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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 25, 2024 1:00pm-1:30pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the news life from berlin. ukraine limits possible for new ones for me to tree age . man, living abroad, gave saves, gets a temporary measure to get home and back home as the ministry faces mackintosh voltages. but the move for bolts and along the lines of ukrainian concepts in europe, also coming up student demonstrations against israel's war and does us spread across the us, administrators calling police to clear out the citizens. the protests for a national debate of a free speech and campus safety the rebel groups and me and ma say they fortunately withdrawn from
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a key photo tom bases weeks ago from home forces. as the civil war drives off the prospect of a peaceful solution, the high bid expenditure welcome ukraine has stopped issuing new passports to some military aged men living abroad, bought and forbid to pressure them to return home to fight. the move is temporary and comes the day off to the ukraine and foreign ministry suspended. consider services for men from 18 to 60 years old. long lines foamed at passport officers and european countries of to foreign minister demitra who neva announced the measure as the limits come shortly after you print adopted a new stricter mobilization policy to show up forces make gains by russia on the battlefield. i didn't want me to tell you,
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not you might. and keith outlined the complex services for ukrainian men at continents. they cannot do any kind of paper works as ukrainian consulates, but only the process to come back home. and this has been highly criticized here in and t of also by members of the parliament saying that this has not been discussed during the whole progress and procedure of the mobilization law. as some members of parliament are members of the committee of national security. even want to call in members of the minister of hiring affairs to ask them to explain this issue. because this had apparently not been this cause, and it seems to be a phrase on that might not even be legal correspondence kind of, you're not, you're more than reporting from keith. meanwhile, you as officials have confirmed that your brain has begun using long range besides the secret to be shipped in recent weeks. they say that besides we used for the 1st time and a strike on
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a russian airfield in crimea last week. be all me talk to go besides the systems or at tech games for short. well thought of a $300000000.00 assistance package approved by the united states in march. the us supplied mid range versions of the system last september. these latest bags can strike targets up to 300 kilometers away. by boston is a senior fellow in both studies of things. college, london, he jars been off a mall. mike, welcome. what's the targets you don't do these long range at tech games? me size. now bring within the range of the ukrainian ministry. so the attack them system as a right, the end of about 300 kilometers. and when stop the ukrainians can strike old ukrainians. howard treated the russians economy. ok, fine, including crimea. so they can also reach deep into batteries and in some russia as well. speaking the alpha tree including
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a crime media you mentioned the ukraine has already tried to destroy several times the coach bridge, which connects the russian mainland with the russian occupied. come in ending july and is also an important supplier route for russian troops. do you expect the ukrainians to try and target this bridge again with the attack ins? i certainly expect the cleanings to target because bridge again, whether they'll do so with the tech comes or not is open for debates. the russians know that the ukrainians, a very interested in going to touch base the kinds themselves a couple of months ago said that they, it's just a matter of time before they destroy that bridge. but if i, with the trainings i'll probably be looking at 3 or 4 different attacks that does at the same time. so maybe an attack ends, maybe a storm shot of approve me. so i may be something from the c one of these drones. the c drive is that ukraine has been using quite successfully,
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but there is no doubt that they will this summer be going off to the coach bridge again. how important is the destruction of the coach bridge for the ukrainians? i think there's 2 ways of looking at this. so the bridge connects climb a uh, to russian approach. and it was built off to the 2014 uh you know, the zacks incursion by russia dot takeover primary by russia. and so is a huge logistical pipeline for russian forces in columbia. and also in the south of occupied the train. so from an interest to go point to view, it's a big hit for you tried, but actually it has huge symbolic value. so the coach bridge is partially connected to vladimir putin. he opened it, he wrote the 1st train call. he was the driver of the 1st train, the winds across the bridge. i'm sorry, striking the bridge collapsing. it is a huge symbolic load to russia as well. and, and psychology and symbolism have
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a big part to play in war. how many is that? is that, is that really such an important thing at the moment, given how expensive these besides are? and then there is a limited supply of them. and you also have the kremlin saying earlier today that these messiahs would not impact the outcome of the conflict as well. look, i think on your 2nd point that we can discount most things that the credit and says about the conflicts in ukraine. but even if we just put to one side, that symbolism point to knockouts, one of the 2 major logistical supply rates to russian forces in crimea, and in the south of ukraine. that's a huge, absolutely huge. and that means that the, the russians have to put all of the logistics through the, all the radio link in the south of ukraine, coming through the dumbass and coming across that land kartel between huss on in
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the west and the don't buy from the east that makes it much easier for the credit is to then attack dr. logistical cordele. so no matter what the price of these missiles is dropping, that bridge is of huge benefit to the kinds minutes. however, they talk to me about the overall ukrainian game plan here. i mean, ukraine has been on the back foot when it comes to the land ball for a few months now. as the game plan changed, what is it to well, what's, what has changed is, is this 60000000000 supply pipeline. and also a number of you, you are paying nations about the steps of the supply. so the, the, you guys just offered another 500000000 pounds worth of supplies. and so, rather than being on the strategic defenses, the ukrainians can now certainly shift to stabilize that phone lines. and then i'd be using some of these longer range systems like attack ends, like the storm shadow that the, the u. k has just a dilated a couple of days to go,
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and i'll be using them to particularly hit crimea. you've mentioned the touch bridge. there's lots of naval assets and assets in crimea on all of these, make it much more difficult for the russians to progress on that front line. so power don't typically, you know, the best way of stabilizing the front lines is to hit these things behind the front lines in crimea, not stops the russians being able to support that troops on that right in front line. so i think the stage one is for the credit is to stabilize the front line and then they can look at places where they can do damage on the russians with this new weapons package in the band. with the time being, mike bought it from things called his london. thanks so much for joining us. there . a quick look now at some of the stories making headlines around the world. french president, a manual macro has one of the coat you're up to die. if it didn't unite to face the challenges of changing world distress, the continent must state responsibility for its own sovereignty,
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boosting its joints defense, and by relying less on us support. he also on the line that ukraine's victory against russia is key to the future of europe. and security to these very medically serves, it doesn't affect dozens of targets in southern lebanon belonging to the you're on back from initial hezbollah in the autonomy ition for rockets fired over the border based rails defense minister. you are gone to and claimed that hospital for the loss commandos and the area had been killed in the latest round. the fighting is also saying it's moving ahead a, with the plans for the ground it offensive into rough uh, despite intense international criticism, based on the government claims of the bulk of how mazda is remaining forces hiding out in the southern cousin city, were over a 1000000 internally displaced, cousins, and now living the offensive continues is relative response to the mazda attacks on east valley towns on the 7th of october, satellite images near rough uh, show connections of tens up. but not that. earlier this month. media reports are
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isabel has bought 40000 times to accommodate those who will be forced to move again once it begins with us or this has yet to be officially confirm. and please dial to be joined by sam. rosie is the director of planning ad on why the u n's largest aid organization in a guys i hey john just now from rough up some reports indicated that is well plans to carry out an offensive operation in rough are in stages. will that help about your monitor and disaster? oh, thank goodness, thank you for having me on we appear to be having some technical issues with the line sun. can you hear us a user because the bottom line is any way the
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ration of this scale is process use it will uh, dog will have disasters will have catastrophic or a fax for relation that has already gone through much whether it's done in one stage or in multiple stages, the absolutely absolutely diet, all that cool. so the only way to about this to my attention does all stay is to essentially not uh, guide you out to a ground defensive on rough. uh i would say, so let me see the weight of the offenses in northern gotta be sold. what happened with defensive in con, you just, it ended just a couple of weeks ago, maybe not a military person, but i failed to see how it is possible to i don't ration without large scale human entire consequences for population best. ringback gone through so much as you all you said in the age of production won't look 5 in the middle of us now. and robert,
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we look at the 1000000 and so they just slice and the rest of the nation. well, already had busted as of what happens to them in such a bills of space and also where they go and all they find where they go that know very, very difficult to see how this is this part, but it is part of those concerns. israel continues to say we move ahead with an operation in gaza. you're also working with the largest 8 operation that works in gauze. or have you seen all being told of any plans that is around has to evacuate people from russell we have we have to, we appear to have a, a difficult line there with some i will, i will try again. so i'm not sure if you can hear me, but i will try one more time. i either have continues to insist that it's going to
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carry out it's offensive in gaza because you are welcome to the largest 8 operation that is operational in gaza. have you seen all being told isabel's plans to evacuated people from a rough or no, i believe you're facing technical issues with that line. we're gonna try and bring uh same role as the director of planning at on rob the largest data organization that operational in gaza. back on again, once we have cleared up issues with that line, apologies for the technical issues, they're moving on a pro palestinian protest. as i camped out to investigate campuses across the us, leaving administrators scrambling to respond. some jury students say the criticism of israel has veered into anti semitism, and they feel unsafe. the protest us complained that heavy handed tactics are being used to prep down on free speech. hundreds of students have been arrested and several colleges have closed the campuses.
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that message for the speaker of the house was clear, as mike johnson visited columbia campus in new york of his thoughts on the protest, as well. also unequivocal my message to the students inside the encampment. if you go back to class and stop the nonsense there, look, if we want to have a debate on campus about the merits of these things. let's do that. but you can't intimidate your, your fellow students and make them stay home from class. think about that, is that right? do you think that's right? stop wasting your parents money. congressman lawler says, i think that's right. pressure on the schools administration over is handling of the protest is intensifying with many, including speaker johnson, calling for the president to resign. i will say that the administration has done just about everything possibly wrong. it can do so far. and every single moves they've made as a made things was the worst of all being calling police on peaceful perfect
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protesters who are mostly undergraduates of 18. 1920 s o. demonstrations have been given until friday to dispatch, before the police will be called in. but despite the amounts to call up, the protests students remained committed to the calls and supported by faculty. today marks one week since our 1st encampment on the south lawn, which was literally dismantled by n y p. d at the direction of columbia a columbia university. after approximately 34 hours of our demands, are the state divest, disclose and, and the see for all i think it's just been wonderful. the students have been very peaceful. they're very committed young people who are anti war anti violence, and pro palestinian liberation, columbia notified students the classes and exams for the rest of the semester. it will be offered online, bringing it to be looked into the academic here. another quick look now at some of
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the store is making headlines around the world, the visitors to venice. now i have to pay a $5.00 fee to enter the famous italian canal city. this follows concerns of the walls headed that site is in danger of being damaged by an estimated 13000000 visitors as a yeah, not all venetians, what comes in your system again, so called over to autism box city or thought of the said when it least helped to measure arrivals more accurately the arms of the windmill of the legendary, more rude night club in paris have collapse. firefighters say, no one was injured. it is not yet known. what caused the incident of one of the most well known spots in paris, which came just months before the french capital of hosts, the olympic games. dozens have been killed by heat stroke in thailand alone as extreme heat grips south and southeast asia. i'll follow through the ty, capital bank, golf,
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have one of the extremely dangerous conditions. schools have been closed in the philippines and buying the visual. tens of millions of children that you'd like to mention says one that that's due to heat stroke. well, vitally under 40 calling heat, a silent killer to me and my next, my fears fights, independence, searching groups and the ministry government is pushing the nation to watch, collapse me and mazda me to treat states to cool in 2021. strangling democratic reforms and jailing much of the country civilian leadership. 3 years on tens of thousands of people have been killed in the ongoing battle for control. this map shows how much territory is controlled by the resistance and which areas are controlled by them industry one top as one of the areas that are still heavily contested. a central point in the bathroom for territory and control of the country has been the town of nearby the on in most eastern border with thailand
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in the me. almost city of milwaukee this week, explosions and smoke rising from buildings, attacked by heavy called his overhead resistance flights and say they have for now partially withdrawn from the critical board. the city would thailand which they seized only earlier this month. the retreat follows the counter offensive by the ministry hunter, which sees control of me a ma in a 2021 crew, plunging the country into violent scales. fighting and me a warranty has cause thousands to flee into the neighboring thailand. although thailand's foreign ministry set on wednesday some hudson's for tons, this is one me what it is so important to have only a handful of border crossings between me and lawrence highlands located in the city . and more than $1000000000.00 us dollars of trade passes through me of what e each it control of the city means, control of an economic lifeline. it to me, i'm a thailand has, wouldn't be a mazda mitre on, so it's not so we're not fighting to spill over the pool to propose as in wide
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meeting to resolve the crisis. but a peaceful solution looks distance. the situation in the i'm a remains enormously complex, young with resistance groups oppose to the hunter at times, schools so fighting each other elsewhere. this particular concern, so they were hitting the people in the mazda northern wreck, kind states, the, the most, the most of them ethnic group is quotes in the crossfire. a fist fighting between military and opposition forces the current violence of potential escalation of debris, some 2017 cranked down by the military, which killed tens of thousands of rang goes and caused the hundreds of thousands to feed them. whereas in 2017, the range of what targeted by one group, diane now tramped between 2 of them to fractions who have a track record of killing them. beneath the hunches veneer of control a country crumbling,
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do united nations estimate some 18000000 people in the country? i don't currently require a humanitarian this the minute about 2 thirds of the population. let's get more now from jason ta. he's the country director of the bomb a program for the united states institute for peace and independent institute that aims to solve and prevent conflicts abroad. jason, welcome the resistance, scott, and click controls more than half of me and most entry of the military when does days in power numbered. so thanks for having me on. i mean, you really are seeing that this is becoming increasingly as essential for the me. i'm our military, it's last well over 30000 square kilometers of territory to resistance forces just since last october. so last control over t logistics court orders with india, with china and with bangladesh. and you're now seeing that critical battles are playing out. i ask who i'm speaking here along the china border, which could um, further push it away from that border and cause it to lose further control over the
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china border trade as well as the situation and the warranty, which is where the military is just barely getting on to control over that critical um, treat artery with with thailand. um, meanwhile, and were kind state you're seeing where the military is also similarly up against the ropes and stands to lose control over territories through which strategic and oil and gas found for china passed through. meanwhile, the resistance is increasingly able to perpetrate um, air strikes are drawn strikes that are able to hit on even into the capitol of that'd be dog. you saw one of those a few weeks ago and you've also seen stripes in, in mon state as well. you know, you called as existential for the military. one time you also mentioned the fire thing on the borders with china. so therefore, i would like to talk about china because being mazda into the, me, and my, when does one minister, i'm sorry,
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has left for china for security dogs with the public security minister there. what do you expect here from beijing given that this is becoming an exist entered problem for the ministry? honda, a general idea for beijing, there's hundreds of billions of dollars and investments that state there is a geo strategic oil and gas cord where that pass through the country which represents roughly 10 percent of the ged the united providence plus it's the only pipeline that china has the south so it's a critical importance. no train. it has very close relations with belligerent parties, including southern ethic, armed organizations that are some of the most powerful of videos and it's boring area and with it being more military. and it's been using the leverage is that it has over each of these parties try to push them to enter into. ready agreements with one another and to try to push them also to secure and stabilize chinese investments in the country. another major interest is cracking down on crime which
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is harm chinese interests and what is which has resulted in billions of dollars and losses to china. a lot of this criminal activity is under the protection of the me a more military. and i think that's precisely the topic that the home minister is going to be touching on with china during this visit. the following, a major cracked on and the china border on this crime which took place over the last couple of months. chinese police have growing evidence that the medium or military is directly involved and a lot of this criminal activity is very high levels. and it continues to put pressure on the military to deal with these problems. and being uh and leave it there for the time being. but thanks so much for joining us today. jason, tyler, thanks for having me on or given an immediate say of popular rep uh, has been sentenced to death to march. suddenly he publicly back to demonstrations, triggered by the death of juno. most armine,
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who died in the custody of it on so called morality police hysterics, took aim of the evening and regime accusing it of corruption. crackdowns on descent is legal team say they intend to appeal the ruling the months and they use music has challenged iran's leadership. the 20 maybe check out to the, to sort of some sort of ship just a bunch of you know, some of the autonomy. but then as we look offered lots of for to the women's rights movement over 2018. believing this revolution, enjoying the young people who are now on the streets, who we hear a being killed every day. then advisors now demand up the was bravest wrapper, faces edits. sentence. certainly he was initially arrested in october 2022. after backing the protests that erupt, good, following the death of juno, mazda,
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i mean the, the iranian gar dish woman died in police custody off the. she was the pain for allegedly not wearing her head stuff properly. solely, he's arrest prompted outrage and an online campaign for his freedom. last year he was hand of the 6 year prison to the government. then finally, new charges against him so that he's lawyers say they will be in the routing the as a painting by the austrian artist gustavo claimed that those last for nearly a century has sold for 13000000 euros in vienna. the auction house said the portrait of miss liza good or fetched much more. what is not for doubts about it's past and the identity of the seller. the work was commissioned by the when the
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jewish needs of family 1917 bought, they were forced to flee the nazis, and it's still not there who acquired the painting and how the lives of defendants approve the same. a quick reminder on all the stuff sorted. you're following for you. you can sort of minutes for you has stopped issuing new foss. polls to some military aged men living abroad. keep saves the new limits of temporary move comes as ukraine tries to mobilize more troops to fight in its war against prussia. don't forget, you can always get the the news on the go just on the app from google play all from the app store that can give you access to all the latest news from around the world . as well as push notifications for any breaking news as lots of sports business and entertain with news on that app as well. and that is it for now, up next after the break is focused on your auto, which is looking at how climate change is impacting villages in the french out as
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old as more news on our website at w, w dot com and on, on youtube and other social media channels, i'm british manager in berlin. thanks so much for watching. we'll see you again in about 15 minutes from now is on the
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of the vision to death on the street and test the loankey in full time. august coming to us with an impassioned for both his attack, his violence and for to has become increasingly personal in greece. and poor media can be a focus on next on w, north korea. same with nuclear. the small country
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resides on my c allies. as a new to power, it's an impulse into your political readings. family really wants exclusive insight into the world of the kid. in 45 minutes on the w, the do big ocean view companies play a role in the destruction of the rain forest. i have time to raise all over the brazilian. we process $30000.00 hides a day and 90 percent of that is one of the forward market. the auto industry, for example, the, the full actually cost awesome comes from it. nasal cattle farms in the m as in yet the automobile industry doesn't care about the supply chain. profit. all that much
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. illegal leather stats may stood on d w. the the . this is focus on europe. i'm larva lola, nice to have you with us. a recent landmark ruling at the european court of human rights could set a new president in the fight against climate change. judges rule that switzerland has violated human rights by not doing enough to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. the case was brought forward by a group of more than 2000 women. extreme weather event.


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