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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 23, 2024 8:00pm-8:16pm CEST

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the, the, you're watching the news coming to live from berlin. more arrests here in germany over suspected spying for china. the latest as a staff member of the far right alternative for germany party. 3 others have been detained on similar charges. also coming up on the show, several us universities close campuses, over pro palestinian protest caps administrators here criticism of israel could view into anti semitism. students say they're exercising their right to free speech . and britain plans, a sharp rise in defense. suspecting prime minister receipts to not commit to native
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sheets in warsaw and says the increase is necessary to protect the democracy. the . i'm quite richardson. thank you very much for joining us. we begin with a series of arrests in germany on suspicion of spying for china. the latest to be detained as a staff member of the far right alternative for germany party. the worker is an assistant to this man. maximillian caught the a if these leading candidate engines, european elections to man and a woman were detained a day earlier on. similar charges. federal prosecutors say those 3 set upfront companies to obtain research and technology that could be used to help the chinese navy. i asked for a political correspondence, simon young to tell us more about the accusations against the sd staff member the
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the my interest do today is jim and citizen gen g. and as he said, he is an aged maximilian cross who is a member of the european parliament at full the far right a half day alternative to germany, a party. and what he's accused of essentially is pulsing information from internal european parliament discussions back to china. and there's also been the claim that he was involved in spying on a chinese people living in germany. so maximilian crawl says that he knew nothing about any of this. the 1st year of it was from press reports on tuesday morning. but he did also cite a statement that spying for a foreign state would be a very serious matter. and if these allegations are proved to be true, it would result in the termination of g n, g's contract. as
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a remind media of and reporting that crowd was on german securities radar because of his earlier links to china. what more can we say there as well? i didn't. yeah, absolutely. the meeting today is they've been ongoing allegations of links between the sd and russian circles. and you know, this is just one more chapter in that. so i think the intelligence, the thought is a big concern for a long time. the, these kind of relatively new fall right populous parties are particularly vulnerable to the intelligence efforts in spying, espionage by a socratic states that and you know, these links with china and russia seem to confirm that assignment is really not typical. is it that you see this kind of arrest in germany let alone the day after 3 other germans were rested on spying obligations?
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yeah, it's already being an extraordinary week. uh, in terms of, uh, you know, uh allegations of chinese espionage. as you said, uh, just on monday, 3 german citizens were arrested. the accused of a trying to obtain military information about military technologies and passing that back to chinese intelligence. and so you arrest perhaps a rare because it's said that the chinese, the approach has been relatively cautious in the past. but i think the domestic intelligence services here in germany, at any rate have been warning for quite a while at that. the chinese are willing to use illegal methods to, to promote their ambitions politically, militarily and economically. and what else does this case tell us then about about
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how to sign a gathers intelligence on democracies like germany as well . i think the ortiz believe, as i say, that you know, these kinds of policies, populace parties are susceptible to this kind of infiltration. and i think what this throws off as perhaps having generally at least a debate about a need for types of screening when it comes to appall immensely, aids and levels have been allegations. so there's a lot of links between the parliamentary guides here in the bonus tag. and the far right seen. so i think that will, that will be one of the big things coming out of this case. simon, thank you. as always, that is our political correspondent, assignment of young to the united states malware. several universities have closed off campuses and switch to remote learning. as more students joined, protest counts against the war and gaza. hundreds have been arrested since last
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week. administrators hearing the sit ins quoted stroke anti semitism, but the students think they're defending free speech. new york university warren students to leave before they called in police to arrest them. they have been living in 10 camps, setup on campus to protest israel's war in gaza. it's a movement that has been growing at universities across the us. now some institutions including this one in boston or restricting access to campus to deal with what is happening inside. we were following what was going on at columbia university and were very upset with 100 plus protesters for rest. columbia put out a call to action versus across the country to set up the captains at their schools . so more than 100 students were arrested last week at new york's columbia
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university for setting up what they called pro palestinian encampments. they were established just as the university's president faced law makers in the us congress, the grilled her about claims of growing anti semitism on campus. the university has now closed it stores and shifted to online learning. but some lawmakers say this isn't enough. every single one of these college and university presidents will refuse to take action should immediately resign in this phrase. i have never seen a more disgraceful act than what we are seeing on college campuses right now. of the confrontation between students and administrators comes as pass over one of the jewish religions, most important holidays that underway. well,
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some students will take their classes online. many at the campus are staying put. they say for them, it's a matter of justice and free speech. earlier i spoke to our washington correspondent benjamin offer as a group or for more on the story. and what the students want more and more universities and colleges joining them. the students at columbia university in new york, we just saw the pictures that said they would keep doing temperament. that was set up last wednesday until the university divest from companies with ties a to israel last weekend and on sunday was they are not covered. the so called gaza, so late already and temperament and fly as we're being handed out, stating that this thing happened would remain until the university davis, all as finance as an editor requested by the university n y p the police. busy it's a to arrest them that lead to only formal a campus, a demonstrations with seeing right. there was benjamin alvarez group earlier. now
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british prime minister refuse to knock has announced plans for a massive increase in u. k. defense funding to counter what he calls a growing threat to global democracy. so not the way the announcements during your visit to warsaw alongside nato secretary general against oldenburg hills. one failed details of a new 580000000 euro moultrie, a package for ukraine to include boats and munition and air defense ourselves. so next, at the increase, the britain's own defense budget is necessary as the world is in the most dangerous moment. it has been since the end of the call for so today only announcing the biggest strengthening about national defense for a generation. we will put the case on defense industry on the whole for to is one of a central lessons of the war. and ukraine is that we need deepest stop calls of munitions and for industry to be able to replenish them more quickly. we will send you create an additional offer 1000000 pounds, pitching $3000000000.00 pounds of support this year. and we'll provide them with the largest ever package,
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if you came military equipment. this will include more than 400 vehicles, full 1000000 rounds of ammunition, 60 votes, and i'll show rating croft vital air defenses and long range precision guided stone shutter missiles. and our correspondent christina window has more on this story from brussels. i saw on the middle east right now, but rashid, so next a prime minister alpha, the u. k. was it pays the state that europeans could not afford to take their eyes and their sights or false. what was happening in ukraine? ukraine is of course, fighting wolf that russian invasion as we speak. and we know that ukraine is coming short in terms of ammunition, and it's also desperately needing a defense capabilities that it has lost its allies for the bridge. prime minister did highlight the fact that west and efforts to help you brain had been stopped in scots and that at times had been piece meal. he said by today's, with today's announcement, he was hoping that brittany would be taking the lead in,
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in rallying up allies to once again come around to make strong commitments. not just in the way of supporting and supplying ukraine with me to trade, but increasing defense spending. so as to both figure p a european security. one of the key things was in the q and a when a journalist, us the question about the cost at which this was coming, this, the context of this class is that people in europe are increasingly counting the costs. now these growing public disquiet about the war, if it's about the huge sums of money that will being committed to the war. if it's in ukraine, this at a time with european public services or seeing they stand, it's declining. i'm talking about people not getting edited access to health care, for example, people really asking the question above whether or not these sums of money are better off having an impact be used in, in domestic a policies and, and, and to, to, to, to increase public spending in their countries,
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the message from the to need is the nato secretary general. and the bridge prime minister was to say, it comes out of cost to have a neighbor, an aggressive neighbor like russian that europeans had to pay the price. but this is something that they all had to ready around to do that the higher price, the higher cost would be letting me put in guessing a win and ukraine. that would be the greatest cost and everything that is being done to help you create now is essentially making an investment in europe and security. christine will invite reporting from brussels, christine, thank you. this. the british parliament has passed a controversial bill to send asylum seekers to rwanda. prime minister richardson atkins this the 1st flight carrying my principal leave within weeks, but legal challenges are expected just after midnight, the 2 year legal impala meant to be stalemate ended order. with this vote in the house of commons,
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the i to the rights 312. the news to the last 237 . so the, i have a, i have a, it's a controversial that has divided opinion in britain and across here, as well as in the one to some see it as an economic opportunity. i think it to be good for the mission close to getting but in there's no nothing that is better than human to copy to quote us, we're very grateful to receive the progress from the u. k. because this will support the countries development. i'm not sure. let's go back to the hosting them as an opportunity to us as for one and because they have skills which still share with us. so you understand that this is a profit for us of is look at it from an ethical and historical perspective of it. why 2 and one is history. we had many refugees archive really as
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a result of the genocide against the to the right. and we got help from the neighboring countries. so we support the refugees at that too because we understand deeply it's good for them to come. i'm good for us to host them on the la hotel. now we need one and does is like this man who wish to remain anonymous or not so sure where you're going to find that goes for these people who uh so the, it's like we have a graduated, but we've noted that you had the jobs, we are out there searching for jobs, british prime minister issue. so next i is the 1st deportation slides, but just a few weeks away. and with immigration, a key issue among voters in europe. it's likely that tons of governments let me keeping a close eye on the policy success or failure. before we go, let's get a reminder of our top story. a staff member of the far right alternative for
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germany party has been arrested on suspicion of spying for china. less than 24 hours earlier. 3 other german national works changed on similar charges. during this update on sir richardson in berlin, many thanks for watching the do you big ultima, vo companies play a role in the destruction of the rain forest. the letter for luxury casa, often comes from illegal capital funds in the m, as in yet the supply chains does matter to the automobile industry. the illegal of the stats may said on dw good
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april 2022, a military parade celebrate.


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