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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 21, 2024 8:00pm-8:16pm CEST

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[000:00:00;00] the business dw news lives from barely renewed health and ukraine. up to you as lawmakers approved a new package of edge and they needed to military a presidency. lensky, welcome to the support saying it will send a powerful message to the criminal to finance of confidence. the assistance will make a difference on the about the proposal coming up is there any forces killed, more than a dozen people during a rate of the west bank in response to indians loans, a general stripe, closing the shop,
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send all the businesses encroach the . i'm gonna have office. welcome to the program. your current president for the mozilla institute has well comfortable it. he called a life saving age package passed by the us house of representatives. c said the $61000000000.00 of aid will send a powerful message to the criminal and that washington will stay with keith. the legislation is expected to be approved by the us senate on tuesday, and then quickly signed into little by president joe by ukrainians. hope the support will help stop the current rush in advance on the front line on the streets in the ukrainian cap to keep people commemorates soldiers who died defending ukraine from russian troops. that's cautious relief that more aid from
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the us could finally be coming soon. of the literacy, so the media at 1st glance, $61000000000.00 might not seem like the last, but it gives us a chance to get weapons as soon as possible and kicked the russian invaders out of ukraine. which is going to allow them is the unit home is a consumer, we eat the end, the war on times this a very unfair to us. we'll keep fighting with the aid, we get more, we don't have a lot of options. it's out all me without partners weapons. it's a pool, but you cranium soldiers have been waiting for since last. yeah. so you cranes, president has been leading full ad defense systems and will munition the, i think every one who supported dell package. this is
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a like saving decisions. i am grateful personally to speak of mike johnson, to all american hearts who like us and ukraine, feel that russian evil definitely should not prevail. us low, make his kid and waved ukrainian slides off to the vote. nearly $61000000000.00 a package includes funds full weapons for key. you've more training for ukrainian soldiers as well as more cash to help the us replenish its own weapons, stockpiles the final vote to release the support for ukraine should happen. this coming week. this process, foreign minister, has announced the kremlin aim to capture the great and city of khaki in a russian radio interview said gala ralph said desktop keeps his key to put into the idea of creating demilitarized zones and ukraine,
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which would protect russian boldest elements from ukrainian 5, hockey is ukraine's 2nd largest city and has been on the 5th bombardment for weeks with key infrastructure being targeted. i also do w as rushing a fast unless consenting as what he knows about most cost plan to launch a massive attack on hawk. if, if you don't do those things, if you really want to do them during the rule, so maybe that's good to be on the thrust to the expected russian offensive later this spring. but all the other, him how give seems like a logical thing for proof. and it's important elements in the best symbols sort of uh, attempt to create a zone of protection for the southern regions of russia, which came increasingly under ukrainian attack in the last few months. however, i think it will be quite difficult to say, oh,
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the good news of the price. it is actually you grace form a cap of the 1920s in a very symbolic. but i do think that the premiums will be ready for that, and it's not going to be at and what can do in the pocket if the rest of the decide to really take it. but for some of the stuff good to know, i think it's a bit of to, to actually signally, you know, uh, a package or not. we are not going to be scared. then we're going to continue. what we already doing that's, that's by the way of a typical crime and paid at not the a package still has to be approved by the us senate and most of all of them is it landscape into, into ensure of his wines up on jo, biden's desk as well, i think what we've seen recently get ahead to is a sub re balancing of the ukrainian if you reach out reach attempts
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to washington from the administration to especially the prompt style of republicans . and in this respect, we've seen me basically a few significant moments. probably the most important one is the one that was reported in the american media, a metering recently in venice here, where am between ukraine representatives and representatives of the trump campaign of the republicans think terms in which it seems the premiums succeeded him, at least in pressing uh, some of their on their reasoning of the republican intellectual cool of plus. let's not forget the zaleski scope to speak of johnson as big doesn't visit the price. and on top of the head polish president, i should do that, as well as david cameron, the u. k 4 sectors,
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a meeting of donald trump and trying to convince him that it is in the interest of the public composite to support your price. if i don't think it was that's difficult, because to logic started, we'll proceed from public opinion polls in the us. a very significant majority of americans think that the us should support the cry. so in this sense, it's quite a re alignments in terms of uh, the outreach that t of dos on something that got that reporting. thank you very much consulting. thank. as i said, look not some of the other stories making headlines. the people of ecuador voting on the referendum on crime and security. the south american country has seen a spike and drug related gun by president on the, on the bow of coal, for voters to support measures, giving him more pallets to come back before he calls the internal conflicts with criminal groups. a snow storm in germany itself has cost kyle some highways,
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asked the state of the various braces for more wintery weather, hail, rain, ice, and snow have made striving conditions extremely difficult over the weekend. full costs as i want, the locals to watch out full blank cards unfolding trees in spain, the best region is voting in elections that have been described as the most pop, the contested in decades. post based leslie nationalists and right wing nationalist, economic with balance and absolute majority of social workers, ponzio, spanish prime minister paper essentially is likely to play the role of kingmaker residents of the west bank launched a general strike closing that shops and other businesses of toys. rarely, troops rated a refugee camp in the territory. the palestinian red crescent said at least 14 people were killed and thousands injured. israel says it's targeted militants
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during a counter terrorism operation is right. it's mindy cheenum, creates the new refugee camp in the absorbing part of the restaurant. after not many killed and injured dirt boosters, and holmes destroyed. it. doesn't connect you. my son was sleeping there, so he had to gone to wash himself and then he prayed and went home. his home is higher, of there was a sniper in front of him, was shot to him. i heard the sound of the shooting. my other son went up there and sunday was bleeding. he blunted this look at his flat palestinians describe these drive it as president, fit the model. i mean, it'd be within that there is indeed a complete destruction of homeless shop electricity grid. took up the sewage
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towards the network. yeah. and the infrastructure and couple of other have then you have to finish this incursion is unprecedented. dequina the service knife has and rooftop the desk was nothing special. forces detroit bishop because it's indeed unreasonable the other man, as i done is driving many trustees, it's guilty militants during the read. the army also sees it has phone and destroyed explosives and sees many weapons used in what it calls. detritus, activities, violence in the westbank has escalated sharply in recent months. on sunday, started the forces confirm the game to palestinians who attacked a check point in the territory. according to the un, more than $450.00 palace pinions and 9 is dry. these have been killed in the restaurant since the october 7th dead attacked by hum us. the un also sees the
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violence against palestinians is trying to fit lives. there has increased significantly. the connected speeds and a number of other countries having both functions on vide incentives and arch is trying to do more to stop the findings the following day. so i needed find this thing in the residents launched agenda. the strike shops, university bond, and the public transportation, but all close to protest pennsylvania $850.00 for the is. that's how it goes to journalist police. it's let in until a visa, i believe this raid binds to the rising tensions in the westbank was what was the idea of a him here with his operation? well we are 4 days into this last rate and then northern shops, camping till the bird visit. the security forces didn't include a deep ration yet. today they both said that these are the soldiers retreated, a lift b, what they call a siege on the can uh,
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selling the damage that we've seen. all the ports, uh, some residents in the west bank including ones that i talked to. plains the main target of the re, the commander of the tool kind of battalion a. his name is patricia. it's still alive, actually contrary to what the the scene bid, these really the region has said they're showing videos of him, photos of him, but it's not clear when those photos and videos were actually taken. if that turns out to be true, we will definitely see more rays of the cam in the near future because israel val, to deal with old on group with back just to make it clear since the beginning of the world with witness 60 operations like this. and they managed to dismantle, actually, they've been telling and then jeanine and that blows with those kind of battalion is the last one standing. but if you asked me whether, if they actually dismantled, it will come to tell them the attacks will stop. they will not because the loan was attacked and that we see over and over again will definitely continue because
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that's the main challenge for days maybe now after you and us sanctions. sonya is riley settlers. the, there are no media reports that the us is planning to impose sanctions on id f battalion for alleged violations of international law. can you tell us more? yes. well, according to the port, uh the us will impose the on this axis with that because you now the reason is the battalions is involved in the literature humor. violations of the with, by this battalion is actually ma'am, for it's questionable practices to save, at least again by looking at them. one incident bill left and a 2 years old american bill senior man to die while handcuff that happened in the beginning of 2022. and something of course, that trigger lots of backlash from washington because he is american and because of the incident itself, now the report was meant, of course, with outraging his role. but the trends interesting to you, the difference in the tone when the comments from the call listen and the
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opposition, while the far right politicians like bank via the bikes, moultrie, charlie, condemned the possible sanction labor party leader. and then i'll be heading, for example, said the, the violent nature of net, the who that has been down for the years, and the american move should be considered as a wake up goal for as right. now there's also look at the rough off now the latest is really a strike that killed more than 20 people. that's according to hamas. israel still wants to launch a ground offensive. what's going to happen to the civilian population then? yes, well, um we heard nothing. yeah. a whole uh, in a statement today he said in the coming days of these rehabilitated will instance a bike, military and diplomatic pressure again from i think the only way to bring back the hostages and come off as a few is actually every sci fi proposal. now we know that nothing you know or did the purchase of for 2010 for that to begin, but it's likely where they will go. the only possible humanitarian zone will be
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unless the actually something that will work these right is after all accepted that it will take lots of time and it will be great. it has the gentleman's books, the dean until he's thank you and that's it for me. and that is team for now i have an update for you at the top of the, our support got f as in bill in front me and then we'll lose the in here. thanks for the version. now. understand can have a site like to bind to present data used on instagram and follow up driven by agreed in the 2000 store to bag engaged in various ty, risk,
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business practice to each of our includes basically involved in every shady scandal


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