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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 23, 2024 10:00am-10:31am CEST

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the, the, this is the w news live from the ongoing recovery efforts of the size of the mass graves in garza work and say they have recovered nearly 300 bodies at a hospital in the seat of hon units or so coming up on the program. the bridge column and pauses a controversial bill to the port asylum seekers to for one the, the prime minister and 5th, the 1st flights will lead within weeks and we visit a small ukrainian city close to the russian border. community toner, pos, it's people trying to put themselves back together off to sleep. last nights on the
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russian from the menu hoops mckinnon. welcome to the program. we begin with some breaking news, a stuff member of germany's fall rights alternative for germany. policy has been arrested on the suspicion of espionage prosecute. as a saying he was spying on behalf of china. the worker is said to have been an assistance to the a f d policies. top candidates for the european parliament elections of the arrest came just hours of to 3 job and nationals were detained on similar charges. federal prosecute to said a 2 man and one women had sup from companies to obtain research on technology that could be used to develop china's navy. information about their activities was collected by the gym and domestic intelligence. as get more from dw security
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correspondent on the spirit his in berlin, thomas, what more can you tell us about this spy case as well? some reactions are already coming in. this is being described here in berlin has a very serious case. indeed, the german government, in particular, the interior minister stressing that a fault this is confirmed, it would be an attack on european democracy. the f. d has only mentioned that it would be a very concerning case if confirmed, but they sold ready turning into a very big case here in berlin, specifically because the person who was arrested is said to have passed important information about the european parliament operations and decisions to a chinese special as a chinese intelligence agencies. so there's still a lot of investigation to go on to until this is completed. but 2 things are
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relevant to the discussion just now one. this comes ahead of european parliament elections in a few weeks time. so this could explain why there's an interest specifically on gathering european parliament information. i'm 2nd, it comes just, i was after 3 of the people who were arrested here in germany for allegedly spying for china. so all in all a very serious case. indeed, we're expecting more details to be released in the next few hours in the next few days on this particular case. so this case, 3 driven systems arrested yesterday on suspicion despite the china last week, 2 drums were arrested, accused of spying for russia. what is going on here? how can this be explained? there are different elements to understand why someone would spiteful rochelle. someone would spiteful for trying out part the see the spying for tying know
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something that is more long term, then the spying for russia. and we had those cases in the last few days where people were arrested for allegedly spying for russia that included possible sabotage in the chinese case, it was mostly about gathering information that could then be used for military purposes. but what we can clearly say out of all of this is that germany's intelligence agencies are very busy, indeed with spying coming from very different countries, but that in general, very different in nature. so all in all for germany is all parties which i mentioned to administer ministry for gemini, security agencies, very difficult cases in the last few days to deal with homeless like he is as dw security correspondent, thomas spyro, gauze of how most control the civil defense agency says it hasn't been covered, almost 300 bodies buried in the mass graves. the agency says some of the dead had no closing. it was uncovered inside the nasa hospital complex. in the southern city
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of con eunice. the hospital was rated twice by his ready troops and is no longer operational, as well as military says it is tracking in the, in the information which has not yet been independently verified. meanwhile, a new independent report says, israel has failed to provide evidence for its claim, but members of the u. n. agency for palestinian refugees was involved in terrorist activities. the review was commissioned by the un following is really allegations the 12 on rock stuff. what involved in the october the 7th come off terror attacks? it concluded that unreal has procedures in place to ensure its neutrality. but the that is room for improvement. i also did the lease on your claim i who is in jerusalem, how is relas responding to this report? a balance on ro is that it has responded in a form of
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a tweet from the foreign ministry saying that uh, that's according to so long a possible to determine. but when the ends and how most ends and a very much criticizing the report as saying that it ignores the severity of the problem. and the severe infiltration of homos that when right is part of the problem and the part of the solution. and this had been distance all of them after the serious allegations raised by israel, that some of the staff members buy one robot involved in the october 7 a terror attacks. now this report had been prepared by the french for a minister, cuz we colonda and a 3 human rights organizations that have been working on it for the 3 blog posts, uh, 3 months. and now this report had been released last night and as you said, they have a set, there are enough safeguards and procedures in place to ensure and that's what they were looking at. the know, try that the of the organization that they recommended. and several points to
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toughen up those as safe guards, especially also when it comes to the vetting process where list are has been in the past already often staff members that are employed by um and what has been submitted to is really a socrates. but they also said that a so far as well, it has not provided a more evidence as to the other cations of the staff members. we also understand as another internal investigation ongoing about those particular stuff. members that has not been published yet, but the question is now of course many countries have a suspended the funding. some have restarted the in the meantime. and now the question is whether other countries really follows suit. okay, and can you, can you also give us a quick update on the mass graven in gaza that the mouse around health authority says has been uncovered? what are the officials saying about that?
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well we don't have the full pictures there yet, but the civil defense forces there. and then i'm also socrates and goals have said they have a phone. so for over $280.00 people in a temporary burrow side and the courtyard of the and also a hospital now is run has to end the process of identifying those being very to is run has said they're checking those reports that have not commented on that of course, that comes know of to is ro withdrew from a 100 units in the beginning of april. and we understand that many of the relatives of people this some had sort also showed the hospital which was then uh, where the army was also operating. and they said they, they going to to looking for the last ones and to basically be able to bury them in a, in a proper a graveyard. tanya, thank so much for the update that's t w's. tanya came a reporting from jerusalem. let's take a look now,
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some of the other stories making headlines around the world and police have arrested thousands of students that have pro palestinian demonstration at new york university. hundreds of protest as many of them jewish protested despite come to this warnings, not to universities across the us. i've seen similar protests since. the israel from us conflict began, and up to the last year origin. tina's president, javier mila says the country has an economic supp less in the 1st 3 months of the year. it's the 1st time since 2008 that out. and tina hasn't had or hasn't run a deficit for an entire course. however, the critics say his home shall still receive measures of damaging the economy to the hush money trial of the president. donald trump is underway in new york. he is accused of falsifying business records to cover off the $130000.00 payment to a pulling out to,
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to keep the silent about an alleged sexual encounter. it is the 1st step, a criminal trial, the full let us now persons paula man has passed a controversial bill to send asylum seekers to rwanda. this comes up to 2 years of political wrangling and legal baffles will make has finally approved for the legislation officer, a mattress on tassel between the upper and lower chain. the poland that the when laced into the nights, the precious prime minister receives food not is insisting that the 1st lights carrying migrants will leave within weeks. but the bill is expected to face legal challenges. a desperate people making a desperate crossing migrants take rubber boats across the english channel, a 32 kilometer journey to seek asylum in the u. k. britain, this conservative government has made its plan to deport asylum seekers to rwanda. the centerpiece of a policy intended to deter people from making the crossing. in april 2022,
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the home secretary struck a deal with the wanda's foreign minister to send people there while their claims were being processed. a 6500 kilometer flight from britain to central africa. the u . k has already invested over 200000000 euros in the plan. hotels and rolanda had been converted to lodgings for migrants. still sitting empty. as the plan soon ran into legal challenges, the 1st flight scheduled to depart a military air base in june 2022 was a boarded u. k. supreme court ruled the scheme unconstitutional and saying it could lead to human rights abuses that prompted the government to introduce a new bill, declaring that rwanda is a safe country. despite the history of mistreating migrants, the bill also orders you k courts to ignore the countries own human rights act, as well as international rules and refugees to the un human rights office wait in
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the last month. the combined effects of his bill attempting to shield government action from spammed, the legal scrutiny directed on the call to basic human rights principles. supplements, comb with folks that international human rights on the sign and related obligations following legislation. we urge the u. k. government to take all necessary steps to ensure full compliance with u. case international legal obligations. other critics say the plan isn't just on lawful and humane, but wasteful and expensive to when government assessment says that removing an individual would cost $63000.00 pounds more than keeping them in the u. k. it's also unclear just how much of a deterrent effect the plan, whatever have despite all that, there have been calls within the european union to adopt a similar scheme. eager to cut down on migration other countries the, the plan as a possible model. alright, let's chris straight over to london. where are you?
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k correspondent charlotte chilton pill has been following events for us. hi charlotte. so this bill is finally set to become loyal. can you talk us through mondays? events in the process, you call them and tell us what happened as well as rudy has been used in the making 2 years since it was thus proposed. since then, they've been very protracted legal by tools, including from the supreme court to said that what risks associated with this one that they said was an unsafe country for migrants to be sent to see a being that they may, if they were sent, that they may wrongly be sent back then to the home countries where they face danger. and then you've had this contract and fossil in the houses of parliament as well. up until the early hours of the morning. this morning. the house of commons, the house of lords, the elective house was trying to add changes to this, and this was written down as the government would say. ultimately though they faxed
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down saying it was down to the elected house of parliament to make this decision. and it will now become lou. this is a big victory for the prime minister. he really has made this a key policy even on the key policy of his premiership, stopping the boats in his woods, stopping those dangerous crossings. he's how over this as a landmark my meant that that critics human rights campaign is this really is the moment that they had been a spirit. now, why has it been so contentious? well, those critics would say that it is immoral that it breaks international human rights and was only point out, but it's very expensive and i'm afraid and whether, whether in fact it will, why? cuz it's a terrence and the government is on the other hand, they will be pointing to news that we're seeing coming across this morning. uh we're hearing in front of me. do that. i have been a more fatalities. older people trying to cross the channel and the government will
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say, this is exactly what this legislation is intending to prevent. and since trying to stop people making that crossing, stop people smugglers and ultimately save lives and not because it's a tyrant for other people of as i say whether or not that will actually what is on clear. there are a lot of questions still about how this is going to work in practice. so very controversial, but as you say, a real victory. so the prime minister refused to not. he has pledged the 1st flights at the posting migrants will leave in, in 10 to 12 weeks. come, what may so, so how realistic is that goal up to date? and he said nothing will stand in his way to get these slides off the ground. i think there is some skepticism also from the bridge public as well. they will know that the prime minister really and made a big deal out of saying that flights will b o y spring. that's of course, a clear, you know, the case of what the prime minister did do yesterday was set out some more than
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just sickle plans. he said, plans have been chosen, he said, and i field is on them by as well. so you did outlined and little bit how this what, but as i say a lot is still unclear, including on the number of people who will be put home flights, should they take hoffman and deeds that will be crucial to seeing whether all this guns, why? cuz there's some kind of of terence going forward. and of course, the people who are desperate to make that crossing critics will say that they will still still go ahead with, with the risk or even the long good time we are expecting to see legal challenges to this disease. said individual appeals as well. and then looking for the even more into a, the next selection that's expected to take place to see the labor opposition who are very much expected to win their against this. in fact, they've said that they hope that it will be scratched. so even if points do start
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to take off the question then going forward is, is how long will that be the case? you've mentioned the concerns, the worries about a human rights, un experts, a warning the if this bill passes and lines could actually become complicit in violating human rights if they used to transport people. so how is the government responding to all of this person system to yes, they didn't respond specifically to that criticism that came across. but of course, for the, as the airlines, they will be looking at that when they a good deal of concern reputational damage would be a risk for them. critics to say the government, they very much stands behind this. they say that as i say it's a one, a m p member calling the saying this morning. in fact, it isn't immoral is, is the moral thing to do to try and stop these. the vote crossing say very finally
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pushing back on the suggestion that the criticism that has come from not just letting you k, but all the other around the world as well. saying that this is, this is the right way for charlotte. thank you so much for that. that charlotte chilton pills reporting from london and ukraine more than 2 years after the russian invasion border areas. i'll still coming on the massive shelly and months ago russia launched a wide spread bombardment of townsend villages in the city of region in northeastern ukraine, using missiles and guided ariel buttons. dw met with residence of a village called the recap, is a rifka. and with former residents whose now fled elsewhere for their own safety. the silly region 6 kilometers from the russian border before the month varmints in march, 4000 people lived in the village of a leak up. he's carissa. now about $500.00 are left. the regional government says
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russian aircraft dropped nearly 200 guided bombs on the community over 2 weeks and march macola and his wife tomorrow stay to take care of their elderly parents that you can come up with you. what. what did they shape for you? my father in law said i was born here. i'm going to die here and that's it. i have to give him food. he can barely stand on his own feet that the dust, the police helped evacuate residents from villages near the border, while local authorities organized evacuation buses. some villages are now completely empty. in the legal piece, carissa local infrastructure was destroyed. the administration building the hospitals, schools, workers were just finishing repairs on the library when the showing started the mobile. we have you for winning project from ideas, but we didn't have time yet. we didn't have time to do it,
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because now i think we've gone down and looked at that and we will restore it again . for more russian air strikes could come at any time. we asked the mayor of she is afraid to stay on and work here. sidney this is my house, this is my home. i'm not a free to to go out of this town about 50 kilometers from the russian border. now shelters evacuated, to tell harrowing stories of russian bombardments of sylvia. everything was flying from the sky when something happened to my ears. i have a noise in my head and cannot deal with the bushes and really skating on data, but the i didn't want to leave. i didn't want to put the last moment shelter. residents are supposed to move on to stay with relatives or find rental
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housing needs on clear when it will be safe for anyone to return home. of the city region is the only border region under attack by russia. i'll see w correspondent, caroline, a 2 more a how things are looking along the front lines in general to yes, well, as you know, russia has been intensifying is the tags and the whole eastern region. we saw yesterday, for example, that tarkey, if you crate, the 2nd biggest city had been attacked heavily. even the tv tower was destroyed. fortunately though no one died because the employees were hiding. but this intensified attacks that are being held by the people leading not only the front line cities, but also here the capital in kids. yesterday we had several attacks in the middle of the night at around 3 am. 4 am. so you can really feeling you praying that this
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attacks are being intensifying and also that you create a military set that up to 500 strikes, kind of cure in a region every day. and that is of quite a lot that is absolutely and extraordinary intensity. we know that the $61000000000.00 us dollar support package for ukraine is expected to be approved this week by the us senate. and when will it be delivered though, and is it coming soon enough to really make a difference on the ground now? so that's a great question. yes, we're expecting the us senate to pass that bill today and president by then already said that he will sign the bill as soon as it's ready. we do know also that the pen to them is preparing to deliver a bad what kinds of military age as soon as possible. so members of the house of representatives have said that it will take days,
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or perhaps we weeks to deliver that to military 8 that is urgently need it to you and ukraine. we're talking about mainly about defense systems like a to comes but also artillery shells. and this is pre say precisely what he prays at means. will this help a well, yes, of course it will help at present. and zaleski said, yes, say for example, that all the attacks that we saw in harkey could have been avoided with more air defense. and that is also what soldiers are telling us and are telling our colleagues at the front line cities. they do need more amunition, but of course this is not the only thing terrier that they need to. um they also need more soldiers. okay, and a quick question about the mobilization little that was post and you create a few weeks ago. is this going to help to boost the number of training and troops? that is a big goal you claim needs. so to be so $150000.00 more soldiers. and that is what this m. abbreviation, the law is, is trying to do their new centers,
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where people can voluntarily sign up to help you cravings, of forces. the age has also being lowered from $27.00 to $25.00 and for military 8 sir, for military service. and also they are more restrictions for the ones who are trying to avoid this military service. like for example, the penalty they would have to pay that is up to $600.00 a year as a per person. right currently. no, thanks so much for that update. that's t w's. how early? not familiar reporting from a quick look now at some of the other stories making headlines around the world. and then molly, more than 100 bus passengers are being held by suspected you hottest a week off that they will adopted in the central multi region. and that is, according to the news agency, a f p, which sites local officials in the town. those bundio gara, they say the kid enough is full 3 buses to drive to a nearby forest. hundreds of people have protested in indonesia,
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off to the constitutional court rejected. challenges to the presidential election was won by the defense minister for the probate was to be unto his rival, say, the outgoing leader jacob, dodo intervened to help provide well, when almost 60 percent of the votes, thanks demanded a rerun. the court ruled the states intervention had not been proven. now at least 4 people have been killed following days of to rent full rain full in southern china, all than a 100000 have been evacuated because of flooding and land slides in the long don't provence, when you on is one of the worst effected cities. scientists say climate change is worsening. the effects of flooding in the region. cctv 1st, which captured the moment a bridge was washed away. sure. and instead hor pressing quad joan video sheltering de lice gives a clearer picture of the damage. in another town,
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the streets was turned into a raging river. scooping up this car under their large objects several days of dine pours of so the chinese province destroying homes farm landed businesses. rescue workers have been racing to evacuate. those trapped by the daily hundreds of school students were stranded in their dormitories until help arrived. brought them to safety. have a cup to us of also being deployed to assist villages, hit by land slides, the sly as the injured for treatment. each one's quantum is prone to summer floods, but they've started maternity or the unusual a precipitation records for april have already been broken in many parts of the province. the tents, the populated region is low pasted into pearl river delta. i'm just china's manufacturing heartlands to go. it says flood defense is in place,
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but there and also equipped for the extreme weather events that scientists say are becoming more intense and unpredictable because of global warming. the way that you are up to date eco africa is up. next i'm i need to thank you so much for watching the w news. the
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