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tv   Tomorrow Today  Deutsche Welle  April 21, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am CEST

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a cross or emphasizing the award winning offer is available worldwide. every language level reading gentleman has chosen to go the
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all the vegetables, parmesan cheese, the mediterranean diet is very healthy. today. pasta is on the menu with a very special pesto whipped up in the laboratory. you can't get the ingredients for this recipe in any old grocery store. it's made with a special micro algae produced here for research purposes. at the phone, the institute instruct got up to a key low of it every day. to multiply algae needs just a bit of salt water, the right nutrients and a lot of light. and different types of allergy can be put to different uses countries in your stuff here. so you can make a range of things from out. do you like to take this carbohydrates fatty acids for then you can also use them to break down various substances like nitrogen and waste water equipment or in order to recover c o. 2, konstantin, for it goes riding his doctor, all caesar's on microbiology,
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like the species he's going here at the university of when i say or doctor will try . core nutone has a number of special characteristics. it contains many of the same substances found in fish, including proteins, keratin noise, and essential fatty acids. fisher rich in these substances because they eat the marine plants, which is why the scientists are looking for ways to turn algae directly into food for humans. and important goals as the oceans are increasingly fished out of is as good as we have to start thinking about how we're going to feed people in the future. protein is a major issue as our omega 3 fatty acids. that's why fishes are recommended food stocks are declining, so we need alternatives. that's why we launched the algae project of that. macro l g c way is plentiful, lendy oceans. the micro algae res tier are much smaller though. and they've been dried into nutritious flakes with a fishy taste,
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just like the fish that eat it. the researchers hope their products will soon be produced commercially, and can replace up to half of the fish that we eat. some fish replacement products are already on the market, but they generally try to imitate it's look and taste fish, as that's put up to a mutation at the moment. fish replacement products imitate fish light can tune up . so there are products aimed at deacons and vegetarians, but nutritionally, they're not an alternative to fish. they're just convenience products that imitate fish. what up to the fish in each young algae can provide a real nutritional replacement for fish. but it takes time to gain approval as a food product and you until that happens, the researchers will keep carrying out tests and sell cultures. they're studying potential toxins and allergenic substance is which can be an issue with proteins.
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so medical supervision during the test process is a modest scientist also carry out blood tests to determine whether nutrients from the energy or metabolized to hide the unusual flavor in the tortellini. the algae are mixed into the pesto, filling out a bit of parmesan and fazel edits ready to sir the hosting fuzzy to cool. you can really taste of hazel and wild garlic such and if you really focus on so you could also taste of good of algae, but just a tiny past life. i could just make type of a. i can just call. this is how there's also the health aspect. it's great, it's a plus that, that we all like to eat can be a bit healthy or a course uncomfortable of items. please go ahead to if you have some of this holland or you can just mix it into things like test out for probably other things to like smooth it and then you could probably also drink it. would clean tortellini
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2 point. oh, a super food made with algae that could make the mediterranean diet even more nutritious. the youtube and internet stars loves them super sweet drinks and bright colors. the ice teas and energy drinks are very popular with children and teens. luca hunters and eustace enjoy playing soccer and at 13 and 14 years old. they're a big target market for energy drinks. and so they say they liked to drink them sometimes, but they usually try to hide it. you. the 3 adds that they've only actually bought
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energy drinks a few times, but that some of their teammates are really into them once a year for some of them fill up their water bottles with a drink. so the coaches don't notice in the shop. i know a couple of people more even who buy a red ball or something like that before school. they drink it at school or sometimes after school after school and when they finish one can they pull out another. in germany, stores have shelves loaded with energy tracts, along with a lot of sugar. they usually contain tyrene and plenty of caffeine. and there's no age restriction on purchasing one. even children can buy them. mountain hope corvette to is a pediatric cardiologist who's seen patients who down several leaders a day. and i'd say it's time to sleep, but sometimes they tell me their heart is beating really fast, which makes them really nervous voice. we also see some people who end up with high blood pressure and condensed pool. and in some cases, when they consume a lot of these drinks regularly, an ultrasound reveals thickening and the cardiovascular muscle tissue, which is
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a very serious issue that will push out of this helps us the systems here, outside of what was, in severe cases, the young people can even suffer from life threatening cardiac a ruby r u has loc works for a consumer association. she visits schools to explain to young people why energy drinks can be dangerous. labels are often hard to read. that's most my thoughts actually. so you really have to hunt for what's in it. often there's a caffeine morning on the back saying the drink isn't suitable for anyone who's pregnant or nursing or for children. it would be better if these warnings were on the front of the account and easy to see a little about 20 cubes of sugar and some $160.00 milligrams of caffeine or in just half a leader of energy drink. just a single can contains more caffeine. then a young person who weighs 50 kilos should consume in a day. that's why many doctors and consumer advocates say that energy drinks should be banned for kids. but so far the german government hasn't made any move to limit
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their sale. and despite their health risks, energy drinks are still hugely popular among children and teens. the in 2018 the beverage industry agreed to reduce the amount of sugar and soft drink sold in germany. but a study from early 2024 shows that since then, manufacturers have cut sugar content by only about 2 percent the how much i'm just saw. we took a look at how the average sugar content of soft drinks in germany changed or compared to what's happened in britain in the last few years. the key result of our
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study is that breton reduced this sugar very fast and quite substantially if whereas germany made very little progress console. uncombed in fact, lies olive avoid sink, co authored the study. he's the political director at the german obesity society. germany is one of the world's biggest per capita consumers of soft drinks. on average. people in germany drink more than 80 leaders of sugary drinks a year. teenage boys between $14.17 can so even more on average up to half of liter per day. that's way too much. experts say teen should only drink half that amount per week, not per day. and for land, the german obesity society studies diseases that are associated with a condition. soft drinks are a key factor in serious weight gain is in direct to our that's because when we
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drink these products, we're consuming calories that the body doesn't really recognize as calories, meaning they don't lead to feelings of fullness and before that's why these drinks promote wake and to that, so in terms of health policy, we really want to reduce the amount of sugar and soft drinks for that. you see, it took a phenomenally soft things. they don't see it to the u. k. as an example for how it could work. soft drinks they are used to have about as much sugar as in germany. but levels of now dropped by 30 percent. the united kingdom is one of about 50 countries that have imposed a tax on sugary drinks. so does that mean there's a difference between of brand name, soft drink and britain, and in germany months each dusty. so you can see that the sugar tax and bread has caused the rings to be reformulated, even in drinks like santa and sprague, we would have far more so than anything we see here in germany. as all the
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manufacturers don't explicitly say this is due to the tags stuff. so it's pretty clear when you look at how the formulate since have changed into 2 countries, all the doily store take us up to one and to make an tom, german soft drink. manufacturers have done little to voluntarily reduce sugar content. so attacks would probably be far more effective. let us read why on the, how did the eyes of spiders and all the most spiders have 8 on?
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so if you have only 6, generally they have 2 larger principal eyes and the rest are secondary eyes. they help give spiders almost 360 degree vision, which they need. that's because spiders have no neck, so they can't turn their hands to see any predators or prey. they need to turn their entire bodies. jumping spiders need especially keen vision. that's because they have various sets of eyes do different things. the front hair identifies detail and color, hoping it to determine whether a target really is potential prey. and the secondary eyes calculate the distance to it, and it's direction of motion. the other spiders, like yellow sucks, spiders are not turnover. so they need to have good night vision. when it comes to insects, scientists know quite a bit about how their eyes developed. but so far,
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researchers haven't studied the eyes of spiders and as much detail. in one study by ologist looked at spider embryos to see how their eyes develop. first, they had to remove the tiny arachnids from their ex sacks. the scientists were also interested in the genes that determine how spider eyes develop that included comparing their activity to the activity of genes that determine i development in other groups of animals that were a lot of similarities. the researchers found at the same genes that determine the development of other sophisticated ice structures and other animals were also active in spite or i development. they were involved, for example, in the development of the compound faceted eyes and insects. these finding support the theory that the astonishingly diverse types of eyes found throughout the animal kingdom could potentially all be traced back to
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a common ancestor the this square in front of the ancient village church in the small mountain village of co, coolio and the heart of the italian region of abroad, so even when it's cold and miserable, villagers and visitors from all over the country gather here every year in may to celebrate a very special festival. if you manage to fight your way through the crowd, you'll discover
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a fascinating aspect of this celebration. the snakes in the weeks leading up to the festival of locals captured over a 100 of the rep, told house in the mountains around their village, said to be over 2000 years old. the tradition is a bizarre mixture of religious festival and pre christian ritual. animals like these non venomous 4 lines of snakes are draped over a figure of the many co the villages patron saint. then it's carried to the village in a festive procession. a benedictine monk who lived over a millennium ago, dominican who is said to have cured people here of snake bites and toothaches biologist mounting because he has also come to colorado. the director of the max conch institute of animal behavior is interested in the wild snakes because the condo is also located in the middle of an earthquake,
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who studies quite protection and animals. cute animals can do much more and that much better and then we'll never be able to do what devices do they just finish off and be of all over the world. stories have long been told about a mysterious 6 sons and animals, one that allows them to react to impending natural disasters like earthquakes. among the best documented of them is this one. in high ching, in china, in the winter of 1975, a large number of snakes came slithering out of their burrows. when they should have been hibernate soon froze to death. the conspicuous behavior caused the scientist to urge that the entire city be evacuated. not long afterwards, a severe earthquake struck is an interesting story, certainly, but a story isn't the same as scientific proof. so researchers have until now remained skeptical to blame resolution that to the problem with naturally
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occurring events like this is that everyone thinks afterwards that something must have happened before hand. so the news, but we simply have to nail down with hard data, whether that's really the case. that means we have to measure what an animal is doing before and during and after the event. that's what because the wants to try here with snakes with the help of cutting edge technology using miniature computers known as bio loggers, scientists canal tag animals permanently and measure interesting data like their migration routes, park rates, and the temperature in their environment. they can also gauge the animals energy consumption. that's a crucial parameter when it comes to documenting unusual behavior in the run up to an earthquake before the snakes are released again after the festival. the researchers will implant transmitters under some of their skins mounting because
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ski carried out a 1st series of measurements with different animals on a farm and input. so, using filed waters, he measured and compare their energy consumption over a period of months. those energy consumption measurements are charted here on the blue line and the earthquakes recorded in the region are represented by the dots. and there are correlations. see dots inside the data. it shows that the animals have a daily reduction. at some point they're more active and then they grow less active again. but hours before an earthquake before a major earthquake and they exhibit completely crazy behavior site, it's like in a stock market crash fight. they all go crazy and it's not just one of them, but all of them. and i am. so alexis on now is to expand on this initial data by tagging larger groups of animals at different locations, as well as a wider range of species like snakes which appear again and again and
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stories about or as quakes in the flesh. and this is often research, it's often the case that new things take a long time to really be accept at least that it's the same with this. so if you could make these observations 10 or 15 years ago, but to me and now we can for something on the bottom, it's couldn't be, it's maybe the snakes will come crawling out of their holes before the next big earthquake. and if they do, researchers will be able to record every movement, acquiring the 1st real, prove of a still legendary 6th sense, the
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constructing new buildings that are earthquake proof is no problem. so when the ground starts shaking, it's actually very cold buildings that post the greatest risk they to can be made or as quick resistance. however, thanks to several inventions, the 1st method sounds straightforward. the engineers took their inspiration from an art installation. was let us do some good because the german parliament building was wrapped in fabric by cristo. it was amazing how quickly a building like that could be covered. all. obviously the art installation was not our point of interest. it was the idea of using fabric wrap to protect against tremors. the wrapper needs to be both strong and flexible. it took scientists that the kinds would institute of technology years to develop the right material and to establish how best to attach the fabric to the building. this is one of the
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known this is the basic version is still completely white. it hasn't even been coded yet, but you can see the general idea. among the d. e. d. the materials fibers run in all directions, helping to protect the mason break. this model house has been placed on an earthquake simulator. it's half the size of the real thing. it is coded with the protection system developed in germany. the system works like a cast for a broken lab which stabilizes the bone. in the same way, the plastered in earthquake matting protects this building while even allowing it to sway during a north quake. in another experiments, the simulator is turned up to the maximum. but the house remain standing of this experiment with a hydraulic ram shows how a normal wall on the left reacts to an impact while the protected one on the right
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remains intact. cost as a company in southern germany that specializes in producing book binding materials . here they know all about specialist fabrics or technical tech styles as they're now that need them to perfect partner for the researchers and causal. the firm developed the fabric for the earthquake protection systems using glass fibers and polypropylene with a special finish. the mixture is easily applied. first comes a layer of plaster developed with a specialist farm from italy. then comes the earthquake protection mat in a 2nd layer of plaster is applied on top and the job is done. people don't have to move out during the process. normally only the outer walls are wrapped. the system even works when construction has been botched. deep my grooming lives near lake constance. the wrong bricks were used for his home, a survey or was called in to inspect the house. and he noticed something even worse
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. thought it would all stop and even in addition to a number of construction defects, the survey are found that the house was not structurally sound, so it wouldn't be earthquake, pray, or the hallway could have been reinforced. but that would have been very costly and we would have had to move out for 6 months. in the worst case, the whole house would have had to be demolished and it's a new house. i always saw him that the bones had to be completely strapped and the plaster installation removed, but at least the going i didn't have to move out today. their home looks completely normal, but it's earthquake proof the book binders in southern germany have also worked with a cause with researchers on another protection system for our equates. this one is for walls that are not load there. it's a covering, made from glass fibers into something. well, when it quake begins, it can give occupants a few valuable seconds to flee. any painter it can apply it. the secret lies in the
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patented wallpaper paste. it's an especially tough but flexible adhesive. that cost works with an italian construction chemicals group, the manufacturers, the adhesive and markets the entire system. italy has had numerous earthquakes in recent years, but the system developed by for a map high has held up well, including the powerful quakes of 20092016. that's okay. where those are the features. so, but with the quality for the many public buildings, especially like skills that hospitals have this protection when the quakes yet, which receive them into the data. so we've been able to prove that the system works, that let's think i'll take was to assist the people who were on the buildings at that time on sort of made it out on hard feature. so notice she threw she and she called us up the residence of this apartment building in milan, where the system is now being added will also be better protected against earthquakes in the future. then there's turkey protection systems made by the
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german company were also installed in some buildings here before last year's devastating quakes. we could see after the earthquakes that the protected buildings had virtually no damage, while some of the other buildings in the same street were severely damaged. by the house to the skin, the room was hard hedge. by the quick, the damage was wide spread and devastating, but the municipal administration building was reinforced with the invention from germany. and the old palace is still standing today. do you have a passion for science and health? check out d, w signs, contract talking. why do something does not get drunk? why do go to taishan, waves, squeeze out bodies. and what's the perfect cubic foot by
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tracing the history of every day. ok, and that be right around the world. and of course we're taking the juicy of stories with a little mystery of drama along the way. i'm just that and i need to talk to you about i just had subscribed already. listen to plug fast and will take you along to the right. what is it that night the do you big ocean view companies play a role in the destruction of the rain forest? i have time to raise all over the brazilian. we process the 30000, hides a day and 90 percent of that is wonderful. and mark the auto industry, for example, the, the letter will actually cost awesome comes from inigo cattle farms in the m,
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as in yet the automobile industry doesn't care about the supply chain process. all that much. illegal leather stats may said on the w, the business data news. these are all top stories ukranian, president for the meals. the lensky has welcomed what he called a live saving a package falls by the us house of representatives. $61000000000.00 bill has been delayed for months by bipartisan wrangling, the us senate and president joe biden are expected to approve the legislation in the coming days. health ministry and gaza, which is one by how much space is rarely strikes on the southern city of russell killed 22 people including 18 children more than half of gauze population of
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