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tv   Eco Africa  Deutsche Welle  April 22, 2024 8:30am-9:01am CEST

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tips for your package, the manage the corners, boats affinities, check on some great cultural memorials to boot travel regarding the when it comes to environmental protection. one of the biggest challenges is how to balance competing interests. all too often there is a conflict between nature. costs of ation out. it kind of goes bought, taking auction on climate change, come and look new opportunities if it is done right. so welcome to go off because i am a son, drug of homes that we nobody else right here in comp. hello. uganda. on today's
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show will be seen. what doing it right can look like i am. chris allows coming to you from lee goes, nigeria. good to have you with us. here's what's coming up. are you got the climate activision? people take this tree hugging very seriously. why mix forest hill? the forest? every do use of the problem for springs all the international ship. it brought what but gain on salt opera? goes west coast in the coastal community that plays a key role in the luxury sea food market. because it these home, the one of the world's most expensive shell fish. but that leaves the local fish of people come between the needs to make a living. and the needs to protect marine life in the what is the doing by on south africa's west coast. dive is that on
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a mission to protect what they call white gold. the wealth most highly prized shellfish beasts on health and could be mistaken for a muscle. but the perfectly common flushed avenue is in fact to snail with grazing habits, good health, to keep the count equal system in balance. its population is on the brink of extinction, due to poaching and illegal trades with asia, where it is a lucrative delicacy enduring by people are trying to provide alternatives and we are having 2 people on the farm currently in gordon's by ada diving school training to become commercial davis, and then we will take out another to another 2 people from the communities to do diving for us. and it will also help us to come to the approaching process. samuel central unit is the c e o. during by abalone farm, the company strives to provide the sustainable and legal alternative growing the
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snails on land and in the ocean. an f alone snail takes up to 10 use to grow to size before being harvested and dried for x. so the customer loves loans safe, especially the farm is the main employer in the small fishing town with a permanent workforce of 52 people breeding growing and preparing this nails for markets. the company is 35 percent community owned through the building by development. trust the idea is to keep local residents on board with sustainable fishing. if you steal from you'll, you'll say, at the end of the day when you'll save will be declared will be, will be smaller. and then i think people start start understanding their bus and those are all as a shell to outside in the community. so they stop protecting also. so she lives now
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the fate of the other known as closely linked to socio economic inequalities in south africa. here in handbook and tape, some people have been living off the sea for generations, but the government reductions of quotas to protect the remaining stock, left small scale fissures. it's was close to nothing for just like warren and his colleagues continued going out to catch up alone regardless dangerous. but what can we do when i saw a live system for, you know, families a good day i can get maybe 2000 that in the day even get maybe 40 or 50000. yeah. so what about putting multiple times? i've considered the only thing that's keeping me is that i don't give a shot and move them. yeah, we don't think we don't really know what we just think. why do we think it's going to sustain us? the cultures and just the tiny share of the legal trait. but over the past 17 years,
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the total value of illegally harvested as a known from south africa was estimated to be 819000000 u. s. dollars. regular one for some. it has not to minutes, just don't the trade that's become increasingly violent and corrupt. came on display of is a journalist and researcher who says other known poaching has reached an all time high. that obviously has some of the cultural impacts. generally, they aren't super well understood because of the client happy so rapidly and the ecological functioning of abeline wasn't something that had been sort of closely monitored before a marine biologist in south africa would be focusing on the fisheries or other ecosystem dynamics. nova other factors such as climate change has impacted the kelp ecosystem, making it hard to pinpoint the effects of the declining abalone population. sustainable bombing is one way out of the crisis, but so far it is not competing with the blooming illegal markets. customers in asia
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pay up to $2012.00 more than $200.00 euro for one single avenue. and so you won't find many local restaurants here without the known on demand. among the precious few is fine. in cape town, we get an avalon from atlanta today i filled out the west coast. yeah. oh, they farming practices and everything. so see the sustainable. we can get them in life and michelle, we can use to live the entails and everything. there's a 0 way. so we're going to face the avalon intel natural blue to my spring out there. mommy's negative. this attached to it. and i think it's sort of jumped to educate to the general public. and i guess as to the most sustainable farming practices that we do have high enjoying level that they do that on the during the day i've been doing some meet ashton, who provides
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a glimpse into how important this sustainable solution can be. i a present for myself, i, i love what i'm doing. it seems my life in a lot of ways you f buttons for and so you know, things and, and so on. when i, when i get this job, i used to separate myself from them. and now i'm a little guy. i'm a family man. they do my of my family big deal. my kids hopes are high that the other don't farm will grow and re invest in the community if it can develop the i think they do it without create jobs for more people in the community in and so. so we can, we can know we can go further and the prospect of fishing communities, having more secure livelihoods should also bring dividends for the afternoon. population of you ever. how did see
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research shows that it has many health benefits for us? it helps us relax, improves i moved and laws, all hot rates and blood pressure. and most importantly, it connects us with nature. donald is right, crease and this is why an activist writes a new gun to realize that it is a good way to raise awareness of how trees also contribute to the health of the environment. hey leticia, are you called todd spend 15 hours hugging decency when these us that's truck. like me so i can follow got ended. how was direct quote attempt but that you've gone to not to this didn't give up. in january 2024, patricia. hug these tree for more than 16 hours straight, and is now officially registered to get his book of world records. the what looks like
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a funds done does a suit, his background, and patricia wants to draw attention to reach. the problem of climate change is huge. and at least now the world is just looking up to it. it's about time that we pick up the pace on planted histories because our natural force of going we uh, using up the trees. i looked minding to replace them. statement that is particularly true for you can, which as one of the was before the session rates in the world. according to the online truck and photo global photos torch, the country has lost more than one meter and hacked as a tree cover between 20012022. for patricia, this last needs to be addressed. she says free is
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a key to 1st thing all claimants challenges trees have a very, very know much advantages. at this very moment. i'm giving you the 1st shift oxygen for about being the cause i'm getting it there. it from a tree out of the same time. it's sticking in mccullen dick's age. it's just talking about please is not enough for patricia. she wants to help bring them back where they were lost in uganda. for these she needs the help of upcoming generations. and a good idea to get their attention in this case, it's within pencils filled with the 3 seeds. with these plentiful pencils in her luggage, the active use regularly mix community features mainly in schools in eastern uganda . so today the education is on the time table for this class.
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it's very important that they understand the jenny, they're about to take one, which is trip planting. and i want them to send the process for my c. and so this particular thing. so for me to test things inside and they're using it to study it at the end of the day, it's going to try switching to a tree, a tree was cut on the tree is going to be planted. that is what i want them to basically understand from this your paper, the up to these hopes she can help students evaluate, choose me to say, and when it took a plan to condense, dest, which then they say, within for you, go, are you supposed to what in the school, but she's just g and planting. education was received. she has come at the right time. when i read you on, on the country, i flags is the needs of mitigating climate change. for we all, we all know how much our communities are displaying. that pres,
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tens hosting drumstick climate change. so it is literally in who died. it takes dictates until a seed has reached the size of these trees. all the more reason saves patricia to begin impressing them sooner, rather than later. the way such as function would be that the post victories, things that we should love to should protect and eventually planned. so you're seeing need to have this. maybe it could take something in your mind as well. you know that trees could the precious things that we were kind of live very, very well with the trees are also the topic of our next report. the future of forests is concerned in foss to high temperatures on a regular brain for i'm going problems,
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and experts say they will only get was in the coming tickets. but the also, it is being thought they might have followed a simple way to help build forest resilience and to ease how it walks of the old tree on the right. it has hardly any leaves left and will soon die. while the one on the left is doing well for the time being, not a good sign. here in the morning, you must save foresters or trying out a strategy to cope with the effects of climate change. this is what's called a mosaic forest, made up of all sorts of different trees, including purchase folks and turkish pines. oh, that's all it was a symbol on the other side of the mosaic forest is 1st and foremost, a legacy of several of sylvie cultural methods. let's continue to use the same regular high, far as your regular high forest ons of all it was positive, send lessons unrestored, happy time,
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c o c and their dental and they also an ultra nation of landscapes and the mix of species. oh no, definitely. that's what we need to remember about the most a far i should be destroyed. it's a mixture of agitation, estrada that boosts the resilience of the force of the day and above all of tomorrow. on 4200 heck, there's of land, the french forestry agency, the o facing us, you know, they for k is trying out solutions to climate change. they're basing their experiments on a predicted temperature increase of 4 degrees celsius by the end of this century. climate stress is like a silent storm, the experts say causing as much damage as forest fires, and it's one that isn't stopping there. diversifying the forest with conifers, decisions, trees, and southern trees. species they've planted style. oaks, for example, which originated in southern france under mature oaks. this protects the small oaks
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in very hot, dry summers. the foresters use a net to collect acorns to be used in their program. they hope that the introduced species will hybridize with native oaks. so that both of them was a thought, but the importance of the mosaic far east in relation to climate change. i was to always have one or more solutions to avoid deadlock. and to continue to help you far as to adopt what you know from what we can see. the climate change is happening very fast. on the far as the ability to adopt, the speed of climate change is limited. they've already shown came. i think it is, and that's where the force this contribution is important in helping the far as to adapt to climate change more quickly led and more efficiently meant to accelerate the french foresters are pending their hopes on a mosaic of trees species instead of a monoculture it's more difficult to manage, but it's also more resilient to intensifying climate change.
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oh, next we pulled ease about another french initiative, the boss to hydrogen. paula cheap to see around the globe. a jenny that went up to 70 is in total. it is said to return to france later these summer does ride sandra, about 80 percent of global trade is carried by sea and mar time transport is normally highly carboned intensive. but now the into the still martel mobilization is a mean to heat. next, 0 emissions by 20 to 50. so these project has really been making ways or this catamaran might look futuristic, but it's already sailing the sea is today. the energy observer is on emission to
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show that one day shipping could be environmentally friendly and emissions free goals. the titles to start off on this we are $200.00. so there is an urgent need for such a clean solution from fishing vessels to crush ships and cargo freighters. international shipping has a huge climate impact accounting for around 3 percent of the world's greenhouse gas emissions. the industry has made some steps towards sustainability. the 1st container ship to also run on green method all made from bio gas set off in september 2023. but that still can't hold a candle to this 0 emissions catamaran, which already has more than 60000 nautical miles under its belt. the energy observer boasts too high tech, fully automatic winning sales, which can rotate 360 degrees to capture the most wind and can even help produce
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electricity. below deck, hydrogen fuel cells can generate power even during unfavorable weather conditions. to insert to produce electricity to a charge of all $400.00 boards. but the energy absorber 2 is already in the works of 120 meter long congo ship with the capacity of 5000 metric tons powered by liquid hydrogen. it may seem like a lot of high tech put the crew the catamaran hopes, their innovations will become standard in the future. we use a to gentle, challenging, but with in a world in certain ways, it's in no bold losing bodies.
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did you know more than 50 percent of people here are involved in agriculture in africa? most of them don't have john fields to work with the plant the crops india got in so around the homes. but you need to know how to do it right on initiative and gone on to just people how to cultivate the, our own tomatoes, audience, peppers of the a crowd of women is gathering to get some gardening tips. growing fresh produce isn't hard. and the benefits are enormous. coming out here in northern gone down to our close, i entered team are showing local women how best to create a backyard vegetable garden. the small organization started out as a social media project together and soon gathered momentum, attracting
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a growing number of female followers. we had seats at our office, we had some small guiding tools. so we started advocating, putting on social media. that's if you want to at buckhead guy, then just contact us and it's was and there's a way to do that. would preview those crazy. okay. who requests within a week, 700 volunteers signed up for the one household, one garden program. many of them were women who had gotten out of the habit of gardening pork whose husbands didn't once them working in the goddamn stuff. but during the pandemic, food prices rose dramatically and many people decided to go back to growing their own vegetables. it has an impact on the entire community. anytime we support, we mean we realize aspects of multiplication. we over the years so full time, we minutes problem is we meant processes. women, my kid says we do swells things of finding out pregnant women and
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single mothers, and realize that it's extended beyond the families who del comedies is changing a lively who's in being an inspiration. and 7 us men says even within the our communities. once they complete training, the women are awarded seeds and a pair of rubber boot shot to death. i'm with you, be going home to plant tomatoes, ok onions and peppers. if their vegetable patches flourish, don't even have enough produce to sell. so good outside of. yeah. didn't those would i have learned to you will benefit me a lot, discuss, some guy can make some money with what we've been trying to do is i've ever thought tennis. it will also help mothers feed the children up to every how this to why this could be very good business. let me b as in it's only in recent years, food prices have doubled even at the local markets. the corona virus crisis has caused ongoing supply chain problems. are better cause that is keen to make
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agriculture a more stable sector. she believes that a lot more locally grown, produce to be sold at the local market, gone. it is a for child country that's rich in resources, is quite the same for the most even seen any one from got my own from for the wow. so like you are looking at transportation costs here and all that's going to wait. right now, $41.00 of that to close, that hits the organization. she originally wanted to be a journalist. now she's in active, is traveling across the country with their team. in the last 5 years, they've trained up to some 26000 women. this is i was wanting to console tennessee when i started my car. yeah, i ended up have been if past, which made me most of the field. and that's as charlie now called the, the country di,
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looking dining with women farmers is mobile. the farm is then seeing what i can do in my or small way to support agriculture in gonna is a struggling sector. a growing number of farmers are giving up. the driving principle behind ad warehouse foundation is that cultivating vegetables should be profitable. the project also promotes healthy eating. it has the support of local governments and overall it also will raise their controls and resolve peoples a winners and seeking to meet the environment, clean up by oven, loose and guidance. so it is so concept that the, for me, he said a holistic in terms of getting the right to nutrition, getting the environment clean and more important, full time and also exhilarating people's interest in the practice in agriculture at that level that cause a follows up on her training courses visiting participants use later to see how
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they're getting all the ideas that they plan gardens that are sustainable. they have to last longer than just one season. the experts give tips on how to get the most out of a small space to reach that i expect in my garden to be able to feed some of my neighbors around who will do my family. because if i have more people around, you can also benefit from it. so that's what i'm hoping for. the women learn new skills and hopefully start to earn an income too. but not everyone approves that up or down close under to make a point of talking to participants, husbands and the village leaders to convince them that it's in everyone's interest . everything that we do, i want to say we are very positive about this uh group and we know that they would do implemented, didn't do. we want to see them more empowered. we want to them to be proud of
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themselves as women seeing women learn to take pride in their achievement is what drives a cosa. today, she's just shown over 100 women. how to be more self sufficient, hopefully besides their gardens, their self confidence will blossom and flourish to what a beautiful sight that's leads for visitation of pico off. because thank you for watching. i am chris the lamps, signing off from lea. goes nigeria, by please see you next time and it's all of us all 5th, if you have any ideas on how we can all protect of planet then right on share them with us. we love hearing from you until then she called all social media accounts. i am some drug of homes that we know do seeing good bye from complex, right to a new dentist. the the
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we travel across the african continent, houston, those who did in this life bringing down, i'm sure that can, would you be you. and also what do you need to come cause is and also come challenges. young people in africa know all about it. they're ready to stand up with a ride to fulfilling self determines like this 77 percent seems 30 minutes. d w. the
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wish i could've done more to save, you just click away. signed this document on you really see the world as he's never seen it before. the drive no t d w a world of free speech, free press, open access to free information for every stop dreaming. next, take action. detail use globally easier for them 2020 for a bunch of any register now. autism and it's from all over the world. i'm waiting
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to share their solutions and to say, tomorrow join us and register now for the d, w global media for in 2020, for the words people have to say that's why we listen. we chose to every weekend on d, w, the, the,
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the, this is the daily news live from the land, ukraine's president says billions of dollars in us funding, willing show that you crate does not become another football. some conflicts, us lawmakers have approve the package of urgently needed military aid. the modem is a lens. he says, we'll send a powerful message to the kremlin full. so coming up on the program, the united states says down another superpower, its troops conduct naval drills with the philippines forces at a time when both are pushing back against china's growing influence. new data
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shows europe is now the fastest moving continent of.


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