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tv   Shift  Deutsche Welle  April 23, 2024 2:45pm-3:01pm CEST

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sorry cassandra, in 2016. 03 pod documentary series unmasking has paula dot may 4th on d. w. the do you live in the countryside or in a city? more than half the world's population now lives in cities, and that number is only growing city. life often means of crowded spaces and let's traffic jams and bad infrastructure. and when people move to new cities, loneliness can be a huge problem. it could also be an issue for older people. luckily, there are quite a few solutions floating around. and that's what we'll take a look at today on whether it's kinshasa, tokyo or deca, megacity populations exploding. according to a un report, indian capital daily will hit 43000000 in the next 10 years, and that's just one example. when cities grow,
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the needs of its inhabitants really prioritized, so in order to better understand those needs. so the plan is in a stony is capital talent, came up with a new idea digital twins creating virtual copies of new districts before they actually get built. and that's what we have here, a digital twin of one of the p, a future district in a stony as capital talent. the virtual representation helps to test and improve living conditions in the new quarter before the building process starts. one of the benefits of having a digital twin and the planning stages is for example, we can already uh, simulate to mike requirements and look how we change the cityscape to actually make it better for us people and for nature mock as hell and his team created this digital twin with the help of data on the structure of the area transport routes, the weather and vegetation. next, they use the digital twin to map out the general design of the district and to find
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a deal spots the schools shops and coffee ice. so digital twin firstly helps you place the density to different spots and play around with that and understanding where the people are in that area. and this is actually the foundation, the digital twin that can also simulate construction materials and energy demand and helps the plan is calculate how the cityscape, greenery and weather will affect the market. the climate of the new district right. change the street 20 degrees to the left. i put some trees on front of the waterfront and now it's changed the wind on top of it. then suddenly i can see the heat diamonds and the coal dyna exchanging. and this gives me, for example, this universal thermal uh, comfort index, which measures which temperature are comfortable for people. tell estimates that using the digital twin codes, reduce c o 2 emissions,
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but 80 percent of the 1st 5 years alone produced. and so it helps us to see how much materials we need, what is their footprint in general, and what happens if we change out those materials instead of having to rely on experience and opinions, digital twins fed with large amounts of data can find the best possible options from an environmental, social, and economic perspective. this could also help promote using public transportation walkways, bicycle lanes and recreational areas. hopes that more digital twins will be developed using this software in accordance with 8 cities you make requires the 3 to 55 years. our plan is actually to make it more self service, more universal. so it would actually apply to places that have a much different climate than this known as like min by in india for example. so just take the tool, you put your pop in,
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and you can actually work with you to put yourself on by and talent are clearly a very different cities, but they do have one thing in common. many people living that can often feel lonely . in india, there's an app for older people to combat this problem. it's supposed to help those who feel alone, online and offline. gender content and remish and sunny live alone in a flat include a grammar, satellite city of delhi. both this on live abroad with their families. and the only thing that we do feel lonely. our children wants us to move a brewers, but it's difficult to. yeah. and honestly, we belong to a generation that loves or in indian culture, saying no matter how many facilities are available in other countries, it cannot replace the comes that we feel here. and the children recommended the base service amolla the helps the only access medical services, home health care and maintenance services, and even a community to engage with of entertainment sessions. a caregiver
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cold and the daughter looks off to the couple's needs and gives them company. so the, sony's, the caregiver is 25 year old, my name is shawna dmo, a daughter spends time with her assign senior citizens and helps them sort out their medical documents by using the app. it lets you add a person's medical history, the doctors and insurance details maple the task are lots of people who look quite sold into the children live in a different country. when can somebody take care of a lot of things with the medication, but the medical appointment is off so for and every day we call them at a particular time to check on them to see if they need anything or currently i take care of 35 people with the kids as well. how many has select my email treats us like a family member. i guess she asks about so daily routine to size up and immediately
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noticed the final sound in low and off because of everything is okay. if the week the gets good rate, the i've done the opposite of about services, lock and loa come at a cost. the membership plans range from $0.50 to $170.00 euro is per month. and most states that medical records and other information us safe from misuse. however, a great cat should be executed when handing over the information to a company that a good option for those people who can afford it. the bulk of them in nor dates. find that an affordable societies has found an affordable plan in the mo, the provides them with necessary services, and it's also giving them a dependable companion, like my email from a given unload that schuman touch, is a great idea. another classic problem we see was cities of traffic jams, in places like london or los angeles, commuters can spend several days
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a year stuck in traffic. not only are they a waste of time, but they also bad for the environment. so aside from leaving a more sustainable like how can we motivate people to switch to public transport or cycling? perhaps by creating a reward system. let's talk about transportation. going places without a car could help save c o 2 emissions. and it might even get you a discount, green mobility companies that helping individuals to reduce the own emissions related to the transport by helping incense buy them and reward them for using low carbon travel. for example, green sense using that technology to reward people for cycling more into what the grain sent up trucks. the distance use is travel on the box on public transport lock buses, all the subway. february 6 kilometers traveled without a car uses awarded one green sense. these natural tokens can be used in local shops,
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grandson currently has 800 uses in 3 countries. the majority of whom live in the hon, gary and capital for the past, and in munich in germany. in europe pulled in at 1000 green mobility companies work with incentives, but cities need to have a few things in place to use these programs. this could be increasing. pedestrian eyes designs developing most likening lanes and just always improving public transport to ensure that as many people are kind of sharing out these emissions rather than using their own cause. incentive stains are only one piece of the puzzle to reduce traffic and emissions to improve the quality of life in cities. but research has shown that these loyalty programs can motivate users to reduce that carbon footprint. often people do need that extra push to start engaging with climate solutions. you just download an app and then it kind of tracks it for you. so there's
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a limit to what you need to do to start getting verbal. what's the living? a low cost and lifestyle in order to increase the quality of life in cities plan is the data. but getting taught her own cities is easier said than done because they're constantly changing. and in some countries, you'll find that not all houses and markets even registered rate, such as a full, the peek, above and project in columbia. and now using satellite images for their analysis. how much water does the city really need to keep its residents healthy and happy? and how many parks are essential for a pleasant oven? less how many streets and black roots in shore, good traffic flow of cities and demands change? informal settlements on plant and unauthorized housing. areas can lead to limited access to infrastructure and basic services at the university of faith in many in columbia, researches in the peak of and program of discovering the power of satellite images . by analyzing these images,
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one colors to k and his team was able to support informal settlements in the city of many, and the images also allowed them to spot impoverished areas. know sources that are done this, we develop quantitative methods. this allow us to generate variables and these images, and to back to understand a society without making a single survey. you know, says who knows what linquist. the research is, trained a data model named newton. this system analyzes data to predict the future was the requirements in a city based on oven growth projections was there for them. i've got some stuff. you download a series of historical photographs of the city. you want to analyze for free, artificial intelligence, specifically neural networks and begin to understand the dynamics that grows and can then make full costs for the future if those happen spot. so know this as this of my self funded satellite images also serve as a valuable tool for identifying informal markets trading outside of formal
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instructions. this allows experts to monitor the conditions. the merchants can see him as an employees a lot, a lot of and that since they know the neural network was traced to text, more scientifically marshal presidents, sacraments like a storefront. this couple matching dice on display and cx. he said, we looked at millions of points over the city to process them with this tool, and then had new maps of a distribution of commercial activity within the city. you will see on the outcome of 7 plus the use of satellite images has also become crucial for the global challenge of sustainable and mobility lice. plenty of the best places they wouldn't being able to use. so we'll be typing sources of information in open. the software obviously allows us to reach a new level of complexity. we can even increase a little variable currently impossible to test with the official information. but this data can really enhance our research processes. during the day the this,
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the analyzing satellite images can be very useful in of, in planning to safe god sensitive information. however, data security is crucial when using them. and there are many examples of how tech solutions can help improve the quality of life in cities. but in order for these solutions to really have an impact and make a difference, authorities need to fully embrace and promote them. what changes would you like to say in your city and do you think technology can help find those solutions? get in touch with us on social media and let us know your ideas. that's it from us today. so you next on the india digital waste is a massive problem. landfills are at the brink. as the light speed of the advisors
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increased, consumer advocates wants to take action while they still can. they are promoting a movement called the right to repair. i'm here in delhi, back to figure out how all of this is going to fail, it's equal to india. on the w august does cov, pushing on the inside the ring out so this new generation again stereotype residues for the future. in 90 minutes, dw, the
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can use what's called highest have to do with the production. here's a hand the sun. so really indeed the snow on youtube you cream was like a sticking points. you know, pilots you into that warranty wants to finish your studies. now you have a certificate from the train. you can just go back or somewhere else. currently, more people than ever on the move in search of a place in life. yeah. give me something that is coming very, very soon. and yeah, can we learn more about or know when a story info, migraines, the,
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the cdw dues live in from berlin, suspected of spying for china. more arrest here in germany. the latest as a staff member of germany's far right alternative it for germany party and it comes just hours after 3 others were detained on similar charge. it's also coming up the bridge program in the past is a controversial bill to the board. the asylum seekers to, for one, the british prime minister insisting it's now just a matter of weeks until the 1st flights with migrants the bridge off. it's good to have you with this we.


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