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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 23, 2024 2:00pm-2:16pm CEST

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the, the, this, the dw, do use, live it for berlin, suspected of spying for china, more arrest here in germany, the latest as a staff member of germany's for right alternative for germany party and it comes just hours after 3 others were detained on similar charges. also coming out to the british parliament passed as a controversial bill to the port asylum seekers to vote, wanda, the prime minister insisting it's now just a matter of weeks until the 1st flights with migrants takes all the
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library. golf is good to have you with this, we begin with breaking news more arrest here in germany on suspicions of spying for china. and this time it's a staff member for the far right alternative for germany party known as the a f d. now the worker was an assistant to this man. maximilian cross, he is the a, if these top candidate who's hoping to win a seat in the european parliament in elections this coming june. the arrest came just 3 hours or hours rather after 3 others to remain and a woman were to change on similar charges. federal prosecutor said that the 3 had said upfront companies to obtain research and technology that could then be used to develop china is navy. but dw security corresponding thomas barrow, he gave us the latest on this kits of this latest espionage case, undoubtedly is turning into a big political story into
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a big political controversy here in germany, but also into a story that could have wide ranging consequences from us security perspective already we've heard from very senior officials here in but in including germany's interior minister nancy phase. i was stressed that if confirmed this would be an attack on european democracy from within. now the, if the japanese far right the potty has been at the center of this latest controversy, they confirmed that the person who was detained was indeed an employee of mux media . and todd maximilian caught himself stressing that he only heard of these latest news from press report that he had nothing else to add. but that obviously if confirmed that would have specific consequences. and china also reacting to this. and 2 other cases of alleged spying, basically saying that those reports that, that to discredit tie not this case is also a particularly relevant brand,
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because it comes on the hours off to several other people. in an unrelated case, we're also detained here in germany for spying allegedly, for china and back particular case or not today's, but yesterday's case. i actually spoke exclusively to the head of germany's domestic intelligence agency. and this is what he had to say as good as this one on file. so this case is a particular significant screen. we are dealing with a case of proliferation, which also involves weapons new. how does no haul from, from this case shows that china is also active in gemini, on that there are cases of proliferation here. 45 jones for the federal officer was involved in the investigation at the very early stage of guiding through the harmonies that meet blowing. once the investigation was clear, we were able to handle this case over to the police and the public prosecutor. somebody show further information pertaining to the case will be released by the federal public prosecutor. so these and 5 become can came in. and tom is,
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it's not just showing that allegedly spying here in germany is it? so last week i understand we had 2 germans who were arrested, they're accused of spying for russia. so what's going on here, as there are differences, according to a security official, is when you look at people who might be spying for china compared to people who might be spying for restaurant in the chinese k security with results stress that china strategy there could be long term could be wide ranging could be focused not only on political espionage, but also in trying to gather sensitive information from germany that could then be used by china, for economic purposes or for military purposes. when it comes to russia. on the other hand, security officials stress that the impacts could be much more short to say uh, basically also sabotage is something that was related to the case only a few days ago, and sabotage specifically to affect for example,
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gemini support towards ukraine when it comes to political support and the one hand, but also to mandatory support on the other hand, what both cases however, do have in common is that turning into very important cases. this yeah, for germany, security agencies, any particular for germany's domestic intelligence agency, they have a specific task to look at these kinds of spine cooperation and see what kind of impact those could have here in the country. so it's not necessarily all new government authorities have been warning for quite some time that that could be an increase in spine cooperation is coming from countries such as russia or china. but these cases that we've heard in the last few days are turning really into very sensitive issues, both from a political perspective, but also from a security perspective as well. our security correspondence always bear with the latest here in berlin. thomas is always thank you. the french police say at least 5 migrates, including a small child, died, apparently drowning while attempting to cross the english channel from france to
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the u. k. the discovery guns just hours after britons parliament passed a controversial bill to send a silent segers to rwanda. but just 5 minutes to reach you soon. i consisting the 1st flights carrying migrants will leave within weeks. but legal challenges to the legislation they are expect desperate people making a desperate crossing migrants take rubber boats across the english channel. a 32 kilometer journey to seek asylum in the u. k. britain's conservative government has made its plan to deport the asylum seekers to rwanda. the centerpiece of a policy intended to deter people from making the crossing. in april 2022, the home secretary struck a deal with the wanda's foreign minister to send people there while their claims were being processed. a 6500 kilometer flight from britain to central africa, the u. k. has already invested over 200000000 euros in the plan. hotels and rolanda had been converted to lodgings for migrants. still sitting empty. as the plan soon
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ran into legal challenges, the 1st flight scheduled to depart a military air base in june 2022 was a boarded. u. k. supreme court ruled the scheme unconstitutional saying it could lead to human rights abuses that prompted the government to introduce a new bill, declaring that rwanda is a safe country, despite a history of mistreating migrants. the bill also order is u. k. courts to ignore the countries own human rights act, as well as international rules and refugees on the un human rights office wait in last month. the combined effects of his bill attempting to shield government action from spend the legal scrutiny directed on the call to basic human rights principles . supplements, comb with folks that international human rights and assign them related obligations . find legislation. we urge the u. k. government to take all necessary steps to
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ensure full compliance with you case international legal obligations. other critics say the plan isn't just on lawful and humane, but waste for an expensive to one government assessment says that removing an individual would cost $63000.00 pounds more than keeping them in the u. k. it's also unclear just how much of a deterrent effect the plan, whatever have despite all that, there have been calls within the european union to adopt a similar scheme. eager to cut down on migration other countries the the plan as a possible model rating, the president abraham, the re easy is on a 3 day visit a packet. stay on. this is the 1st overseas trip. by the way, the president of this country launched a massive air strike against israel in retaliation for his really strikes in damascus. the visit is being seen as an effort bind to ron to secure regional support. as it runs, conflict with is really in the middle east, deep,
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it's iranian president. ibrahim is that you see received a warm welcome and focused on race these, these focused on as an important reached of a life and wants to strengthen dies ball kish credit. those that are, that are connections with the brotherly and friendly country of talk. this done to this is not limited to us being night is when we have historic relations party and we have deeply rooted faith related connections between now to country. and i'll give a d a visit, also sickness, but to a reset in good relations. it on get it out in a straight on a bucket. funny. bought it down in january, saying it was targeting militants focused on responded good strikes on it. on the 3rd street by tracy's visit and to gets it on going sick but is right, is changing the douglas and the fees of going western hostility eat on is looking
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to build a close alliance with its neighbor, a neighbor with people large the support it on jump getting the palestinian cause. i came mostly mano cool, but you and your country have taken a very strong and principled stead on gossip over the barbarity and inhumane treatment that is being inflicted on muslims of gossip out of pocket on focused on also stands without palestinian brothers and sisters, ben christine gossip focused on has been going through a political and economic crisis. it needs western allies, but also hopes to expand great tides beat on which has been limited by us sentients to buy from warner. i'm joins here at the big table by my colleague bean is john vin diesel. let's talk about what this visit needs. how is right uses visit. how is
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it being seen in pakistan? considering you've got the backdrop of this conflict with israel? brent, especially when we consider that that is right on it on conflict. largely this visit and focused on is seen positively. uh, docusign is generally our pro palestinian and there and i'll give you an example. for example, when it on a duct is try block. if any social media was full of pleases for it on buckets on the beach, on those had guests calling it on the hutto state. and therefore generally because focused on these are pro palestinian in this conflict, their sentiments are more towards it on and generally bucher from the government is also giving this visit a huge importance that ac is not only will to think of somebody who's going to the hardest to cut archie and fuckers and the state is giving him a v i. p protocol of what message does braces visit defects there?
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what does it send to the western world? because i'm thinking, particularly the united states, which is a big ally, is real. it's also an allied to pakistan. yes. and as a us and it's western allies want it on you i solution and therefore with this present, tracy is giving the message that he has. he still has friends in the region. 4. ok, the fun. it's an incredibly difficult choice because pockets and one for these for neighborhoods focus on already has strange relations with india, with of gone just on. it cannot happen at the full in the neighborhood, but at the same time pockets and doesn't want to make it's a restaurant, a life angry. and because focused on is going for an economic crisis is trying to seek funding from the i m s. so it needs western support and therefore what's interesting is that we see the focused on criticism of israel. and this conflict has been very mike and contained as compared to previous bucket from the government
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sort as compared to other wisdom countries like malaysia and indonesia. so at the end of the day, what are these 2 countries that you're trying to do? are they, are they trying to shore up a bilateral support? and at the same time, are they trying to minimal wise, i guess any, any damage beyond their borders. it on definitely is taking diplomatic support from august on august on has eyes on gas results of it on it on has the 2nd highest gust itself in the was after russia and focused on desperately needs energy to bring its economy back on track of focus on would like to see progress on the multi 1000000000 it on focus on gas pipeline pipeline project, which has long been delayed due to us sections focusing. we're trying to maneuver to get that project starting again. and so both of these countries are trying to take advantage of this visit. yeah, it just quickly, if they're, if we didn't have the, the conflict with israel in their run right now,
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would we really be talking about this visit, or would it seem as important as it seems right now, internationally the a trip seems at if it's seen as important because of, you know, because of this kind of conflict between as dry as it on. but as i've mentioned, it is very important for buckets on to have good relations with it on not only because it wants to be for the neighborhood, but also focused on has 10 to 15 percent of she up operation and focused on doesn't want a proxy was happening and focused on between so i would either be on it on an bed for, for your boss or some drives to have good relations with funding was already solved data. yeah. and she, i'm enjoyed at the yeah, exactly. there are lots of seniors, lots of directions there. you just jotted bean is good to have you hear the studio . thank you. thank you. so you want to dw do is coming up next shift to looks at how smart tech can improve the quality of life. in cities, i will be back at the top of the hour with more of old news. i hope you can join me
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that the do big companies play a role in the destruction of the rain forest. the letter for luxury casa, often comes from illegal capital funds in the m, as in yet the supply chains don't mess a tv deal industry. the illegal as a stats may said on dw.


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