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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 23, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm CEST

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is dw news live from berlin moore, a rest here in germany over suspected spying for it's showing up the latest as a staff member of the far right alternative it for germany party. 3 others have been detained on similar charge is also coming up. is real value to present head with this plan, defensive against rasa in southern guns. and that despite rising tensions with its outlaw and britain plans, a sharp rise in defense spending 5 minutes to reach you soon. next, meeting, native chiefs in warsaw today. he says the increase is necessary to protect
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democracy. the break off it's good to have you. with this, we begin with a series of arrest here in germany on suspicion of spying for it's showing to the latest suspect to be detained. works for the far right alternative fort germany party known as the a f d. 2 men and a woman were also detained just hours earlier on similar charges. the german government says that the accusations of spying for china are very serious. beijing has denied any wrong doing a spine for china. that is the accusation made against d. n. g. according to the federal public, prosecutor g is a quote, employee of a chinese secret service and is believed to have repeatedly passed on information to china about cloud store negotiations and decisions in the european parliament
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base. according to jem and media outlets involved debates on security and defense, implications of tying those influence on critical infrastructure in the u. d is also accused of having spied on chinese opposition, members in germany. controversial lead the mind arrested is an employee of the a if these lead candidate in the upcoming european elections maximilian craft, i learned about the rest of the member of my staff of g and g from the press this morning. i don't have any additional information. spying for a foreign state is a serious accusation. if the allegations prove true, it will result the media termination of mr. geez, employment with me. the problem and immediately suspended crowds. employee crime self has repeatedly attracted the attention for his pro, china stands. so now calling for his withdrawal as the lead candidate for the european elections, or at the very least a comprehensive explanation. we have already seen that they have been allegations
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on corruption trying to spread russian propaganda and death information a to watch as the politicians amongst them ex, media and cat. now we have the arrest of one of his assistants. so this parliament is under a lot of urgency to clarify what has happened and then to take consequences. it's really time that we have a thorough investigation and information. what is going on there that the so called petri, what's our, you know, showing how weak they are in terms of taking money from auto crowds from all over the world. just one week of to jem sounds, low left charts visited china. germany has seen several arrests related to a suspected espionage. the german interior minister said the latest case is extremely significant. the father for the ask you not, the accusations of espionage for china are very serious. and if it turns out to be true that this espionage took place from within the european parliament,
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would it be an attack on the internal constitution of democracy in europe past the type of democrats? he in the old prox alarm bells are ringing at the german parliament. to obey popular europe, germany isn't the focus of china, but also russia, that is absolutely clear due to the geopolitical situation. and we have to be prepared for this on the one hand by being ready to defend ourselves by naturally making sure that our security agencies take a closer look and act more vigorously. but we, who are responsible in the political in ireland must also take great care to ensure that we, on our environment are also resilience. and that no spice kind of getting the kind of feel nazzo. english loyce with china has so far officially rejected the accusations of being involved in espionage, dw security corresponding thomas barrow. he has more of this latest case. this
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latest espionage case undoubtedly is turning into a big political story into a big political controversy here in germany. but also into a story that could have wide ranging consequences from a security perspective already we've heard from very senior officials here in but in including germany's interior minister nancy phase. i was stressed that if confirmed this would be an attack on european democracy from within. now the i, if you have a nice fall right, the potty has been at the center of this latest controversy. they confirmed that the person who was detained was indeed an employee of maximilian con. maximilian caught himself stressing that he only heard of these latest news from press report that he had nothing else to add. but that obviously if confirmed that will have specific consequences. and china also reacting to this. and 2 other cases of alleged spying, basically saying that those reports that,
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that to discredit china, this case is also particularly relevant brand, because it comes early hours off to several other people in an unrelated to case we're also detained here in germany for spying allegedly, for china and on back particular case or not today's, but yesterday's case. i actually spoke exclusively to the head of germany's domestic intelligence agency. and this is what he had to say as good as this one on file. so this case has a particular significant screen. we are dealing with a case of proliferation, which also involves weapons new, have this no haul from from this case shows that china is also active in germany. and that there are cases of proliferation. here here, 45 jones from the federal office. i was involved in the investigation at a very early stage of tied to visa mutual. and once the investigation was clear, we were able to handle this case over to the police and the public prosecutor. somebody show further information pertaining to the case will be released by the
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federal public prosecutor. so these and 5 become can came in. and tom is, it's not just showing that allegedly spying here in germany. is it last week i understand we had 2 germans who were arrested, they're accused of spying for russia. so what's going on here, as there are differences, according to a security official, is when you look at people who might be spying for china compared to people who might be spying for restaurant in the chinese k security with results stress that china strategy there could be long term could be wide ranging could be focused not only on political espionage, but also in trying to gather sensitive information from germany that could then be used by china, for economic purposes or for military purposes. when it comes to russia. on the other hand, security officials stress that the impacts could be much more short to basically also sabotage is something that was related to the case only a few days ago and sabotage specifically to affect, for example,
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gemini support towards ukraine when it comes to political support and the one hand, but also to military support. on the other hand, what both cases however, do have in common is the turning into very important cases. this yeah, for germany, security agencies, any particular for germany's domestic intelligence agency, they have a specific task to look at these kinds of spine cooperation and see what kind of impact those could have here in the country. so it's not necessarily all new government authorities have been warning for quite some time that that could be an increase in spine cooperation is coming from countries such as russia or china. but these cases that we've heard in the last few days are turning really into very sensitive issues, both from a political perspective, but also from a security perspective as well. our security correspondence always bear with the latest here in berlin. thomas is always thank you. several us universities have closed their campuses, which to remote learning is more students joined, protest camps against the board,
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it goes up. hundreds of protesters have been arrested. administrators say they fear the citizens could stove in tie some. it is new york university warren students to leave before they called in police to arrest them. they have been living in 10 camps, setup on campus to protest israel's war in gaza. it's a movement that has been growing at universities across the us. now some institutions including this one in boston, or restricting access to campus to deal with what is happening inside. we were following what was going on at columbia university and we're very upset when 100 plus the rest of the columbia put out a call to action versus across the country to set up a cabinets at their schools. so more than 100 students were arrested last week
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at new york's columbia university for setting up what they called pro palestinian encampments. they were established just as the universities president faced law makers and the us congress big realtor about claims of growing anti semitism on campus. the university has now closed it stores and shifted to online learning. but some lawmakers say this isn't enough. every single one of these college and university presidents will refuse to take action should immediately resign in this phrase. i have never seen a more disgraceful act than what we are seeing on college campuses right now. the confrontation between students and administrators comes as pass over one of the jewess religions, most important holidays that underway. well,
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some students will take their classes online. many of the campus are staying put. they say for them, it's a matter of justice and free speech. so israel says that it is still planning a military offensive in the city of rasa in southern gaza. and that despite the fact that it has already withdrawn, many of its troops from the area allies including the united states, have warranty is real against mounting. this kind of operation but is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu says that it's necessary for the fight against them off the air strikes on rough uh, seem from is really which is for months, said they would be followed up by a ground invasion. prime minister benjamin netanyahu has not softened his line. i'm not going to sleep. we will complete the elimination of how much brigades, including and rafa. there is no force in the world that will stop us.
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but 6 months into the war is real now face of strong pressure from its main ally, the u. s. terrain in military operations and not to mount a full scale round invasion into rough when more than a 1000000 people live in close conditions. we have made clear to israel that we think a full scale military invasion of ross, of would have an enormously harmful effect on those civilians and that it would ultimately hurt. israel security is real, has 2 ways to route out. have a full scale ground campaign or a more targeted one. a full scale invasion would probably look like what is this already happened in other parts of gaza in urban areas like han eunice and gaza city. further north from rafa with an air campaign combined with tanks and troops on the ground to potentially catastrophic cost to civilian israel,
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has said it will evacuate civilians to elsewhere and gaza, but has given no specifics. this kind of ground evasion would further antagonize the u. s. which has conditioned future military support on how is real treat civilians in gaza. but israel has also shown it could mount targeted operations. earlier this month commandos recovered the body of a loud cats here who had been taken hostage on october 7th. these rates rely on precise intelligence rather than overwhelming fire power, which pass israel choose as may come down to politics in the us, president joe biden faces significant pressure from the left to restrain israel. while at home benjamin netanyahu faces the public that overwhelmingly wants to defeat from us once and for all. the mark can see it is a retired us marine colonel,
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the senior advisor at the center for strategic and international studies in washington dc. i spoke with him earlier and i asked if is we all can defeat to mos without entering ruffle you to that unfortunately is probably know there's been suggestions that they might surround the city and then use targeted attacks on identified a strong holes. but that will take a long time, these relief can't find them all. how mazda has been very good about digging in and hiding. so if israel really wants to do what it says it wants to do that is destroy from us. unfortunately, they'll have to go in on the ground. and does that mean also accepting the fact that there will be thousands of thousands of civilians whose lives will be endangered for perhaps also his lives will be killed as unfortunately that's what would happen. we've seen that happen in the other big cities guys,
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and con eunice would likely happen in rafa. and it's exacerbated by the fact that hamas is willing to use civilians as human shields to protect its military forces. use relays might try to move civilians out and be careful about that use of fire power. but if it goes in, there's no way to prevent large civilian losses. we have reported now for, for quite some time. the is really prime minister announcing that and defensive in bravo is, is in the near future, but it still hasn't happened. what does that tell you then? the fact that this a grad defensive still has to be got what it says, 2 things. first, israel has been mopping up in central and northern gods up. it's also been distracted by things like these drones strikes missiles, strikes from iran and then the is really response. so it hasn't really had
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a chance to focus on rafa. but it is true that right now doesn't look like these really are massing the forces they would need to capture the city. in fact, all this been happening for the last couple of weeks in gaza is what you might call skirmishing. most of the action has been l square and the fact that we haven't seen this offensive begin in rough. uh, what do you think that means for loss? is it given a most time to prepare for it, and maybe try to re fortify its positions as well? it does, but mazda has had 20 years to fortify its position. so another couple of weeks is not going to make all a lot of or do squeeze that. they can claim that they have defeated a mazda, and it's an important distinction between defeated and destroyed. these rates have talked before about destroyed, but that's almost impossible to be enough of hum us left that they can request to put the feet. that is possible. but tough question though is okay,
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what happens after the is released finish with rafa you. they occupied gaza, which they tried before, was very unsuccessful, and they don't want to do it in the united states, certainly doesn't. what the, as really, is to do that. the ideal solution would be some sort of arab peacekeeping force. but arab countries don't want to take on that responsibility. they also don't want to be seen to be suppressing. i'm us. so the day after rafa is a question up in the air and we'll be talking about that a couple of weeks. yeah, i'm, i'm sure we'll be talking about that for quite some time to come back. sure. colonel mark dancing is always curled. it's good to have you on the program. good to get your analysis. thank you. thanks for having me on the show. well, let's take a quick look now, some of the other stories that are making headlines around the world global leaders are gathering in the ottawa, canada. aiming to draw up a treaty to cut global plastic pollution. the agreement is due to be signed at the
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end of this year. it could be the most significant step against climate change since the parents agreement of 2015 were the $200.00 earthquakes have rev on eastern time. well, i knew they were after shots from $87.00 magnitude quake that hit who all the province at the start of this month. a clean up operation is already begun or they must go forward, has rejected the latest appeal by wall street journal reporter evan gross could bitch against his pre trial detention russian authorities detain 1st of age, back in march of 2023. while he was on the reporting trip, they charged him with espionage rskovich and the united states have categorically denied. yeah, legation, british prime minister receives your knock has announced plans for a massive increase in u. k. defense spending to counter what he calls a global threat or growing threats to global democracy. so your neck made the
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announcement during a visit to worse all along. so i need a secretary general you in stoughton back. you also and bill details of a new 580000000, your military aid package, where you crate that will include boats and munitions and air defense missiles. soon next. as the increase to britain's own defense budget is necessary. as the world, the shows is the most dangerous that it has been since the end of the colon, who so today only announcing the biggest strengthening around national defense for a generation. we will put the case on defense industry unable to take one of a central and lessons of the war. and ukraine is that we need deepest stop pauses of munitions and for industry to be able to replenish them more quickly. we will send ukraine and additional officers 1000000 pounds, hitting $3000000000.00 pounds of support this year. and we'll provide them with a lower just as a package, if you k military equipment. this will include more than 400 vehicles, full 1000000 rounds of ammunition, 60 votes, and no fuel rating crossed,
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vital air defenses, and long range, precision guided stone shot and missiles. part of the pulling our correspondent now christian, when, while she's in brussels, she's been following the story for us. so christie, what, what stood out the most to you from this meeting. we sold your day and more so as well. branch, we've heard it from the prime minister itself, right. the 2 key things that he announced today was of course, britain's increased ministry defense spending, but also the additional supports that the country is going to be giving to ukraine . it's. it's the background in the context of brands that really stood out today. of course, it was mentioned that was all eyes on the middle east that europeans couldn't afford to take their sides off of what is going on in ukraine. it was also mentioned about how dangerous the world had become. a lot of mention about how where in the most dangerous pace we've been in as a global community since the end of the,
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the cold war. there was that the talk of people for terry in states mentioned what iran, north korea, china, and russia who are said to be collaborating and coordinating more sophisticated lee, which posed a more significant threat. it's one of the key things. there was a question among the many questions that they feel that this was the prime minister with the nato secretary general searching for it. and it was about the costs which holding a huge sums of money including that which was committed today. and that which is involved for the field trip. this comes at a time branch where there is increasing public disquiet in europe in countries, particularly in those countries that are doing a lot to support and ukraine, where people are asking all this money that is being dedicated to the war. if an in ukraine does not have been to use in our own countries, we talked about countries like germany where people are increasingly having difficulty accessing services like health care. people asking, isn't this money better of being used for domestic issues? a to that,
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the 2 gentlemen were really sort of at pains to state that the greatest cost really is giving vladimir puts in a when, in, in russia, that, that would come at a higher cost. the nature general say to say for generals from also particularly highlight for me way, he said, if it's costly to have an aggressive navy, but like russia that there is a pies to that has to be paid. and right now europe is paying the least price. that's it is ukrainians who are fighting and that's the cost right now that you, your parents have to pay is to simply fund that. or if it's that the americans couldn't be left to doing it on its own that europe has to point it's weight. so that was a very sort of targeted message to a growing number of europeans and, and people in other nasal countries. we're really feeling that a lot's going to this war efforts. and perhaps that needs to be reconsidered. and we know that the british prime ministers, united, he heads for berlin, he's coming here tomorrow. what can we expect? that's right. we're seeing germany and the,
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and the u. k. cooperating more and more in, in the realm of defense, germany for it spots is, is sort of spear hitting and leading if it's a to encourage allies to invest in the terrance of systems, particularly along the lines of full screen nato's, a defense in europe. so coordination countries to come together and invest jointly in procuring a defense systems, a number of countries. 20 of them have signed up to that. the u. k. is one of those countries, but we expect more sort of discussions along those lines coming together and coordinating, if it's, they talked about how the adversary's all coordinating with some countries needed to be coming together and doing the same. right. the, the use christy movement with the ladies from brussels design christine, as always, thank you mean, while the british parliament has passed a controversial bill to send asylum seekers to vermont a u. k prime minister, we should see nat consisting the 1st whites caring migrants will lead within weeks
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. but legal challenges to this legislation. they are expect just after midnight, the 2 year legal impala meant to be stay all night ended. the order with this vote in the house of commons, the i to the right, 312. the news to the last 237. so the, i have it, i have it, it's a controversial that has divided opinion in britain and across here, as well as in the one to some see it as an economic opportunity. i think it to be good for the mission close to getting but in there's no nothing that is better than human to copy to quote us, we're very grateful to receive the progress from the u. k. because this will support the countries development. i'm not sure go back to the hosting them as an
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opportunity to us as for one and because they have skills which still share with us . so you understand that this is a profit for us of is look at it from an ethical and historical perspective. color of it why 2 and one is history. we had many refugees kindly as a result of the genocide against the to the right. and we got help from the neighboring countries. so we support the refugees that the 2 because we understand deeply it's good for them to come on and good for us to host them on the la hotel now in england. and does is like this man who wish to remain anonymous or not so sure where you're going to find that goes for these people who uh so the, it's like we have a graduated, but we've noted that you had the jobs, we are out there searching for jobs, british prime minister issue. so next phase,
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the 1st deportation slides, but just a few weeks away. and with immigration, a key issue among voters in europe. it's likely that other governments let me keeping a close eye on the policy success or failure. you're watching dw news coming up next to our environment magazine show you go. africa includes a board on health, backyard gardens or hiring women in going up teaching the d w. d 's birth forties,
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the respect, it's all about walk in waves and texting. make sure that's right, sandra, respecting they just studying aids. i mean it's about being up to date with karen and tardy is technology. he's trying for the e co way of life. the environment magazine co advocate next
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sector worldwide. a raised for ever higher process. if you made money, that was the pressure to make more. and then the minds of a german institution, the georgia bang story may 2nd on d w. the when it comes to environmental protection, one of the biggest challenges is how to balance competing interests all too often. there is a conflict between nature conservation out economic goals bought, taking auction on climate change, come and look new opportunities if it is done right. so welcome to go off because i


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