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tv   Eco India  Deutsche Welle  April 23, 2024 7:30am-8:01am CEST

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casual funds in the amazon, yet the automobile industry doesn't care about the supply chain. process. all that much. illegal as a starts may said on d w the or is the new young? well, let me explain. hello and welcome on. so i think everybody and you're all watching equally from fremont, good fashion refurbished phone and on slide deck or z was in the fatty gee size of the water. and then also one of my favorite cents. and this will be yours. not only are lucky today,
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e waste is going phenomenally in india, and i think it's time that really considered our consumption factor. should you'll be buying a new phone or repairing your work, or maybe buying or refurbished for a better idea. and what is these lights to this that you would find on? so, so these questions i'm not a little about and or to that's india is using in new ways to be with this massive problem of you waste in this next report. but obviously you guys are going to place the big tech companies withdraw the didn't exist. it's a sunday evening and this market in north debbie is la still 1390000000 mobile phones the solar globally. and it will 5000000000 mobiles estimated to be thrown away. but right here could be a solution for much of this waste. i'm in the north indian market and there's really nothing you've con, get to the people are just using whatever they have it on them to
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fix what's broken. because changes in the way products are made is changing this market and others like it without even full of the 5 or 6 of us m o u h o u m o u, that one. 0 yeah. when do you to do that? that one. and because people are choosing to buy new rather than repair e waste, and they'll mix up the majority of our overall toxic waste and it's happening all over the world. so many people are now working to bring this roof band mindset back in the retain this ingenuity and the cultural fixing was broken. but also keeping us a, going to me, i'm here, i'm daily the respect to figure out how all of this is going to fails. i've had my phone for 4 and a half years now, which is a relatively, very long time to on a smartphone. i'm going to challenge with my size and see how much longer i can
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make it last. but i've also been very careless, uncompleted void, my display. i looked it up and it costs 30000, refuse to buy a new phone on the same models. so i'm here to see what else was getting into bed instead of a lot of i'm just not sure whether it's worth being a ton of them getting a new phone with a new buy cheap and amenities. the showroom quoted, $16000.00 rubies, which is more than half the price of the phone. so i'm not going back. i'm going to get a few more quotes from a different place. this is an informant and semi form, an electronic deposit. this is a grey area, some vendors may be authorize the, those are, those may not be registered. not all of them pay taxes yet because they told me they can offer the cheapest services by cutting deals over or under the table a find some look around or the other models that 7000 are the best thing to get is because of the maggie
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quite interesting that everybody has quoted me a different single, which means that of course doesn't stand there, then you have to have it and you have to find the best price, which does take a lot of time. to think about. india has a long history of repairing, over replacing most read, gone those ones, how to call the other cielo, who fix our use of state and families for many generations. but it gets more nice. this tradesman specializes in only fixing the economic boom of the 1990 the 2000 and change this culture completely with more money in their pockets and things getting cheapest. people started buying mall and somebody else happened. india went outside digits of every kind of payment is now done online from rick shows to coconut, brought to having a phone is now basically mandatory phones in the us for cheap and accessible that
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are more people with phones, then beds, all mattresses or chairs electronic devices to became an outlier to the old immune debank. gotcha. mainly because electronics companies don't allow for repair. gadgets have been accused of being designed for the dump. it's called planned obsolescence and companies have been taken to quote over it's, for example, this year apple is prepaying to be up to $500000000.00 in the us and settlements in a case like using them of slowing down old iphones. the italian government find samsung 5000000 euros in a similar case, but found that updates slowed down devices. as a result of all this e ways has drawn phenomenally in india, and many countries have had similar results and their stories of development. and after them's very little of this waste is formerly recycling. this is where electronics come. this is the biggest electronics waste market in the front,
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say truck loads of discarded electronics come here every day and i'm dumped onto local traders. these people separate them and sell parts on the recyclers or other kinds of strap dealers. there's literally e waste everywhere. look at that here . say to is break down the tech to recover anything of value the results of this kind of informal dumping. i mean of this by what's meant to be a storm drain, but there's no space for water to flow. we saw a lot of people including and especially children, collecting anything of value. and this scavenging comes at a high price, the legs gagne and mobility of an e we use has been known to cause skin conditions in the 1st instance. but it's also been linked to problems with the liver and development of the brain, including
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a newborns. it was very hard to film here and nobody really wanted to talk to me on camera. i met se, and ha, a research show of chemical pollution to ask what needs to happen to stop this to both on the production site, autumn consumption. so i don't have to make a lot of adjustments on the production side. i can see that how people design products fit us. suppose they're going to design the product, which is more than letting nature. but that's what a v i will just, you will just putting a product because you cannot take you to the next level. the 2nd thing is about lowering consumption is also because if we design products, but if it lost with me for a long time, i am not likely to desponding. so my risk of generation becomes reduced. tow thing is about we need to formalize or pass. we need to formalize refurbishments and by law or also the method is only that. how do we encourage this?
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i think that we have not been able to break to this 3rd thing is something the government is starting to work on. it launched a $14.20 to ensure that citizens have the right to repair around 50 companies of signing up sofa on people. these include manufacturers of farm equipment, consumers, you roubles, and altima buyers, as well as electronics. i met the man in charge royd, commerce thing, the highest sucking administrative office, the ministry of consumer affairs went over the main points. in case the product required. zip is a routine maintenance. it shouldn't be expensive, it should be easily accessible. and it should be noted li, available in the for system of the consumer. so we put all that together and we are doing that i to repair a framework. most specifically, this would include access to information on how to repair,
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providing cheap and original step up to consume of i'm fluid bodies and it also includes more specific called so action like that. all charges must be u. s. b c. by june 2025. you don't want to become in an impediment in the ease of doing business also, you know, it's a, it's a very tricky thing. so on the one hand, you want more business name, the you want economy to grow, you want more of the i. so you want to make things simple and streamlined, but you also have to protect the consumer, protect the planet, and these things can be competing. right now there's one main problem. this framework is bought entry. it hasn't been able to past as a bill environment. and that this is going to be a low cost is this is some way donio, profess of law at alliance university in manuel, who has looked into where india's ad with the right to repair. but it's possible at the bottom and also one buffet, right? yes, visible is possible because remember that we are talking about also the interest
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of and um let's say produce a groups that are quite powerful. injected was the case it was decided to um, in the mean to 2010. but that's the case. in this case, a lawyer name should cut the food income manufacturers to quote, which only allowed for repairs and exclusive repair shops. he argue that these manufactures monopolize the spare box market and will be using this dominance sometimes mocking up the price of spare pods. 5000 percent. the manufacturer was flooded back and the arguments was that what would be no. so let's say we think give certain tools because you mostly for allow me more people to repair those costs or those consumer goods we go to, it's going to infringe on intellectual property rights. in that case, the court decided against them mandating that they allow consumers to go wherever they choose, based on what they can access and afford the problem that if you have, if you do have markets with intellectual property, i noticed,
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but do you mean discounts investments into that industry, for example, the funds that produce those electronic goods maybe does this, and we have reduced incentives to enter the market in the after getting these the market because it will say, well, but then when we are using based on just the universe, because all the different budgets rex is not predicted because of the vegetables that there has already been pushed back even against the simple u. s. b c charging room. i believe india has asked for an exemption or the leasing, but otherwise struggled to meet production targets. but there are economic arguments for repairs at the moment, most of the material that goes into making electronics remains on accounting for these include important resources like lithium, which we will need a lot more off in the future. so these are of huge national value many countries i'm pushing ahead on this in early 2024. the european parliament
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took the leap forward and voted strongly in favor of strengthening the right to repair. in all $27.00 countries of the summer, even hanging, a group of vouchers paid for by national drawback, funds from so set up what might become a norm across many products, a repair ability index, much like the one that shows you the energy efficiency of say, a refrigerator to give the consumer more agency, the u. s. has not fall behind and such decisions would have impacts and countries like india and beyond the top of the product, standard global supply chains. so they manufacturer for was so the word has to be the same business, difficult task lets you. but then we also engage with you and they are doing from a specific date, they're making expenditures. so reset, okay. uh you plus 6 months. that's estimated to be a $20000000000.00 domestic market for repair and a $5000000.00 domestic market for refurbishment in india. so start to upset,
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jumping in by setting up repair and refurbishment units cdp. i am buying the and gadget wouldn't noise the examples bought with huge foreign investments, the vin, vin proposition for the consumer, for the guy who's looking as and get some employment and the company expensive. and it was because we want to get some benefit because it's cheaper and accessible. and the guys being able to make a living. but this all still exists in pockets, in very early stages. the big challenges, the hundreds of thousands of people whose livelihood depends on for fact, formalizing such a mass of informal economy developing skills, registering, and ensuring the paid tax is not going to be an easy task. even if the government says the intention is that it's also going to be a challenge to keep account of all these resources. but that is the whole, the thing i've decided not to change the display of my phone because it's about
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a 3rd of the costs of buying the new phone. and so it's, it's just too expensive, especially considering. i don't have a guarantee that the new display will last for long enough time to make the investment was that? so i think i'm just going to wait from my phone to dice and buy a new one. but if and when that i to the bed does come into play, my decision might be quite different. developing countries like india have a unique opportunity to still tap into that cultures of renewals and repair and retain them for most sustainable and equitable future. there are more very close on our roads than ever before. and this means of the tie, a manufacturing industry is growing stoppage. and that means that more and more styles are ending up in our ads, not just cycle, but also all the time to use that exporting dad to solve this ios watkins. i'm dealing with them is a major challenge because not only are they more on bio, these are the ones, but they're also very, very hard. so is there any knowledge that can help us with this problem or of
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knowing, i'll stop doing all of it. that's find out it's fine. some money has no shortage of lines right now. his company, but he's not far from them by specializes in re sites into styles. he started out in the business for decades ago regarding the fact that so the funds for the companies that the 1st quote choice. the 2nd one is the uh, bad for because we don't wanna spend $10.00. so be going sauce bias from them. the amount of these values, the says buy is my theme is almost doubled over the past 5 years. his main customers are really most companies, just like the booming market. dia recycling is a growing business in india of last year. it gave new life to some one and a half 1000000. dias, industrial splits, say,
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but it could be more, the majority still end up being refused dumps in order to have safety. supposedly the strategies come up from the government or from the industry side. this important that we don't dump it to 9 shows because that could boast problems such as the infestation of the tests on to be tires or even if you're in some of it. the international bias can actually be very difficult to be in by. the money was dias, can't believe the environment that is to put it in the landfill. that's also damaged the closest cell, nevada, 75 kilometers outside moved by is home to one of the leading styles recyclers. the company uses the lease. what do you do to produce a material? use us as far as reinforcement enrolled, construction for the boston use, it has upside good or was 6000000 use tires, jewelry, and with a lot that how many i had the article it,
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although we just ideas of gifted the don't to do and then process to the machines your 1st, the 1st one is called a dias. heard of ash are those a bad for the tires are suspended 1st in 50 millimeter pieces before being sentenced to another mission called a restful reach for the reduces them to a size of 25 millimeters. these are also called tire. and see if i can save them 25 and then get a website for that. the next step involves chopping up those chips into even smaller pieces and then fucking them up for delivery. the fine granulated is lita mixed with drugs to stones and put them in to create as all materials cause crum, it makes road surfaces more robust and to river the common policy. and in fact, the road engineering policy phase,
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the surface road should have a better product, which would handle the good uh, you know, which would sort of live. in fact, uh, you know, i'd be higher complete advocates and live in the market also which can carry the highest difficulty. so i think the number of the between the between, well what of them when it's in the head and weaknesses? the material is being used in the construction of a 67 kilometer stretch of the daily chapel highway. the conductor on the project says, the modified between both the performance of as far as concrete. he's got ben if you're to be a che i with a quote that improves the right quality of the realtor when compared to regular as far as the to to be smoother. and the more traffic that old gets off, the more able to help reduce frictional scars or your present it or die or back. i'm about experts. see that? the recycling scrap tires when usually is an environmentally friendly alternative
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to all those 2nd life options, such as binding them to produce industrial or the production of crum rubber modified benjamin, however, is extremely energy intensive. due to the high temperature was required steady compared to conventional us, but it didn't reach considerably north c o 2 emissions and yet, despite the positive is all construction companies in india remained reluctant to use the victim in as i believe there is like a big issue i'm gonna be in the street to use or to shred the rubber into the site, the product number one, which also means that you have not get up to use the robot in good. right? since number 2 is there is there still demanded can be kind of
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guidelines for the specifications that you should start using the recycling products. the government has introduced rules under which dia, manufacturers, and importers must recycle their products. companies have been too slow to respond and are demanding financials to thoughts, to implement the regulations. scientists mean by going through a range of opportunities for using the psycho styles. we've also, uh, used to the inter bedding pictures inbox. so if you want to do better dykes or ports that could be used if you want to use it for some other purpose, i think there, there is a number of uses of rubber in, in, in similar to structure as well via the tires of 1st use it takes 15000 scrap tires to produce crum benjamin for one can normally do
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a fluid with the network that spends 6700000 kilometers. india is old, who is immense pretension of psycho waste tires last week is not good for not in line. and we all annoyed, so an environmental list informed us that he decided to clean up all the beaches and read them or forcing the news. but he did not stop there. he decided to turn it into something more useful and beautiful and teach others how to do the same. for example, the chip does not end up on the shore, but instead, it's shawn's phones into something like this. i got seen even useful. i made dorky from dress. what do jenny beach in seminar is a force in plastic waste. substitute eigenvalues used to handpick the rubbish and dispos adults in garbage bins onto. he'd realize that that didn't make it disappear
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. today. he views plastic trash as a result, a raw material that he thrown into attractive items in spite by the years he lived and worked in australia, when moved austic is recycled. not to know what is left the funding to live on the 3rd party cargo. i spent my childhood here info to to everything. and i went to the quote here for 10 years on the time you and i loved the beach and i am phones of the see almost every day, almost every day i would come and play by the sea shore. well, i know of the many. so i have lots of memories from that time i and i got an amazing beauty to be a lot to me. so i returned and i think i'm gonna have to be. but after i came back, i noticed lots of things with into the same buying them out there with piles of garbage on the sea shore. i sense the urge to try to change something. i put the plastics problem, especially multi layer class things like particular tea bags. for example,
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can be recycled. it's a huge board and one out environment, but nobody knows on either. busy video, but he's no focusing on his skills to people in and around for bucetti in the book . but it's in that article mode, the plastic garbage under control and not affected him. d p as there is no proper solution. instead of connecting and cleaning the garbage to create custom products, it would be easier if everyone separated the trash at so summer. and that's being because the software from the 2nd using what tedious used to package metal either, which is pretty recently. find the alarm about asa via the machete. the optics can be sold. the environmental activist advices women about how to make money with their trucks outside these items like this bag, for example, was sold as a 0 waste festival in chevy. it's a win win situation. finance, i'm from now you'll come down to robin livelihood. so based on the slick i like
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these these low describe it as being washed ashore like plastic and other trash. they had no idea of what to do about it, but now the use of to me baskets, 10 bags, and other class to create. hello ma'am ma'am. in mississippi g comes to collect the for the bees, this $200.00 and then do this for small basket. that's moved then to your it was about 300 the peaceful, big bus gates on 80400 bucks a night, 100 for children's bags. and the important thing is now of a village is very p. there is a close plus 5 another for the la you put in a lot of good as the leaves left in the st just alone. then i saw those village them and making a living. doing this, i got inspired to whole n t r o the are all very happy about and get out and put them both on the a lot of your loved ones to spend a sense of responsibility for from my side. didn't know i didn't know step. this is
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a small step from my side of goods if we are old, so minded to make some effort. and then we can protect our environment to be chosen and ready to meet to alaska. perfect, but the biggest trip to pieces is the belief that someone else will see that i am totally on board with this idea of designing maximum value. i'll just see whether it's just too recycling or reusing or something else. what do you will teach? are there any such habits that you incorporate to me on the life? do let me know. you can email us or reach out to me directly on my social media handles. i will see you next week until then take it good by the
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the, the
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action i just felt i felt like i was ready to direct honeywood style director and act to have a nice shovel on in an exclusive interview. anecdotes from the center as well as in yellow analysis. and what really trying to see the outs unveiled and fuzzy minutes on dw, this been kind of how the woman but i'm not
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a man either. not a 3rd option or anything else. i just don't have a genders. robin has fair to become. domestic held in family and friends react to the change. and the partner. not a man, not a woman, a gender. in 19 minutes, w, the . why do how thing does not get drunk? why do gravitational waves squeeze out bodies? how much do we need per day? pounds cream for help. find the offices get smaller on dw science and i'll take
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10 on this shadow. some of these costs and video shed lights on the dog is devastating. colonial har is infected by germany across up, and he employed a score, farms and destroy lives. what is the legacy of this wide spread races, depression, today? history. we need to talk about here the stories, shadows of german colonialism. driven by greece in the 2000 a starch of bank engaged in various high risk business practices, race for ever higher profit. and then the ethic, the minds of the gentleman institution, the dodge of back story starts may 2nd news on the w. the
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. this is the w news live from the live ongoing recovery assets at the size of the mass graves in gaza. look and say they have recovered nearly 300 bodies at a hospital in the seats con unit will. so coming up on the program, we visit a small ukrainian fits close to the russian border, community toner pots, it's people trying to put themselves back together again off the sleepless nights on the russian bombardments and the british parliament cost is a controversial bill to the port asylum seekers to rolanda, the prime minister in 5th, the 1st flights will lead within weeks.


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