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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 21, 2024 10:00pm-10:16pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the news line from ballot renewed help and ukraine off to you as lawmakers approved the new package of urgently needed military ex. president savanski welcomes the supports saying it will send a powerful message to the friend. ukrainians are confident the assistance will make a difference on the best field. also coming up is really forces killed more than a dozen people during a raid in the west bank. in response, palestinians launch a general stripe, closing the shops in protest. the
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gulf is welcome to the program developed by you as lawmakers to resume military assistance to ukraine is being met with relief. and keith, president, for the landscape, says the 61000000000 dollar a package passed by the us house of representatives gives his troops a real chance of victory on the battlefield. the legislation still needs to be approved by the senate and presidential by ukraine. speed is urging politicians to do that as quickly as possible. the 2 year old mika lace flowers at a memorial wall for following ukrainian soldiers in keys. her uncle was killed in the war last year to she strokes this picture. where is my father? she asks her grandmother pointing to the wall. if pictures he's far away. fighting,
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defending us, she replies. because mother says the us a package could be the difference between life and death for her husband. citing on the front line of sympathy multiple over to the for is the so we just need to because they have nothing to protect us. they know that, but they need, do they need it on e. we only, we have to need help because without that are in the make and it wants for the and can reach the center for us to be sent to you, not for me. at this make shift memorial in cubes, central square the decision by american law makers to review military assistance after months of delay is met with gratitude and release literacy. so then media, at 1st glance, $61000000000.00 might not seem like a lot, but it gives us a chance to get weapons as soon as possible and kicked the russian invaders out of ukraine. which is when the volume is the unit. the government says more than 31000
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soldiers have died, defending ukraine from russian troops since the start of the war. with many more wounded or missing, tens of thousands of civilians have also been killed. the prince president is urging the us senate to swiftly approved the new military assistance for it to have a real impact on the battlefield. they chess, the time between political decisions are real, enemy losses at the front form between the approval of the package and the strength of our guys should be as short as possible my of which most of mine and it should be the kind of force you see like really change the situation on the front line need this thought you nothing to do. the. the ukrainian troops have spent months rationing munitions while russia has gained ground for the soldiers fighting your harkey. news of the new weapons package is greeted with joy. the. this is good news with us, they'll be weapons, they'll be, i'm munition,
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that will be shelves. we have a catastrophic shortage of shows right now. it's not just about bullets and bombs. washington's support package also offers something equally crucial to the fight. hope russians foreign minister has announced the gremlins aim to kind of show the ukrainian city of kind of case in a radio interview. so gabrielle said that how keith is key to put into the idea of creating demilitarized zones in ukraine, which would protect russian border settlements. from ukrainian 5 copies is ukraine's the 2nd largest city and has been on the 5th bombardments for weeks with key infrastructure have been talked. i'll still use russian to fast on the list consent to exits. what he knows about most calls plans to launch a massive attack on hawk. if, if you don't do those things, if you really want to do that during the law,
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so maybe that's going to be another thrust to the expected russian offensive later this spring. but all the other, him how give seems like a logical thing for proof. and it's an important element in the possible sort of uh, attempt to create a zone of protection for the southern regions of russia, which came increasingly on the crating of the tech in the last few months. however, i think it will be quite difficult to say, oh, the good news of the price. it is actually you graceful with capital. the 1920 is in a very symbolic but i do think that renews will be ready for that. and it's not going to be at and what can do in the pocket if the rest of the inside to really take it. but for some stuff good to know. i think it's a bit of to, to actually signally, you know, a package of not,
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we're not going to be scared. then we're going to continue. what we already doing that's. that's by the way that a typical crime and paid let's have a look at some of the other stories making headlines today. authorities in southern china, i have raised the emergency response level for flooding and one don't province of the position heavy rain. the down force has been battering most costs, so one don't. since thursday, the homes lives and livelihoods of more than 127000000 people could be threatened to if rain continues to swell local rivers of the people that quote the voting and the referendum on crime and security. east south american country has seen a spike in drug related gun box. president daniel and the bowl of gold for voters to support measures, giving him more power to combat what he calls the internal conflict with criminal
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groups. holding stations have now closed and spends bask region and world has been described as the most popular contest of elections in decades, post place left wing nationalist and rifling nationalist, economic without an absolute majority. the socialist workers, ponzio spanish prime minister pedro assumptions is likely to play the role of a king make a snow storm in germany. south has caused tales on highways as the state of bavaria, braces for moving free by the hail, rain, ice and snow have made driving conditions extremely difficult over the weekend. full cost as a warning locals to workshops for black eyes and folding trees. these really military say it's chief of stuff as approved plans to continue the war and goes up and is really media say that parts of the plans include a military operation in the southern gaza strip city of rough off it comes off the
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overnighted sky sunroof off coast $22.00 people including 18 children that's according to the health industry and gaza, which is operated by how boss, more than half of the strips population of 2300000 have sold refuge and rough are situated on the board with egypt. as well. headset will expand its ground offensive into rough off. despite the international calls for restrict the residence of the westbank launched, a general strikes, closing that shops and other businesses of these rarely troops rated the refugee camp in the territory. the posted in red crescent said at least 14 people were killed and thousands injured as well says it targeted militants during accounts of terrorism. operation is transmitted rates the neutrons certificate you can in the absorption part of the restaurant the after not many killed and injured
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dirt boosters. and holmes destroyed another. can i you? my son was sleeping there. he had gone to wash himself and then he prayed and went home. is the home is higher of? there was a slide for in front of him was shots him. i heard the son of the shooting. my oldest son went up there and found he was bleeding. he blinked at this look at these flat palestinians describe the strategy as president. yup. and of the model. i mean, it'll be within that there is indeed a complete destruction of homeless shop electricity grid. took up the sewage up towards the network and the infrastructure and couple that had the you have to use the incursion is unprecedented. to clearly see the snipers and rooftop tabs on his desk was nothing special forces deployed to bishop because it's indeed unreasonable . one of the other men, as i done is drive the military, sees it,
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get militants during the read. the army also sees it has the phone and destroyed the explosives and sees many weapons used in what it calls, detritus, activities. the following day started by just didn't you and residents launched agenda the strike shops, universities fund under public transportation, but or close to protest bases are needed under 50 gum breaks, letting as a general is based in a television. and you told me more about the high attentions and the purpose of the idea of swayed in the west bank. well, we are 4 days into this last rate and then northern some companies will cut the product. is it the security forces didn't include a deep ration yet. today they both get us said that he's very useful. just retreated, a lift be what they call a siege on the cam. showing the damage that we've seen also in the reports of some
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residents and the with back, including ones that i talked to place the main target of the re, the commander of the tool kind of battalion. his name is patricia. it's still alive . actually, contrary to what the, the scene bed these are the, the region has said they're showing videos of him, photos of him, but it's not clear when those photos and videos were actually taken. if that turns out to be true, we will definitely see more rays of the camp in the near future because israel val, to deal with all the groups with back just to make it clear since the beginning of the world with witness 60 operations like this. and the they managed to dismantle actually the battalions and janine and that blows with those kind of battalion is the last one. standing like you asked me whether if they actually dismantled the tool kind of battalion, the attacks will stop. they will not because the long was a taxes that we see over and over again will definitely continue. but because that's the main challenge will days right now also you and us sanctions on is
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really settlers the there and i'll media reports of the us is planning to impose sanctions on i d. f battalion for alleged violations of international law. can you tell us more? oh, yes. well, according to the port, uh, the us will impose the on this axis with that because now the reason is the battalions is involved in the literature humor, violations of the with bank. this battalion is that the amount for it's questionable practices disable leased against the one incident bill left and a 2 years old american bill senior man to die while handcuff that happened in the beginning of 2022. and something of course, that trigger lots of backlash from washington because he is american and because of the incident itself, now the report was meant, of course, with outraging his role. but the trends interesting to you, the difference in the tone when the comments from the call listen and the opposition, while the far right politicians like bank via like small trees, hardly can be possible. thanks for the labor party leader. and then i'll be heading,
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for example, said the, the violent nature of net, the who that has been down for the years, and the american move should be considered as a wake up goal for as well. now there's also look at the rust off. now the latest is really a strike that killed more than 20 people. that's according to how moss is so still wants to launch a ground defensive. what's going to happen to the civilian population then? yes. well, um we heard nothing of yahoo uh in a statement today he said in the coming days, these rehabilitated well instance of like military and diplomatic pressure against them. i think that this only way to bring back the hostages and tomas has refused actually ever seen by a proposal. now we know that nothing to know or did the purchase of for 2010 for that to begin. but it's unclear where they will go, the only possible humanitarian zone will be my last, the actually something though, for these writers after all accepted that it will take lots of time and it will be great at the gentleman's police at the end until the ladies thank you before we go,
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we have a little bit of sports news for you can is paris dipshit or has smashed the women's world rec, hold at the london marathon, the 30 year olds cross the line with a time of 2 hours, 16 minutes and 16 seconds. that's movie a minute faster than the previous record, eventually is booked a ticket to defend her olympic times that the parents games is some of the route to progress through a cool and cloudy capital policy. and many of london's famous landmarks alone. you're watching dw, and you see as a reminder of our top story, ukraine's president's visit lensky as well come for the cold, a life saving 8 package passed by the us house of representatives along the way to bill has been delayed for months, abide by auctions and frankly,
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the us senate and presidential biden are expected to approve the registration in the coming of that's it from me and the news team will have an update at the top of the god, f is invalid and placed the world a free speech free trial and access to free information for every training. next to take action d, they'll use global media for him. 2020 for a bunch of any practice to know about his appearance from all over the world. i'm
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waiting to see.


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