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tv   Focus on Europe  Deutsche Welle  April 25, 2024 7:30am-8:01am CEST

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the just education makes the world make up your own mind. made for mines the . this is focus on europe. i'm lara. babel a nice to have you with us. a reason landmark ruling at the european court of human rights could set a new precedent in the fight against climate change. judges rule that switzerland has violated human rights by not doing enough to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. the case was brought forward by a group of more than 2000 women. extreme weather events are becoming more frequent in europe as the deadline to meet the parish climate agreement targets draws closer
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. last year was the warmest on record and the united nations is sounding a red alert about global warming in the european alps. glaciers are melting and mountains. links are eroding and francis brace who are out a storm at tours through the valley and 2020, causing an avalanche of debris. and the devastation is still visible, says von or foods is trying to rebuild his life and his business. but he's bound by red tape money, their feel let down by authorities, whether warnings or regular occurrence and residents are bracing for another storm to hit the upper reaches of the royal valley or a disaster area. nature lovers ones frequented the valley and adjacent mountain villages. but the claimant crisis opened the way for storm alex on flooding and destruction. was you of these, the innkeeper's,
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there's been a food runs as pop. i took this temper reset to embrace all yeah. we didn't share it is a far cry from a traditional french cafe. too much. that's a bonus. easy way of climate. really horrific commodities seem you were uncomfortable. the don't people are friendly, don't grew up. they don't come out any more. that is almost in early october 2020. the area around has pub in place or i looked like this 2 days after the storm switched to a whatever it to carry. the small, that 1st helpers and french television camera tvs could only get as close as a neighboring valley cuz this social media meant to do that. you can go for about 40 hours. the people, the fraser, right? yeah. answer ranking villages were cut off from the outside world
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or some of the collateral damage and all the buildings there behind you were condemned to valuable on the news. many of the buildings are still uninhabitable. a local real estate agent receives customers in that container as the post office the village swimming pool on the river bank is slated for demolition on sarah's going to food says he is not to load insights. his former in for fear it might collapse the funds to see i think it was the result of climate change. if you see a dark cloud a settled over the people at this valley, apple said see everything was chaos still go to another anxious and stressful. yeah, this is terrible, whole company, ridiculous. people get scared every time it rains off of the population that the valley is aging on their loan. or there's just 2 of them all to kind of fight the
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water and the much the offer in the royal valley is still buried under a land slide. nobody's allowed to set foot on it, repair work along the river. roy has dragged on for 3 years now. the, the, the palm own government tries to keep up. morale with publicity video is claiming progress is being made for years after storm alex. meanwhile, extreme weather events keep coming and insurance claims have yet to be settled. residents express the resentment the forgotten ones of storm. alec see the signs off and the insurance companies won't pay for renovations, especially not for buildings close to the river. the risk is too great, but 74 year old pensioner i'm already set from car, is determined to stay despite the risk. if you can hardly manage the stairs to her
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temporary apartment, she says miss, man, you're heading down to the police, come by regularly. every time we have a storm warning in orange alerts may come by and pick me up since the flood her life has yet to return to normal servicing the screws. you read the for the 5 going to to psycho therapist, but i just can't get anywhere. it hasn't been possible in the end, i said to myself, the therapists are worse off than i am. there's no point to a good model for product banner and the storm warnings just keep coming. if something were to happen again, if the whole house shakes, then i shake along with it that will get for me of it. show. what can i do then? guess what to do with that. she doesn't want to give up her beloved home. now every day she looks to see if the water is rising. innkeeper stairs bonus has long since
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had to accept the new realities of climate change. and some pull up the we are victims of climate change trying to show me quickly because it's happening faster. and foster as opposed to even the next few years will be hard. and really for the shopping, especially worried about the young people rather partial fellows living here in the valley. it will have dramatic consequences. going to be the most realized that's how much he says bonus when his patrons hardly even see the shade and play so well . yeah, as a provisional solution anymore. at least if the next, whether disaster claims this one, it won't be such a sense of loss. they are known as ultras, or hooligans. fanatics who glorify violence in the name of sports, especially soccer incidents have been on the rise across europe for years now. some have been fatal in greece, heiress,
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and melina cabinets lost their son to hooligan violence. his death has sparked renewed calls for authorities in the country to get a handle on the fanatics. but some believe the problem runs much deeper than the hooligans themselves. of every photograph of their son reopens old wounds. more than 2 years ago are as cabanas and his wife molina lost their son when he fell victim to a crime for for, for so i knew he always tried to support the weaker pupils at school. starving them up, if you have anyone who needed help, i thought he was an angel and i missed him very much can. will you be brought up on august was killed because he was a fan of the wrong soccer team. hooligans from an opposing club beat him to death in broad daylight. 9,
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a spoke on monday of to the bottom when it came to fanatical fans. he kept away from them if you might make it through your walls. for me, it was supposed to send out the best phone. i mean, and i mean, you know, i remember i would warn him again and again. well, so he wouldn't get involved and incidents of levels. again, i mean the base of sight before the there's a memorial to ology is in the northern greek city of testimony. the 19 year old was sitting here with his friends. when the attackers showed up in cars, the hooligans asked which team they supported. then the punches and stabbing began . august led to death of the scene. a mix of sports and violence has long been a part of daily life in greece, but the brutality of recent years is unprecedented. 3 people were killed in 18 months. the most recent death came in december 2023. when police officer, your ghost, they gave you. this was fatally injured by
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a flare. there are 2 1st division, soccer clubs and dust lo, nicky, sports journalists, pedigrees. stella says that's a recipe for trouble. the 1st step, he's been a victim of the violence himself. 20 years ago, he was attacked by mass assailants on the street. the road his injuries were life threatening. 3 days earlier, he had received an anonymous call. she told me that the if for you will not stop right about this beth, sir, you will have a big problem come at us. here's a silence. we're never caught, even though there were many security cameras at the scene. stella suspects that the influence wielded by big soccer clubs in greece reaches all the way to the police and politics. never investigate governments
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for this young journalist. no one thought that the cisco stella says the media are involved as well. all you need to do is look at the countries soccer publications. their headlines are meant to rile up the fans to the uh where you martha, who we must win. boy. 60. yeah. so who, what is the business paper? was she who do? nichols condos has a 15 year old son who's a fan of the r as club. she wouldn't allow him to go to the stadium alone. condos is going to one of the clubs home games today, but he's always on the lookout for hooligans. a gully that i have to be especially careful windows, much as between local rivals but mist. it's best when funds from both sides avoid
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each other, but don't try it through the temp of the district of the city with a tube of stadium is located in the living room. but also, if we give a minute to the riot, police have already been posted in front of our a stadium condos has his personalized admission ticket on his phone. as digitize tickets have replaced printed ones. at least condos can get back into the stadium again. after the police officer was killed, the greek soccer association ordered matches be played an empty stadiums for 3 months. yet visiting fans are still not allowed in the stadium for security reasons . because condos team one to nail in the end. she says the government should be tougher on the hooligans. they should double the sentences because it has to be a deterrent, especially when the attacks are taking place outside of the state of august was
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killed far from the stadium. there wasn't even a match that day. his father r as has campaign since then for nationwide reconciliation between different groups of fans. thought in the general motors, there's no magical overnight solution for the problem of time violence. yeah. is it the everyone involved our whole society. we must come together in the name of change and yes, the missing non national for me. but cub, i know still says he's seen little progress in greece. violence continues to mar sports events. that's why this year, as in the years before, the soccer cup final will be played with out spectators. a c, aaron islands, or were irish culture and traditions. flourish in this year is the smallest of the bunch with just a few 100 residents. when there's an issue to be dealt with, the locals turn to a woman who's managing the whole island. 24 year old chloe,
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she moved over from the mainland, and the locals have welcomed her perspective as an outside are managing and this year is a balancing act between preserving traditions and ensuring the island doesn't fall behind the times initiated as an outlying slice of irish rock holding strongly against the crushing waves of the atlantic ocean. yeah, 24 year old kind of a molly has taken on responsibility. many people her age would shy away from. she came here to be the island manager. i don't find that city isolates or i'm a new see i need to for my mental health or what would be i'd rather be in a place where you feel connected. and i think that's what's really strong about where and are there is an items like this. the smallest of the 3 are in islands is famous for it. shipwreck framed by the sweeping cliffs of mo, have on the mainland of islands west to the 345 irish speaking people who live here. there's no permanent police, no court. no,
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i'm do this but there is close. you don't have any one role and you might have time for the day was, you know, you go in and something happens. it's a funeral, there's a missing task, whatever it's going to be your want to put to involve your slaves and take pers hailing from islands mainland chloe fault for her job 3 years ago, off to folding in love with the islands. during a brief internship, she'd be called a below in by the island is not someone who's lived here for generations. hey, 1st uh so agreeable. the whole machine will lady know who which i am um you doing for the this is hawaii and i guess just fall here around at 12, but that's what i've been doing since i was 10 years old trying to improve the bitter land i got from my dad, now is to lot,
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howard you should do because there's so many rules and regulations when it comes to the dispute is over was and land chloe. you can play a mediating role. she's not from an issue and can stay out of the island internal politics. she manages the islands co op, which was set up in 1971 and is owned by the families. it turns money from selling fuel and pause and reinvest back into the community. every island comedy only has one vote, each on decisions affecting the only let the job requires chloe's clarity, diplomacy and dexterity. i want to work for the lines and make sure it's the best place for them to live on for young people to come back to the island to say chloe's understanding of mainland politics means modernization. she's been able to pressure to sort of these to help access you on national funds for an issue. we're
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very lucky that we have chloe, you know, is a young person. she's very good with computers and knows what's going on with the model and word and to bring goes to, to the modern board once a month, clearly facilitates the national bank to come to the eye that as i'm, there's a monthly visit from the police for people to make a visual report, but when the god leaves, it's often time to coey to sole type disputes and problems. for example, along the pa, despite being grunted permission for a break 4 to 16 years ago, there's been no movement in the government to make it to reality. the island is fair and impending disaster. over time thing, when i was driving down it just ways he's on the car and i was so disorientation for a few seconds. i just stopped and said, oh my god is a car move, what is the?
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is it the way so, you know, think it was the most awful experience a country can explain how bad that was. that's why chloe. is campaigning. politicians a 5 and a bite. the peer for enforcing walsh are about 20000 meters on twice a day in summertime. are a sax phase of funding this and we need infrastructure to collect more rainwater and harvest ourselves the keenest on the order to reduce the carbon footprint. young woman manages the island well says, had pre dest esa, who lives on the island, the experience, you guess, in a co op, in a small community, is own matched really anywhere else. and if you manage to do that job well, then, you know, disguise limis up to the skills will last, but the values chloe lives by have always been there is a sense of community here. and i think a lot of people come to the items are, are in items as a place of maybe healing or play. so they can connect again even if they have their own family issues or they have stuff going on to be lined. costs of rugged
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initiated are the ones chloe has chosen to cool to have working together with the island is to overcome the challenges of this remote island to harness and to protect insights. standing beauty a it's a bit her sweet farewell fathers and husbands and north macedonia. leaving the families to go work abroad, low wages and high unemployment have made it all but impossible for many macedonia is to earn a living in their homeland. parts of the country are becoming deserted as opportunities and hope dry up corruption and a weak rule of law are fueling distrust in the system. sophia hasn't seen much of her father over the past year. she misses him dearly, and his absence is becoming a regular part of her life. sophia is waiting for her dad to come home. she's been waiting 8 months.
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my dad is up the in the plane. the by plane. i said that this in a few hours, she'll be running into her father's arms again. whose plan is to be home tonight in time for her 4th birthday. they have to leave for the airport. so if you can hardly wait the more and more people like her father are seeking their fortune elsewhere in the wealthy year . here at the bus station in scope, yet the plans are put into action. with scene after scene of painful farewells, the men leave their families stay behind dock and
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yes i'm getting out of this place to work. there's not even bread for his anymore. is there no work here? no work, no bread, no life, nothing. almost 700000 macedonia. and about a 3rd of the population now live abroad. north macedonia has one of the highest emigration rates in the world. the sophia and her mother have arrived at the airport. her father is working on a building site in friedrich, soften southern germany. then at last the for the next 10 days, so if you can enjoy her dad's company, then he'll be gone again for months. children all over the country are in the same situation. this village about a 100 kilometers from scope. yeah. is slowly dying. it's especially noticeable in
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the school where only 5 children are still enrolled. the caretaker shows us the 2nd classroom a few years ago, classes were still taught here. sick or who do you know, the number of people is, is decreasing every year because people are leaving for italy or germany. first, the fathers who then come back a few months later to collect their wives and children the most of the 3 minutes. they take the children to school and the whole family is gone. you're the child. the caretaker has witnessed the changes in his village. all the beautiful houses in the village now belong to families from abroad. she tells us he must use, you know, it was, i swear, if i were younger, i leave to show you what am i doing here? only pensioners are, let me everything stayed here. even if you walked right and make it, nobody would send me. according to the forecast, the population will continue to shrink. trust in politics is low,
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and accession to the you is still a long way off frustration rains throughout the country. we're back at sophia's initial shows, us pictures from germany. he earns 2300 euro on the building sites in scope. yeah. on earns just $380.00 euro as a full time accountant. earnings are not the only difference he feels strongly with . always to say is the difference is that in germany, laws are respected to say. so it's not easy says that there's order invest, whereas here are loopholes everywhere. what was that goal? and that's what it is. it's evening, the couple of have invited all their friends to sophia's birthday party in north macedonia. people celebrate loudly and late, even when the birthday girl is only for the
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scene, you shall dreams of living here again one day as a family. but she doubts whether north of macedonia can offer his daughter a promising future to the coliseum, the vatican and the treviss fountain rooms attractions drawn millions of tourists each year. but many of them aren't aware of the treasures hidden right under their feet underground lies in ancient world, including the remains of the roman empire. researchers are mapping out the archaeological sites and hoping to unders even more treasures. it's early morning at the hidden site, mckayla and his team of key researchers, newness belly ologist are getting ready for work. today. they're going diving into the jewish catacombs, a huge labyrinth of tunnels and underground video chambers. it was discovered when they were planning a vineyard that was up here in the out of to the sure in the clearing were holding
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the ground open. suddenly they found the catacombs. use them on the yes. yep. and from the gina they see it throughout that, like i think the rotating measuring devices, record the branching caves and convert them into 3 d animation. this gives the research. here's an overview of the dimensions on this, the a wonderful burial chamber from rooms haiti reveals itself, the man that's always incredibly exciting through of discovery. but at the same time there is respect for what we might find. preserve tier. well, 2000 years of history passed by the point and it's very, very exciting and emotional about the law as to what can be seen. overgrown this just a fragment of rooms. rich history followed and civilizations were buried again and again, while new ones were built on top entire f. polk sly,
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hidden beneath the ground. years ago, in this parking garage, a secret entrance was discovered what was revealed behind it. and a huge cavern amazes michela and his team to this day, the underground leak of month to validate the, the and this one was that company. we were the 1st to drop the rope and the interior climbed down to and then we found this enormous chamber and control. we walked around us and tried to figure out where we were at the amo. then we found the lake level. it was so trust, oscar, really incredible. national get out secret. i'm it. i mean think really like every day bring smelly ologist mikaela new adventures that are so captivating. he prefers to be under room street rather than on the as well. it certainly is a good way to escape the crowds and cues in wrong. that's all from us. this we get focus on your up. thanks for your company, bye. for now, the
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families are protesting around the world climate change subsidies and competition from imports threatening their livelihood. how can the world's supply be secured into the winners and losers? the actor cultural business of the future made in germany. in the same it is d, w, the
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world of free speech, free open access to free information for every stop dreaming. next, take action d, they'll use global, easier for them. 2020, for a bunch of any practice to know about. dissipates from all over the world. to share their solutions and to shape tomorrow and join us and register now for the dw global media for in 2024, west virginia. i mean, i know i might just do it and i'm hosting dw new podcasts. thanks. trace amount. bother. today about joining us as we travel around your,
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facing the history of every day of that. and that's something right around the world. no need to talk about justice, subscriber id, listen to part and we'll take you along to the right deal. we didn't force it on anyone, but we did sell them such a product to us and by agreed in the 2000 star, 2 bank engaged in various high risk business practice to search the bank was basically involved in every shady scandal in the banking sector. wells wire raised for ever higher process. if you made money, there was pressure to make more money. and then the minds of the german institution, the georgia back story may 2nd, the, the,
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this is the, the news coming to live from berlin. ukraine limits, passport renewals for military age men living abroad. he says it's a temporary measure to get more men back home as the military faces man power shortages. but the move provokes anger and long lines that ukrainian consultants in europe also coming up. israel's government says it will go ahead with a ground defensive into rafa and there are signs the operation may come soon. satellite images show a new 10th city. the media reports say will be used as shelter for relocated, palest plus riot police on our on campus in touch.


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