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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 22, 2024 5:00am-5:15am CEST

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the, the, this is state of new news life from poland, ukraine's president calls for the rapids delivery of new weapons off the us lawmakers approve of package of urgently needed military aid below the meals. lensky. welcome to the full thing. it will send a powerful message to the kremlin ukrainians are confident the assistance will make a difference on the battlefield. also coming up is really forces killed more than a 1000 people during a rate in the west bank in response, palestinians known to a general strike, closing the shop in protest. the
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i'm the how, sorry. welcome to the program. ukraine has welcome to vote by us know me costumes as you allegedly needed military assistance. president, a lot of bills and landscape states for 61000000000 dollar aid package passed by the us house of representatives gives us troops a real chance upward for you on the battlefield. the legislation still needs to be approved by the senate and presidential bible ukraine's linked to his voting politicians. to do that as quickly as possible. that is the 2 year old mika lace flowers at a memorial wall for falling ukrainian soldiers in keys. her uncle was killed in the war last year. i to she strokes his picture. where is my father? she asks her grandmother pointing to the wall. if pictures, he's far away. fighting, defending us. she replies. because mother says the us
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a package could be the difference between life and death for her husband siding on the front line of the what's the for is the so we just need to because they have nothing to protect us. they don't have it, but they need, do they need it on e? we only we have need to have because without that are in the making it want for the and can reach the center for us to be sent to you. not sure with me at this make shift memorial in cubes. central square the decision by american law makers to review military assistance after months of delay is met with gratitude and release literacy. so then media, at 1st glance, $61000000000.00 might not seem like a lot, but it gives us a chance to get weapons as soon as possible and kick the russian invaders out of ukraine, which is going to allow them, is the unit. the government says more than 31000 soldiers have died,
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defending ukraine from russian troops since the start of the war. with many more wounded or missing, tens of thousands of civilians have also been killed. ukraine's president is urging the us senate to swiftly approved the new military assistance for it to have a real impact on the battlefield. they chess, the time between political decisions are real, enemy losses at the front form between the approval of the package and the strength of our guys should be as short as possible. my of which most of mileage should be the kind of force you see like really change the situation on the front line. need this larger number of duty. the ukranian troops suspend month's rationing munitions while russia has gained ground for the soldiers fighting your har. keith, news of the new weapons package is greeted with joy. the, this is good news with us, they'll be weapons, they'll be, i munition, that will be shelves. we have a catastrophic shortage of shells right now. it's not just about
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bullets and bombs. washington's support package also offers something equally crucial to the fight. hope. meanwhile, russia's foreign minister has announced the crumbling aimed to capture the ukrainian city of hotkeys in a russian radio interview. so get left off set that hockey is key to portents, idea of creating demilitarized zones and ukraine, which would protect russian bottle supplements from ukrainian fire hockey, viz, ukraine's the 2nd largest city and has been on the fields from boston for weeks with key infrastructure being targeted well, you'll be all state of use russian affairs on the list, constantine and gold. what he knows about most schools plans to launch a mass of attacks on hockey. so you don't do those things if you really want to do that during the law. so maybe that's going to be another thrust to the expected
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russian offensive later this spring. but all the other, him how give seems like a logical thing for polluting. it's an important element in the best simple sort of, uh, attempt to create a zone of protection for the a southern regions of russia, which came increasingly on the training of the tech in the last few months. however, i think it will be quite difficult to say, oh, the use of the price. it is actually you grace form a cap of the 1920 is in a very symbolic and it's very important. but i do think that the premiums will be ready for that, and it's not going to be at and what can do in the pocket if the rest of the inside to really take it. but for some stuff good to know. i think it's a bit of food to actually signally, you know, uh, a package of not we are not going to be scared. then we're going to continue.
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what we are already doing that's. that's by the way of a typical crime unpaid now these really military say is that's the chief of staff is approved plans to continue the war and garzo and his really media say the bought of the plans include a military operation in the southern gaza strip city of the roof off, it comes off to overnights twice some roof are killed. $22.00 people including 18 children. that's according to the health ministry and golf on which is operated by a month. more than half of the strips population of 2300000 have fox, a few justin russell, situated on the border with egypt. israel has set it will expand of ground defensive into russell. despite international goals for his trained, the residence of the west bank launched a general's flight closing the shops and other businesses of the is very top rated a refugee camp in the territory, the palestinian woodcress. instead of these 14 people were killed and dozens
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injured. israel saves of targeted militants during account of federalism operation . it strikes military fates the refugee camp in the northern part of the restaurant. after not many killed and injured dogs, boost doors, and homes destroyed. for another canal you, my son was sleeping there, so he had gone to wash himself and then he prayed. and when home is the home, is higher of there was a slide for in front of him was shots him. i heard the son of the shooting. my oldest son when ups there and found he was bleeding to the blood test. look at these flat palestinians describe phases, drive it as president fit. yup. and of the model. i mean, it'd be within that there is indeed complete destruction of homeless shop law
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electricity grid. took up the sewage up towards the network. yeah. and the infrastructure comes out to have the yeah, i think it's the incursion is unprecedented. dequina teasley terrace knife has and rooftop tab at his desk was nothing special forces deployed to this sort of equipment. it's indeed unreasonable. the man, as i done is try the military seas. it's guilty militants during the read. the army also sees it has the phone and destroyed explosives and sees many weapons used in what it calls digital activities. following types are needed by listing and residents launched agenda. the strike shops, universities fund under public transportation, but or close to protest bases are needed under 50 gum as bollix levine, as a journalist in tel aviv, she told us more about the armies of recent massive rate in the west bank. we're 4
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days into this last rate and then northern sums come into the product. is it the security forces didn't include operation yet. today they both said that these are the soldiers retreated, a lift, the what they call a siege on the can showing the damage that we've seen also in the report of some residents in the west bank, including ones that i talked to, claims the main target of the re, the commander of the tool kind of battalion his name is patricia, it's still alive actually contrary to what the, the scene bed these are later than has said, they're showing videos of him, photos of him. but it's not clear when those photos and video were actually taken. if that turns out to be true, we will definitely see more rays of the cam in the near future because israel val, to deal with all the other groups with back just to make it clear says the beginning of the what was the witness, 60 operations like that and the they managed to dismantle actually the battalion and then jeanine and that blows with those kind of battalion is the last one standing like you asked me whether if they actually dismantled the tool kind of
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battalion, the attacks will stop. they will not because the lone wolf attacks that we see over and over again will definitely continue with because that's the main challenge. full days, maybe hundreds of millions of people around the world of again mocking all day the annual events. these activists come together to cold for more action to protect the environment. the sales real estate team is planted was of plastic. more than 318000000 tons of plastics of produce each you. the vast majority are made from fossil fuels, only a small fraction of the nearly indestructible material is recycled. the rest ends up in the landfills, the ocean, and even our bodies. some more on plastic pollution than what's being done about it . i'm joined now by dw report, a ben goldman, ben. just how big of an environmental issue with plastic? well, unfortunately it's a massive one way of producing more and more plastic every year. plastic production
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is on track to double by 2050, just to get this. give you a scale of the growth we're talking about here. how full plastics matthew has ever made has been made in just the last 20 years. so it's a massive issue. it's also something with the vast majority as he said, isn't recycled? and therefore it ends up either buried in landfill or it ends up in the ocean. when it reaches the ocean, it is eaten by marine life. it ends up choking as a whole marine ecosystems. and once it's that, it's very, very hard to get it out again from the ocean. it's almost impossible in fact, and it's not just tell me the plant it's health, right? a lot of it is ending up in our bodies is what research shows. yes, unfortunately, that's also true. a researches uh kind of it's very much an infancy looking into these plastics, particularly within those micro plastics. so that's plastic, that's more than 5 millimeters in size. and what font is finding when they look into them is that they are everywhere. so it is very small plastics already in
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human blood for instance, they've even been found in the percentage of newborn babies. now, we don't yet know fully what the impacts of these micro classics all. what we do know is that for instance, in the labs conditions, when they've been introduced to human cells, they close the cells to die. they've caused damage. they cause not to reactions. we also know that many of the chemicals that we use in the manufacturer of plastics offer instance cos, engines that cause cancer, others disrupt pullman's, machine and body. so clearly if these by capacitance containing these get in trouble he, we can predict probably not a wonderful result that so there's more concern about this issue. and as i said, we're making more plastic. so this issue of micro plastics isn't going to go away unless we do something. so, i mean, this all sounds pretty intensifying of what's being done to combat it. well, today on of the day, millions of people around the world might be going to that communities to, to clean up assets to in protest, cooling fraction. what is clearly needed is
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a reduction in the use of plastics, particularly the single east one of those to him earlier. now fortunately, there are tot is to plastics. we can use other things for packaging, such as paper, cardboard. we can use metal and gloss that can be more easily recycled. however, what he's clearly needs is kind of action on a global level. fortunately, that is happening just this week. there's been said to be a full round of talks between negotiate is in canada, on creating a global agreement to deal with the problem, the plastic pollution. so very by the end of the year that will be a draft deal to deal with that. but there is an awareness of the scale of the issue now. what's needed is to come together from nations to agree on real binding commitments to deal with this problem. well the, the w report or ben dolan, thank you so much. thank you. now in
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other news, the american pop star taylor swift has mashed music streaming records with a release of a new album, the torture po, with department. so if release the album on friday, much to the delight of friends around the world. the music streaming platforms for the far i thought it was the 1st album to be streamed more than 300000000 times in one day. the tortured poets department is swift 11th studio album. and is a fun for production with cookie one song. the or that's all for now. up next is both life with the questions. the visually impaired football players get enough support. you can always get more names on our website, dw, dot com or on, on instagram and ex accounts. i'm the whole job of watching, combine the
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code name project, cassandra re determined through our investigation that has pull out was operating like a global drug carts. not somebody normally sees harris organization. the object to financially drain has gone up and bring them down. the team agents from the american drug enforcement agency, i mean as well as another whole lot they wanted to go after their money. they had from lies themselves. we needed to reveal that.


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