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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 22, 2024 1:00am-1:15am CEST

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the, the, this is dw news now i from berlin, ukraine's president calls for the rapid delivery of new weapons after us lawmakers approved a package of origin play needed military aid for the meals. the lensky, welcome to support the thing. it will send a powerful message to the kremlin ukrainians. a confidence the assistance will make a difference on the battlefield. also coming up is rarely false, has killed more than a 1000 people during a rate at the west bank. in response, palestinians launch a general strike closing all shops in protest. the
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i'm the head. jodie. welcome to the program. ukraine has welcome to vote by us lawmakers to review urgently needed military assistance. president for the meals, the landscape states to 61000000000 dollar aid package boss by the us house of representatives gives his troops a real chance of victory on the battlefield. the legislation still needs to be approved by the senate and president joe biden, ukraine's leda is urging for the patients to do that as quickly as possible. that is the 2 year old mika lace flowers at a memorial wall for fall in ukrainian soldiers in keys. her uncle was killed in the war last year to. she strokes his picture. th, where's my father? she asks her grandmother pointing to the wall. if pictures, he's far away. fighting, defending us. she replies me cuz mother says the us
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a package could be the difference between life and death for her husband. citing on the front line to put the what's the for is the so we just need to ship because they have nothing to protect us. they don't have it, but they need. yeah. they need it or yeah, the only way of need has because without it are in the make and it wants for the and can reach the center for $0.60 enough for me. at this make shift memorial in cubes, central square the decision by american law makers to review military assistance after months of delay is met with gratitude and release literacy. so then media, at 1st glance, $61000000000.00 might not seem like a lot, but it gives us a chance to get weapons as soon as possible and kick the russian invaders out of ukraine, which is from the, is the unit. the government says more than 31000 soldiers have died,
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defending ukraine from russian troops since the start of the war. with many more wounded or missing, tens of thousands of civilians have also been killed. ukraine's president is urging the us senate to switch fully approved the new military assistance for it to have a real impact on the battlefield. st. just the time between political decisions are real, enemy losses at the front or between the approval of the package and the strength of our guys should be as short as possible. my of which most of mileage should be the kind of force you see like really change the situation on the front line. need this to watch, you know, better to be the ukranian troops suspend month's rationing munitions? well, russia has gained ground for the soldiers fighting your har. keith. news of the new weapons package is greeted with joy. the, this is good news with us. that will be weapons. they'll be, i munition that'll be shows. we have a catastrophic shortage of shows right now. it's not just about
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bullets and bombs. washington's support package also offers something equally crucial to the fight. hope. meanwhile, russia's foreign minister has announced the crumbs insane to capture the ukrainian city of hot keys in a russian radio interview. sort of a level set that hockey, the key to fulton's idea of creating, demilitarized zones and ukraine, which would protect russian bordeaux supplements from ukrainian file keepers, ukraine's 2nd largest city and has been on the field from bob meant 4 weeks with key infrastructure being targeted. i'll speed up these russian affairs on the list . constantine echoed what she knows about most schools plans to launch a massive attack on hockey. if you don't do those things, if you really want to do that during law, so maybe there's going to be another thrust to the expected russian offensive later
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this spring. but on the other hand, how give seems like a logical thing for polluting. it's important elements in the best symbols sort of uh, attempt to create a zone of protection for the southern regions of russia, which came increasingly on the training of the tech in the last few months. however, i think it will be quite difficult to say, oh, the use of the cross. it is actually you grace form of campus. the 1920 is in a very symbolic but i do think that the premiums will be ready for that. and it's not going to be at and what can do in the pocket if the rest of the inside to really take it. but for some of the stuff good to know. i think it's a bit of food to actually signally, you know, uh, a package or not we are not going to be scared and we're going to continue
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what we are already doing that's. that's by the way of a typical crime. and let's look at some of us stories making headlines around the world. results from elections and saves best region, show the top 2 parties, the left wing nationalist and the right thing. nationalist both getting 27 seats and the regional solomon developed an absolute majority took place. socialist workers, faulty of spanish prime minister federal sanchez, are likely to play the role of kingmaker since southern china. system. heavy rains have been battling most faults of globe don't provence since thursday. the homes lives and livelihoods of more than 127000000 people could be tracked. if rain continues to swell, local rivers, apologies, have raised the emergency response level for flooding. the people of ecuador are bolting in the referendum on crime and security. the south american country has seen
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a spike in drug related gang winds. president danielle's noble called for voters to support measures, giving him more power to combat what he calls the internal on conflict with criminal groups. now the is rarely military say's its chief of staff, has approved plans to continue the war in gaza and is really media save that plot. of the plans includes a military operation in the southern gaza strip city of russell. it comes off to overnight strikes and about 5 till $22.00 people, including 18 children that's according to the health industry and gaza, which is operated by how much more than half of the strips population of 2 point $3000000.00 have sought refuge and dropped off situated on the border with egypt, israel has said it will expand its ground defensive into default despite international calls for restraint. residents of the west bank launched a general strike, closing the shops and other businesses of to is ready to rated
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a refugee camp in the territory. the palestinian red crescent instead of these 14 people were killed in dozens injured as well. say it's, it's all, get the militants during the counterterrorism operation. it strikes military traits, the new sean. so if you can, in the absorption part of the restaurant, the after not many killed and injured dogs, boosters and homes destroyed to another, cannot you? my son was sleeping there, so you have to gone to wash himself and then he prayed and went home. is home is higher of. there was a slide for in front of him was shot to him. i heard the sound of the shooting. my oldest son went up there and sunday was bleeding. he blunted this look at the split palestinians describe these drive it as president, fit the model. i mean, it'd be within that there is indeed
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a complete destruction of homeless shop electricity grid. took up the sewage up towards the network. yeah. and the infrastructure comes out to have that you have to finish this incursion is unprecedented. dequina teasley terrace, nitrogen rooftops has on his desk was nothing special forces deployed to this about people and it's indeed unreasonable the other men, as i done is try the military seas. it's going to militants during the read. the army also sees it has the phone and destroyed the explosives, and sees many weapons used in what it calls. detritus, activities. following day started by listing and residents launched agenda. the strike shops, universities found on the public transportation, but for clues to protest bases are needed under 50 gun bollix levine as of june invest in tel aviv. he told us more about the armies recent mass
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of raid in the west bank slow uh, we are full days into this uh, last rate and then northern shops come into the visit. the security forces didn't include a deep ration yet. today they both said that these are the soldiers retreated, a lift, the what they call the on the cam. uh so like the damage that we've seen also in the ports. uh, some residents, uh, and the with back including ones that i talked to. plains, the main target of the re, the commander of the tool kind of battalion. his name is able to shop. it's still alive. actually, contrary to what the, the scene bed. these are the 3 and has said they're showing videos of him, photos of him, but it's not clear when those photos and video were actually taken. if that turns out to be true, we will definitely see more rays of the camp in the near future because israel val, to deal with all the groups with back just to make it clear since the beginning of the world with witness 60 operations like this. and the they managed to dismantle actually they've been telling and then jeanine and that blows with those kind of
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battalion is the last one standing. if you asked me whether, if they actually dismantled the tool kind of battalion, the attacks will stop. they will not because the loan was attacks that we see over and over again. we'll definitely continue with because that's the main challenge for days, maybe to pockets on now where the government plans to default some 800000 of gone refugees under the illegal for the knows repub creation plan that will see many people default to have gone to san regardless of their residency status, including those bone and focused onto refugee parents, dw visited several of gone women, fielding deportation and life on the tale bond room. melinda was born in pakistan, but to ask around background mean she faces deportation to afghanistan. she is deeply worried. what that would mean for her future prospect?
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the top one is on check. a get getting what would we do enough gattis die be thought of on the bungee of the taliban have restrictions on women. yeah, the keep goes, can't leave the house and go to work enough. dennis done behind me, going to the 60 feet of logic and there is nothing there for us. auto body in a part a. could you be here and pack a stone. we mean a free to earn a living. they don't normally wear avail, thought, so they don't want to show their faces here. they fits out of band repercussions in the events they're forced to leave. pakistan's government is planning to expel more than a 1000000 undocumented migrants. as 800008 form i finished on even people born in pakistan. oh those holding national identity cards are being defaulted. the 2nd phase of expulsion started earlier this week.
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as education is that the full funds have many women's minds with the taliban in afghanistan and excluding most goals from attending schools. the bottom ones we don't want to go back to afghanistan, we can study here and find work. i can continue with my educational teaching if we went to afghanistan with a totally bond of close schools to women, you know, educational work as possible because maybe for this shape i was born here. but when i don't want to go to afghanistan, minneapolis, i want to study and become a teacher or a doctor in this isn't possible in afghanistan a little. i don't want to go to the pop guns in pakistan have sets up their own communities. many say they have fled from taliban rule, which is known for its deeply conservative religious policies. the spots pakistan
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says the fine number of ask guns presents a security risk. i made an up taking time of attacks. so these are scanned goals and the many like, so i'm allowed to study and work and practiced on the future. looks bleak. the american pop style taylor swift has mashed music streaming records with a release of the new album, the tortured forwards department. swift release. the album on friday much to the delight of funds around the world, the music streaming platform spot. if i said it was the 1st album to be streamed more than 300000000 times in one day, the torture of poets department, a split 11 studio album as a bump up production with cody one song the that's all for now. up next ripple, it takes
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a look at customers header when epidemics, there's no news on dw dot com and on social media, including instance from an ex, handled there is at dw deals. i'm the whole jory, thanks for watching. goodbye the we are all set and we're watching closely all in to bring you the story behind the news. we read about unbiased information for fremont. driven by agreed in the 2000 and store to band engaged in various time risk business practice. to reach somebody because basically involved in every shady scout.


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