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tv   The Day  Deutsche Welle  April 25, 2024 7:02am-7:31am CEST

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is missing and not just ammunition and weapons, but also personnel and ukraine's efforts to expand mobilization have proven to be controversial. i'm quite richardson in berlin and you are watching the day. the minor must be full mobilization. we have to become as militarized as possible. for many stress didn't don't want to go. so let's, let's see, i got 5 days off. much i'll have a sense of being punished for the patriotism of russia is preparing to mobilize at least 300000 man over the next 6 weeks. this is the most to road is the from to being there for 2 years. so there are no more volunteers to this situation. the mobilizing experienced soldiers would be suicide with my husbands exhausted. he's only $29.00 and he's already gone. great.
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also on the day a growing number of college campuses across the united states, the student protesters gathering to demand their universities stop doing business with israel or companies that support it's war and gaza. it's some jewish students say the protest amounts of anti semitism concerns that some university administrators are taking on board. let me start by saying that columbia strives to be a community free of discrimination and hate in all its forms. and we condemn the anti semitism that is so pervasive today. welcome, we begin the day with a promise by the us president to send a new military aid to ukraine as soon as possible. joe biden says it will make not just ukraine, but also the world, a safer place. and it's a that's badly needed by cuba trying to fend off russian advances in its east. it
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also draws reclose months of congressional gridlock that left ukraine's forces rationing artillery and weaponry. abide and made his pledge after signing until want a funding bill, which will also see a going to israel and tie one. the package is worth a $61000000000.00 for ukraine and includes weapons such as missiles and air defense systems. let's listen to what job i didn't have to say, i'm making sure the shipments start right away. next few hours, literally the few hours we really be going to begin to send in equipment to ukraine, united states, and all that can go on to state the obvious, our allies in europe and around the world. who for caution we've been asking me, are we going to step up? we're not going to walk away. are we? how many and some of your veterans international meetings are very concerned and we fail to step up. lord only knows what would happen. the cohesion of nato and ukraine faces another challenge, how to replenish it out, numbered and outgunned forces. as part of its efforts to call up new recruits,
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ukraine has adopted a stricter mobilization law that has proved to be controversial. after russia's invasion, men were lining up to serve their country. but after 2 years of war, finding volunteers to go to the front line has proved much harder. it's a delicate issue in ukraine, not least of all, because many families have already paid. the highest price is natalia said nick had 3 sons when russia launched its full scale invasion of ukraine. this is my son. my youngest son, last summer, natalia buried her youngest or lexi. he served in some of the bloodiest bottles of the will. lower to my level, my youngest was installed a dog after solid, he was in bus, moved up to bus, moved to has been, has is on the phone. he didn't see the fence he was near on to leave can has on your thumb, there's a country village called antonia of sca when he was killed there for the day
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of alexys death. natalia tried to convince him to leave the army. she feared he'd share the same site as the eldest son, so he had just been reported missing. middle son, audrey is also listed as missing. natalia hopes that all the sons are lied, but let's be no confirmation. she likes to remember them as they appear in these photos for me, specialist and this is my eldest sunset. he this is my andrea. sure. this is all you will say we're happy who my boys can do everything. what are you cooking and baking from sidney, or what do you but they grew up well and they grew up together. i have boys to read and lost the 2 or 3 of them graduated from music schools or by linda couldn't tell them to come to school for a controller. natalia is supported by her daughters in new orlando and or lexia. they call her mother. but i am so from as low as we tried to call whenever possible
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to ask her mom is doing. i have clothes so, so she comes to us, sits with her grandchildren. my mother is also retired, but it says no one. you only have 2 or 3 s month to come and she doesnt since band husband's disappeared, orlando, unless you are in constant contacts, trying to find out what happened to them on the run, it just doesn't seem to have gets bad. no one gives us any official confirmation or less. yeah. and i would like to as together to the security service of ukraine. elizabeth, now we constantly received the same on so that the russian side does not provide any information. there is no confirmation of any kind of watching them on the truck . natalia says the lack of information is unbearable but she hasn't lost hope that she'll one day be able to help her sons again. vehicle school the clock can i say honestly, i tried to smile and not show my emotions over. i take few or walk so that no one uh, 6, lots going on. if they do, my head starts to her and i run away. i don't want to be seen to catch them. and if
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i was one of grieving mothers speaking, cynthia w and ukraine, i'd like to get across now to our correspondence, caroline, at troy. joining us from t of carolina ukraine is trying to mobilize more if it's population for military service, including those who are living abroad. can you tell us more about this recruitment drive? yes, this is a new level. as a solo player has different elements. a one of them is that old man, between 18 and 60 years old, arrow blige to register with ukraine's the military. and not only that, they have a to carry their registration paper, work on them at all times because ukrainians officials are allowed to ask them any time anywhere about of is a registration paperwork. and they have to be able to show them that it's up to
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date. if it's not, they would have to pay a fee and they would have also to immediately search for registration center and, and register. but not only that, also, as he mentioned to men of a service age leaving abroad. they will not be able to renew their passports at ukraine consulates abroad without doing this paper work without having producing the, the, up to date, a paper work and having a registration with a ukraine's military. so this is also an opportunity for, for, for the ukraine and government to know how many people, how many man between 18 and 6 years old. they have abroad, who they could potentially call in if they are really need them. the aim of all based clara is of course, to make the whole a recruiting procedure more transfer and, and also more efficient. and i understand currently now, some of these measures have been controversial, is presidents lensky, risking losing support for the war?
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because of these he probably is, he has already lost a lot of popularity here in the country. you probably remember clear back then in 2022 when the war started, his popularity was about 90 percent, 90. and this year that means 2 years after the war started in february 2024, his popularity has dropped to 64 percent. and this new mobilization, lo will definitely not to make him more popular. quite the contrary. also, he has made some political changes a here in, in, in ukraine a couple of weeks ago that i have not to make him popular. like, for example, asking his commander in chief back then generals a loose, me add to get off that position. and putting general is there is, keeps a new come under, and she's a man that is not as popular as his predecessor lives turnouts. the news of the day, as we've heard earlier, us president joe biden has signed that
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a package for ukraine into law. he said the 1st shipments of weapons would get under way in a matter of hours. how has that news been received? and the reactions have been very, very positive, clear not only from presidents, the landscape, but also from the minister of foreign affairs. mister clay, uh, and also the chief of staff, mr. year much let me just read to you a to the last, the last communication of presidents lensky on this, he said, now we will do everything to compensate for the 6 months. at half past. in this debate and doubts, we must turn what the russian occupier has managed to do. over this time i went to to this happening now against him. so as you can see, 6 months of the but of the bait between the ukrainian government and the u. s. government, there has been a lot of conversations, and this really feels like a relieved here in a, in, in the ukraine and all the reactions have been positive also from civilians. i'm
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from soldiers who feel that they have the support of the united states. again, charlie, no, thank you for that. that is a corresponding currently much more in kiff. and it's an additional update here since we spoke to carolina, we have received new information that the ukrainian government has now announced new rules saying ukrainian military age, men living abroad will not be able to renew their passports or get new ones at foreign emissions. another sign, the government is eager to bring man home now rushes invasion of ukraine is that to be a major topic as us secretary of state asked me blinking holes talks in china. lincoln's visit comes as tensions between the us and china are rising. washington has accused vision of helping moscow more effort in ukraine. something china denies . bunch of presidents, she's in pain and vladimir putin have previously said they have
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a relationship without limits. and i'm very pleased to welcome kelly griego with these 10 some center, a foreign affairs. think tank in washington dc for more on this story and we've heard of biden is promising to look free 8 is on its way very shortly after he's signed off on billions of dollars a new spending for ukraine. before we turn to blinking in china, i just wanted to ask you how much you think this new aid package will help in ukraine? yes. well, thank you for having me. i think that the new aid package will help ukraine to be able to sustain its defense this year. it still has a diverse, significant manpower process which you were just speaking about. but it will help when you choose shortages and ammunition, air defense weapons. and the real question that i think becomes what will happen after that is could potentially be the last major aid package from united states.
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and so how you frame will bind a more sustainable pass on defense? and the timing is interesting, isn't it just dr. blinking landed in shanghai, how do you get the passage of this a package will affect the secretary of state's discussions in china? yes, so i think it's quite interesting that one of the issues the administration seems to have made its priority in this and this is in these meetings is the issue of what they see as tiny support for russia industrial base. from a chinese perspective, they argue that us is upset about to use technologies, things like machine tools and a semi conductor parts. but those are things that are just part of normal trait. the united states obviously feel differently about that and it, and i think it's interesting with this a package, i can imagine the chinese as part of the response will say, well, you are sending weapons to create and we're not even sending weapons to russia. they have held back on that, and i think this will be actually one of the major focuses of the meeting and
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a real point attention. given that dynamic, what tools does the us actually have? and that's built to try to push china to reduce its support for russia or yeah, you know, it's interesting because this is what i find. so curious about the administration's using to highlight this issue is that it has very little room for maneuver on it. and to actually influence china ahead of this, the, it's the meeting. there was a story in a while she journal that the administration has drafted sanctions and to impose on chinese banks. now the problem with that is that many of the chinese banks that deal with the dollar actually have already stop doing trade, facilitating trade with russia, because they were already worried about secondary sanctions. and as a result, a lot of the banks that are doing this trade with russia and now these secondary regional banks that don't deal with the dollar. so the kinds of sanctions they're talking about imposing would actually not target the very banks that are,
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are conducting this kind of trade. now it's interesting then like you say that they're hanging their hat on this as a major issue for the trip. we should say a, this new a came as part of a law that has included 2 other things that china likely won't be very happy about . let's look 1st at one provision, forcing take talk to either be sold by its trainees owner or be banned eventually in the united states, this over the united states concerned that data could end up in the hands of the chinese government. will this be raised in discussions? oh, yes, i mean i think this has actually taken the time is a little by surprise because there then a similar motion in march in the senate and it hadn't passed. so i think they thought that that had sort of resolved itself and, you know, leading up to blankets, trip a spokesperson for the chinese was asked about this. and they essentially said that they didn't have a comment and we could refer, you know, look back at other what they said in the past. they've opposed this kind of effort in the past. i think that this is likely to play out,
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though not as much in diplomacy as in us court rooms. this, this, this law will be challenged and us them. and us courts on 1st amendment grounds and in the past. and the courts have ruled against this kind of forced sale of tip top . so i expect this will probably play out in the coming months and years. okay, now looking ad blinking in china. again, it is this, this a package cost by biting this law. it also does set aside assistance to tie one. this is another store point for beijing, and beijing has condemned it as a dangerous provocation on this issue. will they be able to find any common ground? yes, so i think there is one place where they'll find common ground, potentially, which is bad in next month, but a little less than a month from now. they will be in an operation for taiwan, new president. and i think both sides are very concerned about this moment and
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trying to make sure the things remain stable and there isn't some kind of inadvertent escalation. so i think on that they'll be communication about that the chinese to signal they would like the cape lincoln to publicly reaffirm again us support for a one china policy. i think there's a high likelihood that we will see that beyond that though, at least in terms of the issue of the kind of military aid, the united states is providing some type one. i don't think that there will be any movement on that issue. i think the united states will hold firm. so just to bring this all home, what will be metric 2 by which to measure success be here. what does blinking need to come away with from this trip to, to call it a when yeah, i don't think we're going to see any big deliverables or announcements on this trip . i think the, this, if i would give it a slogan, i would say it's agreed to disagree. that's the sort of the theme of the trip will be agree to disagree. and the successful be the fact that we're actually engaging in face to face diplomacy. and that they'll be a re affirmation,
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a re commitment to continuing to make um, you know, government and government contracts and dialogue, something that have broken down. and really until san francisco in november and just basically continuing with that process and remaining committed to it. well, thank you so much for sharing your insights with us sick today. that was really valuable as like how we agree. go from these timson center. thank you. are in new york, columbia university has extended a deadline by 48 hours for pro palestinian student protesters to clear the campus. the university says students have agreed to dismantle a number of tents. police have warrant, they will clear the entire camp. if the demonstrators failed to leave protests against the war and gone, so have spread universities across the united states with several colleges and then close campuses and hundreds of students who have been arrested.
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we have our correspondent benjamin alvarez group or over at columbia university. we can speak to him for more benjamin, good to see you. a columbia has extended this a deadline to reach an agreement on clearing protesters account meant. where do things stand? now? as you can see behind me, the situation right now is quite call on the was tens at midnight yesterday when the deadline was supposed to be enforced. when there was no agreement. when within her there was code of his phone to 8 am. and now everyone here is talking about 48 hours the negotiations are continuing between the organizes between the office of the president of the columbia university. but also there was a lot of movement today because a, the speaker of the house of representative mike johnson came here. we met several jewish as students also how to press conference in front of the stairs in front of one of the main buildings here in columbia. university, the big question will not be how this will it continue to develop as we see these
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pro posting in protests, a is swapping over into other universities not only here in new york, but in other cities and other parts of the country. but the students who have been clear that they will continue with their incompetence until their demands are met. so for anyone who's maybe just tuning into the story or, or hasn't been paying close attention, can you spell out for us a little more about what it is exactly that protesters are demanding? the weather has been asking a university and also the president of the university is on one side, amnesty full, the students that have phase disciplinary action. i remember that last week, the president of columbia university, it decided it to called in n y p d. new york police department, they came in a campus grounds, arrested more than 100 of them many. it will also suspend until the single one said, i'm gonna see for the students and also staff members that were arrested. but the main, the demand is to divest, and that's what they happened,
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repeating all over again to divest it from businesses to profit from israel's war in gaza. and they happened saying that the university management has not been transparent enough about that. they say that they will continue here saying that it focused would not only be on the discussions that we're seeing on college campuses across the united states. but also what's actually happening. they want to press the bite and administration saying that the needs to be condition of the military age. that is sent a to israel. now with this big package that was just dead by sent it to the desk of president fight that was signed earlier today, sending military a to ukraine to is roland taiwan. but the students say that they will continue protesting is to see this move and spreading to other campuses across the country. and you mentioned, colombia is decision to call in police that partly and reaction to the fact that some jewish students have voice, their concerns that columbia is not doing enough to protect them. can you tell us
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more about how columbia is administration that has reacted to this of the that's right, and they have not been the only ones who have been raising the alarms. we have the secretary of education also the wide. how saying that until semitism has no place, not only in the campuses and colleges across the us, but anywhere. and that's also what a speaker of the house mike johnson said earlier today with it's some students and also a feeling of coming to the university of robbie close to a columbia university. also said that you had 2 students. should it stay away? we spoke to some faculty members here who said that they have spoken to students who said they would say for others having concerns. and we also earlier today spoke to an alumni that is part of his incumbent and ask her about these concerns of anti semitism. during the approaches here at columbia university, the students have been very clear on what their values are and that is opposed to all forms of bigotry, including anti semitism. and i think anybody who has been in this and cabinet for
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any amount of time, can see that they have been very committed about the value of standing with one another. most, many of the organizers are themselves jewish and have been steadfast and their commitment to standing with boston and, and standing with their, um, their classmates. um and the some comment. and again, it's, it's, it's been really beautiful to see the students are not only respects one another and their religious observances, but also support and go out of their way to help them, you know, observe their, their customs and their practices. so benjamin that is one of the many protesters you've been speaking to, as you've been reporting on this story over the course of the last week. can you tell us what you have seen there? this was your last time on sunday. it's a pretty short time frame. that media has to come inside and to speak to people here. and that's something that's very important because as we have spoken to
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protest as the other told us, that it's different from the approaches that are outside, many of them quite aggressive. we also heard earlier today, chance and criticising in being against the to status solution, also anti semitic and chanting that we've heard outside of the university. and also compared with what with the c inside to you. it's been definitely a development in the decision by the president of columbia university to send in n y a p d. and that led to, to an increase of this momentum here at this university. but also what we're seeing, the universities that have joined we have hardwood. we have in mit, we'll have a university of south carolina also was seeing that in texas. so it's quite interesting to see how this has been spreading to other universities who has been able to come here to see it. what the protests, aside demanding how those protests have changed. how the communication is changing . we had an email sent by the office of the president after 4 am. so that's been very busy also behind the scenes talking a to the organizers here. i mean,
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this has turned definitely into a nationwide conversation, a nationwide discussion of what so many waiting in, in, in discussions on freedom of speech discussions on protests, a within the universities, but also outside. and this discussion has been ongoing, not just from the republicans. we have been criticizing in the government of not being too hard, but of the protest as on the other side saying if we see the split within the democratic party, also when we have the discussions and to send it over and the bill that was sold in congress for many months and was finally half the green lied with is a military a that was passed. and then by the senate, and already signed by president fighting. we saw a part of the democratic party also saying that a military aid to israel should be a condition. and that happened a criticizing indeed to the government of joe biden. say that they took the reader route. really the red lines that the government of benjamin nathaniel well thank you so much for your reporting as always. that is our correspondent benjamin
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alvarez. group are at columbia university today and that is our show. thank you so much for watching. i'm clear. richardson in berlin for me and the entire team behind the scenes. we're grateful for your time. if you do want the latest headlines, don't forget, you can always find those at the d, w dot com or on our social media at data news, the
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vision to death stories and test the loankey. in full time. august, coming to us was an impassioned for both his attackers. violence and football has become increasingly increased and puts media to can be atmosphere focus on the next. on d, w. farmers are protesting around the world. climate change subsidies and competition. some imports are threatening their livelihood.
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how can the world's supply secured? and who are the winners and losers, the agricultural business of the future made in germany. in 60 minutes on d, w, the in many countries education is still a privilege. property is one of the main causes some young children work in mind drafts. instead of going to class, others can attend classes, the minions of children, to the wills, collins going to school. we also want
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to just education makes the world the age of your own mind made for mines the this is focus on europe. i'm lara baba, lola, nice to have you with us. a reason landmark ruling at the european court of human rights could set a new president in the fight against climate change. judges rule that switzerland has violated human rights by not doing enough to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. the case was brought forward by a group of more than 2000 women. extreme weather events are becoming more frequent in europe as the deadline to meet the parents climate agreement.


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