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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 22, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm CEST

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the, the, you're watching the building and he was coming to live from berlin. a mass grave apparently uncovered in gaza. civil defense teams say they have found nearly 300 bodies at a hospital in the city of huntington. this also on the show today, an investigation finds israel has failed to back up as claims that un refugee agency workers took part in the how much attack and as tensions between israel and iran put the spotlight on tech runs nuclear program. we speak to the new ones, atomic energy chief, rafael gross, he tells dw iran must be more transparent. the
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i'm quite richardson, welcome gauze of civil defense agency says health workers have uncovered the bodies of 283 people buried in a hospital courtyard. and the southern city of han, eunice, they found to be a parent mass and crave at the mass or hospital. the site was previously rated by is raised the forces. the agencies, as some of the dead, had no closing, indicating they may have faced torture and abuse. israel's mil latrice, as it is, checking the information which has not yet been independently verified. indeed, of these correspondents, tanya cramer told us more about the bodies that has been found. i mean, the more details are coming out and this is not obviously the end of it. as he said, the civil defense forces. they have said that they have found at least $200.00
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bodies in a most grave, which is located in the courtyard of the or no so hospital. and this goes back. they say when there has been heavy fighting a military operation by the is really military in hon. eunice in january of february, which ended sometime an early april. now hun eunice is the 2nd largest city in the gaza strip that had been heavy fighting going on. and from the eye witnesses at the time, but also from medical and g o. as in the medical medical stuff in the hospital, they were talking at the time about heavy fighting around the hospital for us. but also a siege said it was very difficult for medical teams or for a patients and injured people to reach the hospital. and then with the is really a military entering also the hospital that was in february now with uh, the uh army withdrawing. uh we're seeing now on uh these uh, uh, graves uh,
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being uh, um, discovered how most uh, searches of sets of some, as you said, were found without a close uh, somewhere killed there. we heard at the time from many arrests being made and the is really military so far has not commented on the best thing is checking these reports and checking the information and be hearing from palestinians from hon. eunice and from eye witnesses there that there are many relatives now that the fighting, at least and in this hospital has stopped where, you know, the is really military. they've done this also in other hospitals, entering hospitals because they are saying that these are come months and as of how much they were also looking for a signs of to hostage. this is really all such as being housing garza or potentially for bodies. but right now, for many families and relative, they're going back to their to look for the last ones and take the bodies to bury
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them in a pro a graveyard. meanwhile, the head of israel's military intelligence unit has resigned for failing to prevents the almost terror attacks on october 7th, when around 1200 people were killed and 250 others kidnapped. major general her run leave is the 1st senior as rarely figure to step down over the attacks. i leave it says that under his command, the intelligence director, it did not fulfill its task and he will carry the pain of the war with him forever . emily harding us with the center for strategic and international studies in washington, dc. i asked her earlier if she could give us a sense of the scale of israel's intelligent failures that allowed for the october 7th attacks to happen. sad to say it does appear to be a massive intelligence failure of this kind of thing, where they have some indications of what was going on and didn't process and
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improperly didn't collect from well enough. that really is a failure on 3 different scales. first of all, collections failure, they didn't collect the right information that would give them the right sign. second of all, an analysis failure where they had strong pieces of information but didn't put them together in the right way. and then 3rd, it really does seem to be a leadership failure more and more received science come out that there were analyst at the low levels who were putting some of the pieces together and flagging it for their superiors. but then action wasn't taken were to act on that intelligence. now let's turn to her on how we write. he's been the 1st senior as really, as an officer to step down. he and others did admit failures fairly shortly after the attack, which was now more than half a year ago. why do you think it has taken until this point to see him resign at the moment, right after october 7th, israel was in a true place of crisis. and while so many leaders and military intelligence, disability and intelligence came out and did acknowledge their own role in their organizations for all over the failure. it wasn't the right time to have
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a massive and in essence, decapitation of these really intelligent services. you don't want to leadership vacuum while you're trying to mobilize in nearly unprecedented number of soldiers while you're trying to figure out it's really difficult intelligence questions like, where are the hostages and how do we find mosse? it just wasn't the right moment to actually engage in these resignations and is now the right moment with the more and cause a continuing and also increasing tensions with a ron after a direct attack on his riley soil. it's hard to say why he decided that now wasn't back to right, we're going to complete his resignation. i think it was to be determined. it may very well be that because it looks like the operations inside gather or drawn down just a little bit. some of their objectives may have been met and they continue to pursue some activity in the south. but large way they've done a lot of what they intended to do going and the guys up, it's never a good time. rod is going to continue to be a challenge,
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but it is interesting that he's the 1st one and the others are still in place. i expect that at some point there will be some succession planning and others will leave as well. and what about prime minister benjamin netanyahu? do you think this will put pressure on him? seeing these resignations of potentially even of further top military brass, as you suggest, might happen. you know, unlike of you. but he has not directly acknowledged direct responsibility for allowing the attacks october 7th to happen. no matter how you feel about net and yahoo, he is a political survivor. he may feel additional pressure from us, but he's feeling pressure from all sides on a lot of different issues. i think it's very hard to say if this will put additional pressure on him to resign. and is it possible to say who will follow in? he'll leave his footsteps here or not. yes, it will be a question. i think of how far down some of the resignations will go and who can be a trusted hand on the tour as a switch from one piece of leadership to my mother. it may be temporary leadership
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to do some of the investigations internal way to figure out what exactly went wrong and that person may leave as well. they really do need to get to a point where they've gotten to a new blood who could take our fresh look at things, but then also reassure the use really defense forces that there is someone experienced at the top. well, thank you so much for joining us with your insights. that is emily harden of the strategic center for strategic and international studies in washington. appreciate your time and your report, meanwhile concludes that israel has failed to provide evidence backing up. it's claimed that members of the un agency for palestinian refugees were involved in terror activities, as well made the claim and the aftermath of the october 7th. i'm asked tara tax, which led to some donors freezing funds for the un agency, but an independent report has refused the workings and now concluded that the agency has robust frameworks in place to ensure compliance. i spoke to the former
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chief a spokesperson for unreal chris gunners and asked him whether the report was what he was expecting. it was suddenly welcome to declare the reports which confirms the indispensable roll on the and a lifelong as it pulls it. it also concerns conrad has established a significant number of mechanisms and procedures to ensure compliance which you might have to have principles. this is important, particularly the principal pharmacy, other pulses roemer possesses a more boss to propes utility than any other un agency or n g. oh, that's important because of the moment people are trying to give some of those functions between garza and the west side over to all the agencies most significant, if i may hold the clinical states. clearly the israel has made public claims. it's a large number of items, employees on members all towers to the section that israel has yet to provide, supporting evidence of it. in other words,
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the allegations that triggered this crisis that sold is massive funding remain on the substantiated unsubstantiated. so it would seem that these really claims amount to the mother who lives in the intelligence dose. it was based on that intelligence . adult teeth was adult. you don't say any if i may just make one last point, the curriculum, the other a curriculum which has been much criticized according to the collision report. it says i'm going to be responsive to criticism of its textbook. and it's a misuse you to a range of initiative to ensure neutrality or it's materials and it finds the honors education policies, updates a guidelines and manuals have become robust and adequate for purpose. that's really good. that's quite a thing for her to conclude. the finding that israel has yet to back up his claims does indeed seem to be the main take away from this independent panel. and yet they have also cited serious gaps in the agency, upholding the principle of neutrality. specifically, example such as staff,
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openly stating political views on social media, for example, is that something that needs to be worked on inside of and right and your view as well. i think i'm good to welcome these recommendations of these things being pointed out as a fully align with almost continuous efforts to improve and to keep pace with evolving challenges. in fact, continuous improvement is absolutely cool to our success under the microscope of scrutiny in criticism over the years. and that's why i'm really, it's not considered by misleading, as best the mountain view and just always issues. so i think, yes, these guys are important as good this point, but i think i'm wrong with embrace them. it's possibly continuous improvement. the analyses as cool too. it's 0 tolerance policy against neutrality violations. now, as we've hinted that israel is allegations it came with, with serious consequences, more than a dozen countries suspended their contributions and its weight that led to
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a pause and funding of about $450000000.00. according to this report, could you give us an idea of what effect that has had on the relief agency's ability to function? i have to say it's has those political effects. in the we've seen this attack, this political attack on route, which i think lies behind the attacks by b, is waiting for, right to discredit on route to the fund done right. and also believes to dismantle so on. but let's be clear, as far as countries like germany are concerned, germany firms, it's funding 200000000 euros. yeah. now that's how the devastating effects 6, all right and gaza has been speeding before the conflict. 1.2000000 people. now that's of course been put in jeopardy by this gen decision, and of course the number of people on rook is feeding us almost doubled in that
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time. so i hope the germany will say it's very odd about this because you know, the german people i think will be mystified why it's government would continue to do this in the lights of the fact that the collection report effectively says how's the process is in place for dealing with neutrality, i'm doing these the fact that they would know that is well has, which is no evidence a tool to substantiate the navigation on which germany based decision to the phone . so let's have the journey because without seeing so many hundreds of thousands of people slipping into starvation, i think the german government of one of the richest in the world will realize that, you know, 200000000 euros starvation. know that that doesn't add up, but it's not. you know, what i would see is cool, jim and bobby, and so the german government will refund. thank you very much for joining us on dw, with insights that's credit of chris goodness. formerly with unwrap
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and your opinion, foreign ministers meeting in luxembourg have agreed to extend sanctions on iran by tightening restrictions on iranian weapons production. the new measures single out missiles and drones and their potential transfer to russia and groups acting on their rounds behalf. attentions between israel and iran have put the spotlight on tech, runs a nuclear capabilities. the west accuse is a ron of using its civil nuclear program as a cover for developing weapons which to her on an ice is for home. is that the hall to be runs nuclear program? this conversion plant is located outside the city. powered by 3 chinese applied research react to is it produces fuel for a run civilian nuclear program. these images were shot in march 2005. when of a rev, occasions the well got just the inside deep
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underground in the why did form is a, is the hon. it's been a tons uranium enrichment facility. west a nation say around is operating a secret weapons program here to run those denies it is developing a nuclear bomb. in 2015 after long negotiations, west of nations shall continue with around to stop it, becoming a nuclear power to run and got really from sanctions in return for accepting limits on this nuclear activities with coverage. political will mutual respect and leadership with the limits on what the word was hoping for. the following year, a new president's moved into the white house in 2018 he made good on one of his election promises. i am announcing today that the united states will withdraw from the a ran nuclear deal without us participation. the agreements quickly
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unraveled a radiant engine is got back to work and progress has been swift. so un, nuclear watchdog stays around is now producing uranium close to weapons grade levels. these passivity is attempting targets for opponents of you. right. and univision, him in 2010 a computer virus crippled operations and the tons, no one has ever accepted responsibility. but many believe a virus was developed about the us and israel. the tons was again, but target in 2021. the power went out to set to can, which means back by months event included an act of nucleus, sabotage and blamed israel back into the present day footage. claim to have been shots of the is for hon. facility to run sites with sites have is safe and damaged the following is right
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o strike or the earlier my colleague brush banner j, spoke to rafael gross, the director general of the international atomic energy agency and an exclusive interview for d. w. he asked him how close that run is to producing an operational nuclear bomb as well. here i think we have to clarify something. there is a normal assumption when, when we talk about the break through times and, and how close or how far the country can be at to assimilate of that metric with the amount of time required to have this, the necessary amount of heat and reached uranium which is at the moment, estimated says as, as a matter of 4 weeks rather than months. but that does not mean that a round house or won't have a nuclear weapon in that space of time. and i think that he's being bought
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a verification to be, to be made and a function i like you say, a function on nuclear warhead requires many other things independently from the production of the fee size material, in this case, the uranium including perhaps be tested. so why we say that this situation is, is the patient that warrants are allowed because of the enrichment at all, most media, teddy levels, and we cannot be deriving from that the direct conclusion that iran has now, i know what, but why would it on be enriching uranium to near military and other levels. if it doesn't want to produce a nuclear weapon as well, that is a fair question. i mean, the question that many are asking the same time. most motivations or
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objectives or goals, are a matter of loss of speculation. and the right, of course, the property line is that they want these material form medical or rather cvd and purposes is not very clear why these amounts and that these speed of the level would be required from that. but seems that is not technically impossible. these cannot be argued back, but what is clear and what i have been telling my uranium counterparts. diamond again is that of course the psych dvd raises eyebrows and compounded with the fact that we are not getting the necessary degree of access. and these would be due to, i believe should be necessary. so when you put all of that together, then of course you end up with lots of question marks. so if you're not getting the level of access that you would ideally like to have,
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it could be the case that as we are talking right now you're on is effectively developing a nuclear weapon and you will not know about it as well. i, i wouldn't be so sure about that. what may be happening is that iran could be, you know, producing a bards for centrifuges and other, and honestly, the equipment of these, of these type, which would, of course, have a repercussion in their, in their general communities. but i cannot be speculating about that. we do not have any information of that type that there is because this is what you're pointing out, that there is an active nuclear weapons program as we speak about him being correct . that that would be misleading. that being said, and that our doubts, iran has not clarified a number of the findings. the agency is made in iran
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about activities, for example, taking place in, in, in places on sites that were not supposed to be nuclear sites. so we have a number of questions. why did we find a traces of other enrich uranium in places the now a farm or a parking lot? one was there. where is it now? so these questions and at the same time, at the same time, we have lost and you already introduction was very graphic in that regard. we lost after these famous 2015 agreement, the j. c. b o, a was abandoned a week up last a number of the axis is and b, c, d, monique, during that for us, is very important that these guys, being at the center of these dialogue that i have been on. i am still trying to contact with iran. let's take a look now at some other stories making headlines around the world's,
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the harsh money trial, a former president, donald trump has opened in new york. he's accused of falsifying business records to cover up a $130000.00 payment reforms after to keep her silent about an alleged sexual encounter. is the 1st ever criminal trial of a former us presidents the appeal trial of 2 men jailed for being accomplished as in the 2016 nice terror attack that killed 86 people has now begun in paris. repair was sentenced to 18 years for providing support to the g. had us to drove a truck into a crowd celebrating the steel day. and police in germany have arrested 3 people on suspicion of spying for china. federal prosecutor say the 2 men and one woman had set upfront companies to obtain research and technology that could be used to benefit china's navy. or at least 4 people have been killed following days of tra, rental rainfall and southern china. more than
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a 100000 have been evacuated because of flooding and land slides in one dunc province. genuine is one of the worst effected cities with scientists blaming client climate change. cctv 1st, which captured the moment a bridge was washed away, sharing photos pressing quad zone. video sheltering de lice gives a tailor picture of the damage. in another town, the streets was turned into a raging river. scooping up this car under their large object of the several days of dime pours of so the chinese province destroying homes, farm london, businesses rescue workers have been racing to evacuate. those trapped by the de leach hundreds of school students were stranded in their dormitories until help arrived, brought them to safety. helicopters of also being deployed to assist villages,
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hit by land slides and fly the injured for treatment. you go on don't is prone to summer floods, but they've started much earlier than usual precipitation records for a pro have already been broken in many parts of the province. the tents, the populated region is located in the pearl river delta and his, china's manufacturing hard plans to go. it says flood defense is in place, but there and also equipped for the extreme weather events that scientists say are becoming more intense and unpredictable because of global warming. or the number of deaths caused by extreme heat in europe has increased by almost a 3rd over the past 2 decades. droughts are also becoming more common, dw, as climate reporter, louise osborne has been to spain, where water shortages are heading, the tourism industry actually day on the costa bravo and northern spain.
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but some tours. so enjoying the beach, just meet just from the ocean. it's hard to believe that could be a problem with water, but in this part of spain, a lack of rain full is leading to severe shortages. this is one of the most popular tourist destinations in catalonia, but the sight to hear faces of problem drive in the region means best treeless and the regional government is considering imposing restrictions on taurus as businesses gear up for the summer season. the question is, how can they can serve this valuable resource? the sun, the hotel in your rate in law holds one answer here, great water, water that comes from bus, for example, is piped back into the hotel for the toilets. just as a 20 is ago, the hotel installed separate pipes and treats the grave will fit in the basement. it claims to have saved 15000000 liters of water and made substantial financial
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savings from water costs. ok, so okay. a lot. i think it's something that and hotels that are room ready finished, they have to take advantage of renovation situation. but i think it should be mandatory and new hotels being constructed. so there is the ability to recycle water, and there is that are within the field, open space with the help of the nearby catalyzed institute of water research. the hotel is also piloting a natural system using plants and soil to filter gray water researches estimate costs for such a solution could be recuperated in $5.00 to $6.00 is hello, is this the ma is this system has been designed with ornamental plants because with lots of natural based solution, one of the many aspect of that is for it to be privy in this case, ford taurus, and that's why it's next to the hotel bar. the fact that i'm doing 70 of the
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tourism season kicks off businesses and looking to the ocean to fill swimming pools and provides drinking water and defend the nation plants like this one. but it's costly, an energy intensive. still the region will need every solution big. i'm small, if it's to survive, as the drug goes on. and that's our new show. stay with us though. i'll be back after a short break. just take you through the day, the
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dates and i appreciate as i said, that died start make sense for me anymore. i've already tried everything, but what about this new approach? personalize nutrition. one blood sugar experiment, offer some insight, duties, measurements of yourself and your responses to different fluids. this is even more important. and the result is a special diet for your body type. in 45 minutes on d, w, the
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due date, ocean view companies play a role in the destruction of the rain forest, the, the letter full actually cause awesome comes from illegal capital funds in the m as in the yes, the automobile industry doesn't care about the supply chain profit, all that message, illegal letter starts may said on d, w. come name project, cassandra re determined that has was operating like a global drug partner. the objective to financially drain has gone up and bring them down. the team agents from the american drug enforcement agency they had criminalized themselves. we needed to reveal that so world. why did the us government suddenly shut down project cassandra in 2016?
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03 thought documentary series and most king has paula stats may 4th on d, w. less than 6 months before it's elections of the united states 1st ever criminal prosecution of a former president is under way. donald trump is in court in manhattan, accused of covering of harsh money payments to a porn star. we will take you through the opening statements that have set the stage 4 weeks of unsavory testimony. expected to pro trumps legal troubles and personal life into the spotlight. i'm clear, richard, the people understand what's going on the 26th.


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