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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 23, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the news live from the land sellsman, the germany's fall right. alternative to germany, policy is arrested on suspicion of espionage. prosecute to say he was spying on behalf of china. the arrest coming just hours of to 3 german nationals were detained on similar charges. also coming up the british parliament pauses a controversial bill to the posts asylum seekers, tara, one to the prime minister. in 5th, the 1st flights will lead within weeks and ongoing recovery efforts and the size of the mass sprays involve the book and say they have recovered nearly 300 bodies at
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a hospital in the city of san unit. the i'm on youtube is mccain, and thanks so much for joining us. we stopped the show with some breaking news. a staff member of germany's fall rights alternative to germany. policy has been arrested on suspicion of espionage. prosecute to say he was spying on behalf of china, of the work it is said to have been in the system to this man. maximilian, cough. he's the f. these top candidates of the european parliament selections of the arrest came just hours of to 3 german nationals were detained on similar charges. federal prosecutors said the 2 men and one woman had success upfront companies to obtain research and technology that could be used to develop china's navy. information about their activities was collected by the german domestic
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intelligence service. to the w security correspondent, thomas spire is here, invalid, and joins us now for the very latest. thomas, what more can you tell us about the spike, ace? well, it's a spike case that is turning into a very big political situation. a very big political discussion here in the country with germany's interior minister nancy phase. i already stressing that if confirmed this would be an attack on european democracy from within. the person who was detained was detained on suspicion of passing important information from the european parliament to a chinese intelligence agency. it is still not confirmed the investigation need to be carried on the a if the in fact did confirm that the person worked for maximilian the car but then stressed that they have to wait also until all the investigations that computed to see if that is actually something that is fact based, or only just
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a suspicion. and china also reacted to these latest allegations basically saying that it's just a claim to discredit. tie not what all this means is that is turning into a very sensitive political and security case as well. and by the way, it's important because it comes only hours off to 3 people were also detained here in germany, for apparently spying again for china. this time by gathering information that could then be used by china for military purposes and on this specific case. so not today's case, but yesterday's case. i spoke exclusively to the head of germany's domestic intelligence agency on base is what he had to say as good as this one on file. so this case has a particular significant screen. we are dealing with a case of proliferation, which also involves weapons new, have this no haul fund from this case shows that china is also active in germany and that there are cases of proliferation. here you have 45 to ones for the federal
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office. i was involved in the investigation at a very early stage of time to visit midland. once the investigation was clear, we were able to handle this case over to the police on the public prosecutor. somebody show further information pertaining to the case will be released by the federal public prosecutor. so these and 5 a company came in and told us, it's not just china allegedly spying on germany. is it because law suite 2 germans were arrested, accused of spying for russia? so what is going on here? the government officials do see differences between people or agencies who might spice. we're trying to compare to those who might spiteful russia in the specific case of a china. they believe that it's a more long term process where they are trying to gather information that could then be used by time to for example, for military purposes. on the case of people who are alleged a best buying for russia,
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government authorities believe that they could actually be involved also in sabotage and basically trying to disrupt, for example, germany support towards ukraine when he comes to military support was ukraine or political support towards ukraine so authorities clearly see differences between both cases. however, what both cases do reveal is that vcr in particular, is turning to be a very significant. yeah, for job and security services when they tried to identify the specific cases of spying. and it's not important to you, not only because in a few weeks time, europe will have it's a european parliament election, but also because here in germany, germany is preparing itself for a big sporting event. namely, the european football tournament, the euro, 2024 on a such security officials are particularly concerned that this big event of those big events. if we also look at the european parliament elections could be the target of certain kinds of spying, or even sabotage when it comes to, to russia. so old and old, this particular year in particular,
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the last few days had been very, very intense with gemini security service. is that in particular, for germany's domestic intelligence agents. thomas, thanks so much for bringing us up to date. that's the w security correspondence. here in berlin, thomas barbara is now at least 5 migrants, including a small child, have been found dead officer attempting to cross the english channel from from to person. the discovery by french police comes just hours off to persons, parliament pos to controversial bill to send asylum seekers to rule one. the, the prime minister over she c not consists. the 1st lights, caring migrants will leave within weeks, but legal challenges on now expected. desperate people making a desperate crossing migrants take rubber boats across the english channel, a 32 kilometer journey to seek asylum in the u. k. britain, this conservative government has made its plan to deport the asylum seekers to
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rwanda. the centerpiece of a policy intended to deter people from making the crossing. in april 2022, the home secretary struck a deal with the want. as for an minister to send people there, while their claims were being processed, a 6500 kilometer flight from britain to central africa. the u. k. has already invested over 200000000 euros in the plan. hotels and rolanda had been converted to lodgings for migrants. still sitting empty. as the plan soon ran into legal challenges, the 1st flight scheduled to depart a military air base in june 2022 was a boarded. u. k. supreme court ruled the scheme unconstitutional was saying it could lead to human rights abuses that prompted the government to introduce a new bill, declaring that rolanda is a safe country despite a history of mistreating migrants. the bill also order is u. k. cords to ignore the countries own human rights act, as well as international rules on refugees. on the un human rights office wait in
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last month. the combined effects of his bill attempting to shield government action from spam, the legal scrutiny directed on the call to basic human rights principles. supplements, comb with folks that international human rights and the sign number related obligations following legislation. we urge the u. k. government to take all necessary steps to ensure full compliance with the case international legal obligations. other critics say the plan isn't just on lawful and humane, but wasteful and expensive to when government assessment says that removing an individual would cost $63000.00 pounds more than keeping them in the u. k. it's also unclear just how much of a deterrent effect the plan, whatever have despite all that, there have been calls within the european union to adopt a similar scheme. eager to cut down on migration other countries the, the plan as
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a possible model. i, u. k. correspondence to get mazda of the following events in parliament in london for us, whether new rolando is being debated today. high bug it now receives the next government has finally managed to get this lower on the books. what happens now? so there are many question marks that remain in connection with this new rhonda bill because we don't know how many people and when they will actually go on the slide to lawyers migration groups. they will try and prove that the individual plans will come to home if they are being proceeded and being deported to around. they could become claims that the european court of human rights. so there are many legal challenges expected to be a head, bolts of their practical challenges because people to try and evade those deportations they could go on the ground, not that many people actually in detention centers in the u. k. suit. so that's
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really a practical concern for the u. k. also it is really soon, i guess that that in 10 to 12 weeks he hopes that these planes are going to take off. he's also said that in order for this to be a deterrent that they need to be read you the flights and he's hoping that these regular flights will then stalled in the summer. but will it really come to that? will that be regular flights? or will it be a plane here and that is taking off to run the old is really we can judge at the moment. it really is depending on, on the quotes logically, whether this what kind of actually take off or not. so, but given the legal, given the pluck, a practical challenge is that you've just told us about the when soon that pledges that these flights will leave in 10 to 12 weeks. i mean, is, is he being completely unrealistic because he basically just, you know, trying to sound good to conservative versus there is
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definitely plenty of rhetoric when it comes to this asylum policy. research to knock has made it really an essential clang of his re election strategy to stop the birds. that's the slogan that he likes to repeat. critics. so saying that it's, it's a relatively small problem of the united kingdom, for example, this. yeah, in the past 3 months, we've had a far over $5000.00 refugees, migrants coming over in small dates across the channel in the grand scheme of the international crisis when it comes to refugees and migrations it's, it's not a very large number, but never the last 3, she's to knock has made it an essential part of is re election strategy. and what we're expecting is that he will try and get these flights off the ground. and then soon off to announce elections, we know that elections will happen in the u. k. this year, but we don't know yet when and we're expecting the prime minister really to tie the
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deportations to the elections. as he said, there has been an awful lot of chris criticism, what a migrant support groups saying about the policy of this bill or i had spoken previously to ones human rights lawyer and one of her clients and the rock human was already on the plane to run the he then this, this slide was stopped at the last minute by the european court of human rights, but she told me the distress that he felt he was shackled. he could already see the play that was going to be put in to run the subsequently he actually was accepted. his belief of solomon, the u. k was accepted as a victim of, of trust that king said, they know these human rights groups that margaret might, when groups they know, all these individual people that are behind these statistics. a thousands of
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refugees in migrants that, that come to the u. k. and they will try and make the case for the clients, they lots of these people that come over in the small of what's actually do have a right to asylum would have the rights asylum in the u. k. previously, because they, they do phase persecution. but this policy of sending them to run the does it as a blanket but not accept those claims. so they say that you can't government say that rhonda is a safe country. so people will be sent to rhonda whether they have a rightful claim to sign them or not. and then the claims will be processed in wrong the but they don't have a chance to actually come and set them in the okay. good enough and none of them thanks so much for bringing us up to date that. oh okay, lets take a look. now. some of the other story is making headlines around the world. more than $200.00 us quakes have ruffled eastern taiwan since monday. they were off to
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shots from the $7.00 magnitude quake that hit the hawaii in provence, at least call us at 8 full. the fire department said to building suffers for the damage and clean up efforts on going there on no reports of casualties. argentina's president, ibm malay says the country had an economic surplus in the 1st 3 months of the 1st time since 2008. the dollars from tina hasn't had a deficit for an entire course. however, the critics say his hospital stairs, he measures a damaging the police have arrested thousands of students that have pro palestinian demonstration at new york university. hundreds of protest as many of them jewish protested despite compass warnings, not to universities across the us of seen similar processes since the israel, some of the conflict began in october last year. a now clause is how
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most controlled civil defense agency says it has um, covered almost $300.00 bodies, buried in a mass graves agency says some of the dead had no closing. it was uncovered inside then that's the hospital complex. the southern city of san eunice, the hospital was rated twice, spies, rarely, troops, and is no longer operational, as well as military says it is checking the information which has not yet been independent, be verified. meanwhile, a new independent report says, israel failed of the problem and not part of the solution. and this had been distance all alone after the serious allegations raised by israel, that some of this stuff members, but when rober involved in the october 7 a terror attacks. now this report had been prepared by the french for minister, cuz we colonda and a 3 human rights organizations that have been working on it for the 3 long posts or 3 months. and now this report had been released last night and as you said,
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they have a said there are enough safeguards and procedures in place to ensure and that's what they were looking at. the know trinity of the organization that they recommended and several points to toughen up those as safe guards, especially also when it comes to the vetting process where list are, has been in the past already often staff members are not employed by what has been submitted to is really a socrates, but they also said that a so far as well has not provided a more evidence as to the other cations of the staff. members. we also understand as another internal investigation, a ongoing about those particular stuff. members that has not been published yet, but the question is now of course many countries have a suspended the funding. some have restarted in the meantime, and now the question is whether other countries really follows suit. okay, and tanya can you also give us
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a quick update on the mass graven in gaza that the mouse run health has already says has been uncovered. what are the officials saying about that as well? we don't have the full pictures there yet, but the civil defense forces there. and then i'm also socrates and goals have said they have found so far over a $280.00 people in a temporary parasite in the courtyard of the uh no sir. uh hospital. uh no uh is run house in the process of identifying those being very to is run headset. they're checking those reports that have not commented on that. of course that comes know of to is ro withdrew from a hon. eunice in the beginning of april and we understand that many of the relatives of people this on that sort i also showed to the hospital which was then uh, where the army was also operating. and they said they, they going to to looking for the last ones and to basically be able to bury them in
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a, in a proper a graveyard. tanya, thanks so much for the update that's t w's, tanya say, my reporting from jerusalem and ukraine, more than 2 years off to the russian invasion. border area is all still coming on the massive shelling. a month ago, russia launched a wide spread bombardment of towns and villages in the assume a region in northeast and ukraine, using missiles and guided ariel bums dw, met with residents of a village called the leak up as a rifka with former residents who have now fled elsewhere for their own safety. the silly region 6 kilometers from the russian border before the month, garments in march, 4000 people lived in the village of a leak of peace carissa. now about $500.00 are left. the regional government says russian aircraft dropped nearly 200 guided bombs on the community over 2 weeks and
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march macola and his wife tomorrow state to take care of their elderly parents that you're getting collaborative. you what? what did they shape for you? my father in law said i was born here. i'm going to die here and that's it. i have to give him food. he can barely stand on his own feet that the police helped evacuate residents from villages near the border while local authorities organized evacuation buses. some villages are now completely empty. in the legal piece, carissa local infrastructure was destroyed, the administration building, the hospitals, schools, workers were just finishing repairs on the library. when the showing started mobile. we have so many projects and ideas, but we didn't have time yet. we didn't have time to do it. now i think we've gone down and looked at that and we're going to store it again for more russian air strikes. could comment any time we asked the mayor of she is afraid to stay on and
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work here at sidney. this is my house. this is my home. i'm not a free to, to the store. this town about 50 kilometers from the russian border. now shelters the back. you ways to tell harrowing stories of russian bombardments the cheapest of everything was flying from the sky or the one something happened to my ears. i have a noise in my head and cannot hear when explosions are really skating on data. but i didn't want to leave, i didn't want to put the last moment shelter. residents are supposed to move on to stay with relatives or find rental housing needs on clear when it will be safe for anyone to return home to see me. region is of course,
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not be any border region under attack by russia. i off the w correspondent, carina troy. leah, how things are looking along the front lines. yes, well, as you know, russia has been intensifying is the tags and the whole eastern region we saw yesterday, for example, that turkey, if you crate, the 2nd biggest city had been attacked heavily. even the tv tower was destroyed. fortunately though no one died because the employees were hiding, but this intensify the attacks that are being sold by the people living not only the front line cities, but also here the capital intensive. yesterday, we had several attacks in the middle of the night at around 3 am, 4 am. so you can really feeling you praying that this attacks are been intensifying and also that you created military set that up to 500 strikes, kind of cure in
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a region every day. and that is of quite a lot that is absolutely an extraordinary intensity. we know that the $61000000000.00 us dollar support package for ukraine is expected to be approved this week by the us senate. and when will it be delivered though, and is it coming soon enough to really make a difference on the ground now? so that's a great question. yes, we're expecting the us senate to pass that bill a today and president by then already said that he will sign the bill as soon as it's ready. we do know also that the pen to them is preparing to deliver a bad what pins a military age as soon as possible. also, members of the house of representatives have said that it will take days or perhaps we weeks to deliver that to military 8 that is urgently need it to your ukraine. we're talking about mainly about defense systems like a to comes but also artillery shells. and this is pre say precisely what he prayed
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at means will this help a well yes, of course it will help a presidential as he said, yes, say for example, that all the attacks that we saw in harkey, which has been avoided with more air defense and that is also what soldiers are telling us and are telling our colleagues at the frontline cds, they do need some more munition. but of course, this is not the only thing care that they need to. um they also need more soldiers . okay, and a quick question about the mobilization little that was passed and you create a few weeks ago. is this going to help to boost the number of the training and troops? that is the big goal. you probably need so to be so $150000.00 more soldiers. and that is what this m abbreviation. the law is, is trying to do their new centers where people can voluntarily sign up to help you cravings of forces. the age has also being lowered from $27.00 to $25.00 and for
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military 8 sir, for military service. and also they are more restrictions for the ones who are trying to avoid this military service. like for example, the penalty they would have to pay that is up to $600.00 a year as a per person. right currently? no, thanks so much for that update, that's t w's carleen, extremely reporting from the house money trial. a former us president donald trump has opened in new york for us if uses laid out that case that using trump of election fraud by focus falsifying business records to cover up paying money to an adult film star. this is the 1st ever criminal trial as a form that us president donald trump loves this bush lives, but maybe not. this one. the former president arrived in quotes for the 1st day of a criminal trial facing accusations of a legal election interference. the case hinges on whether
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hush money trump flora paid to pull and stuff stormy. daniels to cover up and a legit affair constitutes a crime. it's a case as to bookkeeping, which is a very minor thing in terms of the law in terms of all the violent crime that's going on outside as we, as we should be right outside as we speak. this is a case where you've been a lawyer. the lawyer that they call it a legal expense. that's the exact term, the legal expense in the boss. but the prosecution argues that those payments involved falsified documents. they a legit was pos of a criminal scheme to influence the election by repressing damaging information about trump. pos of that scheme is said to move involved form a tabloid publisher, david peca, buying the rights to negative stories about trump in order to prevent them from
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being published. eighty's later trump is once again on his chances in the presidential race. but this time fighting criminal charges with that you up today. so i my new tooth is making an invite for now. have a lovely day. the
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arts hiring 1st quick protections in 1995. we are this chris, the rep, the german rights dog in fabric given construction research us from calls were a brilliant idea. wrapping up buildings for protection. they developed a successful technology that's now saving an increasing number of buildings tomorrow today. next, on d, w. in good shape,
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these are the typical signs for an allergy. what exactly is the police doing line weiksner a few 10 present. simpson, and which therapy is actually held in good shape. in 60 minutes on d, w, the sometimes to show our gratitude to the highlight for every week, not the model this shadows, these pod costs and video shed lights on the dog is devastating. colonial har is infected by germany across and he employed the schools,
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tactic farms and destroyed lights. what is the legacy of this wide spread races, depression, today? history. we need to talk about here the stories, shadows of german colonialism, the
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