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tv   Reporter - On Location  Deutsche Welle  April 21, 2024 11:15pm-11:30pm CEST

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and that's it from me and the news to my colleague. now jewelry will have a world news update for you. at the top of the next out, i'm gonna have the office and berlin from me and the news team. thanks for the conflicts. crises, every single connection mapped out shows the geophysical reality. the on the board is what makes things the way they are mapped out. navigating a changing world now on youtube. driven by agreed in the 2 thousands door to bag engaged in various tie risk business practice. to each savannah because basically involved in every shady scandal in the banking sector worldwide raised for ever higher process and then the minds of
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a german institution. the dodge of back story, stuff may seconds on p w. the violence unrest and strengths. indian administered kashmir has a volatile history, but a new poison has taken over the region and it's consuming entire families. and that's how you're going back up. marilyn would keep me away from the protests. maryland helped me to run away from them. part the treat housing says inches are being used daily, a bite this meeting, a drug addiction has reached epidemic proportions here and it's mostly young people and it's home the
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every morning ro, honda jump, being an outraged campaigner with a government supported agency in the capital. srinagar distributes pamphlets in public spaces to raise awareness of drug abuse. what type of drug use is they spend on drugs, entire families or ruins because the money is wasted on drugs. children are suffering. addicts are unable to pay school fees. women are suffering, having health issues for me. when you speak to women, living with drug addicts, they are victims of domestic violence. we see bruises on the faces, hands and even button mom. ok. it's a challenging job. well, the, i have face dangerous drug addicts once or twice that 2 to 3 months and addicts even run off to me when we enter the locality to you about some other people intervene and save me might be but i was going to but i, you, me a colleague,
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a sheet kept the rouge says one particular drug is doing all the damage on that i'm doing the caraway and even kids are injecting it to somebody from they used to be people about 25 years old. but you now see children as young as 15 with a drug problem. just recently we met a young boy age 15, who was hepatitis c. positive. c plus hepatologist sees a common indicator of intravenous drug abuse caused by use as sharing infected needles. she could show me the hot spots on this map with incidence rates of hepatitis c r as high as 17 cases for every 100 people. these are the places where he gets most calls from. these distraught parents call him to help for the children who have taken 2 drugs.
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one of these parents is rashid, calm. his son, eat balcony, is among the many patients admitted to this addiction treatment center. the biggest in the region the to protect their identities. we have changed the names and kind of show the sizes for sheets on each file has been getting treatment to you for the last few weeks after his father brought him in feeling for his life. to his face had marks, he kept drinking only tea, even during the night. he would always have a full kettle of tea. would not sleep at night, even calling every day, but it was a sea of other sometimes we went into his room to check on him only to find him in a state of unconsciousness coming on responsive return. yes. yes, definitely. i had hoped to provide them with an education confident that you would have so you, by the way, to, we are
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a poor family once even held onto the belief that he would eventually support us. and i, but that's all you gotta buy. is a call in to used to sing, and my dream was to see him succeed through music to secure our future. cecilia like you and see what the job is, why you can't. you wasn't giving way. this is bundled to expose childhood and teenagers with directly impacted by the decades old kashmir conflict in 2016, 21 year old. behind one, a, a commander of his boom, which i hate doing, which is an estimate militant organization and in search and group was killed by the indian forces. he was considered a hero and a mazda by the regions you soon violent demonstrations, mainly attended by young men and boys, abrupt it big file to cotton. these process, he was part of the mugs who pelted security personnel with stones 2016 job in
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2016. we were studying in school in the aftermath of the bureau, hon. one in crisis. and it was a military crisis, an army crisis, obviously you were asking for as id or freedom as i just want it to be free. but the violence spiraled out of control. exciting, but nobody got the same thing. my best friend and i were throwing stones together. that's love. yeah. just put it. i still have pellet gun marks. they're all over my back cuz i saw that, you know, what was the 2nd po a gunshot hit my friend because it got too close to the forces that i've taught, mata to go. the thoughts entered deep into his body and he had died on the spot for want video. suppose that and i wasn't shocked. i couldn't believe what it happened to the board shop plaza. the atlantic say, who was higher when he told me helped him to escape from the trauma it. my friend
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wasn't the only one. there were 2 or 3 more people i knew who died in those protests which of those budgets. and so my friends who were left behind, started taking drugs, i mean 2017. we didn't know who introduced heroin, where to come from the family, but i'm going to you and your sister's general and with them in the got a lot of some of the one maybe i was 13 or 14 years old. i thought it was okay to take care of that better than the chaos of this conflict. the heroine would keep me away from the protests. heroine helped me to run away from the crisis that was unfolding here. that's how you doing my god. healey on page really sizes of the 2 main jewels if, if the bought it out, he shows as the month. so he's a homes that tell the story if he's difficult. rehab journey is up to the time. i mean, uh, the withdrawal was bad because i thought i would lose my mind. yeah, i mean both, i stopped physical pain during the withdrawal. i mean board that it over to the
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nominated by the you're saving those files. i blamed the indian associates, his sons condition can genuinely that was hired to fathers, that as a government struggled to regain control after protests strong, they resorted to deploying agents who introduced drugs into the community. it will, it will pull up with the strategy and to keep the you'd preoccupied with substance abuse or would they do, though? their tactic proved effective in stopping the unrest of the mental instability due to the drug made them know i'm and disengaged from the turmoil. the stones throwing and militancy is that an old time historically low in the otherwise rest region, but an absence of any hard evidence. it remains no more than a series of the introduction of opioids to the stone filters away from the streets and to the rehab centers. violent incidents, a common and rehab and doctor such as mohammed one is struggling to cope with the increasing number of intakes at the s h m. c. rehab center. ensuring
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a go to government estimates around 1500000 people in john. move in kashmir, a using drugs, especially appeal. it's really the i've seen about every day and they're both on the line and 50 patients. 50 patients, most, most of them abuse opioids or appeared use to solve the patients. this was not always the case. i'll be hard. yeah, they take hard drugs like heroin, kevin, and cost of that. like if we see one that i'm call one gram costs about 56 zero's either the injected or chase the dragon. which means in hailing it on i the i read all day using and that's why they're using the cylinders and perhaps sharing it, shooting go from you those. and that's can lead them to either. 3rd, i, jamie, so i just, we are seeing what are the challenges as adults. so as someone who is looking after so many patients and increasingly looking for more and more patients what,
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what do you need here? cause we need more psychologist inputs and you make to provide more counseling sessions for way more to go see 200 patients every day. as a monitor patients, we have a limited number of psychologists with such types of patients sitting on what else type of and they need better care. hot sites type of patients. so i take care of implementing mental health is a big challenge. and one of the most militarized designs in the world, navigating a life under constant surveillance can be humiliation for many and lead to strengths. we spoke to the police to inquire if they've been some of the responsibilities approximately part, the 3, posing 6 inches, are being used daily. a bite this me to you. talk to you 3000 students is the get the big the big number. how is it connected to knock whatever it is? and what does that mean? not go to, doesn't means that, that it isn't supported by not which i know not fully. jim,
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when cost me it is getting a consignment from cross border to voters. they are crossing, they loosely on foot. they're crossing their loosely, to drones. i have been to all these de addiction war now when i speak to them, the balance of the victims. young boys, the young voice of starting 1213, you know, going to 25. but at the same time, they also said that if the police warns uh to control this drug minutes, they can do that. and they're claiming that the, the police has thrown the blind eye to hit to this. i accept that there is, there is some scope of caught up some that it's definitely if 3 it is there and via the how it is reaching to the distributor's, how we distributing to the receivables and specialist. i know definitely it does.
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it has some places like that. can you avoid the fact that shows what it is there and some other agencies are deployed on the board? and when we talk about and there is no not, not, i mean the officer of human just made police. you talk to other agencies, they will give you the doctor, the maximum chunk of the drug, this coming to bought us a host sitting at the bottom. now i'm not going to under this. so you really, we have to in the layers why and how they're able to cross the border and reach to him to learn. that was a rare acknowledgement by the police that corrupt indian border security officials may be involved in the drug business. for a sheet to same type of ruesch, it's another day and use another case where he reaches out to destroy the parents
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seeking help for this son's heroin addiction. but what's next? for like maybe life, both the attitude before the addiction, my life was good. i was thinking and learning type londo is i want to get back to that life that was flourishing. and i just want to get back to who i was young. that is what i want to met mom. they don't go to the car. don gunbar june, going to move on june. the quote, the gone to go in the, on the, on show in the art inspiring cars, click protections in 1995, the artist, crusoe rap the german ride study in fabric giving construction research as from
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caldwell and brilliant ideas, wrapping up buildings for protection. they developed a successful technology that's now saving an increasing number of buildings tomorrow today. next on dw astonishing breakdown skills. french dawn said the boy julia, this is dawn. frances dotsie. despite having to yes. or maybe fax to us is unique style speaks for itself. next, all the lympics you're on that in 13 minutes, dw shannon with dw 12 or emphasizing the award winning offer is available worldwide. every downwards
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level learning gym and has chosen to go the .


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