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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 25, 2024 5:00pm-5:15pm CEST

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the the, this is the, the news life from believe hobby wines teams, new york conviction over tubs, new york's higher scott was just a 2026 primes, conviction against the disgraced hollywood producer. but he wouldn't remain in prison on a separate product and spectators gap outside the us supreme court waiting for donald trump's appeal. but he should be immune for prosecution actions during his time as president also coming up emmanuel called world geography of dire future unless it scales up its defenses. the french president says your isn't prepared, defend off, know from friends,
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the management of you're welcome. we begin the breaking news from the united states, where the state of new york's top called has overtime. movie mobile on the weinsteins conviction on sex crime charges including rape. in the 3 decision, the new york court of appeals ruled that weinstein was not given a fair trial. it said the judge who presided over the case, improperly allowed testimony from witnesses whose accusations were not connected to the case. jason kept the don't. here is with nbc news and i hot radio in los angeles. i asked him to explain why weinsteins new york conviction has been over time. so basically what the lawyers have argued was that it was an
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absolute hit piece on harvey weinstein. that the judge in that case, allowed testimony from women who alleged sexual assault by the movie mogul. and they had nothing to do with the actual case. so is a smear campaign against harvey weinstein? the appeals court sought their way and they have now decided to order a new case, which i think is going to be interesting in the coming weeks. what done this of product uh from the new york. uh, a supreme court be appealed. it can be and what will happen is now there's going to be a whole new set of rules write a whole new trial. the women who testified it in the case may be allowed to testify . again, if they choose to do so, which you know, it's opening up a whole new bag of trauma and everything else. what i also feel is going to be really interesting is if lines the will take the stand himself. there were rumors that he was going to take the stand and the new york case and against,
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against his lawyers opinion. they decided to say, hey, like, let's just let this play out the way it is. but have weinstein takes the case. i think it's going to be very difficult for him to get on the stand and say, look, you know, these women wanted it and this is what happened in the hotel rooms and in my office and whatever else. and you know, the green rooms, wherever i. okay. and then it was consensual, that's a very difficult, you know, mountain decline. but that is until the next trial. and what happens until then because he's kind of thing prison. is he essentially a free man? no. say no, he stays in prison and he will stay in prison until the next time that he has to go to court. he was convicted in los angeles in 2022 of sexual assault, sentenced to 16 years behind bars. they, they may extradite him from new york to los angeles, just, you know, kind of shuffling inmates around. nothing newsworthy there, but he,
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instead of staying in new york, he could stay in los angeles where i believe he lives. that's where his home is. so it'd be closer to family, closer to probably as lawyers and things like that. uh, closer to also the weinstein production company, which is still around. how is this uh, budget going down in the movie industry at the moment? well, it's, it's sending shock waves. uh, you know, the me to movement is still very active in hollywood. ringback and here in los angeles, this is where most of the actors and actresses live and work. so to have somebody like a polarizing figure, like harvey weinstein basically, you know, hey, what he did was justified, or what happened may have been conceptual, or whatever. it really is that needs chunk ways because a lot of a lot of actors and actresses built their celebrity on the me to move it. and so
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now what does that do? that will be interesting to see. and now we'll see if uh, there'll be some big stars that come out today. reese witherspoon, who is one of the major proponents behind the meat to movement. she may come out and say something, maybe some of the other actresses that a ledge, sexual lesson, a saw from harvey weinstein may come out and say something. so it'll be interesting, like i said, in the coming days to see who's willing to come out and say what an egregious error this is or you know, or whatever. but it's definitely uh water to your topic for the next couple of days . that was jason kemp, the don't you know the from my nbc and use and i hot radio speaking to me. i know donald trump has been back in cost today and his harsh money tried in new york. he complained that he should have been at the supreme court in washington, justices that a hearing arguments of trump come to be prosecuted. so things he did, why he was president the history making set of allegations last august,
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former president trump was charged with 4 accounts of conspiracy and instruction by the justice department, special counsel jack smith today. and then dining room was an sealed charging donald j. trump, with conspiring to defraud the united states, conspiring to disenfranchise voters, and conspiring and attempting to obstruct an official proceeding. but trump legal team argues he should be protected by presidential immunity. the claim, many legal experts are skeptical about. he doesn't have any text in the constitution to rely on, and that's significant because the constitution does grant and unity explicitly to members of the legislature. but it doesn't mention the president, according to his lawyers from who is acting within his official responsibility was president when he allegedly tried to overturn the results of the 2020 election. they say no president and us history was ever prosecuted for his official act. and neither should from but the case goes beyond donald trump. if the supreme court
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ruled that the president doesn't have immunity from prosecution, many fear it could open the door to criminal behavior and office to have the president of the above the law and be able to commit crimes while in office would make our whole system vulnerable to dictatorship because the president could use the power of his office to subvert the vote. to subvert checks on the system like impeachment, and to try to remain in office past the end of our term. the stakes are high and the mere fact that the supreme court is hearing this case now is significant. even if the justice is here and to see reject terms, arguments. the procedure does by him time and many think. but it's exactly what the former for us, but once the supreme court is unlikely to decide before june, meaning the trunk, the trial will be further delayed, possibly bringing on until after the november election in case of an election victory from codes, theoretically order,
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the justice department to drop all cases against him were not there yet, but the possibility does little to dial down tensions in the run up to the presidential elections. courts about some of the stories making headlines around the world. us officials have confirmed that ukraine has begun using long range besides secret shipped in recent weeks. the ami tactical video systems are a tough games with out of a 300000000 dollar us age package approved in march. the resolved system is capable of striking targets. 300 kilometers away. more than 50 people have been killed in beaks of flooding in can yeah. torrential rains have brought much of the capital nairobi to us 10 still in time neighborhoods, underwater and thousands have flipped their homes to seek, jumped up. the heat stroke stuff gets dozens in thailand, with extreme temperatures recorded across se asia of policies and bank talk. a
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warning of dangerous conditions. schools have those for millions of children in the philippines and long brothers. the united nations has called heat stroke. asylums cannot visitors to venice now have to pay a $5.00 your fee conservation to say the bald headed that site is being damaged by an annual $13000000.00 tourist studio photo to serve. the charge will help the monitor visit to our numbers and the blades of the wind bill of the milan who is night clubbing. bowers broken off just months before the city hosts the really big games. it's not knowing what cause to collapse, but no one was injured. french president, demand the call has gone to that europe could die on this country is united to face the challenges of a changing world across trust of the continent must to take responsibility for its own sovereignty by strengthening its joined defence. underlying this on us
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supporting the speaking of the soul, bon university and privacy also said victory for your brain against russia is key to future your feelings account to, to do something. and i'm a call one. your must not rely too heavily on external resources. let's keep putting everything that strategically important. we have delegated all energy to russia but fronts, but several of apartments have delegated that security to the united states and other critical interests. also to china. we must take them back. this is what strategic autonomy is all about. 2 minutes published and i asked the, the correspondent liza lawyers whether the french president is explicitly linking european security to victory for you print as well. that was the case. indeed, he was saying, the question of european security was decided upon in ukraine by reading at the center of the new world. he has said the world has changed,
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and europe needs to adapt to that. and he was pleading in favor of a european defense strategy with a common force with more investments in the defense sector across europe. it's also not just the front, but also also, but other countries. obviously my comments, you'll have to adopt a stronger defense policy. does he see himself as being in the lead on it? it does sound like that really he was talking about maybe assessing on a common me side a she you defend system. you was also talking about nuclear decision being at the center of this new strategy and a front of the have nuclear weapons. and so front would be at the center of that. if you look at the home phones and my call has over the past few months, actually been pleading in favor of a war economy. and he's been touring the country here in, in france,
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saying that companies needed to invest more. and that the government was actually spending money on weapon systems. and new companies and new factories are being built across frauds as we speak. so yes, he seems to be you taking center stage at this me your pin strategy. and he also said that europe can only be strong, actually, in military sense if it were strong in economic sense. and that was the other part of his speech. he was saying, we really need to come up with a new commercial policy, a new investment policy. we need to be strong as economies if we want to count in this new world, how much support is the it within the union for want to present mcroy as saying that of the well, that's a very good question. the lady was saying and advised that he hop, they have been talking to the gym and counterparts. i mean you hear the similar
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speeches across europe in all the countries in these you have been hearing them in these past months. i think there is a common sense, so if you know, we need to find back, we need to spend together. we need to be stronger. and you know, in order to be able to survive in this new world where war has come back to europe . talk this a bit about the timing of the speech. well, this comes a, just a bit more than a month ahead of the european elections. when you look at the pollings, at the, at the licensed opinion polls, you can see that the far right policies are rising, has been rising in the polls. and that's also the case here in france, right? where the far right draw some of them on us and others leading in the polls. and obviously people have been saying, this is not just the speech on europe that might call and was holding today is also speech contained speech and hasn't criticizing him for that. obviously he was talking today mostly about a european strategy, european idea, but right towards the end of his speech, he was saying, you know,
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if he wants to fight back against far, right, is we shouldn't be intimidated. intimidated, we shouldn't be afraid. we need to be courageous and believe in the future, i believe in our values. i think that's what he wanted to show today. his candidate validate a yeah. comes this coming 2nd in the polls right now. and he might even come to. so this was definitely also an attempt by him on my call to boost his own campaign is in policy ahead of the elections. we leave it there with the timing. the thanks so much for joining us today. the, the correspondence, these are always embarrass to a quick reminder of the top story of your folder and for you, new york's top full size over time movie mobile, all the weinsteins conviction in the state for 6 crimes, including rape. the court of appeals the rules of weinstein was not given the fed file once these other convictions in california state. and that's all for the moment. coming up next off of the break documentary on prompting very near the
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cultural heart of romania configured. there's also more news on our website, the dot com, and you can always follow youtube and social media channels on british budgets. but in the innovation green, the green revolution global. so listen to a whole lot of crime. it's probably up to speed. if the carrier is subscribe to the subscriber to plan, it's a good the .


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