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tv   Made in Germany  Deutsche Welle  April 24, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm CEST

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[000:00:00;00] the year old cell phone, laptop, tv, all refrigerator still often end up in illegal landfills, in asia or africa poisoning both people and the environment. but what about the ocean vessels that brought you these products? they are exposed to enormous forces on the high seas. after a maximum of 30, sometimes even 15 years, they have to be scrapped. but there are different ways to do that. today will also be taking a look at apartment hunting. is it better to buy or rent? agribusiness 2030 pool where is and who loses?
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can exoskeletons, high tech health for lifting this is one of the most dangerous jobs in the world, ship breaking and bangladesh workers here, this colossal structure is a part so that the materials can be reused a result that exposes them to spontaneous explosions. falling chunks of steel and toxic materials. so there's a lot of hazardous stuff here, like a specialist fumes from oil and chemicals. demi gloves, and still a huge number of ships are dismantled in yards like these ones they're out of use. most vessels that are scrapped originally belonged to companies in europe, east asia and south east asia, and 80 percent of their scrap ends up on these 3 beaches and bangladesh, india, and pakistan,
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and many cases illegally. a long chain of pretty actors makes this possible. but how does this chain work? what's in it for the shipping companies? and is there a way out shuttle ground bangladesh? this is the world's number one destination for end of life, ship parts. when you sell a ship full steam onto the sand and then it's broken apart into the, on the beach, that means toxic waste and toxic chemicals are being dumped directly into the water into the sand. there is no way to safely beach a shift and break it apart. that is environmentally sustainable or safe for worker's effects spread beyond the yard. the toxic waste seeps into the ocean and effects marine life. it also makes its way into farmers fields. the thing is shipping companies know all about those. the conditions in the yards in bangladesh, in india and pakistan is an open secret. then why do so many of them sent their old
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vessels there? well, the yards on south asian beaches pay a lot more money for these all these kind of safer facility. after all being safe costs, money. fair wages, proper working equipment, disposing of hazardous material in an environmentally friendly way. ship breaking your. it's simply skip out on these costs. that means they have more money to offer for old vessels that they can take a part and whose materials they can sell for an average size shapes. we're looking at that the forensic get of uh, $3456000000.00. if you ask me those are peanuts for a beaker corporations and they do not justify externalizing costs to the communities and the environment. what these richard countries are doing is very much illegal and then breaks multiple international laws like the bustle convention which the pew, if that hazardous waste from you or over to the countries cannot be transferred to any other countries. so basically it's meant to stop the rich nations from dumping their trash and poor parts of the world. that includes ships that are ready for
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recycling. but that's where the district comes in, changing the flag of the ship. so the laws don't apply anymore. there's a whole business around private agencies selling their countries flags, and they're usually places that are known for not exactly implementing maritime law or us allowed to move is divided and even a small island located to off the coast of australia. that's physical space as a much cheapest risers around there, it's like that. and having these end of life flags come with a promise of so closing ice in front of violations and regional international market time, which is lation. this is a way for small states with few revenue streams to make easy money. the lower fires in with single voyages for demolition same day turnaround, but usually it's not the shipping companies themselves to jump on these deals. they
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need to cover their tracks after all. so before they declared their old vessels, the scrap they palm them off to middleman the so called cash buyers prepared the ships for an end of life voyage 2 yards where they're not supposed to go. the cash buyer will often times take responsibility for, you know, changing the flag of the ship and changing its name and changing, and the registered owner. so then in the last month that sort of changes into an entirely new ship and as sent into a bundle dash. okay, and we've talked a lot about the role of international shipping companies and regulators. but what about the bangladesh, the government? the government has a pointed, some safety agents there in most cases relate to the she breakfast and they do not have the technical expertise. sylvia nash investment enters based on the funds document. there is no legal obligation on the national level of safety agents
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to dig deeper into issues. there is no denying the bangladesh has a problem with poor governance on this issue. but what many experts stress is that this poor governance is also fueled by mass of demand from foreign companies that actually have the means to recycle their ships elsewhere. this is a typical case of toxic colonialism. so when we talk about tackling the problem, we need to put pressure on every single actor, the method to dismantle ship safely already exists. the question is how to eliminate some of the loopholes companies like to use to get out of using it. i actually think this is one of the like areas where there is hope in part because there's very distinct and clear solutions if the company's self trip human rights watch the just still applying the regulation to the previous owner for another 2 years. human rights spots also proposals for the you to implement a return scanner. that would mean having all ships trading and the water is paid towards the font. and owners only get this money back if the ship goes to
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a say for cycling facility when it's out of use. finally, to bangladesh. here the government has to shut down ship, bringing yards on the beaches. and it will feel more pressure to do so for and companies will be forced to stop sending their vessels. they're the when you're moving to a new apartment, that usually means a lot of work. renovating packing boxes and packing boxes, setting up furniture, moving everything in, and much more. isn't it better to buy your new home right away instead of just renting? it's giving the housing shortage. what's the best solution to financially? and are there differences in different countries? lack of housing is a problem world wide and accommodation is growing more and more affordable, especially in cities. wire. so many countries experiencing similar problems. there's
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a huge influx of people coming through germany and going out there population has risen from the 1000000 to over 84000000 in the housing market in us we we have under supplied, we have not build enough new homes. we still have a housing shortage of close to 2 millions or lead metro. 60 people often flocked to cities in search of work, especially industrialized nations like germany in the us in the us over 83 percent of the population lives in cities in germany. it's close to 78 percent and in india it's just under 37 percent. yet the number of urban dwellers continues to rise. and this trend keeps driving up housing prices worldwide, regardless of whether people rent for buying compared to household income's. property prices have risen just proportionately until 2015 india saw the biggest increase, but then prices started storing the us and germany to india is still going economy
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going country. and i, you know, since you have this natural tendency of buying house because of the 2nd a button in the us, many people still dream of owning their own home. but the young people are having a tougher time making the stream a reality in these it more expensive market today it takes more than 10 years, you know, even 20 years to save for a down payment. so you may be really, really challenging in 2007, the us real estate bubble burst triggering a global financial crisis. now, most home buyers have to make a 20 percent down payment. it's the biggest hurdle in germany to be a good of all for many the greatest challenges actually coming up with the necessary down payment of the percentage required in germany is very high compared to other countries to type the unfortunately,
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we're the european leader when it comes to these costs to the for those that are lucky enough to have parents who can help them to they are able to enter home ownership. but for others it takes a really, really long time to stay for a down payment. so maybe rent rather than buy after all renting is popular in germany. more than half the population lives in rental apartments in the us, just one 3rd or renters. while in india, renting is even less common. so at this point, it is cheaper to rent, you know, many measures when you compare mortgage payment, including the high mortgage rates are much more expensive than, than renting basically for a young or, you know, households, it is easier, right now to find cheaper rent than that then to buy a home in germany renters enjoying many projections,
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which also explains why renting is so popular. here. i'm in a tradition or um, i find that we have a highly regulated rental marketing that for many years kept to run some artificially low. they are in made rent and cheaper compared to buying property items, and that can be a good guy. get my up. but rents are rising here too. especially in cities, that black space for new construction and developers are put off by all the red tape. still renting can pay off in india as well. when you're starting a country, it is always better to them because you are not separate and they're good at it. you are still kind of exporting value off the sitting down. you're also exploring your, the opportunities. so that's where you are more and more by your, you know, and also you don't have enough money to make the down payment and purchase the house. so at this juncture of your credit is not advisable to, to lock into a capital a man. and i said, which is highly liquid outlets at the moment, but,
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and there's no really from side on the global housing market. it's the same the world over only once more apartment buildings go up. we'll price start to come down. do you know this man who is a bit coined fortune of around 330000000 euros for that? so mean siri, because unfortunately, he has forgotten his password and can't access his money. in 2011, his big queens were only worth a few 1000 euros. that shows how explosively the value of the currency has risen. regulations keep getting introduced that make big queen, rare, and expensive, will show you one now. is in the realm of quick to come and see a big events. this just happens
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a bit clean housing. but what is that exactly what the china the us no way and because it's down having common, right. they all have a big, big queen, mining seen, big queen. mine is a companies with lots of competing pallets. it's energy intensive, so they locate themselves with electricity is relatively inexpensive. mine is actors, digital bookkeepers to secure old bitcoin accounts and transactions. and that takes huge amounts of processing power, but the professional minus, what does that textbook pays off? because the work is rewarded with bit coins. $900.00 new bit coins introduced each day at least for now. but things couldn't just go on this way and definitely as a 90000000 bit coins, simple ready being generated. yet the title of supply of bitcoin is tapped at 21000000. that's stipulated in the big coin protocol to protect the currency against inflation. so the minus rewards must eventually full and they do that's all
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at once of what's called a big coined policy, occurring roughly every 4 years. that's when mine is rewards. a cutting house full housing now taking place in 201220162020. and now in 2024, the laces topping. just to cut on april, the 19th for the minus less reward means more cost pressure. so energy prices at that date to send to locations the growing increasingly important. yet mine is done to profit too, because when few a new big coins are being made, yet demand remains the same or even increases the crypto currency rises in valleys . and since everyone knows that, and they will want to caching before us is due the market price for bitcoin to a even more wildly than usual around the time housing. because no longer in the
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small kits, groups had currencies and now a highly speculative asset class, etc. the do you want to get enough to eat? like every other living creature on earth that could become difficult in the future as food is becoming scarce and the agriculture market is under severe pressure, there's still enough food available now, put in the future. who will win, and who will lose farmers subsidies are being cut worldwide, driving them out onto the street. when there was a change in the global markets that we have never seen in history or use in. but at the same time, they will have to produce more and more in order to feed up to 10000000 people in the future. yeah, we will need every square centimeter of arable land on the challenges facing
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agriculture are enormous. who will be the winters in the future and who will be the losers? the e. u is mostly self sufficient and the important food steps, but it could soon lose that status due to what's known as the green deal. it wants to make its agricultural sector more sustainable with drastic consequences for the world. the north thing, the green deal alone would cut we'd production in the european union in half. and the european union would go from being an important to that ex, border to a net importer of point. that's what makes matters where it says that the european union has now adopted the natural restoration program. so according to which at least 20 percent of the land just to be subject to conservation measures or re nature ration things done for the cause of the most on designs. b, e. u is striving for near natural production with fewer pesticides and fertilizers
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. success in bringing about the change will mean subsidies worth billions. without the additional payments, many small farms would not survive some of the icons. and if you look at incomes in german agriculture, for example, i can, you can see enormous differences in income and the majority of farms tend to be rather small and less profitable. but at the same time, there are also extremely profitable farms capital. these are fewer in number but usually much larger. and they also account for a relatively high proportion of production overall. and to and that puts sure europe's production costs are likely to have the greatest impact in africa. this is because the continent is urgently depend, didn't, and on imports from the e, u, and attempts to increase of sufficiency are only likely to help to a limited extent. yeah, we have countries that will find self sufficiency,
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increasingly difficult in view of climate change and where we can assume that domestic production will fall, dependent on imports will reach 8090 or 100 percent. in some cases, fewer inputs also means higher prices in the long term and we price is already comparatively high today, and fewer and fewer people can afford the grain products that form the basis of the supply. in many countries, china plays a decisive role in the price of green. china is a huge on known for us when we look at how much of the major commodities we have available worldwide, such as we or corn. china usually really have these amounts of what the quality is like or whether they will actually be available. the main purpose dot easy for you to bring would be the one thing you're certain china is becoming less and less self sufficient. more than any other country. it imports more agricultural products,
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then it exports the import surplus amounts to more than $100000000000.00 us dollars . and that brings russia into play. the country is already the largest exporter of wheat, and according to experts, it is one of the countries that can increase its harvest the most. this is important in order to meet the growing demand for food, the change, the various estimates and calculations that russia's exports to china have doubled or tripled in the last 2 or 3 years in different areas. russia will play a very central role in supplying china with the basic food stuffs or agricultural commodities, such as a wheat and corn, the vice mice. the ukraine is also one of the countries with great growth potential . just supply the world even more in the future. the find that so when you get into the united nations,
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assumes that by 2050 or 90 percent of future production growth could, will come from an increase in land yields and only 10 percent from an efficient mansion of agricultural land. and so that's the hosting and then put you up to him . that's african countries could become totally dependent on russia in the future, unless the e u increases its harvest. and this involves the use of modern technologies, artificial intelligence, sensor technology, etc, where we can run intensive production processes while ensuring that we're not causing lasting damage to the environment. at the same time, the european union is investing heavily in new technology, spoke better harvest. the big practical test is still pending. at the same time, new technology could help to avoid prompt losses, as there is a massive shortage of labor in europe and agriculture. mission to that we have
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certain sectors such as the growing of fruits, vegetables, or gary production, put in that are relatively labor intensive in on the end in view of rising wage cost, digitalization may be a way of maintaining competitiveness. i had placed in partnerships and this type either to a higher the experts believes that up to 10000000000 people could be said in the future. on the way they're, the big players will gain even more market power than they already have. the robots can be very agile, and they have an advantage over humans. they never get back pain. so if you want to avoid a slip disk, you can learn a few things from the robots. poor simply team up with them. because they are very special machines that can help you lift heavy things.
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robot noises can now be heard at berlin's shop. a hospital and exoskeleton is giving those satisfies considered as additional support. it distributes the patient's weight away from the back to the shoulders and legs. the device is still being tested, contreras would like it to become standard equipment. after all, many nurses leave their careers early because lifting patients gets too painful. so let's everything we need to protect single box is the most important thing we can do here to extend our careers all by the robot and on the nurses back. doesn't bother patients. like for not to maya, she's happy for them extended us printed us. i think it's a good thing that technology is getting more advanced it beneficial by the patients . and then this thing, self of intrigue assessment, shall the change has been testing exoskeletons,
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since 2021. the current version is completely new and adapted for nursing handles. have also been integrated for the patients of nursing research santo chicago, but i'm on wants to do a study investigating the impact of the excess coach. and she also hopes to have found a solution to the shortage of skilled nurses sentiment portion to lucas of by. as i invite, i could imagine that we might be able to make a contribution to reducing the strains on the 2 nice people out to their house. and that might help prevent some people from leaving the profession. i know that and then i feel like stuff, no headed. norma shed uh, from the german company bionic, develop the exoskeleton for nurses. it was introduced in december 2023. the 1st models are already in use in the hospitals and health care facilities in the u. s. europe and japan. it's just the beginning. so stella mentioned oh, perspective. when people find a way to improve themselves through technology, they develop it side the and integrated into everyday nice event. and actually
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skeleton will be positive best. and we'll find some folks in our working lives on private lives. as we grow older, they'll help us live longer and stay independent. it will become normal to web robots, so not bodies club a look like. it's a vision that's convinced german automotive supplier movie. yeah. the company produces the exoskeletons in north run, west failure. the next delivery is ready to go. destination is the us ship on cuba is responsible for the new product line. he expects a large global market for exoskeletons in the next 2 to 5 years. the heated, the v, them deliver movement is used worldwide in an incident number of workplaces. it's a really basic important movement when and mobile support and the form of an extra scale. some is we think a very mobile way to do this, protecting the backend. and in case there is any doubt generating gains in efficiency when came off in 5 line, if it's sensitive in so that's fine, will be a,
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itself could be the 1st major buyer. the company is 50 factories and 15000 employees worldwide. tests with the exoskeletons is currently underway, devices within the lower back area, which is actually used in many different ways. this kind of support or protection hasn't existed in this. and that's why the extra skeleton is also very interesting for us and then to some the, from the over institute is also investigating whether exoskeletons are suitable for logistics. research is still in its infancy. the devices are too new, but the initial tests are encouraging. quote, incentives, and of unified that's definitely potential for access skeletons to improve good no megs. so as you know, does contribute to keeping employees healthy, like even bytes because there's some of us come, traders is already convinced she no longer wants to do without the support for
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lifting and bending. that's it for another edition of maid dw is business magazine. maybe our tips for living, eating and working in we'll give you some new ideas. so your next time, goodbye and take care
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the . this is the w news. live from ballot and gemini says it will start working again with the you and agency that helps palestinians independent investigation finds no evidence to back up his rails claims. but some of the organizations employees to pause in the okay, that the 7 attacks will say coming up from california to new us students, desktop, pro palestinian protest at college campuses. hundreds of been arrested plus the us x ray of states helps me blinking is in china pushing the best of times between washington and beijing. folks are expected to be tough with chinese support for


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