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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 24, 2024 6:00am-6:15am CEST

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the the, this is dw news life from bullying. us universities a rock by address. as the profile of sydney and protests, fred, several universities close campuses over student camps in support of gauze, off thousands of students has been arrested. also coming up the other was arrested for protesting and as well we meet the palestinian human rights toil charged with insights from terrorism of the leading of demonstration in support of gauze on plus an aid for a german for life. member of the european parliament is arrested on charges of spine for china. the latest and the number of arrests effective chinese pies into
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the . i'm the whole jody. welcome to the program student protests against the board and goals. i'll have spread through universities across the united states. several colleges have closed off campuses and switch to remote loaning. so i'm getting both of these called him police to break up pro discounts. hundreds have been arrested since last week. administrators, field of citizens could stoke empty summit to them, but the student, se bed defending free speech another day. another round of pro gas demonstrations columbia as new york campus. as the protests and to the 7th day charge of anti semitism, a causing a political crisis with calls for the college is president to resign. over
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a 130 people were arrested on monday evening to protest organized by n y u students. the man of new york says, hate has no place in the states. i know it is the most the streets. i know what it is to protect both protests as a police officers. so this is a different energy that i'm seeing. but the movement is spreading beyond the streets of manhattan with incumbents now occupied in college campuses across the united states. i am one of the organizers leading and my teachers for cease fire. and we're out here joining in this encampment because we know as jewish people are liberation, our safety is tied up in the safety of the palestinians. and it's day 199 of genocide and that's far past the line. the main demand to protest is it's the
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ecologist to divest economic ties to israel over it's humbling and because of all on with any companies involved in the production of weapons. so that basically campaign is basically that the arguments are basically to, to the best university, minnesota from what there's many factoring companies that bond faces there be that great weapons that law and places like yemen of palestine. yes, it does have to be specific and all other countries around the globe. how speaking mike johnson is set to visit colombia on wednesday to address spots he's off is called the ride the big island anti semitism. but politicians, beginning to way into the debates in a be brought to election year seems unlikely intervention to cool. the rhetoric dw correspondent benjamin as global is at the columbia university protests in new york. he sent us this report as the so called gaza solidarity incumbent in columbia
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university is entering its 1st week and with more and more university seeing a dis protest and with the secretary of education, but also the white house waiting in into and what it costs. acs of anti semitism, we can see that this discussion has turned into a nationwide discussions. approaches outside and inside of columbia university say that we'll continue it protesting as we'll see. high ranking petitions, a visit in columbia to we have the speaker of the house of representative mike johnson, that in a couple of hours will meet with you which students in the are. and also if i press conference later, now i miss the international has set the world to seeing a neil breakdown of international load. it fights multiple conflicts and the rise of artificial intelligence as the main press downward report on human rights singles out as well. and its allies, for, quote, multiple violations commented in goals on it also saves china and russia are demonstrating of willingness to destroy the rules based although the organization
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set, there has been a betrayal of human rights principles by today's leaders. but also institutions in the week following come off of the federal tack on october 7 last year is really a policies crackdown and protests criticizing these when the military responds, listing and citizens were arrested for pops, bathing, and protest. i'll simply posting on social media dw, special correspondent, i'm you is a met with human rights lawyer about kelly fox, who was himself a rest of the protest and charged with incitement. terrorism in a small apartment in haifa, lawyer and activist off monica leaf is under house arrest. after spending $114.00 days in prison, it's an improvement. but lisa says he's still essentially a prisoner. that's the best that you can see. exactly. so if he steps outside the apartment with his electronic tag, the police will be alerted,
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they'll call him on this communication device. and if he doesn't answer, he can be held in violation and sent back to prison. the worst part for khalifa is that the court ordered him to rent an apartment outside of his hometown where his children live and go to school. they can only come to visit on school holidays like today. the only thing that we did is going uh, doing this demonstration twice to a support of the people for guys that the under 12 and days of heavy bonding on october 19th, last year at least helped lead a protest. and he is really town of mount farm where he's from the chanted slogans in support of gaza. he says not from us. a video from that day shows him urging the crowd to remain civil. the without the
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soon after it began, heavily armed police intervened and started arresting people. lisa was one of those arrested they wanted to teach the other people listen by us. that's why our artist was so so crude khalifa was charged with incitement to terrorism and spent 3 and a half months and the ghetto, and gilbert prisons where he alleges he was deprived of sleep and food and was beaten by guards as a lawyer who has defended posting and prisoners, the experience was eye opening. i used to think that when they say a physical torture or the people exact so exaggerated because they want to get thousands of homes and you know, but the, the stuff that we saw,
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this is amazing. like it's the whole i didn't hold was claims that in the weeks after the october 7th come off, terror attacks, israel's justice system abandoned the rule of law. it's like if you're not with us, you're against us. that that's the thing. and they said that to me clearly in my investigation and it's things that make you think, again about everything that you know about the whole system. you know, in one night that there was no, no police, no authorities, and everything changed. i put her leave his claims to his rarely authorities, the israel prisons service sent me this response. we are not aware of the claims you described, none the less prisoners and detainees have the right to file a complaint that will be fully examined and addressed by official authorities. the israel police wrote the individual in question, participated in unauthorized marge,
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characterized by incitement. where he assumed a leadership role, the israel police will continue working diligently to protect our citizens and will not tolerate individuals endangering public safety through incitement of violence or supportive care. felicia is hopeful that the is really, courts will acquit him once legal proceedings wrap up his life will eventually return to normal. he says, but his face and the justice system has been shaken to the core let's take a look at some of the stories making headlines around the wound to lawmakers in the us senate have foster crucial 61 $1000000000.00 a package for ukraine. after months of delay, the bill had broad bipartisan support with $79.00 volts in favor of the 18 votes against senate also approved aid for israel and 5 on or in the house. and president biden promised assigned to legislation on when 5 is agreed to hundreds of thousands of origin pinions of protesting and bonus items against the government. move to
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slash funding for public universities. suspending caught the fault of president. have you ever released of penalty measures? he hopes to pull out and seen that out for fiscal deficit, but it's a fox, the largest protest yet. in the us, prosecutors have austin new york judge to find former president donald trump, for allegedly intimidating businesses in violation of gag order. trumpets being tried for falsifying business records to cover up a $130000.00 payment to an adult film. so to keep us silent about an alleged sexual encounter. a moscow coat has rejected the latest appeal by bolts street journal reporter evan getsco bridge. against his pre trial, the pension russian authorities detained getsco, which in march 2023. while he was on a reporting trip and charged him with espionage, getsco bridge and the united states have categorically denied the allegations
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sealed in germany a series of arrests of taking place on suspicion of spying for china. the latest suspect to be detained is a longstanding aid to a member of the european parliament who represents the far right alternative for germany policy to men and women have also been arrested. the german government safety espionage, accusations, all serious beijing. meanwhile, the noise, any wrong doing, jim and prosecutors say gen g e, whom we can fully name repeatedly post on information to china, about confidential discussions with the european parliament gym and media report say this involves debates on security and defense, implications of china's influence on the e use critical infrastructure. he's also accused of spying on people in germany who are opposed to the chinese government. the german citizen has been working as an aid to maximilian crime. he sits in the european parliament for the follow right. a
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f d party across said he had no prior knowledge of the rest of his stuff men, but he promised that the allegations proved true. genji would be fine. on the european parliament immediately suspended the leg spy. sums a tough, amazes, are needed. it's really time that we have a thorough investigation and information. what is going on there that the so called petri, your thoughts are, you know, showing how weak they are in terms of taking money from auto crowds, from all over the world. we come to gym and chance, little laugh showing, visited china, jim, and he has seen several arrests over suspected espionage. would you? i'm an interior minister says the latest case is significant and the father for dash united, the accusations of espionage for china are very serious. and if it turns out to be true that this espionage took place from within the european parliament, would it be an attack on the internal constitution of democracy in europe past the
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type of democrats he in the old process, china has so far officially denied any involvement in espionage but as the you prepared for elections to its paula meant in june. this incident will add to growing fee is the democratic institutions across europe. a being targeted by foreign intelligence agencies is only a we all stop political correspondence, simon. young to tell us more about the accusations against the staff member. yeah, it's already been an extraordinary week in terms of uh, you know, allegations of chinese espionage. as you said, just on monday, the 83 german citizens were arrested. the accused of a trying to obtain military information about military technologies and passing that back to chinese intelligence. um, so you arrest perhaps
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a rare because it's said that the chinese, the approach has been relatively cautious in the past. uh, but i think uh, domestic intelligence services here in germany at any rate have been warning for quite a while. that the chinese are willing to use illegal methods to, to promote their ambitions politically, militarily and economically. and finally, the greek capital, athens has been covered in dust blown in from this a harlem. it has color with the sky over landmarks, including the acropolis, giving the city a motion like appearance, a treat for photographers, perhaps. but officials say the haze could also reduce visibility and for the breathing problems. guys, i predict typically a wednesday as the winds shift, so hot our release us between 60 and 200000000 tons of mineral dusk every year. the
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as that's all for now, but stick with us up next on doc, full majority to transylvania. you can get full stories on youtube and social media child's behavior. all right, thanks for watching. the driven by greed in the 2000 georgia band engaged in various high risk business practices to raise for ever higher profit. and then the epic you mind of a determined institution. the georgia bank story starts may seconds on the w.


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