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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 24, 2024 2:00pm-2:16pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the news life from the land gemini says it will result in cooperation with the jo ann's agency for palestinian refugees. an independent investigation finds no evidence to backup israel's claims to some of the agencies, employees to pause and the type of the 7th attacks. also coming up on the program from california to new york, us students now stepping out the process of pro palestinian protests at college campuses. hundreds have been arrested with demonstrations. again the
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menu is making and welcome to the program. germany will review events, cooperation with unrest. the united nations agency, full palestinian refugees in garza, several countries had halted the funding temporarily during an investigation into the agencies. stuff is relatives. dozens of the agencies employees of being involved in the october the 7th terror attacks move on a dozen donors, including the 2 largest ones, the u. s. and germany suspended that under a funding. as a result, the recent investigation says that israel has not provided evidence. sutton, unread employees, were members of terrorist organizations. a, jonathan silas, the spokes person. so the you an agency, so palestinian refugees. i asked him earlier, his reaction to the news that germany will now review corporation with his organization. this is of course, a very,
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very positive developments. i do want to stress that the gemini last month that already come forward with fresh funding of 45000000 euros for our work in the west bank of georgia and syria and 11. i'm. so what we're talking about today specifically is a kind of on logging of the, the remaining suspension on funding for gaza, which is this critical mileage. of course, given the, the, the enormous scale to pick your monetary process and gaza is absolutely essential that gemini and other, the countries act too hastily when they suspended payments to unreal without waiting for a thorough examination of as well as the allegations. of course, i mean i'm not in a position to, to be sort of inside the room in terms of the decision making. but what i mean, what, what the state cause was. it was a huge risk, absolutely unraveling of our operations in gaza,
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but also across the rest of the region. i'm our agency as close as the primary humanitarian agency in guzman, but also working with palestine refugees across the region. so the, the decision when it made, i mean it looked like we were, we were basically going to have to close up shop in february. but because we had a number of return these. and then germany, of course, is not the only government which is listed suspend lifted suspensions of, we've been able now to, to sort of push our operations protected through to the end of june. and we look at the, basically the kind of guilty as being postponed over and out of a recent months of the us and come by. but that doesn't mean that the situation is perfectly on june. that was done with some silas folks passing full on row. that's the you and agencies of palestine, refugee speaking to me earlier, now student protests against the war and goals, i have spread to universities across the united states. several colleges have closed all that campuses and switched to remote learning. some universities cooled
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in the police to break up protest comp. hundreds of people have now been arrested since last week. administration has failed. the citizens could have spoke anti semitism with some jewish students saying that they are afraid to come to campus. those who are protesting say that they are defending free speech another day. another round of pro jobs, demonstrations columbia as new york campus. as of protests and to that 7th day charge of anti semitism, a, causing a political crisis with calls to the colleges president to resign over a $130.00 people were arrested on monday evening as a protest organized by n y u students. the man of new york says, hate has no place in the states. i know what it is, the most, the streets. i know what it is to protect post protests as
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a police officer. so this is a different energy that i'm seeing. but the movement is spreading beyond the streets of manhattan with incumbents now occupied in college campuses across the united states. i'm one of the organizers leading and my teachers for cease fire. and we're out here joining in this encampment because we know as jewish people, our liberation, our safety is tied up in the safety of the palestinians. and it's a 199 of genocide and that's far past the line. the main demand of protests is it's for colleges to divest economic ties to israel over is handling at the costs of all on with any companies involved in the production of weapons. so that basically campaign is basically that the arguments are to basically to, to the best university, minnesota from what does manufacturing companies that bond faces or do that create
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weapons that law in places like young men of palestine get the goals are to be specific and all other countries around the globe, how speak to mike jones and he said to visit colombia on wednesday to address spots . he's office called the right the big island on to semitism. but politicians, beginning to way into the debates in a fee, brian election year seems an unlikely intervention to cool the rhetoric. let's take a look now. some of the other stories making headlines around the world. and the european union is called for an independent pro, been to the report of discovery of mass graves at 2 garza hospitals that were destroyed and is rarely sieges. there was a suspicion that violations of international human rights had been committed as, according to an e spokesman. recent days, palestinians discovered hundreds of bodies in mass graves that hon. eunice and elf . he fell speckled, the i'm the student's national as warnings that schuman rights across the world are
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facing them as serious threats in decades, conflicts and gaza, and ukraine, as well as the surprised, as all source area and governments a damaging the world order by violating international law that's according to the state international license report. ukraine has damage to roles, nest owned oil, that pose in rushes, smell, and screeching, and an overnight drone attack, according to the ukrainian s p u security service. but those contains 26000 cubic meters of fuel and the attack cause major fires has been confirmed by russian officials. in recent weeks, ukraine has increasingly targeted russian oil and the energy facilities of the governor of hugh crane. second largest city hockey says at least 6 people have been injured in russia's laces missile attack, buildings, and cause have been damaged as well as the gas pipeline. in the center of the city hall, kids may a said the to long range missiles we used in the attack, yet it city is trying to restore the gas supply to be effected area. beautiful. you
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see it's been more than 2 years now since russia launched its full scale invasion of ukraine since then. hundreds of thousands of ukrainian men of been called up to sub in the military. many have not returned. we spoke to one mother who is coming to terms with a loss. natalia started nick had 3 sons when russia launched its full scale invasion of ukraine. this is my son who says my youngest son. last summer, natalia buried her youngest or lexi. he served in some of the bloodiest bottles of the will. look to my level. my youngest was installed to die. after solid, he was in bus moved up to box, moved to his and it has on the phone. he didn't see the fence. he was near underneath can, has, on your thumb, there's a country village called antonia of sca when he was killed there for the day
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of alexys death. natalia tried to convince him to leave the army. she feared he'd share the same site as her eldest son. so he had just been reported missing. middle son, audrey is also listed as missing. natalia hopes that all the sons are lied, but let's be no confirmation. she likes to remember them as they appear in these photos for me, specialist and this is my eldest sunset. he, this is my andrea, sure. this is. are you sure little they were happy who my boys can do everything. what are you cooking and baking from sidney or what do you but they grew up well and they grew up together. i have boys to read and lost, and the took all 3 of them graduated from music school when i couldn't tell them to come to school for a controller. natalia is supported by her daughters in new orlando and or lexia. they call her mother to send the boys, but i am set them as low as we tried to call whenever possible to ask her. mom is
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doing the places that she comes to us sits with her grandchildren, my my, the results are retired, but it says no one. you only have 2 or 3 s month to come. and she doesnt, since van husband's disappeared, orlando, unless you are in constant contacts, trying to find out what happened to them on the run, it just doesn't seem to have gets bad. no one gives us any official confirmation or less. yeah. and i would like to as together to the security service of ukraine. elizabeth, now we constantly received the same on so that the russian side does not provide any information. there is no confirmation of any kind of watching the market. natalia says the lack of information is unbearable, but she hasn't lost hope that she'll one day be able to help her sons again. vehicle school the clock can i say honestly, i tried to smile and not show my emotions over. i take few or walk so that no one asks what's going on. if they do, my head starts to her and i run away. i don't want to be seen to customer,
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but a correspondence caroline. a chimp boy joins us now from keith. hi kara lina, so we just saw in that report an extraordinarily strong woman called atanya, who had 3 sons in the war. as we heard, one was being killed, 2 is still missing. there are countries that put limits on the number of siblings who can go to war. that's not the case in ukraine. is that so that is not the case. there is not such a law, and this is why this will, might natalia have to see there are some leave to war. and also we have to understand why, why it's like that, why we were seeing this new mobilization law. and this is because a ukraine is really running out of man at the front line am, according to recent number as russian troops, i was number ukrainian just by up to 10 times this means that for every ukrainian soldier, there could be as many as 10 russian soldiers at the front line, that is,
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of course, a significant advantage for russia. so ukraine is now trying to mobilize more of its population, including ukrainians, living abroad to tell us more about this recruitment drive. how is that working? there's different elements, old man, between 18 and 60 years old, have to register with a ukraine's military and they have to do so. and also they have to carry this registration documents on them at all times because of the authorities here. ukraine can ask them any time about this registration documents, or they have to be able to show them that these documents are up to date. if they do not, they have to pay a fee and they should immediately go to registration office to do so. also a man of a service age for living abroad. they will not be able to renew their pass for the
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ports. for example, as you pay and consulates if they don't register, if they don't have an up to date document and this tends at the minister of foreign affairs minister collab. i said that this is a very important point for him because they want to know how many man they also have a broad man who they could potentially call in if they need more soldiers at the front line. okay, now it's controversial. all of this mobilization law is present, so let's get you going to lose support the will because of this recruitment drive. you mean if he is he, if he's gonna lose more support because we already know that he's, he's not as popular as he used to be back then in may 2022 and the full scale invasion started. he's stipulation rate was about 90 per cent and 2 years later, february 2024, his separation was about 64 per cent. so it's really, it's really dropping his stipulation is dropping. people are not really happy with
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him, especially soldiers at the front line as say he was the man at the right time when the war started, but that a new president should have a chance to keep on going with the current uh, conflict. and this new mobilization, lo will definitely not make presidente lensky more popular. hardly mentioned wire pushing from keith. thank you so much to london now where several people have been injured in the center of the city of through a number of military horses run them off. at rush hour of this video shows 2 horses galloping through the streets of london. the white horse appears to be covered in blood. the london police say all horses have now been course it hasn't yet been confirmed. how many horses were on the loose?
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so we've got time full coming up next. don't film looks at personalized diets for different body types. stick around for that if you count on you could. mckinnon. thanks so much for watching. dw, the driven by greed in the 2000 storage of band engaged in various high risk business practices. to raise for ever higher profit. and then the epic demise of a german institution. the dodge of bank story starts may 2nd on the w.


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