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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 22, 2024 10:00am-10:31am CEST

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the, the, this is the w news live from the ukraine's president says billions of dollars in us funding, women show that you create does not become and all the football. some complex us will make us have approved a package of the gently needed military aid that the load them it. so let's see says we'll send a powerful message to the kremlin. also coming up on the show, the united states says down another super power it's troops. conduct naval, thrilled with philippines forces at a time when both of pushing back against trying those pro and influence at new data shows that europe is now the fastest confidence after
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a deadly year of extreme peace floods and drums, the monday troops mccain and thank you for being with us, ukraine has welcome to a vote by us will make, has to review urgently needed military assistance. present. load them is zalinski says the $61000000000.00 a package passed by the us house gives his troops a real trump victory on the bustle sailed. soleski is now urging a quick passage through the us senate. speaking on american television, he said the military aid sends a clear message to mosca in the deeds of each the southern forces, these supposed from the united states of america. and of course, uh the supports of the american people use us because of course,
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the political decisions depends on the public opinion. and this age will try to ukraine and sans is dependent upon powerful signal that it will not be this 2nd attempt on his tongue. dw correspondent knit connelly is in eastern new train where russian forces have been making a steady advances. i asked him what the reaction has been that the news of the us military aid package. it was a huge relief i was thinking of when the news came through and you could really see people staring at their phones, cooling each other. really kind of even got an element of shock because those people have kind of given up hoping after all these months wrangling that it would actually finally arrive. i think it is psychologically a massive deal. and also in terms of the scale of this 8, if you look at the psalms, it's basically in $1.01 charge of a more than the us has given since the beginning of this war. so it is vital,
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it is huge. and as you know, people here and you great expect, it's hopefully the 1st bits of the say they're going to come pretty soon. so specifically, what kind of, of weapons are expected in an importantly, i mean, are they going to get to where they needed quickly enough? so in terms of the contents of this bill, what we're going to see arriving to where you credit for lines, i think it's just about we still can't. i mean it's not is the, it's your 1st priority for the credit ministry. we have a situation right now whether ukrainian armies being outgoing by 6 or even 10 to one and having to use it kind of cause the drones to compensate for the lack of basic munitions. so they're hoping for those to roll across the border into ukraine . pretty soon same goes for munitions for hijack off systems we've seen, given, you know, these delays ukraine able to shoot down many few of michelle's and was the case of 6 months ago as a result. much greater damage being inflicted. and in terms of new types of equipment coming as being hope that was to speak and talk in dc about as it comes,
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ballistic munitions, but with a larger range of braces bites to visa said to you, great, which would really allow ukraine to attack russ logistics and rushes mitre installations and crimea, a little hans cadets far away from the front lines, making that much harder for russia to go into offensive on for lunch. next, we're going to come back to you in just a moment. we're going to take a closer look at ukraine's efforts to fortify its northern border with russia and better us the next day where y'all will be back with you in just a 2nd of the motor and wolves and may be high tech. but trenches are still proving vital in ukraine. t of is hoping all this will allow ukraine's army to hold back russian forces. president savanski says ukraine is building 2000 kilometers of 40 vacations in 3 lines. this is part of the enemy's line of defense, and it's located in the sunni region, which is a 560 kilometer long border with russia. work on defense structures begun here last
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year, but intensified in february. the regional capital of see me is also in circled with defense lines. local sources say the confidence that any surprise russian attack would no longer break through these fortifications. we start with the annual renewal. we have the firing position was here, so the soldiers can observe on fire on the enemy. they going to see the next line of defense that's closer to the front line. there's a shelter for vehicles in the dugout, but the crew and the league, but it's made of wood and reinforced concrete work continues around the clock. time is of the essence as a new russian offensive is expected. soon. faulty vacations are also being built in the neighboring chimney, have region no file from the battery see in boulder. in february 2022 restroom shapes pause through this area. it's
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a much on key of these structures. and this dragon's piece that designed to slow the progress of tungsten and vehicles getting the ukraine, you know me more time to destroy them on to tongue that jews have been dug behind them on the area around his mind. the 2nd line of defense is less elaborate. these images a force if occasions in eastern you came here to the on to tongue pitches. but no concrete. the alto most line of defense is built by infantry brigades. they have to build on the fire. it consists of trenches and dugouts with wooden floors and is the weakest defense. the government insist that even if the army is digging in behind the coming front lines, you claim isn't abandoning its intention to be tapped. it's have a tree from the russians. but the war is in its 3rd year, often months of stalemate. russia has laid a number of games right now. defensive,
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like these, maybe ukraine's best hopes of keeping russian forces up a. all right, and we're back now with that con lane eastern ukraine. i make this work to, to strength and ukraine's border and front lines has been done on for a while now, but keith has recently been stepping up these assets has net. can it, can you tell us why as well. so this is about trying to basically avoid russia stretching ukraine's forces to think that we've had lots of veiled or less veiled hints from us go that they might want to attack to give this could be a kind of full flag thing was recently 2nd level, russian foreign minister making that pretty clear of the weekend, and that would save you credit and i'll be happy to send lots of manpower away from going back from the eastern new guar am now to the new. those are huge border with batteries, which is basically a russian satellite with is being russian troops since the beginning of the war. so
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you can simply doesn't have enough people to basically, you know, fil backfill. all that 2000 kilometer or so for the line was better, was invested with people. so the easiest way to try and reduce the needs in manpower and puts in the ground is to build those trenches. but mine things are pretty cheap in the scheme of things. you can calculate using tickets to try and at least make it that much hard on slow it for us. it does try to attract the world and to allow the papers to focus on the active budget here in the use of the country. net. thank you so much for that. as the w. net connelly are forcing from the new pro region and east of ukraine. island in cross now to dw as brussels bureau chief, alexander the fun nomine, who joins us from luxembourg. now that's what you for administers amazing. today to discuss further boost to ukraine's at defense says hi, alexandra gemini, has said that it will send an additional patriot missile defense system to ukraine is so far the unit you member to say. so all any other member states want me to
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follow now? well, that's the big question here in luxembourg, and we have to say that actually a concrete pledges were expected here to be a noun spots. and it's not a clear what that is going to happen, especially after the german chancellor sholtes bird. she's a fellow european leaders to join and support the german era defense initiative for ukraine and tomatoes. chief you installed back last friday, also cold on the european u, a p. and so do more for ukraine. and we heard here from the swedish defense minister who said that they are looking into their stocks, that they may be able to provide some air defense systems to ukraine, but they're mostly wants to support this initiative with money. we've heard the same from that. that's a defense minister, and a pressure is mounting on other countries such as squeeze and spain to look into.
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there's talk, ply, as to also deliver some patry up systems to ukraine. but i have to say that so far, we have not heard any real concrete pledges here. and the question that is on everybody's mind is if everyone here agrees that the situation in ukraine is dire, why is it's taking so long to provide kids with new air defense systems. okay. and, and what else? so the foreign minister is going to be talking about today. what can we expect from today's me thing apart from you trying they will also talk about the situation in the middle east and as you may know. and they agreed in principle that the european union should extend those sanctions against iran after the country. smith's island drawn to attack on as well. but there were still some details to be discussed, worked out and at the moment it seems that today we could have for you. we could
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see a political agreement to extend the existing sanctions against iran to include not only misfire deliveries and production, but not only drone deliveries and production, but also messiah deliveries. and that is something that is probably going to happen today, that the ministers will have a political agreement on that news. alexander from nomine in luxemburg, alexandra, thank you so much. now the is really a military says it's chief of staff, has approved plans to press on with operations in the gaza strip is ready media reporting. the pos of those plans include a military operation in the southern city of russell. now this comes off to overnight strikes on rasa. killed $22.00 people including 18 children that is, according to the health ministry and gaza, which is run by hum us out more than half of the strips population of $2300000.00
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have so refuge in russia, which is situated on the board up with egypt and residents of the west bank launched a general strike of the weekend closing shops and other businesses of to is raise. the troops rated a refugee camp in the territory. the palestinian red crescent, say at least 14 people were killed and thousands more injured. israel says it was targeting militants during a counter terrorism operation is transmitted key rates, the new. so if you can, in the absorption part of the restaurant after not for many killed and injured thoughts boosters, and holmes destroyed another connect you, my son was sleeping there. he had gone to wash himself and then he prayed and went home. is the home is higher of? there was a sniper in front of him which talked to him. i heard the sound of the shooting. my
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oldest son went up there and sunday was bleeding. he blunted this look at the split palestinians describe the drum unit as president. good. yep. and of the model. yeah. i mean it'd be within that. there is indeed a complete destruction of homeless shotwell electricity grid. took up the sewage towards the network. yeah. and the infrastructure comes out and then you have to finish this incursion is unprecedented. dequina teasley thorough snipers and rooftop the desk was nothing special. forces detroit because it's indeed a can read on the man as a light on the it's right the minute receive it, get militants, duty. naveed. the army also sees it has the phone and destroyed the explosives and sees many weapons used in what it calls that are just activities. following they've started by listing and residents launched,
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adjourned to the strike shops, universities found on the public transportation, but all blues to protest bases are needed under 50 gun. okay, let's take a look now, some of the other stories making headlines around the world. and israel has reacted angrily to reports that the united states is looking to impose sanctions on an as rated military units. the u. s. has concerned that the out for both adults and that some of you who the battalion is being investigated for human rights abuses against palestinians in the occupied westbank. these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu has cooled them, moves the height of absurdity of 7 people has been killed in sri lanka after a race call came off the track during a competition and crushed into a crowd of spect cases and race officials at least 20 people were injured, the race took place about a 180 kilometer is east of the capital colombo. it was cooled off off to the accident. the in southern china of assistance. heavy rains have been bothering most
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parts of 1000000000 province since thursday. the homes, lines and likelihoods of more than a 127000000 people could be threatened if rain continues to swell. local rivers with our seas have raised the emergency response level for flooding of the united states and the philippines all set to begin the annual valley cup ton or shoulder to shoulder military exercises on monday. and these are the most expensive military drills. yes. and they come a middle rise intentions between china and the philippines. this is drills will include the 1st of a military exercises held outside of philippine territory. awards is in the south china sea. now the problem is those awards is partly claimed by beijing and controlled by its coast guard. the us and the philippines have a long standing mutual defense, tracy, and other recent summit in washington. the us president joe biden said his country's commitments to manila was, quote, on quad w's east asia correspondent,
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james tre. to explains the importance of this, he is exercises, it's the biggest annual display of military units. the between the us under mutual defense treaty allied, the philippines, the product time exercises this year, bringing together more than $16000.00 personnel for almost 3 weeks of drills. the exercises this time law should be responding civics. and our time tensions between the philippines and china in the south china sea in recent months, aging has 5 volts the canons that philippine re supply vessels near the disputants . second, thomas shown where the philippine ship was deliberately beached as an outpost in 1919. no, no, all about 3 is the prospect of the us being drawn into direct conflict with badging . if any uh, service men really feed no service mine is killed by in a thoughtful and foreign power. then the designs involved,
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the mutual defense in the philippines coast called has been on the front line of chinese aggression. and that's why they've been invited to join the exercises for the 1st time to in another fast, by like a 10 maritime drills will take place beyond philippine territorial waters. but within its exclusive economic sun shown by the yellow line here. but that has the potential to frustrate badging because it overlaps with china. so cool, 9 dash line in blue here. that's what it says which page and claims its own. despite the 2016 international court ruling that it had no legal basis to do so, this is exercise as will be directed in pots from 3 of 4 philippine military bases to which the us gained new access last year. they include locations near the 2nd time the show, but also the structure of water separating the philippines and taiwan. the so for democracy, china claims is it's on the exercise. just follow
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a flurry of diplomatic activity aimed at bringing washington's allies in asia. closer together. over the philippine president, sudden and mall coast junior, recently attended a historic 1st try natural summits with the leaders of the us and japan mall costs us. instead, the meeting wasn't talking to any country in particular, but badging wounded by the time exercises would only lead to grades of insecurity for the philippines. the volume the philippine should be silver enough to realize that rallying external countries to flex military muscles in the south, china sea, which are for the conflicts, will escalate tensions. the, the french personnel would also join the drills for the 1st time. alongside australia, he pictured conducting maritime exercises with the us depend on the philippines earlier this month. this is public atlantic sizes, the latest episode in us efforts to galvanize its allies in the end of
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that report by the deputies east asia correspondent james chase, who told me earlier, what is different about this? he is drills when quite simply, the stakes just fail. so much higher and the region itself feels much more friendship over the last year. we've really seen 2 key things change. have we seen trying to become much more sensitive navies? dispute the territories in the south china sea? as i mentioned in the report, sometimes far invoice economy philippine vessels injuring some filipino personnel to. and then the other thing we've seen happen really is the philippines during march close to to the us. and it's not always in the region to like, like japan receive president, and i'm all costs, you know, take and take a much more kind of combative approach to china and have that meeting. this, of course, is coming off the back of the really important historic charlottesville summits between the leaders of the us decline in the philippines. the key outcome of that meeting, president, biting reiterating that mutual defense treaty that it has with me and is in clouds
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. that's what these exercises are really a demonstration of it, but that all concerns, of course, that spoke through the demonstration of, of military units. see through these exercises. but also with the other political developments that we're seeing in the end, or facilitate that this is a flash point that could potentially bring the us china into direct conflict. because of that mutual defense research on depends the relationship between the us and the philippines. a w's trans trace of reporting that now the number of people dying across europe because of rising temperatures has increased by almost a 3rd in the past 2 decades. also as of a newly published report, say that 2023. so a record number of days with extreme heat stress, this affected people across all parts of the continent. but last year wasn't just whole. so it was also west to the whole of europe was drenched with about 7 percent
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more of rain full than usual. and complicate things even. so the notes, all regions have been guessing all of that rain. as the w climate reports are louise osborne reports now from ne, in spain. serious was the shortages of left, some people that and the tourism industry facing for their livelihoods actually day on the cost of bravo and northern spain. but some tours. so enjoying the beach, just meet just from the ocean. it's hard to believe that could be a problem with water, but in this part of spain, a lack of rain full is leading to severe shortages. this is one of the most popular tourist destinations in catalonia, but the sect to have faced the problem. drive in the region means that's treeless, and the regional government is considering imposing restrictions on taurus as businesses gear up for the summer season. the question is, how can they can serve this soluble restore the sun?
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the hotel in your rate in law holds one answer. he is gray, water, water that comes from bus, for example, is piped back into the hotel for the toilets. just as a 20 years ago, the hotel installed separate pipes and treats the gray will fit in the basement. it claims to have saved 15000000 liters of water and made substantial financial savings from water costs of the sale. okay, so okay, a lot. i think it's something that in hotels that are room ready finished, they have to take advantage of a renovation situation. but i think it should be mandatory and new hotels being constructed. so there is the ability to recycle water, and there is that are within the field, open space with the help of the nearby capital and institute of water research. the hotel is also piloting a natural system using plants and soil to filter great water researches estimate
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costs for such a solution could be recuperated in 5 to 6 is a 16 by the system has been designed with ornamental plants because with lots of natural based solution one of the many aspect is for it to be pretty, in this case for taurus, and that's why it's next to the hotel bar. because i'm doing sampling as the tourism season kicks off businesses and looking to the ocean to fill swimming pools and provides drinking water. and d, selling nation plants like this one. but it's costly and energy intensive. still the region will meet every solution big. i'm small, if it's to survive, as the drug goes on. i am the author of that report. louise osborne joins me now here in the studio. hi, louise, get to see you. so we've heard about the, the droughts that of scorching parts of spain we're hearing about the fact that
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you're a proceed much more rain full in the past year. all of this has been linked to climate change all these extremes, the new normal now. well, i mean, the people i spoke to in calculating your with doesn't have a hope not. they've seen some restrictions in place, for example, where you know, they even have to limit the amount of water that they are using to, to shower and for drinking, etc. and this is old because of low us than average rain for over the past 4 years . but seen water levels and rest of the was dropped from more than 90 percent in 2022, around or less than 20 percent. oh wow. so really strange stuff, really extra. yeah. and you know, as temperature has continued to rise in europe, there is going to continue to be this extreme. whether, whether that is a loving is result of heavy rain full, or whether that is due to, you know, the hot dry conditions that leads to wild fires for example. and to some extent we
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are going to have to get used to that. ok. now it's, it's been proven now that europe is roaming more than other continents. what does europe doing to, to cope with, to adapt to these changes? so, i mean, there are different things i mean and calculated. for example, of course he's, we're investing heavily in the solid nation, so that is literally taking sold out of ocean water so that they can use it for drinking. the problem is that it's usually energy intensive and very expensive. so it's not the best way for it, but there are problems as well. for example, with a heat, heat related, dest have risen from around 60000 in 2022, and are set to double by 2050. nothing is done according to the world health organization, and a lot of that is down to of, you know, the fact that people are not aware that this is such an issue and that health care professionals are also underestimating the risks of heat. so a lot more needs to be done to, to realize that, you know,
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this is something that is, needs to be taken care of. absolutely. and having some real effects on people's health and wellbeing. i'm, there is potentially some, a positive 2 is the, to all of this, isn't that because this extreme, whether we're seeing does sort of increase the potential to the, to boost renewable energy production and use, can you talk about lots of different exactly. so in the report that was, has come out today. uh, also save that, you know, renewables for responsible for around 40 percent of europe's electricity last year . but obviously the storms that are taking place in the north are leading to more wind. that means that that's potential from wind energy to be taken from that in the south where we've got these hot dry conditions and that's more potential for solar energy. and so these can be used to, to kind of fight against this here. so fossil fuels for, for our energy and to increase the, the likelihood that we'd be able to bring temperatures back down again at some point dw,
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employment reports that louise osborne. thank so much for bringing us up today. valerie, thank and that is all we have time for coming up next shift. it looks at how small tech can improve the quality of life in the settings. and then you can see mckinnon . thanks so much for watching the
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that was pressure to make more money. and then the minds of the german institution, the georgia back story may 2nd on the do you live in the countryside or in a city? more than half the world's population now lives in cities, and that number is only growing city. life often means of crowded spaces and less traffic jams and bad infrastructure. and when people move to new cities, loneliness, it can be a huge problem. it could also be an issue for all the people. luckily, there are quite a few solutions floating around, and that's what we'll take a look at today on whether it's kim trust that tokyo or deca mega city populations are exploding according to a you and report indian capital daily will hit 43000000 in the next 10 years and
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that's just one example.


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