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tv   Afrimaxx  Deutsche Welle  April 21, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm CEST

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of course we say there is never giving up every weekend on d w. the today we coming to you from is what is primary us and culture hub melendez, lifestyle santa, also known as the home of the bush fire festival, one of the biggest music. and it's gathering on the international calendar. it has of a big tech killer collection of low temp, $83.00 add on. but before we explore further, we need to henry into it just cool here from gardner who's breathing new life into traditional weaving techniques. what finnegan is born so cool, okay, top one of the world's top core players, which is a traditional west african bridge hub. then we explore the art of cake making and
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kenya with big phase one table, also known as the mistress of cakes. i'm bedroom policy and welcome to efram mac the a foot. first we visit the k flags and south africa. the area is known for high crime and gangs tourism, but there is one man who plans to change it all with his art. you're probably wondering how he plans to do it. all we need's help with michael bell in cape town to know fighting crime was on the mission of the applicant, artist michael. about please find out how he prevents young people from going down the wrong path. the idea is to basically, you know,
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transform roles into work so on, but also to connect the protection for up and coming artists to showcase the kevin to the world out. michael is and michel's plane, situated in cape towns, victoria's cape flats, and rank forth among south africa's most dangerous neighborhood. and a community refined in crime and drug abuse is common. michael bell fell victim to a breed so assault that lifting for did in 2008, one evening i was on my way home. i was attacked at a gun to my hip and nice to myself that somehow i was able to fight my way out of the testers. the here clawson is a community worker in the area might go into a database of time, but it did not pick up. and you know, you was looking in the guy's faces all these years. and so they are walking around
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and nothing happened to the how did this experience breath paints and what exactly is paint? using that anger, that to me, i've been decided to the, i'm do something about the was the public spaces, the function. i want them to be able to see positive change and turn it into something positive but also something beautiful. and something really colorful. michael bell sounded pains to create open a categories, targeting areas that are run by gang. how does panes go up? i agree to find the community. and how does this helps on bed, climbed into a family's rules the with a lot of gang tags via good of 50. it was in a very terrible state of working with the local office, the members of the community. deb transforms the space like till all as being those people that wanted to mad at him. don't they want to come and work in the community
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and now fast with the by you think. many of the residents couldn't have imagined the gang tact graffiti filled hold of mitchell's pains, transformed into a canvas of a, to speak, expression, collaborating, local arts as the visa portico. they hold to inspire great awareness and protection of the ocean through this. but how do i have to keep it looks of ethic in that don't intervals so you can adjust that on you know, oceans. so this is on the very 1st meeting that we did back in 2018. it speaks to identity and culture. any thoughts people into this space? and as can see, you guys not be tags in any way, just down the road, you can see what the area looked like. it. absolutely, it'd be marked by the view. it is. can see the area with a split of numbers, meaning that gang, some of the other side cannot into the space. let's hear from someone who's been
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impacted by paint. and a little waterloo is just one of the people who found hope to be this project. as a child, he loved odd, but was drawn into the drugs and gang culture. what do we time to implement with the art we try to put out our story? i do because it seems that even if they struggle, this project has change angelo's life, expanding his volt and giving them access of the opposite. now he's an example for the local children. every day. they always me, angelo, we know we're going to play and say, excited that part alone. these meetings that i should michael street. so he has now cross borders to collaborate with all its across oceans, bridge, and communities through. it's an odd means of reality on the highlight, the shared responsibility for healthy ocean spots, but could i suppose since it's
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a bond between the 2 countries together in south africa and also in malicious to shave artistic experiences. also could i pretend that these 4 authors from both countries to the able to work together and the last projects integrating technology and odds. this opens that reality merchandise becomes a powerful tool for promoting our tourism and fostering of sustainable awareness. you have the app on your phone, you're able to do the act and make this all to come for life to be create a sense of ownership, a sense of belonging. so we have the full support of the can and that so many more opportunities we will definitely engage with other communities to be able to provide particular spaces in those communities. michael bells paints initiative evolving from murals to a vibrant street. art gallery not only be defies the community, but also the impalas. it's residents. it speaks volumes about resilience inconvenience, good reading,
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a message that resonates far beyond the and speaking of innovation. melendez, lifestyle center, has become a how we create those, come and share ideas, but it is much more than that. here with me is check store and who is the director of the mc and force fire festival? that brings together talent from africa and around the globe annually. we'll talk about that in a moment. first, we'd like to know what is melendez lifestyle center, about? well, that's a big question which has a long history. it's a family and family legacy that started off with our parents. we're on a farm here. at some point, my mother decided that she needed to augment the erect fixed economy of the farm and she set for the roadside store quote, to switch race. and she was making close selling marmalade,
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my father later on fields, my lender, let's restaurants, which is made of the month. and so this lifestyle center began to develop. it's an incredible venue that brings together a philosophy that reaches out to the community that supports autism. that brings together some of the finest products that we have in swaziland in our concept store here, quote, dollar cost. this is also the venue of the annual mtm push 5 festival internationally renowned assisted by bbc is one of the top african festival. and by cnn is one of the southern events that you want to see on the continent. thank you so much. take for your time and we'll be catching up with the link time. and now we me temporary attack, comb, henin, bianca ne, in is driven by a deep mission to preserving weaving, techniques taught to her by her grandmother through her designs and ensuring that old age, traditions of sustained and contemporary context. the
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precise handwork finally moving. but who can actually still pushy or do macro me today? let's get to know how hesitate to community, to link to still, to revive this traditional technique above in head designs. why do i talk to them? what am i could even do that to me? sounds interesting. simple, so what do you see somebody like me be interested in such a few just for if you also get in slide to say that, oh, to go in it. but i could also doing studies have shown that quote, that's it, or do my from me, can have a therapeutic effect. reduce the stress, improve concentration, and even olive yet symptoms often side seat depression. but why that which i decides to revise the old fashion full of clothes making and how that is all stats? i love the idea of are making things with your hands. i'm going up in my
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grandmother as i, as friends, don't make things for themselves. and the whole process of making beats to care. i don't know something i'd be like. they just use as a whole be. but going up to also come, i mean, hiring some of the faith is very exciting to me. i think that my car may of course see, and i'll say traditional reading techniques, how in depressing or straight the whole bit of send him your hans and write them quotes. it's a very interesting process that requires your attention in like a full mind to the process. and the whole bit of you are working from one line and then be testing to a 2nd line. then it says if there's something that you have in mind that is standing for like a close, i've heard about some for me, the way that you release stress on the i. c and depression. exact to the degree tidmore.
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an industry was a focus on 5 buses and 5 risk is holden has best private viewing, which k a dx grew is to show cause new designs. how would that help it achieve a goal or from 5 of this tradition? what kind of do you have brand has flown because of how it has more than i already existing traditional techniques, but he touch it fabrics, you realize that everything is neat. now let's use one that's teaching the language of classic and one that is speaking the language of cooperates and casual women globally. i believe everybody should be on kind of yeah. so the main reason for posting that kind of yeah, experience is to have an enticing woman. i love coming. you see, i think because i work with us is on said we took a lot of comments the media enjoy company, hope things are actually hired. yeah. mostly being on online fashion and brands. and i kind of wanted people to come in how that says con experience and one of
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the designers and it might seem y'alls and the colors are very vibrant. also use mark on me. you don't use pink, you just use your 100 to read. you call you to make alum say, you called me sound also. i'll talk with you call me claudia and also bid you come . that's for many ways that you can use my call me for. and that's course a we use it for clothing in kind of that is how we go about to make u dot product would just be just a very sustainable due to that's fine. let's design even into decades. eye exams will be unique as still function of water, some motivation to preserve the heritage of the gun. you notice i think these to try this nonsense nice uh with that being revived because everything that is part of all costs and charges, she needs to be such paint. and for me, in the new generation and also flossing design, now i think it's important to always in should you say like we should never leave
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something behind. if something, if it's important, that thing is still around the market for read. people are still using it and i think that it's very important to me start having a new i for it's as seen, isn't that different lights if you don't have a passing. and i instruct like it's a new interest for you and you probably do up like some of the take days, hours, intox, whining call. it's been young. this is a difficult, it can take you of a year for somebody to now be able to remember it's on that one and say, this is the way that we need school while you look all the pieces, they still have the same quality and finish. and so in terms of pricing, i'm always telling stuff why it's coming from africa is to be cheap and i think that'd be we after we've talked about speech, my. 7 for using these charges, contact me 55 that creates the start. i design this and in that sense, 14, also a new market. then that's at least also sustaining the space and is trouble doing an oil on. but when it's stuck here in the same with that is the reason this is
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david, we don't maybe sus payments which is determined to give pushy and mcroy me a field trip on the walls catalog. so the traditional hon, what makes a life the annual flush 5, 1st of all takes chase around end of main. it is a gathering of top and to national and local musicians and a multicultural festival that showcase of how hard can be used to bring about change. i'm still with the festival direct tests and the subjects for him. can we get into how the festival contributes into influencing the perception of african arts and music fest? it's, it's an african festival that obviously has its roots in isadine festival. as we see, it needs to play a pivotal role. ready in development in supporting our culture and heritage. so we look into what aspects of culture and our history need to be told.
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sec, okay, ty is a cynically, is born use dition space and the u. k. and one of the world's finest core players. what is the core i you may want to know it is a traditional west african bridge hub with an ancient fax story. let's find out more say cool kids. honda is a virtual so of the core of a traditional west african stringed instrument. what does it sound like? how does that cool, bring it into a completely different musical context? and what challenges does he face in the process? what i come from that of the music isn't by member, still remember buttons. and then have to, when he writes it, that i have to stick with the right to. that's the challenge be the or how
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can the west african core find a connection to european classical music sick, who worked on this question for 15 years? his answer is the african rhapsodies that he in the bbc concert orchestra performed in the royal concert hall and nodding. i'm the, the audience is moved. this music just fills your full address. i'm putting too very seldom do i have to go to somewhere around try all the way through is what it was has been laid back into the there was a buy a cool double impact. so there the king used to order the compositions they asked. so good i play will compose a special song for the event. and i find that to me that it in fact i route just
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right is back in the classical would buy or whatever. they also have this system that somehow there is assuming that it's happening, different part of this world. i think here we've got something really special and there's a, there's a real sort of team vision of what we're trying to do. we're always learning from each other's backgrounds, use of as music kind of thing. that's a wonderful looking to you for the sick who came from a family of your professional poets, singers and historians that have passed on traditional knowledge for century who essentially west african bards go to live. so so, so the news of who has been living and not in i'm in england, the east midland since 2004. i was born in the southern part of senegal, a place called cousin. most a town close. you get a show. so girl, david,
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my grandfather, my mom's father, who's my mental so age of 7, mother and father told me how to build my 1st instrument. age of 14 has thought to lend up a twice on the progress of those songs that dated back in century with a story behind the age of 18. and i left the family in the car, originated in west africa, probably in the 13th or the 14th century. it's made of a calabash, or pumpkin gord covered with an animal skin with a long wooden neck attached. it's played using only the thumbs and index fingers, the. ready ready ready ready ready the what makes a fusion of cora and classical, especially tricky, is that while music is consigned to paper in europe, sec, who only learned it normally when i was young ask
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is my uncle who said i wanted to learn how to read and write music. and he said no, and i was very disappointed because he said to me, you don't need to go to that. so if you opened this thing in the middle was, is that okay, lovely line numbers. why the so i have the hearing, the premier and nodding improve that's like who has successfully integrated the cora into classical music. this cross fertilization of musical traditions has borne rich fruit visiting you to full sounds of nostalgia. and now we meet with beatrice with daniel, who specializes in custom baked goods, also known as the mistress of caves. you're probably wondering why fi for
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yourself these traditional hands moving back looks nice to kind of you market shopping in its rights. would you try what it looks deceptively like a real back is actually meant to be snacks on. how does the truth with to create takes that look like every day i to, let's find out. the big thing is about the safety depression and the increase in so that's the premium between funding. i think the past one can do what you are doing is number one, and we call it and making we love, you know, the award winning kenyon beka beatrice mer to has room what used to be a hobby, into a thriving business which is specializing its lucky custom cakes, since the year 2003, before we get to new, what's the special take to get the key fact realistic, where the top left will be king actually come from? what i do is actually a result of the question. it's something i felt that it was god and my brothers and
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my sisters would really enjoy my banking. those are the big joy that it created. made me realize that every new be i would still wake up to be cocky. that's when i knew i would want to do this as a business. launching how business we choose to move tables has gone onto we more than 10 a was for her kick designs at the east african annual festival of all the ingredients for making the design a cake looks like what you use at home. there is a different list step. so making that cake fast, you identify what kicks you want to make. maybe your customer has given new sites in design pickup and then what is the recipe you are going to use. first process is 12 q agents. make sure the good that goes. oh, i assume that we're going to mix it together. we've done milk and oil leaks. they savvy to that so that everything that then you can use in
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a free vote, your story every day to asia and news, try to put 11. we have mix. so raising agent, the picking folder inside the class if we are using and this places, it's also good to incorporate them. yeah. uh this now. nice. so take my press 2 now. and just for the, in this fax here, you should never me see that magic confidence involving test. um i would very nice so we'd have to wait for it to put it down and they to it they as though they declared. and so we're good to go to set the calendar. you can imagine the kicks that i had paddy out on showed you when they left it open. and you can see this is a bold that i would lay as the ones that i don't see a way you see the find. know these are in
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a few good . the burden of a true excuse in the budget will be cheese. a piece of cake has agreed to value. she do begging courses to show others here. what can be done with big good? oh my goodness. that is one way i started teaching. i would take kicks to maybe c o n d. and then brian laughs. they kicks so much, gets to like the kicks so much and somehow they think it's something they also would like to learn. what m o s kicks would go. somebody somewhere would also want to, to learn to do the same. training with bc's as being amazing atlanta and most of the skills that thing from baking to icing and because of some of the kids. and also i did though, everything must the class, which was amazing with the rising prize of room materials ever changing taste and
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every news to then she trains out is beatrice holding her own. as the canyon keep both in the competitive case markets for us to avoid that additional business. the customer wants to identify with the big, a big guy who can be able to be to invest, find what they want. what does that to me? it costs for creativity, i hate myself inspecting the kind of custom design kicks that's happening today. i just sent bits just as cakes of you know, ending ceremony. because now it's only a trip to monday i would say, but for my it's 2 of the best get covered by distance creations. a really good out of this one, especially that try to do something on the killing. the glades infectious, the design that i've come to for next for my grandmother, and i didn't retrieve, make my grandmother had fee, since she's also actually told me that this looks so amazing games. a acute someone in with the red gray legs and love overlay
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cubes. fence, so find that it here is all design micky under design. the final product for those is presented and people want to get into a banking business that somebody distract within themselves. as they pass from the walk is not as easy as the troops. it's about creating a drawing from the inside to view. so that's special. we've how passion and incredibly, unrealistic custom may be taken to just need a piece of the, from the kingdom off as to what do you need. we hope you enjoy the show. don't forget to follow us on all our social media for most until next time. so i like to gosh, the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, are
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the astonishing breakdown skills. french dawn said the boy, julia don frances doxey, despite having power or maybe thanks to his unique style speaks for itself. next, all the lympics you're on that in 30 minutes, dw,
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the words people have to say, that's why we listen. because every weekend on d, w, conflict, crises around every single connection mapped out shows the geopolitically and see the on the board is what makes things the way they all way. all the solutions mapped out, navigating a changing world. now on youtube, a named project cassandra,
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re determined through our investigations that has to pull out was operating like a global drug cart. not somebody normally sees harris organization. the object to financially drain has gone up and bring them down. suddenly we have in las vegas to attack a terrace organization finance. the idea is the fall of the money, the team agents from the american drug enforcement agency. i. i wasn't scared but i mean as well as another whole life. they want to do actually money. i wanted to take down their findings. they had from lies themselves. we needed to reveal that so world and to their own people invited the us government suddenly shut down project cassandra in 2016. so the opportunity was, was 1st, our 3 thought documentary series on last day, hezbollah dots may 4th on dw,
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the business, dw news live from valid renewed health in ukraine, off to you as lawmakers approve a new package urgent they need as military a president. citizens can you well comes to support saying it will send a powerful message to the kremlin finance or confidence. the assistance will make a difference on the back. also coming up pocket start and ready to send hundreds of thousands of refugees back to have gone installed time least thousands of women fearing for the future on this highly bundle and approve of volunteers. steps up to


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