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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 25, 2024 3:00pm-3:16pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the news light from berlin, emanuel mark all ones your of a dire future, unless it scales up its defenses. the french president says, europe isn't prepared to find off global threats. he just, jonathan minute faced in joint forces and european countries to make that defense industries on growing. what's coming up. the situation has been di, if you can just see behind me the amount of destruction flooding and can you know, it has because more than 50 people and biped out in time neighborhoods, maureen is full cost in the days to come. the
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british manager, welcome french president emanuel macro. all has wanted that to europe, who die on this country is united to face to german joseph of changing wild macro stress. the continent must take responsibility for its own sovereignty by strengthening its joints defense and relying less on us support. speaking of this, all born university in paris, he also said victory for you. print against russia is key to a future to the future of europe insecurity. it's a natural one, your must not rely too heavily on x. donald resources excuse cut. this is everything that strategically important. we have delegated all energy to russia, but fronts, but several of apartments have delegated that security to the united states and other critical interests also to china. we must take them back. this is what strategic autonomy is all about having so many se silva is emmanuel,
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i'm across talking. the dw correspondent the leaves are louis was the sub on university matters. this is what you have to say. well, that was the case. indeed, he was saying, the question of european security was decided upon in ukraine that reading at the center of the new world. he has said the world has changed, and europe needs to adapt to that. and he was pleading in favor of a european defense strategy with a common force with more investments in the defense sector across europe is also not just the front supposed so also by other countries, obviously macro. and once you have to adopt a stronger defense policy, does he see himself as being in the lead on it of the it does sound like that. it's really he was talking about maybe assessing on a common me side a she,
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you defense system. you was also talking about nuclear decision being at the center of this new strategy and a front of the have nuclear weapons. and so front would be at the center of that. if you look at the home phones and my call has over the past few months, actually a been pleading in favor of a war economy and he's been touring the country here in, in france, saying that companies needed to invest more. and that the government was actually spending money on weapon systems. and new companies and new factories are being built across frauds as we speak. so yes, he seems to be you taking center stage at these new york in strategy. and he also said that europe can only be strong, actually, in military sense if it were strong in economic sense. and that was the other part of his speech. he was saying, we really need to come up with a new commercial policy and new investments for
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a policy. we need to be strong as economies if we want to count in this new world. how much support is the if within the union for want to present mcroy as saying that well, that's a very good question. b, l easy was saying in advance that he hop, they have been talking to the gym and counterparts. i mean, you hear the similar speeches across europe, in all the countries in these you have been hearing them and these past months, i think days a common sense. so if you know, we need to find back, we need to spend together. we need to be stronger and you know, in order to be able to survive in this new world where war has come back to europe . talk a little bit about the timing of the speech as well. this comes just a bit more than a months ahead of the european elections. when you look at the pollings, at the, at the licensed opinion polls, you can see that the far right policies are rising,
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has been rising in the polls. and that's also the case here in france way where the far right draw some of the one us and that is leading of the polls. and obviously people have been saying this is not just the speech on europe that not calling was holding today is also speech to complain, speech and has been criticizing him for that. obviously, he was talking today mostly about a european strategy, european idea, but right towards the end of his speech, he was saying, you know, if you want to fight back then far right ideas, we shouldn't be intimidate, intimidated. we shouldn't be afraid. we need to be courageous. and believe in the future, believing all values. and i think that's what he wanted to show today. his candidate valley here comes this coming 2nd in the polls right now. and he might even come so . so this was definitely also in his hand by him on my call to boost his own campaign, is in policy ahead of the elections. we leave it there for the time being. the thanks so much for joining us today. due to the correspondence,
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these are always embarrass. meanwhile, us officials have confirmed that ukraine has been gone using long range besides, secretly shipped in recent weeks. they say that besides we used for the 1st time in a strike on a russian, f, e and in crimea last week, the army tactical and we started systems are a tough games. were part of a $300000000.00 assistance package approved by the united states in march. the us supplied mid range versions of the system last september. this latest batch construct targets up to 300 kilometers away. is johan vauder, phone is deputy chapman of the opposition. christian democrats and the german parliament with responsibility for foreign affairs and defense. he joins me now on the program. welcome, mr. nevada, for now that the us has sent a tech ins, long range of bass sizes to ukraine. should germany follow suit and send it's long range doris. my son. yes. of calls. we apply thing for that. so for months,
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but the, when they were to convince or champ level of salts to do so, to members of his coalition. the great and sam, the liberals, the ftp, also favorite this and, and as of supporting us, it's not really of the time to send tyrell is because they are comparable to the tactic of tires and systems said from the u. s. and they are very much needed in ukraine. that's a critical situation on the front line for ukraine. right. and we have to do really everything we can do that. so ukraine is really able to, to, to defend itself. i do want to talk about the accounts to all of charles, but in a minute. but before that, does ukraine actually need to jump on taras, if it already has the american at kim's and the franco british storm shadow, besides like heavy enough. and they really wouldn't make it differently. i have a little bit longer range then the next american systems uh about the
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500 kilometers. and the eve in a very sophisticated way, they are able to reach the aims. so they are really needed they, they can make a difference. it's not that so silver bullet bought the ukraine needs needs to, to really go deeper, a strike, deeper into the rest and a headcount. are you saying that if your credit doesn't receive uh the gentleman made towards me, so i'll just lose the wall? nobody knows of what the really will be. the reason if file ukraine, the new this, the wall about nobody wants that this will happen. so we have to do everything we can do in order to ukraine to enable them to defend the country and to freedom in europe. it's also also made clear once again yesterday that he's sticking through his decision not to send the thoughts me sort of the as
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a clearly said he is not going to change his mind why you keep insisting on him to change his mind when you also say may not be a sort of the bullet, but it's a step on the position of our chancellor was now rational argumentation. this is really looking, looking. you cannot say you are you out staying by your position without, without having any arguments. everybody sees how critical of the situation for the ukrainian army is. and you'll see what in america, what the u. s. congress did in the last the days. so they weren't clear, but they know what to do in this critical time to stand by ukraine. that is, that is really needed thousands of channels that has to change his mind. but it's, it's also really being irrational because the majority of german seem to support the john's low stands and a for last month. nearly 2 thirds of respondents said they opposed the delivery of told us beside the so it would appear that the chancellor is doing what the german
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people want. what is wrong with that? as i assume that sounds was a very reason uh for all the people being uh on this position. if he wants to go into the public and convince people that this uh, shipment is, is really needed and that this web and every is needed for the ukraine. unami. i think the people would follow him, but he only is the one who he's speaking about, new dangers about to, to make it bump, bump about the risks off the wall. and if the 1st person, uh, the leader of the government is speaking about these problems. you cannot expect from people to be more courageous then the chancellor himself. so he's so i was what must really say, he's the wrong chancellor at this critical time. and you are you convinced of the reasons that the johnson is giving for not sending the photos my phones?
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i do not really know which i his reasons. i'm afraid he's, he's in fear, but he is the wrong position for him for a lead. and this time, he should look back into, into history what, what, what i'll need is date. if you could look to the 1938, this is the only comparable situation history we, we, we have, and to stop a person like to teen your lead strings. you need clear this and you need the will to win win. david, the thanks so much for joining us to the german opposition. lawmakers go on bother full. thanks so much sir. to at least a 155 people have died in tons of media as to a bunch of rains and things to en. nino caused flooding and land slides in neighboring kenya, which has also been hit by week. so flooding across the country. red cross
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officials say the debt still has not risen to 50 dimension rains have brought the capital $59.00 will be to a standstill in time neighborhoods, underwater and thousands have flipped their homes to seek shelter. the weeks a relentless down pores have caused misery and narrow b rescue teams have managed to move some residents to safety. me and my do doesn't arrive and my brother who on top of on top of the getting my g. i'm from morning to 11 p. m. in the cities, poor neighborhoods, high water had devastating effect. material used to build shelter, washed away by the floods. want suffering.
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i need to sell them to take care of things and where are they going? we don't know, we have to begin. we need food to feed our children and clothes to we are utensils are washed away homes filled with mud t lucky some people, even most of the rules we stranded and don't know what to do next, we'd desperately need help authorities or warning residents of heavy to very heavy rainfall made worse by an el nino weather pattern all the way until may with rain and thunder storms. forecast to continue through the weekend. that rubies floods are likely to get even worse and correspond them. felix money and go sent us this update from nairobi about the unfolding disaster to the domestic scene
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slots have continued so cause i lots of destruction in the area just behind me. they used to be a bridge that has not been so much in the water on this other side. they used to be house these people used to call these police home just 2 days ago you'd have phones, houses, funding, but right now they've just remained a sion of their former past. and i see a ability has just been recovered and the destruction has continued to take place of residency saying they've never seen the amount of destruction that they've seen . this particular type. and those people who been displaced from their houses have been taken to various shelter as we've seen, the syria correspondent, phoenix money or their reporting for us from the kenyan capital. nairobi that does it for the moment coming up next after the break is kind of a which looks of how and more could be used as a clean fuel in the shipping industry. and as ever have is more news on our website
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for any 47 that is at dw dot com and on on youtube and social media channels, you need to look for at doing news. i'm gonna respond to your input and thanks so much for watching. see you in about 45 minutes. thank you. by the big ultima, video companies play a role in the destruction of the rain forest. the letter for luxury casa, often comes from illegal capital funds in the m, as in get the supply chains, does matter to the deal industry. the illegal as a starts may said on dw, this ends in is a huge side of full shipping industry to clean up is that it runs on ammonia and that means of tons of pills. it without anything, any cut.


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