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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 23, 2024 11:00am-11:16am CEST

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the, the, this is the w news lies from the land, a stuff menda of germany's far right. alternative to germany. policy is arrested on suspicion of an espionage prosecute. to say he was spying on behalf of china. your rest comes just hours off to 3 german nationals were detained on similar charges coming up, the british parliament costs as a controversial bill to the most asylum seekers to ro $1.00 the, the prime minister and 5th, the 1st flights will leave within weeks an ongoing recovery assets at the sides of the mass graves in gauze as well could say they have recovered nearly 300 forties at a hospital in the city of ton unit,
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the right arrow. and you keep this mckennon great to have you with us. we stopped the show with some breaking news because a staff member of germany's father rice will tell us it's a gemini policy, has been arrested on the suspicion of espionage prosecutions say he was spying on behalf of china. the work is said to have been in the system to this man. maximilian call. he's the f. these top candidates for the european parliament elections. now the arrest came just hours of to 3 of the german nationals were detained on similar charges. federal prosecutors said that 2 men and one woman had set upfront companies to obtain research and technology that could be used to develop china's navy. information about their activities was collected by the gym
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and domestic intelligence. this, the dw security correspondence on the spires is invalid and joins us now for the very latest. thomas, what more can you tell us about the spike case? this is turning into a very significant case. the person who was arrested by government officials is said to have passed considerable information from the european parliament, from european parliament proceedings to a chinese intelligence agency. javin. all 4 of these did not specifically mentioned that the person worked for maximilian call or for the far right a f d. but this is something that is be widely reported by several media outlets here in the country. in fact, the a of the sofa has said that they're waiting for further investigations. by that they see this as a very concerning taste. germany's interior minister nancy page that has said that this is indeed if confirmed an attack on european democracy from within. and there
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are also already reactions from china dismissing these claims a saying that they are claims intended to discredit china. so all in all, this is certainly a very significant case. and it's such a neat highlights, a very difficult challenge for german security unintelligence agencies. namely, how to deal with these spying allegations. this is not the only spine allegation that job and he has seen in recent days. absolutely. i mean, we've got this one, we've got the 3 gentleman citizens arrested, a suspicion of spying for china yesterday. and then last week, they would, to germans, accused of spying for rush, so they will, so arrested wilks is going on. what else is making will of this happen? it's important to stress that there are differences when you look at potential or a ledge spying for russia. compared to a ledge, spying for china, germinal part is believe that when you're talking specifically about china,
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it's more about gathering information that china could then use, for example, for military purposes and for business purposes. whether in the case of russia, german off ortiz see potential acts of sabotage when it comes to disrupting german support for ukraine. that was suddenly the case a few days ago. but all these cases highlight is certainly a big challenge for german security authorities at a time. not only when you are p in elections, european parliament selections up in a few weeks time. but also when germany's preparing itself for big events like the football european championship. so all in all, very significant challenges for japanese intelligence agencies in particular for germany's domestic intelligence agency, either tries to deal with these different kinds of spying allegations, whether they're coming from russia on the one hand, or whether they come from china on the other. absolutely, a real challenge and thomas,
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we should just say that the person arrested today has just been confirmed that he is a staff member of the a f. these top candidates of the european parliament elections that has just been consigned. now, thomas bar, i thank so much for your analysis. the albertson's parliament has cost a controversial bill to send the asylum seekers to rwanda. now this comes off to 2 years of political wrangling and legal battles will make, has finally approved for legislation, offer a mattress on tassel between the upper and lower chamber of parliament. not when late into the nights, the versus prime minister refused to not because insisting the 1st flights carrying migrants will leap within weeks. but the bill is expected to face legal challenges . a desperate people making a desperate crossing. migraines take rubber boats across the english channel. a 32 kilometer journey to seek asylum in the u. k. britain's conservative government has
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made its plan to deport asylum seekers to rwanda. the centerpiece of a policy intended to deter people from making the crossing. in april 2022, the home secretary struck a deal with the wanda's foreign minister to send people there while their claims were being processed. a 6500 kilometer flight from britain to central africa, the u. k. has already invested over 200000000 euros in the plan. hotels and rolanda had been converted to lodgings for migrants. still sitting empty, as, as the plan soon ran into legal challenges. the 1st flight scheduled to depart a military air base in june 2022 was a boarded u. k. supreme court ruled the scheme unconstitutional as saying it could lead to human rights abuses that prompted the government to introduce a new bill. declaring that rolanda is a safe country, despite the history of mistreating migrants. the bill also orders you k courts to ignore the countries own human rights act,
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as well as international rules on refugees. the un human rights office wait in last month. the combined effects of his bill attempting to shield government action from spend the legal scrutiny directed on the call to basic human rights principles. supplements, comb with folks are international human rights and assign them related obligations . following legislation. we urge the u. k. government to take all necessary steps to ensure full compliance with u. case international legal obligations. other critics say the plan isn't just on lawful and humane, but wasteful and expensive to when government assessment says that removing an individual would cost $63000.00 pounds more than keeping them in the u. k. it's also unclear just how much of a deterrent effect the plan, whatever have despite all that, there have been calls within the european union to adopt a similar scheme. eager to cut down on migration other countries the, the plan as
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a possible model. are you take our exponent? charlotte chelton pel has been following events for us in london and i asked a how realistic 5 minutes to refuse to next pledge is that the 1st flights the pushing microns to rewan the will leads intense 12 weeks? oh absolutely. he said nothing will stand in his way to get these slides off the ground. i think there is some skepticism also from the bridge public as well. they will know that the prime minister really and made a big deal out of saying that flights will be off by spring. that's of course, clearly not the case, but what the prime minister did do yesterday was set out some more logistical plans . he said, plans have been chosen, he said, and i field is on some by as well. so he did outlined and little bit how this what, but as i say a lot is still unclear, including on the number of people who will be put home flights, should they take hoffen and thieves that will be crucial to seeing whether all this
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guns. why? cuz there's some kind of of terence going forward. and of course, the people who are desperate to make that crossing critics will say that they will still still go ahead with, with that risk or even the longest time we are expecting to see legal challenges to this disease. said individual appeals as well. and then looking for the even more into a, the next selection that's expected to take place to see the labor up position who are very much expected to win their against this and thought they've said that they hope that it will be scratched. so even if points do start to take off the question then going forward is, is how long will that be the case? you've mentioned the concerns, the worries about human rights, you an x, that's a warning. the if this bill passes and lines could actually become complicit in violating human rights if they used to transport people. so how is the government
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responding to all of this persist, isn't yes, they didn't respond specifically to that criticism that came across, but of course, so the, as the airlines, they will be looking at that when they a good deal of concern reputational damage would be a risk for them, critics to say the government, they very much stands behind this. they say that as i say it's a one, a m p member calling the saying this morning. in fact, it isn't immoral is, is the moral thing to do to try and stop these. the folk crossing say very family pushing back on the suggestion that the criticism that has come from not just within the u. k, but all the other around the world as well. saying that this is, this is the right way forward. charlotte, thank you so much for that. the charlotte telson, pills reporting from london a gauze has come off control civil defense agency
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says it has um covered almost $300.00 bodies buried in the mass graves. the agency says some of the dead had no closing. it was uncovered inside the not so hospital complex and the southern city of han, eunice. the hospital was ready to twice by is ready troops and is no longer operational. israel military says it is tracking the information which has not yet been independently verified. meanwhile, a new independent report says, israel has failed to provide evidence for its claim that members of the u. n. agency for palestinian refugees were involved in terrorist activities. the review was commissioned by the un following is randy allegations. the 12 on rough stuff were involved in the october, the 7th come on terror attacks. it concluded that unreal has procedures in place to ensure it's you trying to see that that that is room for improvement. a tiles t w's, tanya clay. my who isn't jerusalem, how israel is responding to this report is about to unwrap it. so it has responded
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in the form of a treat from the foreign ministry saying that that's a coordinate so long a possible to determine. but when the ends and how most ends and a very much criticizing the report as saying that it ignores the severity of the problem. and the severe infiltration or from us that when right is part of the problem and the part of the solution. and this had been distance all of them after the serious allegations raised by israel, that some of the staff members buy one robot involved in the october 7 a terror attacks. now this report had been prepared by the french for a minister, cuz we colonda and a 3 human rights organizations that have been working on it for the 3 blog posts, uh, 3 months. and now this report had been released last night and as you said, they have a set, there are enough safeguards and procedures in place to ensure and that's what they
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were looking at. the know, try that the of the organization that they recommended. and several points to toughen up those safeguards, especially also when it comes to the vetting process where list are has been in the past already often staff members that are employed by when do i have been submitted to is really of socrates. but they also said that a so far as well, it has not provided a more evidence as to the other cations of the staff members. we also understand as another internal investigation, a ongoing about those particular stuff. members that has not been published yet, but the question is now of course many countries have a suspended the funding, some have restarted the in the meantime. and now the question is whether other countries really follows suit. okay, and tanya can you also give us a quick update on the mass graven in gaza that the master on health authority says
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has been uncovered? what are the officials saying about that as well? we don't have the full pictures the yet, but the civil defense forces there. and then i'm also socrates and goes upset. they have a phone, so for over 280 people in a temporary birth side and the courtyard of the uh no sir hospital. now is run the house and the process of identifying those being buried there is one has said they're checking those reports that have not commented on that. of course that comes know of to is ro withdrew from hon. eunice, in the beginning of april and we understand that many of the relatives of people this on that sort also showed the hospital which was then uh, where the army was also operating. and they said they, they going that to looking for the last ones and to basically be able to bury them in a, in a proper a graveyard. tanya, thanks so much for the update that's the w's,
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tanya k, my reporting from jerusalem. and that's it. you're up to date, thanks so much for watching. the driven by greece, in the 2000 storage of band engaged in various high risk business practices raised for ever higher profit. and then the epic des moines overdetermined institutions. the dodge of bank story starts may seconds on the w.


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