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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 24, 2024 10:00am-10:31am CEST

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the, the, this is the, the news coming to live from berlin. a warning that human rights across the world face their most serious threats and decades. mc international reports, the conflicts in gaza and ukraine, as well as the spread of authoritarian governments are damaging the world order apply. violating international law also coming out arrested for protesting and israel. we meet the palo city in human rights lawyer charged with incitement to terrorism. after leaving a demonstration in support of garza and us secretary of state, to se blinking heads to china is expected to raise concerns over confrontations in
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the south china sea and peace and stability across the taiwan straits. the little m. terry martin, thanks for joining us. amnesty international has said the world is nearing is seeing a near breakdown of international law. it's sites multiple conflicts and the rise of artificial intelligence as the main threats. the annual reports on human rights singles out is real and it's and allies for quote, multiple violations committed and gone. so it also says china and russia are demonstrating a willingness to destroy the rules based order. your organization said there has been a betrayal of human rights principles by today's leaders and institutions. and obviously, international secretary general condemned what she called the color,
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the punishment to palestinians in johnson. the level of value that we have money to is unprecedented. we have seen that in a guess over the last 6 months, we've done extraordinary number of victims within the civilian population. we use the use of funding as a width and the waves of collective punishment imposed on funded students the largest number of jonah these keels, the largest number of you might need tell you elect us, killed a very unprecedented come to see billions ever re quote. so these violations on not only extremely serious, they all so just to fire. so he's riley's just to find out all of those violations and the united states on team very recently. as going with more in this, i'm joined now by our special correspondent, a abraham. an anesthesia report puts a spotlight on israel's war in gauze. it also draws attention to the october 7th
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terrorist attacks by how mos on israel that triggered the war and the city is again urging the international criminal court to take on and investigate. alleged human rights violations is all this likely to have any impact or the likely to be consequences of this? well, that's exactly the point of this report rate is that in the space of all of these violations or alleged violations, there hasn't really been consequences. and certainly the report highlights of the situation and gaza, israel's war and gaza. but also it talks about ukraine and china and other world of powers. and what the report says is that because there have not been consequences, we're risking the collapse of the post 1948 world of order. the values that had been declared universal back then and the belief that the
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a work for everybody and that they work for everybody equally. that's what's at stake in addition, of course, to the lives and livelihoods of the thousands, if not millions of innocence whose rights are being violated every day, without consequences. according to the report, i looked at the report just the top of it is to suggest that the world is indeed regressing, in terms of human rights in the world. i just want a quick question about germany. it's also a single doubt in this report. what, why is it criticized? well, germany is one of the most, is the staunchest, if not the strongest ally and supporter of israel in this war and with the german government, we should specified that this is the german government's position. historically has been, is that the germany has a special responsibility towards the jewish people because of the crimes of the holocaust. and the that translates into support for the state of a israel and germany, which had you forged an image of itself post 2nd world war as
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a country that uphold human rights is now being accused of double standards of not being harsh enough and critical enough towards its allies, israel, as it commits human rights violations in gods. and we've seen german leaders visit israel. the united states american leaders have done the same, declare time and time again, their support up for israel and the war despite there being some very serious allegations of war crimes and a legit genocide, a being a choose a israel is now being a choose of an electorate agenda site as well, and german support has been pretty strong throughout. this is a big report. it covers a $155.00 countries. what are your main takeaways? so of course, there's the, you know, there's the overarching theme that powers, not just the united states, but also russia because of the war in ukraine and china. because because the
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violations against riggers, and should during the these 3 powers because of their veto power in the, in the un security council buried the ones that are sort of accelerating this defense towards a world where she universe are human rights. seem to be a meaningless and it's really, it's almost invites, are we thinking of that world order and whether or not these 3 super power should have as much power as they do to really dictate, you know, accountability questions of accountability. so the report looks at major powers that looked at individual conflicts, but it also looks at developments in terms of technology. it talks a lot about artificial intelligence. what does it say about that? well, the report definitely points the finger to big tech. at the lack of regulation for artificial intelligence, and the way the technology could be abused, tech, so rate, a violations of human rights on one hand that says we are regressing, we're going back to a pre 1948 world. at the same time,
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we're sort of also racing towards this future with a and with the rise of this new technology but so far that it's not been uh regulated. so it's a weird time work. we seem to be finding ourselves and, and thank you very much. that was our special correspond abraham germany wilson resume is cooperation with were off the united nations relief and works agency for palestinian refugees in gaza. this follows an investigation into it stuff which led several countries to temporarily hold funding. israel has accused thousands of the agencies employees of being involved in the october 7th terror attacks, or the doesn't donors, including the 2 largest ones, the us in germany suspended their own wrong funding. the reason the investigation says, israel has not yet provided evidence that certain want employees were members of terrorist organizations. in the weeks following
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a mazda is terror attack on is real on october 7th, last year. is really authorities cracked down on protests criticizing these really military response, palestinian citizens were arrested for participating and protest or posting on social media. dw special corresponded on the use a met with human rights lawyer of med khalifa, who was himself arrested at a protest and charged with incitement to terrorism. in a small apartment in haifa, lawyer and activist off mont khalifa as under house arrest. after spending $114.00 days in prison, it's an improvement. but felicia says he's still essentially a prisoner. that is onto the best that you can see. exactly. so if he steps outside the apartment with this electronic tag, the police will be alerted, they'll call him on this communication device. and if he doesn't answer, he could be held in violation and sent back to prison. but the worst part for
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khalifa is that the court ordered him to rent an apartment outside of his hometown where his children live and go to school. they can only come to visit on school holidays like today. the only thing that we did is going uh, doing this demonstration, the price to support of the people for guys that the under twitter and days or for heavy bonding on october 19th, last year at least helped lead a protest. and he is really town of mount farm where he's from the chanted slogans in support of gaza. he says not from us. a video from that day shows him urging the crowd to remain civil the economy. without the soon after it began,
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heavily armed police intervened and started arresting people elisa was one of those arrested. they wanted to teach the other people listen by us. that's why our artist was so so crude khalifa was charged with incitement to terrorism and spent 3 and a half months and the ghetto and gilbert of prisons where he alleges he was deprived of sleep and food and was beaten by guards as a lawyer who has defended posting and prisoners, the experience was eye opening. i used to think that when they say the physical torture, the people exact so exaggerated because they want to get thousands of homes and you know, but the, the stuff that we saw this is amazing. like it's the whole i didn't hold on for the,
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for the claims that in the weeks after the october 7th come off, terror attacks, israel's justice system abandoned the rule of law. it's like if you're not with us, you're against us. that is, that's the thing. and they said that to me clearly in my investigation and it's things that make you think, again about everything that you know about the whole system. you know, in one night that there was no, no, no police know sort of fees and everything changed. i put her leave his claims to his really authorities, the israel prison service sent me this response. we are not aware of the claims you described, nonetheless, prisoners and detainees have the right to file a complaint that will be fully examined and addressed by official authorities. the israel police wrote the individual in question, participated in an unauthorized marge, characterized by incitement, where he assumed a leadership role. the israel police will continue working diligently to protect
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our citizens and will not tolerate individuals endangering public safety through incitement of violence or support of terror. felicia is hopeful that the is really, courts will acquit him once legal proceedings wrap up his life will eventually return to normal. he says, but his face and the justice system has been shaken to the core. take a look at a few other stories making headlines around the world today. student protest against the war and gaza has spread to universities across the united states, several colleges have closed their campuses. some universities called in police to break up protest camps. hundreds had been arrested since last week and the business traders here, the citizens could stoke anti semitism, but the students say they're defending free speech. lawmakers in the us center to pass the crucial $61000000000.00 a package for ukraine. after months of delay,
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the bill had broad bipartisan support was $79.00 votes in favor to 18 against the senate also approved aid for israel and taiwan president by them promised to sign the legislation on wednesday. are included in the package of measures passed by the set. it is a bill to bend the social media platform tech talk. if it's chinese owner does not sell it to us assets. the bill would give, took talks owner by dance up to a year to sell the assets to the us government approved by or if the gas company fails to do so. the app will be bout us. lawmakers have been concerned about possible chinese government control of tick tock, fearing security risk by dance has denied that it shares sensitive user data with the chinese government take talk has about a 170000000 users in us as tensions similar between the us and china,
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us secretary state antony blinking is heading to shanghai, who's expected to discuss a number of unresolved issues, including trying to support for russia us is trying to is helping rushes more effort in ukraine, adding that it damages us security. how to put limits on our relationship without limits. one is for the emission division. you a secretary of state anthony, blinking will have to put some distance between russia and china. pushing back on china as well in russia's war machine will be a priority. china continues to provide materials to support precious defense, industrial base, and all of this is fueling pollutants, warm machine se attacks ukrainians and threatens european security. see, relations between the world's top, 2 global rivals had been 10 since early last year after a chinese bible and flew across the us territory. and for us disputes relating to
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cell from taiwan. since then, they have thought a little shooting thing held face to face talks with us president joe biden in san francisco last november. but the u. s. has kept pressure on beijing, sanctioning chinese firms that ship products to russia. and then really new micro chip export restrictions. the us state department says china is supporting rushes war machine by supplying machine tools, computer chips, optics, drones, and cruise missile technology. russia semiconductor imports from china jump from 200000000 in 2021 to over 500000000 in 2022. as the war drags on russia's drawing, economic and diplomatic isolation has made its increasing the reliance on china, its former rival for leadership of the communist bloc. during the cold war, china appears to hold the upper hand into the relationship. washington warns it
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will hold being responsible at moscow mix gains in ukraine. china, shots of criticism insisting it's a neutral party. don't tell you what china has always controlled. council would have to use items and nicole, the in regulations, the relevant countries struggle. it's me or into the back of what i know the status of the relations between china and russians. engines ratcheted up again last week after joe biden called for hire terrace on shining steel and aluminum. lincoln has his work cut out for him. a blankets visit comes out a particularly tense time between china, the us probably, and customer in beijing told me what the 2 countries need to discuss most urgently or yeah, the list is really very long. so from the chinese perspective, i'm the priority method is that it does not tolerate any interference in what aging perceives as the red lines or the call national,
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the interest and those spend from taiwan over to seems young and hong kong. so china wants to make clear that it doesn't want that us to into feet and those issues and, and also it one. so of course, getting rid of the tech sanctions and the export control that the u. s. has imposed on a china according to the head of stage seating ping. those are in post to contain the economic rise of china. and certainly also china is wanting to get the rate of the ad us influence in the basic in the south, tennessee. so it says that it's into fi, us with china, us relations and asi, i'm country, so the se agents via and from the us side, i would say the key of the most urgent topic is the ones ukraine. russians, one ukraine, the accusations that the u. s. government has against china, they're pretty concrete and pretty massive. so it says that 70 percent of our rushes, imports of machine towards come from china and those inputs,
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every very crucial when it comes to building up and put into a ballistic arsenault. and that is, of course, the strongest ation and it also says that, you know, um add to economic coordination. the truth relation between the 2 countries is i'm so blinking, but also talk about industrial policy of china and the resulting over capacities which has become an increasing problem for this now to ukraine and the governor of their country's 2nd largest city hotties says at least 6 people been injured in russia as latest missile attack. buildings and cars have been damaged, as well as the gas pipeline in the center of the city and the mayor, the har keith now said, the 2 long range missiles were used in the attack. he added that the city is trying to restore the gas supply to the affected area, which are lowest clinic. and it's been more than 2 years now since russia lost its full scale invasion of ukraine since then, hundreds of thousands of ukrainian man had been called up to serve in the military
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. many have not returned. we spoke to one mother who is coming to terms with her own loss. natalie, as that nick had 3 sons when russia launched its full scale invasion of ukraine. this is my son who says my youngest son. last summer, natalia buried her youngest or lexi. he served in some of the bloodiest bottles of the will lower to my level. my youngest was installed to die after solar da who was inbox moved up to box moved to his in has on the phone. he didn't see the when he was near on to leave can has on your phone, there's a country village called antonio sca when he was killed there for the day of alexys death. natalia tried to convince him to leave the army. she feared he'd shared the same fate as our eldest son, so he had just been reported missing. middle son,
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audrey is also listed as missing. natalia hopes, the oldest sons are allied, but let's be no confirmation. she likes to remember them as they appear in these photos for me. specialists and this is my eldest, sunset. he this is my andrea. sure. this is all you will say we're happy who my boys can do everything. what are you cooking and baking from sidney, or what do you but they grew up well when they grew up together. i have boys who rezo lawsuit and the to all 3 of them graduated from music school. when the controlling will defend the school was super controller. natalia is supported by her daughters in new orlando and or lexia. they call her mother, finished on the board. but i am so far as low as we tried to call whenever possible to ask her. mom is doing fine if clothes so, so she comes to us sits with her grandchildren, my mother results every time, but it says no one, you only have one more $2.00 to $3.00, a small me to come. and she doesnt, since that husbands disappeared,
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orlando and or less, yeah, are in constant contacts, trying to find out what happened to them about it just doesn't seem to have get to that. no one gives us any official confirmation or less. yeah. and i would like to us together to the security service of ukraine. elizabeth, now we constantly received the same on so that the russian side does not provide any information. there is no confirmation of any kind of marching and wants to try to natalie as, as the lack of information is unbearable, but she hasn't lost hope that she'll one day be able to hold cassandra again. vehicle school the clock can i say honestly, i tried to smile and not show my emotions over. i take fewer walks so that no one asks what's going on. if they do, my head starts to her and i run away. i don't want to be seen to push the button or correspond to caroline. it's jim noise in the ukraine's capital t even join just now calling that ukraine is trying to mobilize more of us population for military
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service, including those living abroad. how important is this recruitment drive for your credit to oh, this is quite important. a terry is a calendar in chief already said that he needs at least 250000 more soldiers. and we also know that the russian troops out number, you cutting troops by up to 10 times this means that for every ukrainian soldier, there could be as many as 10 russian soldiers. so it is a very important point for ukraine to get more man power. not only more weapons, but also more soldiers, more man power. so how are they going about that? exactly carolina. what is this new? what does this new recruitment drive entail? a terry old man between 18 and 60 years old, i have to register with ukrainians military and not only that,
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but they also have to carry their registration on them at all time because you creating a sorry, these are allowed to ask them anywhere about this registration and it has to be up to date, if it is not, they don't only have to pay a fee, but they also have to immediately register with ukrainians and military. so also for old man of in service age who are living abroad and they will not be able to renew their passports. for example, if you creating calculates without registering a for the military minister of foreign affairs minister calais. but he also said that this is only fair for the soldiers were fighting right now at the front line. because it cannot be unexcused to be a ukrainian man in that age. and just because they're living abroad to not to be fighting in a country, that is as a war, of course, a be a level this terry is of course, to make as
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a recruitment procedure more transparent and more efficient, efficient according to you, current and government officials bill report features a woman who had 3 sons in the war, one was killed, 2 are now missing. some countries put limits on the number of siblings who can go to war. is there no such restriction in ukraine carleen of the there is not such a restriction. terry, and this is why this woman had to 2 methods their sense and go to, to the war. there are no laws that would prohibit this, and as i mentioned, it is quite important from the ukrainian military perspective to get more soldiers right now because without more help from the western countries and without more man power ukraine will lose this war currently. and a thank you very much. that was our correspondent carly and it you more n t finally, passengers on
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a lift times a flight to los angeles went through a scary 20 minutes when they're playing, tried to land at the cities airport on tuesday. a live stream record or the touch and go landing. the boeing $747.00 passenger jet, which cuts down so roughly that the landing had to be abandoned. the plane headed back into the sky and landed smoothly and safely about a quarter of an hour later. there was no information about the cause of what a commentator called the roof is blending ever caught by the streaming service around. it kinda looked like they were gonna slip it down again their 1st there watching dw news. just reminder of our top story is uh, amnesty international is warning. the human rights across the world face their most serious threats in decades, conflicts and gaza. ukraine as well as the spread of authoritarianism or damaging
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the world order find violating international law. that's according to that report. and students across the united states are stepping up their pro palestinian protests on college campuses. hundreds have been arrested since the demonstrations began last week. okay, you can always get the data. the news on the go, just download our app from google play or from the store to give you access to all the latest news for around the world. as well as push notifications for breaking news, sports, business, and entertainment there. well, the defense can always get more information to on our website at c, w dot com anytime you want on terry morrison and all of us here at the w. and it is thanks for watching. we've got global us coming up next with the secrets to
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in india digital waste is a massive problem. landfills are at the brink. as the life span of the advisors increased, consumer advocates wants to take action while they still can. they are promoting a movement called the right to repair. i'm here in delhi, there's back to figure out how all of this is going to fails. in the
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