unemployment and the weariness of the people who are tired of it. to test those also want the government to consider imposing october stacks, that might discourage visitors and bring in revenue to improve the lives of local residents. well, parents home to many famous sites, but this weekend the eiffel tower in the loop had some competition in the capital, 50 camel,
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as long as in l. paco's old mammals known as campbell and its have been led to paris is largest parking to parade events, celebrated the animals and their contribution to food security, economic growth, and their cultural significance. the when declared 2020 for the international year of the campbell to shift is next please to stay with us. the secrets live, you discover new adventures in 360 degrees and explore fascinating. both heritage dw world heritage 360 now driven by agreed in the 2 thousands door to back engaged in various time risk business practice to reach the vine because basically involved in


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