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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 22, 2024 8:00am-8:16am CEST

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the the, this is the daily news live from ballon ukraine's president says billions of dollars in us funding will ensure that ukraine does not become another football. some conflicts us will make is of approved. a package is urgently needed. the military aid, the may as well as he says, we'll send a powerful message to the kremlin. also coming up on the program, the united states, this down and the super pilot. it's troops conduct naval drills with philippines forces at a time when both by pushing back against china is growing and the
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95th is mckinnon. thanks so much for being with us. ukraine has welcomed a vote by us. little make has to review urgently needed military assistance. president load them is lensky says, the 61000000000 dollar a package pos by the us house, gives his troops a real chance of victory on the battlefield. cholenski is now doing a quick passage through the us senate. speaking on american television, he said the military aid sends a clear message to moscow in the age of 18. so enforcing the support from the united states of america. and of course, uh the supports of the american people use us because of course, the political decisions depends on the public opinion. and this age will
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strengthen ukraine and sans is dependent upon the powerful signal that it will not be the 2nd task on his tongue. as a positive, what precedence landscape will use these american funds for is falsifying ukraine's board is drone technology has dramatically changed the baffle for the skies on the sea, but on ukraine's land border with russia. the country is armed forces are focused on a farm or traditional full of defense against a looming russian offensive motor and wolf and may be high tech. but trenches are still proving vital in ukraine. t of is hoping all this will allow ukraine's army to hold back. russian forces president. so lensky says, ukraine is building 2000 kilometers of 40 vacations in 3 lines. this is part of the enemy's line of defense. and it's located in the sunni region, which is
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a 560 kilometer long border with russia. work on defense structures begun here last year, but intensified in february, the regional capital of see me. it's also in circled with defense lines. local sources say the confidence that any surprise russian attack would no longer break through these fortifications. we start with the annual renewal. we have firing positions here, so the soldiers can observe on fire on the enemy. they going to see the next line of defense that's closer to the front line. there's a shelter for vehicles and the dog. oh, but the crew doesn't like it, but it's made of wood and reinforced concrete work continues around the clock. time is of the essence as a new russian offensive is expected soon. the soldiers occasions also being built in the neighboring tyranny, have region no file from the battery in buddha. in february 2022 russian troops
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passed through this area to march on key. if these structures and this dragon's t, that design to slow the progress of tungsten and vehicles, giving the ukraine, you know me more time to destroy them on to tongue that jews have been dug behind them on the area around his mind to the 2nd line of defense is less elaborate. these images say fortifications in eastern you came here to the on to tongue bitches. but no concrete. the outermost line of defense is built by infantry brigades. they have to build on the fire. it consists of trenches and dugouts with wooden floors and is the weakest defense. the government insists that even if the army is digging in behind the coming front lines, you claim isn't abandoning its intention to be tempted to have a treat from the russians. but the war is in its 3rd year,
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often months of stalemate. russia has laid a number of games right now. defenses like these, maybe ukraine's best type of keeping russian forces of a of the united states and the philippines will set to begin the annual bali cap town or shoulder to shoulder military exercises on monday. these are the most expensive military drills. yes. and they come and made a rise intentions between china and the philippines of se is drills will include the 1st of the military exercises held outside of philippine territorial forces in the south china sea. now those awards is that a pop be claimed by beijing. the us and the philippines have a longstanding mutual defense, tracy and other recent summits in washington. us president joe biden said his country's commitments to manila was quotes on plat,
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w's east asia correspond to james chase. that explains the importance of this. he has exercises it's the biggest annual display of them is that true unity between the us and its mutual defense, tracy allies, the philippines. the products time exercises this year, bringing together more than $16000.00 personnel for almost 3 weeks of drill of the exercises this time logically responding to these maritime tensions between the philippines and china in the south china sea in recent months, paging his 5 was the cannons that philippine resupply vessels knew the disputants 2nd, thomas shant, where philippine ship was deliberately beach as an outpost in 1919. no, no. all about 3 is the prospect of the us being drawn into direct conflict with badging, if any. uh, service man, really peters service man is killed by an a thought from any foreign power. then that is time to involve the mutual defense to the philippines coast called has been
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on the front line of chinese aggression. and that's why they've been invited to join the exercises for the 1st time to in another fast, by like a 10 maritime drills will take place beyond the philippine territorial waters. but within its exclusive economic sun shown by the yellow line here. but that has the potential to frustrate badging because it overlaps with china is so cool. 9 dash line in blue here. that's what it says which page and claims its own. despite the 2016 international court ruling that it had no legal basis to do so, this is exercise as will be directed in pots from 3 or 4 philippine military bases to which the us gained new access last year. they include locations near the 2nd time, the show, but also the structure of water separating the philippines in taiwan. the so for democracy, china claims it's on the exercise. just follow a flurry of diplomatic activity aimed at bringing washington's allies in asia.
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closer together. over the philippine president, sudden and mall coast junior, recently attended a historic fast tri natural summits with the leaders of the us and japan mall cost us. instead, the meeting wasn't talking to any country in particular, but badging won't. the bulk of time exercises would only lead to greater insecurity for the philippines. the volume the philippines should be silver enough to realize the rallying external countries to flex military muscles in the south. china sea, which i'm for the conflicts will escalate tensions, the, the french customer a little. so joining the drills for the 1st time alongside australia, he pictured conducting maritime exercises with the us depend on the philippines earlier this month. this is public atlantic sizes. the latest episode in us efforts to galvanize its allies and we joined now by the w as east asia correspondent james say ceci files that report for us.
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joining us from taipei hi james. now these are annual drills on they so. so what is it that makes these joint exercises between the us and the philippines so significant this you will quite simply, the stakes just feel so much higher and the region itself feels much more fractious over the last. yeah, we've really seen 2 key things change. have we seen trying to become much more sensitive navies dispute the territories in the south china sea? as i mentioned in that report, sometimes farnworth economy philippine vessels injuring some filipino personnel to . and then the other thing we seen happen really is the philippines during march close to, to the us and its allies in the region to like, like japan, re seen president. and i'm all costs, you know, take, had taken much more kind of combative approach to china about meeting this, of course, is coming of to back about really important that historic charlottesville summits
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between the leaders of the us decline in the philippines. the key outcome of that meeting, president biting reiterating that mutual defense treaty that it has with them in and is in clouds. that's what these exercises are really a demonstration of it. but that all concerns, of course, that spoke through the demonstration of, of military units. see through these exercises, but also with the others here, political developments that we're seeing in the end, or facilitate that this is a flash point that could potentially bring the u. s. and china into direct conflict . because on that mutual defense research on depends the relationship between the us and the philippines. and as we've been saying, some of the drills are taking place in a disputed water. so just remind us again how this joint show of force could well, some tensions with beijing as well. officials are saying if it was that this is the most expensive sets of it drills. yeah. not it about
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a loan is something that badging will not look at. so with that, with much happiness, these materials that are taking place across a range of issues like maritime security, aaron's and missile defense story, cyber defense and information operations. for this sort of thing is this is really about protecting it's interesting, most sensitive use of on the it's during the station. remember that 2016 international court ruling against aging claims essentially said between those claims to be almost the entirety of the south china sea had no legal basis. and that's why we're seeing these drills really 0 in on this time during these by like a ton of exercises. that will be some drills which is stimulating the retaking of items. both in the south west through the philippines need about disputed seconds on the show. but also critically one islands of the north and a portion of the philippines. and that was the way that separates the philippines and ty, one another place where they've been real concern. of course, in recent years about china being pulled into
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a direct conflict with the us and its allies to china for its parts. has of course strongly criticized these drills and views these types of exercises as cost of us efforts to really bring its allies into consultation with aging its use. and as an effort to cub the influence of china in the, in the pacific. and actually just before these drills kicked off today, we have new comments from a senior chinese official, john your shaw, who is a close satellite of seizing paying us a meeting with other senior naval officers um, from other countries around the world in china. he said, quotes these types of activities which he viewed as maritime and so comments will, quote, plunged the world into a volt volt tax of division and target in the us in philippines. no mentioned explicitly, but the target all those comments in the position of china on these drills very to james. thanks so much. so that's, that's the w stands, tater, inside pay as a residents, as a westbank of launched a general strike,
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closing the shops and other businesses of the is ray. the troops rated a refugee camp in the territory. the palestinian bred present say at least 14 people were killed, thousands were injured. israel says it was targeting militants during accounts of terrorism operation. it strikes many creates the new refugee camp in the absorption, part of the restaurant. the after not many killed and injured dogs, boosters and homes destroyed the can i you, my son was sleeping there. he had gone to wash himself and then he prayed and went home. his home is higher of. there was a slide for in front of him was shots him. i heard the son of the shooting. my oldest son went up there and found he was leading to the black. this look at these flat palestinians describe the strategy as president. good.
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yep. and of the model. i mean, it'd be within that there is indeed a complete destruction of homeless shop law. would you like tricity grant took up the sewage towards the network? yeah. and the infrastructure who comes out to have the you have to finish the incursion, is unprecedented securely. sarah, snipers and rooftop the desk was nothing special forces detroit so that people are, you know, it's indeed a can read one of the other men as long as drive the military sees, it gets militants due to the beat. the army also sees it has the phone and destroyed explosives and sees many weapons used in what it calls digital activities the following day. so i needed my understanding and residents launched agenda. the strike shops, universities, funds under public transportation, but or close to protest bits that are needed on the future. and that is always have
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world hall.


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