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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 25, 2024 1:00am-1:16am CEST

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is dw news, long awaited military aid is headed to ukraine. us president joe biden says weapons shipments will start with an hour as he finds a multi $1000000000.00 a bill after months of congressional grid lock. plus us secretary of state in the blinking is in china pushing for better ties between washington and beijing. talks are expected to be tough with the chinese support for russia at the top of the agenda and riot police are on campus in texas. students step up pro
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palestinian protests that colleges across the united states. hundreds had been arrested. the . i'm in ease of welcome to the program. us president joe biden has signed a bill into law authorizing billions of dollars and military aid for ukraine. the day earlier, lawmakers gave the final green light to the $61000000000.00 a package sending ending a month long stand off in congress. finds the supplies will soon be on their way. so i'm making sure the shipment start right away. the next few hours really be 2 hours from equipment to ukraine, for air, defense, munitions, for artillery, for rocket systems and armor vehicles. now this package is literally an invest,
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not only in your brand new credit, but in yours, in our own security. ukrainian government says the u. s. 8 is urgent. now hundreds of thousands of ukrainians have been called up to fight on the front line since russia launched its invasion over 2 years ago. and many, if not, returned, dw, spoke to a mother whose family has paid a high price. natalie is that nick had 3 sons when russia launched its full scale invasion of ukraine. this is my son who is my youngest son. the last summer natalia buried her youngest or lexie. he served in some of the bloodiest bottles of the will. look through my level. my youngest was, installer died after solid. he was in boss moved up to box, moved to his in house on the phone. he didn't see the fence he was near underneath can has on your thumb, there's
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a country village called antonia of sca when he was killed there for the day of alexys death. natalia tried to convince him to leave the army. she feared he'd share the same fate as our eldest son, so he had just been reported missing a middle son. andre is also listed as missing. natania hopes that all the sons are lied, but let's be no confirmation. she likes to remember them as they appear in these photos for me specialists and this is my of the sunset. he this is my andrea. sure . this is all you will say we're happy with my boys can do everything like cooking and baking and sydney are working, but they grew up well and they grew up together. have boys to read law schools and the took all 3 of them graduated from music school. when the queen, telling me to come to school with you for a controller. natalia is supported by her daughters in new orlando and or lexia. they call her mother to send the boys, but i am set them as low as we tried to call whenever possible to ask her. mom is doing fine if clothes so,
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so she comes to us since with her grandchildren. my mother is also retired, but it says no one. you only have one more to go 3 s month to come and she does or since that husbands disappeared, orlando and or less. yeah. are in constant contacts, trying to find out what happened to them as the vantage just as it seems to have get to that. no one gives us any official confirmation or less. yeah. and i would like to us together to the security service of ukraine. those are non, we constantly received the same on so that the russian side does not provide any information. there is no confirmation of any kind of watching and wants to try to. natalia says the lack of information is unbearable, but she hasn't lost hope that should one day be able to hold cassandra again or from school. but what can i say? honestly, i tried to smile or not show my emotions over. i take few or walk so that no one asks what's going on. if they do,
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my head starts to her and i run away. i don't want to be seen to push the button. ukrainian security is set to be a hot topic for us. secretary of state mc blinking during talks and china blinking wants to stabilize ties with beijing, but also to ramp up pressure over its close relationship with russia. washington and keys is trying of helping moscow with its invasion of ukraine, which is a nice engine, a blinking visit comes at a challenging time for china. us relations. surprising in shanghai. he posted this videos on building bridges and of course we'll be dealing with areas where we have real differences. we're trying, dealing with them directly, communicating clearly face to face and promising that it's important for avoiding miscommunications, misperceptions, and to advance the interest of the american people. as well as building his own
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bridges, lincoln will be trying to steer china away from russia, accusing things, yang of backing most goes more and ukraine. china continues to provide materials to support precious defense, industrial base. and all of this is fueling pollutants, warm machine, etc. attacks ukrainians and threatens europeans, security, china insist it remains neutral to inform you what china has always controlled the export of jew use items in accordance with laws and regulations. relevant country should not some year end attack. what's her normal state to state relations between china and russia? it's not just the war and ukraine that's causing strain. the discovery of a chinese spy balloon and us skies last year added to team sions. along with us support for tie one. with 3 days of talks in shanghai and beijing
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lincoln has his work cut out smoothing relations between the super powers columbia university in new york has extended the deadline for pro palestinian student protesters to clear the campus by 48 hours. police have warrant, they will clear the camp by force if the demonstrators don't be voluntarily protested against the war and gaza, have spread to universities. across the united states, several colleges have closed campuses and hundreds of students have been arrested. the us speaker of the house mike johnson visited columbia as campus on wednesday. here's what he had to say, a message to the students inside the encampment, it go back to class and stop the nonsense there. look, if we want to have a debate on campus, about the merits of these things, let's do that. but you can't intimidate your, your fellow students and make them stay home in class. think about that. is that right? do you think that's right? stop wasting your parents money. congressman lawler says, i think that's right. well dw correspondent benjamin alvarez gruber is at
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university the university of columbia university, excuse me. and we just heard mike johnson and telling students to go back to class is public pressure. mounting on the protesters or do they still have wider support in the public it depends on who you asking in the and then what do we have just heard there from the speaker of the house. you could hear some of the protest is it also gathered to the steps where he was giving it this statement, after meeting with students and faculty members here is shouting and also protesting against his visits. for some, this should have been cleared a long while ago. we know that negotiations are still in going between the office of the president of columbia university and the organizers here tension was quite hard yesterday night. we heard a chopper over flying also university. it will protest until $1.00 and 2 am. that was the initial deadline that the office of the president of columbia university, sab, but we know that negotiations are still a go in, and we'd need your help to see now how this will unfold,
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how the discussions will unfold. because students have said they will continue here until at the demand. so met by a columbia university. well, they have another day at least now. so what is the situation there among protesters at the camp of the so the tents are still here, we had an e mail that was sent out by the office of the president of columbia university officer. for am showing that this negotiations are ongoing. they gave a quick press briefing saying that they still have a those demand. so once i divesting all of the investments that the university has with a company that they take profit from each rose war in garza also, they want more transparency for the university. the administration to tell them where this investments are, and they also ask you for amnesty for the students, but also from the faculty members who face administrative and they yeah. where they actually had a some complications there and sanctions for. and then we'll protesting here when
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a n y p d. when new york police department came in last week, arrested more than 100, some of them were placed also on leave. so they want them to be reinstated and call this they say that half the month that they are clear. but now the question is, if they will find an agreement and how that agreement will look like, as we see more and more of these protesters and colleges across the us. okay, so the anger's focus, the ministrations there on the campuses. what are the wider remo political ramifications of these protests we just saw? speaker of the house, mike johnson, rallying his base, their trump has, has also pitched in even bite and called the protest anti semitic. so uh, what are we seeing here on the selection here? this is definitely a nationwide topic. you just mentioned the white house. we also have the secretary of education. well wait in here. say that and what he has seen on campus is it's a disgrace the wide how's the press release that they send out saying that anti semitism has no space, not only in any college across the country,
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but also anywhere. and as we are also the concerns of do a students, but also a faculty members of rugby close to the university even told us as students to stay away it. but they are, it's important to make a difference between the protest this protesting inside the university. but also also when we came here earlier today, we were hearing a some chance also some people were here is saying and rejecting a 2 state solution quite different to the chance that we're here inside. but we can imagine that this will still develop as we'll see more and more universe. it is more of this protest also happening across the country. dw correspondent benjamin alvarez group are in columbia university. thank you. now let's take a look at some of the other stories making headlines around the world. 5, see arizona, his house of representatives has voted to repeal and your total ban on abortion states supreme court ruled earlier this month that authorities could enforce the band that dates from 18. $64.00,
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the measure will now go to arizona as republican controlled senate is rarely military says that as a tax, dozens of targets in southern lebanon, belonging to the run back to militia. it has the law in retaliation for rockets fired over the border. israel's defense minister, you will have kalonde claim that half of has was commanders in the area i have until the latest round of fighting rainy and media says a popular wrapper has been sentenced to death on charges linked to the mass protest of the last 2 years. too much, so a publicity publicly but back to demonstrations, triggered by the death of gina most are many who died in the custody of around so called morality police. terrestrial rainfall has caused severe flooding and kenya, dozens of people have been killed since the range begin. last month and the capital nairobi entire neighborhoods are underwater and thousands have fled to their homes to seek shelter of
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the weeks. a relentless down pores have caused misery and narrow b rescue teams have managed to move some residents to safety. me and my do doesn't arrive in my brother who are on top of on top of the getting my g. i'm from morning to 11 pm in the cities, poor neighborhoods. high water have devastating effects. material used to build shelter, washed away by the floods. want suffering, need to sell them to take that things and go where they going.
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we don't know where to begin. we need food to feed our children and close to we are utensils are washed away homes filled with mud. some people, even most of the rules we stranded and don't know what to do next, we desperately need help authorities or warning residents of heavy to very heavy rainfall made worse by an el nino weather pattern all the way until may with rain and thunderstorms forecast to continue through the weekend and that ruby's floods are likely to get even worse as well. a painting by the austrian artist, a boost of clint that was lost for nearly a century, has sold for 30000000 euros in vienna. the auction house of the portrait of mister user could have fetched much more were not for doubts about it's past. the work was commissioned by the wealthy jewish liza family and 1917. still not clear where it was for the decades after the leisure's for the nazis,
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but their descendants approved the sale. that's all for now up. next is our show. her looking at efforts to get more women and girls into the sciences is more news on our website that's dw. com. you can also check us out on social media are handled. there is at the w news. i'm on the nice of thanks for watching the do you big companies play a role in the destruction of the rain forest? the letter will actually cost awesome comes from illegal capital funds in the m as in the yes, the automobile industry doesn't care about the supply chains, profit, all that much illegal as a stock may said on
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