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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 22, 2024 9:00am-9:31am CEST

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the, the, this is the daily news live from the land. ukraine's president says billions of dollars in us funding, willing show that you crate does not become another football. some conflicts us lawmakers have approve the package of urgently needed military aid. the modem is the lead. he says, we'll send a powerful message to the kremlin full. so coming up on the program, the united states says down another super power it's troops, conduct naval drills with the philippines forces at a time when both are pushing back against china's growing influence and new data shows. europe is now the fastest moving confidence after
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a deadly year of extreme heat, floods, and drought. the i'm if you're just making welcome to the program. good to have you with us. ukraine has welcome to vote by us. little make has to review a gently needed military assistance president, his modem is lensky says, the $61000000000.00 a package. cost by the us house gives his troops a real chance of victory on the battlefield. so lensky is now taking a quick passage through the us senate. speaking on american television, he set the military aid, sends a clear message to moscow in the needs of each team. so as far as the, the support from the united states of america. and of course, it leads to the supports of the american people. because of course,
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the political decisions depends on the public opinion. and this aids will try to ukraine and sans is dependent upon the powerful signal that it will not the the 2nd top gun is done and we can cross straight to the w. net. connolly. now who's in the new pro region that's in the eastern part of ukraine, high net canal, russian forces have been making slow, but very steady gains in east and ukraine. what is the reaction that to the news? the aid should now be coming from the us? it was a huge relief i was thinking of when the news came through and you could really see people staring at their phones, cooling each other, really kind of even i kind of element of shock because those people have kind of given up hoping after all these months wrangling that it would actually finally arrive, i think it is psychologically a massive deal. and also in terms of the scale of this 8, if you look at the psalms, it's basically in $1.01 charge of
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a more than the us has given since the beginning of this war. so it is vital, it is huge. and as you know, people here and you're right expect, it's hopefully the 1st bits of the say they're going to come pretty soon. so specifically, what kind of of lessons are expected in an importantly, i mean, are they going to get to where they needed quickly enough? so in terms of the contents of this bill, what we're going to see arriving to where you credit for lines, i think it's just about we still can't. i mean it's not is the, it's your 1st priority for the credit ministry. we have a situation right now whether ukrainian armies being outgunned or from by 6. we've been 10 to one and having to use it kind of caused the drones to compensate to the lack of basic munitions. so they're hoping for those to roll across the photos porter and to ukraine. pretty soon. same goes for munitions for hijack off systems we've seen. given, you know, these delays ukraine able to shoot down many few of michelle's and was the case of 6 months ago as a result. much greater damage being inflicted and in terms of new types of
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equipment coming as being hope that was to speak and talk in dc about as a cams ballistic munitions, but with a larger range that produces bites to be sent to you. great, which would really allow ukraine to attack russ logistics and rushes mitre installations and crimea. a little hans cadets far away from the front lines and making that much harder for russia to go into offensive on for lunch. next, we're going to come back to you in just a moment. we're going to take a closer look at ukraine's efforts to falsify its northern border with russia and better us the next day. we all will be back with you in just a 2nd of the modern rules and may be high tech, but trenches are still proving vital in ukraine. kit is hoping all this will allow ukraine's army to hold back. russian forces presidency. lensky says, ukraine is building 2000 kilometers of fortifications in 3 lines. this is part of the enemy's line of defense, and it's located in the sunni region, which is
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a 560 kilometer long border with russia. work on defense structures begun here last year, but intensified in february. the regional capital of see me is also in circled with defense lines. local sources say the confidence that any surprise russian attack would no longer break through these fortifications. we start with the new, we have firing positions here, so the soldiers can observe on fire on the enemy. they going to see the next line of defense. it's closer to the front line. there's a shelter for vehicles and the dog over the crew in the league, but it's made of earth, wood and reinforced concrete work continues around the clock. time is of the essence as a new russian offensive is expected. soon, fortifications are also being built in the neighboring chimney,
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have region no fall from the battery in boulder. in february 2022 russian troops posts through this area to much on key of these structures. and this dragon's t, that design to slow the progress of tungsten and vehicles getting the ukraine, you know me more time to destroy them on to tongue that jews have been dug behind them on the area around his mind. the 2nd line of defense is less elaborate. these images say fortifications in eastern. you came here to the on 2 ton bitches. but no concrete. that's the outermost line of defense is built by infantry brigades. they have to build on the fire. it consists of trenches and dugouts with wooden floors and is the weakest defense. the government insist that even if the army is digging in behind the coming front lines, you claim isn't abandoning its intention to re touch its have
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a tree from the russians. but the war is in its 3rd year, often months of stalemate. russia has laid a number of games right now. defenses like these, maybe ukraine's best hope of keeping russian forces up a. all right, and we're back now with that come lane, eastern ukraine. i make this work to, to strength and ukraine's border and front lines has been done on for a while now. but keith has recently been stepping up these efforts has and it can, it, can you tell us why some of this is about trying to to basically avoid russia stretching ukraine's forces to think that we've had lots of veiled or less veiled tents from us. go that they might want to attack to give us could be a kind of full flag thing. was recently 2nd level version for mr. making that pretty clear of the weekend. and that would see you great. and i'll be happy to send lots of manpower away from don't best from eastern new guar am now to the new
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. those are huge border with batteries, which is basically a russian satellite with is being russian troops since the beginning of the war. so you can simply doesn't have enough people to basically, you know, fil backfill. all that 2000 kilometer or so for the line was better, was invested with people. so the easiest way to try and reduce the needs in manpower and puts in the ground is to build those trenches. to put mine think they're pretty cheap in the scheme of things in concrete, using tickets to try and at least make it that much hold on slow it for us. it does try to attack the world and to allow the papers to focus on the active budget here in the country next. thank you so much for that. as the w. net connolly are forcing from the new pro region and east of ukraine. of the, as randy military says, it's chief of staff has approve plans to press on with operations in the gaza strip . is ready, media are reporting the pos of those plans include a military operation in the southern city of rasa. this comes off to overnight strikes on rough uh, killed $22.00 people including 18 children. now that's according to the health
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ministry, and garza which is run by some us holding hall of the goals. the strips population of $2300000.00 have for refuge and rough uh, which is situated on the border with egypt. and residents of the westbank launched a general strike the we can closing shots and the businesses of to is ray. the troops rated a refugee come from the territory, the palestinian red present, say at least 14 people were killed and dozens were injured. israel says it was targeting medicines during accountant terrorism operation. it is right small. it creates the new strong refugee camp in the northern part of the restaurant. after not many killed and injured dirt boosters, and holmes destroyed the can i, you, my son was sleeping there. he had to gone to wash himself and then he prayed and
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went home. is home is higher of. there was a slide for in front of him was shot to him. i heard the sound of the shooting. my oldest son went up there and sunday was bleeding the blood to this look at these flat ballast damian's describe phase, drive it as president, fit the model. i mean it'd be within that. there is indeed a complete destruction of homeless shop electricity grid. took up the sewage up towards the network and the infrastructure comes out to have the you have to finish the incursion is unprecedented. the snipers and rooftop tabs on his desk was nothing special forces deployed before them. it's indeed unreal, and one of the other men, as i done is riley minutes receive it, get militants during the read. the army also sees it has the phone and destroyed the explosives and sees many weapons used in what it calls, detritus,
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activities. following day started by listing and residents launched agenda. the strike shops, universities found on the public transportation. but all blues to protest bases are needed under 50 gun. let's take a look now, some of the other stories making headlines around the world. and israel has reacted and relate to reports that even the united states is looking to impose sanctions on an is randy military unit. the u. s. has confirmed that the ultra oils adults net saucier who the battalion is being investigated for human rights abuses against palestinians. and the occupied westbank is rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu called the moves the heights of absurdity. 7 people have been killed in for a long car after a race call came off the track during competition and crushed into a crowd inspect chases and braces. officials, at least 20 people were injured. the race took place in the town of the tucker law,
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a 180 kilometers east of the capital colombo. it was pulled off off to the exit and the mold of the pro china policy of president mohammed who is, who has been strongly endorsed in parliamentary elections. preliminary results show his people's national congress, 170 out of 93 seats in sundays. those india and china are competing for influence and these strategically located indian islands in the indian ocean of the united states and the philippines are set to begin that annual valley cut tom or shoulder to shoulder military exercises. on monday, these all the most expansive military drills, yes. and come a middle rise intentions between china and the philippines. this is drills will include the 1st of the military exercises held outside of philippine territorial waters in the south china sea. the problem is that was,
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it was partly claimed by beijing and controlled by its coast guard, the u. s. and the philippines have a long standing mutual defense, tracy, and at a recent summit in washington that us president joe biden said his country's commitments to manila. well quote, i implied the w's east asia correspond to james chase. that explains the importance of this. he is exercises. it's the biggest annual display of them. is it true unity between the us and its mutual defense? tracy allied, the philippines. the product time exercises this year, bringing together more than $16000.00 personnel for almost 3 weeks of drills the exercises this time last week responding to the maritime tensions between the philippines and china in the south china sea. in recent months, paging his 5 boys, the canons at philippine resupply vessels near the disputants, 2nd, thomas shant,
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where a philippine ship was deliberately beast as an outpost in 19. 19 north for about 3 is the prospect of the us being drawn into direct conflict with badging. if any uh, service men really feed no service managers killed by an at that phone any foreign power. then that is time to involve the mutual defense to the philippines coast guard has been on the front line of chinese aggression. and that's why they've been invited to join the exercises for the 1st time. 2 in another 1st by like a 10 maritime drills will take place is beyond philippine territorial waters but within its exclusive economic sun shown by the yellow line here. but that has the potential to frustrate badging because it overlaps with china is so cool. 9 dash line in blue here. that's what it says which page and claims its own. despite the 2016 international court ruling that it had no legal basis to do so, this is exercise as will be directed in pots from 3 of 4 philippine military bases
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to which the us gained new excess last year. they include locations near the 2nd time, the show, but also the structure of water separating the philippines in taiwan. the so for democracy, china claims it's on the exercise. just follow a flurry of diplomatic activity aimed at bringing washington's allies in asia. closer together. over the philippine president, sudden and mall coast junior, recently attended a historic 1st try natural summits with the leaders of the us and japan. eh, ma, costs us. instead, the meeting wasn't talking to any country in particular, but badging won't. the bulk of time exercises would only lead to grades of insecurity for the philippines. the volume the philippine should be silver enough to realize that rallying external countries to flex military muscles in the south, china sea, for the conflicts will escalate tensions. the french personnel will also join the trails for the 1st time. alongside australia,
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he pictured conducting maritime exercises with the us, japan, and the philippines earlier this month. this is public atlantic sizes, the latest episode in us efforts to galvanize its allies. interested in joining us now for some analysis from manila is also columnist and political scientist. richard. hey dar and richard, welcome to the w. thank so much for your time. now. these exercises are taking place for the 1st time outside philippine territory. awards is on a can you explain the significance of that? it is there so much unprecedented as far as this exercises are concerned? well, in terms of size and scale of the exercises last year, we also saw close to $16000.00 troops and not only from the philippines and united states, but there were also participants and observers from other countries, including the united kingdom, not to mention japan and australia, so in terms of size, it's not that different, but it's the orientation on it's
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a type of weapon system that are being just displayed and deployed this you're not to mention, as you correctly pointed out, ok, it's solved, exercises are going to take place in the sol trying to see that's outside the philippine church r o c. so it's a direct challenge to try and this expires the claims in that part of the world. and this is one way of the, you know, when we, for the united states to demonstrate its iron clad commitment to the philippines and also try to deter china. but importantly, some of the exercises are also going to be close to taiwan. so in that sense, this, there's probably got exercises as a dual orientation of pushing back against china's aggressive intentions, both in the south china sea, but also in tie one. okay, we just had there in our pool president macos mentioning the mutual defense, tracy, that manila has with the us. what would that mean? what would it mean if that was to be invoked? all right,
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so this is the big question nowadays. what will it take off for the united states to step in and encouraging in behalf of the philippines? because over the past 6 months, there were at least 3 incidents were trying to deflect water cannons to disrupt the silicon. resupplied mission was to solve the disputed land features, particularly to the 2nd taller, stronger, which is a low type elevation we then looking section isn't going on so on, but also came by china based on his expansive time. that's likely. now, in one of those incidents, multiple filipino naval service men were injured. so many are asking whether china is reaching its grays on strategy, meaning using all sorts of intimidation and bullying tactics. but sort of using, you know, the least, those weapons all or why are we talking about something quite differently or so in light of that, i think the united states has felt compelled to come in and draw the line. and this is a very important we, i mean, the only thing we didn't mention here is that the united states also deployed its type when we started defense systems. not to mention high morse and a whole bunch of very good ones,
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weapon systems for these exercises. so all of this is showing that the united states and the philippines also have options. they can have a strong common front to trying to keep on pushing the envelopes. and this will not be just to be empty rhetoric, but it can intervene more effectively if things get really ugly in this part of the world. but let's not forget the pro hawk a to or is not the philippines is trying to it. and strengthening tie one of 2 potentially invasion is china is winning the philippines and it's about trying to see. so the philippines is responding and kind and yet present. and marketing are also made clear, he doesn't want escalate to insurance, so he's not going to give americans extra basing access to the philippines for the foreseeable future. he's just maximizing what's already there. elizabeth funds has richard. hey dorian in manila, right to thank you so much for your analysis. pleasure. as the number of people dying across europe because of rising temperatures has increased, but will most fluid in the past 2 decades. now, most of a newly published report say 2023. so
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a record number of days with extreme heat stress, and this affected people across the fuel pumps of the continent. the last year was not just casa, it was in so with the whole of europe was drenched with about 7 percent more rain full than usual. and to complicate things even further, nope. all regions have been guessing more rain. as dw climate reports are louise osborne reports now from ne, in spain. serious was the shortages. i've left some people in the tourism industry facing for their livelihoods actually day on the costa bravo and northern spain. but some tours. so enjoying the beach, just meet just from the ocean. it's hard to believe that could be a problem with water. but in this part of spain, a lack of rain full is leading to severe shortages. this is one of the most popular tourist destinations in catalonia, but the sect to have faced the problem. drive in the region means that's treeless
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and the regional government is considering imposing restrictions on taurus as businesses gear up for the summer season. the question is, how can they can so this soluble restore the sun, the hotel in you're right in la holds one answer. he is great water, water that comes from bus, for example, is piped back into the hotels for the toilets. just as a 20 years ago, the hotel installed separate pipes and treats the grave will fit in the basement. it claims to have saved 15000000 liters of water and made substantial financial savings from water costs of the air. okay, so okay. a lot. i think it's something that and hotels that are room ready finished . they have to take advantage of a renovation situation, but i think it should be mandatory and new hotels being constructed. so there is
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the ability to recycle water. and there is that are within the field, open space with the help of the nearby catalyzed institute of water research. the hotel is also piloting a natural system using plants and soil to filter gray water researches estimate costs for such a solution could be recuperated in 5 to 6 is a 60 my. the system has been designed with ornamental plants because with lots of natural based solution, one of the many aspect is for it to be privy in this case for torres. and that's why it's next to the hotel bar because i'm getting 70 of the tourism season kicks off businesses and looking to the ocean to fill swimming pools and provides drinking water and diesel. the nation plants like this one, but it's costly and energy intensive. still, the region will need every solution big, i'm small. if it's to survive,
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as the drug goes on. i am the author of that report. louise osborne joins me now here in the studio. hi, louise, get to see you. so we've heard about the, the droughts that of scorching parts of spain we're hearing about the fact that you're a proceed much more rain full in the past year. all of this has been linked to the climate change all these extremes, the new normal now. well, i mean, the people i spoke to in calculating you would definitely hope not. they've seen some restrictions in place, for example, where you know, they even have to limit the amount of water that they are using to, to shower and for drinking, etc. and this is old because of low us than average rain for over the past 4 years . but seen water levels and rest of the was dropped for more than 90 percent in 2022, around or less than 20 percent. oh wow. so really strange stuff really for yeah, um and you know, as temperature has continued to rise in europe,
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there is going to continue to be this extreme weather weather that is sloping is result of heavy rain full or whether that is due to you know, the hot dry conditions that leads to wild fires, for example, and to some extent we are going to have to get used to that. okay, now it's, it's been proven now that europe is roaming more than of the continents. what is your doing to, to cope with, to adapt to these changes? so, i mean, there are different things i mean and calculating it. for example, authorities are investing heavily in the solid nation so that it's literally taking salt out of ocean water so that they can use it for drinking. the problem is that it's usually energy intensive and very expensive. so it's not the best way for it. but there are problems as well. for example, with a heat, heat related deaths have risen from around 60000 in 2022 and are set to double. but by 2050, nothing is done according to the world health organization. and
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a lot of that is down to of you know, the fact that people are not aware that this is such an issue. and that health care professionals are also underestimating the risks of heat. so a lot more needs to be done to, to realize that, you know, this is something that is, needs to be taken care of. absolutely. and having some real effects on people's health and wellbeing. and there is potentially some a positive to is to all of this, isn't that because this extreme, whether we're seeing does that have increased the potential to the, to boost renewable energy production and use, can you talk about lots of different exactly. so in the report that was has come up today, also say that, you know, renewables for responsible for around 40 percent of europe's electricity last year . but obviously the stones that are taking place in the north are leading to more wind. that means that that's potential from wind energy to be taken from that in the south where we've got these hot dry conditions and that's more potential for
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solar energy. and so these can be used to, to kind of fight against this here. so fossil fuels for, for our energy and to increase the likelihood that we'd be able to bring temperatures back down again at some point dw deployment reports that louise also. and thanks so much for bringing us up today. valerie sent you a, this is a quick reminder of our top story for you before we go. the ukrainian president, the load them is lensky has a, the rocket delivery or the new wes themselves. so us lawmakers costs $61000000000.00 a package ukraine and that is when we have time for coming out next. the next slide is the 77 percent about young people in africa pushing the physical boundaries stick around for that and he can remember you can always get more and use on our website. that's the w dot com or on instagram and accounts. thanks so much for flushing. i'll see you at
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the, the, we travel across the african continent, houston, those who did in this life bringing down, i'm sure that can, would you be you. and also what do you need to come to the peers and other come challenges of young people in africa know all about it. they're ready to stand up for the right to fulfilling self determines like the 77 percent
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on the d, w. the project cassandra, re determined through our investigation that has pull out was operating like a global drug carts. not something you normally see terrace organizations. the object to financially drain has gone up and bring them down. suddenly we have in las vegas to attack a terrace organization finance. the idea is the fall of the money, the team agents from the american drug enforcement agency. i was scared, but i mean as well as another whole life. they want to do actually money. i want to take down their finding the head from lice themselves. we needed to reveal that so world and to their own people. why did the us government suddenly shut down project cassandra in 2016?
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so the opportunity was, was 1st our 3 pot documentary series on marci hezbollah dots may 4th on dw, the what does it take to overcome any challenge or of here in your life? on today's program we travel across the attic and continents to hear from those who didn't let life bring them down and also overcame their own challenges. and then might just overcome one of my own fuse, the fear of heights. i am a kid english another and this is the 77 percent. have you ever come across people that tell you that your dreams will never come to let's you get in your head? well i'm here at this bouldering station here in bun germany to overcome one of my own fuse, the.


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