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tv   The Day  Deutsche Welle  April 23, 2024 4:02am-4:31am CEST

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payments to a porn star, we will take you through the opening statements that have set the stage 4 weeks of unsavory testimony. expected to pro trumps legal troubles and personal life into the spotlights. the people understand what's going. on the 2016 the everybody knows that we don't like what's going on. it's not going to be here at georgia. lots of other places. also one's a day after months of frustration, the passage of a $61000000000.00
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a package in the us house of representatives brings relief for ukraine. but how much will it help you? how firing position was here? so the soldiers can observe on fire on the enemy, they going to see the next line of defense. it's closer to the front line. there's a shelter for vehicles and the dog over the crew and the league accused of a criminal conspiracy and a cover of on day one of donald trump's trial. in a manhattan court room, prosecutors alleged a long running scheme to influence the 2016 election through a legal payments. they say trumpet paid harsh money to the porn star known as stormy daniels to cover up a sexual encounter. she claims he had with her in 2006. so after opening arguments and start of testimony in the 1st ever criminal trial of a former us president trump repeated his claim that the charges against him are politically motivated. this is what the campaign trail because i should
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be georgia now. i should be a lot of different places right now and i'm sitting here additional going for a long time. it's very, the judge has been selected as you know, it's very next year when i should be allowed to jim, hey, this is a big, big trailer and a very pleased to welcome harvard law professor ronald sullivan, the director of the criminal justice institute there as well. thank you so much for taking the time to speak with us today. i'd like to start with those opening statements. what they will tell us about what we can expect to see from this trial . what do you think they have done to set the stage here? well, my statements are designed to give the listener, in this case the jury, a road map as to what the evidence will show. even more, these opening statements are tended to finding the evidence in
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a certain way such that the jury will view the evidence through the prism of whatever theory each side articulates. so for example, you heard the prosecution use. the phrase is like a pure and simple right. this case is about election, interferes pure and simple. it's a joint believes that then they'll start understanding the evidence through that theory. on the other hand, the defense of tried to put trade this case as a big nothing burger. in other words, in this case, nothing in it is criminal at all. it's about it to the extent it's about election interference. that's what democracy is all about. now the jury believes that, then they will understand all the evidence through that groups through the prism of that theory. now if i understand this correctly, the district attorney is using a novel legal theory to turn what might normally be a misdemeanor into a felony bi,
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alleging that from falsified business records in order to cover up another crime, violating campaign finance was. can you tell us about this strategy and what you think it's chances of success are? it was a great question. so the theory itself is not novel that is baked in a new york law the what's normally a misdemeanor mis misdemeanor can be elevated to a felony. if it's in furtherance of some other crime. what's novel about it is this other crime is violation of state election laws. and what makes that novel is that mr. trump did not participate in any election in the state of new york. as such, it was a federal elections that he was part of. but the allegation is that he's violated state components of this federal election. there's a secondary theory that will come out and evidence and that's mr. trump violated
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tax laws as well. and that to with calibrate the misdemeanor to a felony. what i think the defense is baking on is that the jury will kind of shrub it's collect the shoulders and say, is this really a case that the criminal law should deal with? it is the criminal law to blunt instruments for what amounts to a record keeping error. that's what the defense is hoping that the jury will conclude at if convicted it. trump would then be sentenced by by the judge. what options would potentially be on the table if he is found guilty as well? options on the table would be anything from a probationary sentence to prison time. it is highly, highly, highly unlikely that if he is convicted, he will be sentenced to prison. this is a classic, a felony in new york,
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which means that it is the lowest level of all felonies. mr. trump doesn't have a record. so he wouldn't be an ideal candidate for a non custodial probationary terms. so if he is convicted, i anticipate that the judge will sit and sent to probations, and mr. trump can go about his business. i want to ask you about trans comments. we are just there about this being a witch hunt. what would you say to him if, if you could reply well, i think what the prosecution would say to him is that we live in a country where no person is above the law. this is not a witch hunt. this is the chief legal enforcement officer in the state enforcing the laws of the state. uh these laws are on the books there on the books for a reason. he violated them and he has to be held to account. that's what i think that the district attorney alvin brag would say to him. and just give us
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a little bit of context. how big of a deal do you think this case is compared to the other 3 indictments trump faces, as well as the other 3. this is probably the least consequential case at some level uh, it is about how a particular payment was classified on ledgers. the other cases have to do more directly with the us democratic regime. they are much more weighty in terms of the issues at stake. so many are upset, may be too strong the word, but many are concerned that this happens to be the 1st case that is tried because it seems to be the one that is least consequential. but you know, the calendar is worked out in the way they worked out and then here we are. but
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this case doesn't sort of touch it concerns big matters of state in the way that some of the other cases do professor sullivan. i want to thank you so much for your insights and time today that is a professor at ron sullivan from hartford law. thank you. ukraine's foreign minister to mutual clay, but has called on his european union calendar parts to step up their commitments to kit's war effort to prevent what he described as worst case scenarios. many you for and, and defense ministers meeting unlock symbol, express relief over the us house of representatives approving a massive a for an, a package for ukraine over the weekends. or the e. u ministers shot stopped sort of fledging, more patriot air defense systems, as has been urgently requested by keith to i'd like to bring in william courtney a senior fellow at the ranch think tank in washington dc. before that, he served as us ambassador to cause exxon and georgia,
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and was also special assistant to the president for russia, ukraine, and your range of very warm welcome. thank you for taking the time. now you have written on x, not since the failure of russian forces 2 years ago to seize care of and capture or kill zalinski. has russia suffered a failure as dramatic as today's house vote for ukraine age? could you please tell us a little bit more about that? what makes this round of funding? so significant this is really interesting of discussion in the house of representatives because the republican party for the time of president reagan as seen, the software trade itself as the parties national security for the value of states . suddenly in the house has been a debate. we're apologize, so let us you must seem to be wanting to walk back from that. but as it turned out,
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the speaker mike johnson, the democrats now the other. 2 for the republicans to silver is the security as an important issue for the public part, they banded together. so the vote was almost $3.00 to $1.00 in favor of providing that you're crated. this the feet won't be tough for the isolationist. they may not be able to come back in the future. so that is one way that this is probably the most significant or most dramatic change since the russian law since the beginning of the war and from ukraine's perspective. how useful to think this will be they've, they've been demanding, asking for this 84 months. and i think there was a lot of relief in key of to hear that it has now cleared the house of representatives or the air conditioner will be the most immediate. and perhaps the most important part of this. because as we've seen in recent weeks, the cleaners last and munition to deal with some of the cruise vessels,
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ballistic missiles and drugs that have destroyed, for example, power plants and destroyed expensive power plants and ukraine. so every addition to help deal with their different and so the quite important as exchange will be coming to our and a few of us. and they also can play an important role encountering the drawings and uh, cruise. no. so, so they're not ballistic missiles for that, you're pretty much the patriots. the 2nd aspect of this is the fighting on their lives. ukrainians have been digging ditches and putting other barriers to prevent a regression for the regression by russian forces up and down. they will also have an munition to back up those fixed obstacles. so that will be important the possibility of a russian lunch. now the successful is going way down. and just using your, your long experience working in the region, how might the kremlin react to seeing this latest aid package past?
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do you think they will be concerned about seeing this continued funding for ukraine? probably close perspectives. now what they've seen the last couple months is if you has fully funded is pledge for assistance to ukraine. and now the us, the slowly finally gets, but there's no increase and fatigue that is our in the west. they have long so out there was strategic a western decadence, western inability to work together would cost less to lose heart and support in your credit. shut up. that is not the case. so from the criminals perspective, the correlation of forces now maybe changing significantly and ukraine saver. so what do you think this is the end, the end of ukraine fatigue, as you've mentioned, how long can this a to last at some points give will require additional assistance. and of course, there's the lumen prospect that the election of donald trump,
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as us president could mean a very drastic change in us policy. but this assistance will likely last or close to the end of the year. and then new assistance will be required. but because of the political impact of a vote, almost 3 to one in favor of aid. now it's not likely that opponents of a or going to account be able to come back and prevent in the future. so prospects for the future and are probably pretty good. and certainly in europe we see europe becoming more and more committed to the defense of the tran is important because russia is causing a direct threat to european security. so on either side, are we likely to see the crane fatigue in the next year or 2 anyway? here we expect the senior uptake on a bigger and leading role in that sense. in the years ahead. i get some friends with already as a person who has been providing more overall assistance to your credit down to us
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as significant. but we're now seeing the europeans talk about expanding defense production, ada pulling more equipment out of their own arsenals to provide to ukraine. not sure, i think we're going to see europe, but very positive, a stronger role. and just for some closing thought, i'd like to get a sense of, of the bigger picture here. do you think that your opinions can also still be confidence that the transatlantic relationship with the us remains and will remain a pillar of its peace and security as the europeans are right to be concerned about the potential election of uh in november which could change the way the us goes with this uh we have seen in the past with no presence dropped to the been in your office before. uh but yeah, most us policies continue as i have been. in fact it was under president trump that us 1st provided legal arm. so joshua and you take muscles to your crate because
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of the size of the vote in the house and the supervisor is likely to be so much similar. there's going to be a lot of my bathrooms in the legislative branch to continue to support your trend. thank you very much for that perspective. that is william courtney, a senior fellow at the brand, think tank and washington. we very much appreciate your time today. welcome and part of what president zalinski says he will use american funds for is fortifying ukraine's orders. drone technology has dramatically changed the bottle for the skies and seeds, but on ukraine's land border with russia. the country's armed forces are focused on a far more traditional form of defense against a looming russian offensive of the modern wolves and may be high tech, but trenches are still proving vital in ukraine. t of is hoping all this will allow
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ukraine's army to hold back. russian forces president. so lensky says, ukraine is building 2000 kilometers of 40 vacations in 3 lines. this is part of the enemy's line of defense. and it's located in the sunni region, which is a 560 kilometer long border with russia. work on defense structures begun here last year, but intensified in february. the regional capital of see me is also in circled with defense lines. local sources say the confidence that any surprised russian attack would no longer break through these fortifications. we start with the new we have the firing position was here, so the soldiers can observe on fire on the enemy. they going to see the next line of defense that's closer to the front line. there's a shelter for vehicles and the dugout, but the crew and the league, but it's made of wood and reinforced concrete. what continues around the
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clock time is of the essence as a new russian offensive is expected. soon. fortifications are also being built in the neighboring chimney, have region know, fall off, and the batteries in boulder. in february 2022 russian shapes posts through this area to much on kids. these structures. and this dragon's p design to slow the progress of tungsten and vehicles, giving the ukraine you know me more time to destroy them on to tongue that jews have been ducked behind them on the area around his mind. the 2nd line of defense is less elaborate. these images, so of course, if occasions in eastern you came here to the on to ton bitches. but no concrete. the outermost line of defense is built by infantry brigades. they have to build on the fire. it consists of trenches and dugouts with wooden floors and is the weakest
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defense. the government insists that even if the army is digging in behind the cover the front lines you claim isn't abandoning its intention to be tempted to have a treat from the russians. but the war is in its 3rd year, often months of stalemate. russia has laid a number of games right now. defenses like these, maybe ukraine's best hope of keeping russian forces up. a 3 german citizens have been arrested on suspicion of spying. for china, prosecutors say the 2 men and one woman established runs companies to obtain research and technology that could be used to help the chinese navy. so for more on this story, let's bring indeed of use political correspondent assignment young silent china. now, of rejecting accusations it carried out spying activities after 3 germans were arrested
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. what more can you tell us about this case? it's right. the visa, a 3 gym and citizens, as you've mentioned, there a keys of fact gathering details about military technology and pulsing that to a chinese client, the stein agency. so this was one married couple who was said to of set off a company here in germany. that was basically move making contacts with jim and experts and academics. and also setting up corporations with the gem and universities of for instance. and one case they were doing a study on the high performance marine engines that could have a military application. uh, but that data was, in fact uh, going back to that showing uh,
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through the secret services there. uh and the they were financing this uh, operation. uh and uh, you know, the gym and also always said, well, no problem. we were aware of it at a pretty early stage. the german government at a is cooling. there's a big success for that. so the defense mechanisms against espionage, as you say, the china is authorities say that they have got nothing to do with it. they've denied these allegations. give us a little bit of context here. is there a precedent for something like this in germany? so i would say that they sees a, a new level for a chinese sourced espionage attempt into military technology. this was a concrete plan with a fairly clear sort of narrative of how the thing was structured and how the information was getting back to china. what sort of information was being targeted? and we've got these 3 arrests. i think that mean the pos chart. there's been
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concern of course about china's industrial espionage activity is against jem and is called makers and engineering firms and so on. and there's also been a lot of concern about the telecoms, from hallway, and whether the data might fly through it, back to china. but this is a new kind of case i think, will simon stay with us for just a moment? i'd like to play a clip from our corresponding thomas, a sparrow who was able to speak to germany's domestic intelligence chief almost housing vaughan about this case that hasn't shown on file for this case has a particular significance screen. we are dealing with a case of proliferation, which also involves weapons new, have this no haul from, from this case shows that china is also active in gemini, and that there are cases of proliferation. here here, 45 jones from the federal office. i was involved in the investigation at a very early stage of time to visit midland. once the investigation was clear,
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we were able to handle this case over to the police and the public prosecutor to have somebody further information pertaining to the case will be released by the federal public prosecutor. so these and 5 become, can came, they had one desktop and what they call mazda, just a few days after 2 people were arrested, here in germany on suspicion of spying for russia. how great is the threat from russia to domestic security in germany? i he and document to have your names. i few and young. yes. we've been aware for many years that russia is fueling major penalties here in germany, exception for him, even before the warranty queen i was talking about a threat and similar to that. so the cold war era is guns, isaac naturally submit. this is of course intensified even further with rushes attack on ukraine. yeah, i'm gonna have to realize that russia is engaging an espionage of a type. so cyber espionage, i influenced operations on this information month. and this tool box, as we call it, well not fully, also includes sabotaged an extreme case. and then the 2 of each. oh, yeah,
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it makes same for this team as we have to reckon with the fact that rush, i'm the headlights of sabotaged cutty dodson gemini bush. and i'm just those feeling less than go to sign and tell us more about that. what kinds of acts of sabotage are the germans worried about from the russians as well, just last week we sold the rest of 2 agents here in germany, accused of not just spying for russia. they were accused of spying on us military bases here. but of planning actual attacks, possibly acts of sabotage in order to undermine germany's support for ukraine in particular. but of course, russia has also been implicated in many other incidents from contract killings on the streets of the lane to attempt to infiltrate political policies, to hacked government computer systems. and indeed to disrupt the sort of
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infrastructure such is the power. great. so it's a really different order of activity, i think, from the russian side, compared to what we seen from the chinese in pause. and interestingly, thomas housing by also said today that either as he sees it, the chinese preferred to be mod low t, as smooth as he described it, there espionage activities. but he still owns that, as he sees it, china is determined to become the global number one by 2049 politically and militarily and economically. and he says that he that ready to use illegal means to do that simon, thank you for that. but the state of these political correspondent, simon young, are now people around the world have been marking earth day today since it was 1st observed in 1970 earth. today has been
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used to call attention to environmental problems. this year's theme, plastic versus the planets in hong kong, a new law came into effect today aimed at phasing out a single use plastics and businesses such as restaurants. and in south africa, volunteers picked up plastic waste and other fresh from some of the country's most popular features in cape town. and that is our show for today. you can follow our team on social media at dw means, or for always online to w dot com. i'm clear, richardson, thanks for watching. the
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