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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 25, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm CEST

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the, the, this is dw news line from berlin, the guilty verdicts against him, and help ignite the meantime. but now, when of harvey weinstein is convictions has been overturn new york's highest court watching the 2026 crimes conviction against the disgrace hollywood producer. but he will remain in prison on a separate rate for it's also coming up of protesters and supporters of donald trump gathering outside the us supreme court today waiting for his appeal that he should be immune from prosecution for actions during his time as president and the united states revealing that it has been shipping secretly long range, ballistic missiles to ukraine. washington says that they've already been used on the available thing.
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the library gap is good to have you with as we begin with breaking news from the united states, the state of new york's top court today has over turned the movie mogul harvey weinstein conviction on 6 crime charges, including rate and a $4.00 to $3.00 decisions. the new york court of appeals room the weinstein had not been given a fair trial, said the judge who presided over the case and properly allowed testimony from witnesses. his accusations were not connected to the gates or they want to bring in. now jason, capital one of your nbc news in by heart radio in los angeles. jason, good to see you explained to us exactly why exactly has wind stains, conviction been overturn? so the argument has been made that the judge allowed testimony from sexual. this
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alleged sexual assault victims of harvey weinstein to testify in the case in new york. they had nothing to do with the charges that he was facing. and basically are calling it a hit piece on the winds, the name. so anybody who alleges anything can just say what they want in court, and that's not the way the courts are designed. courts are designed for those accused to face charges. and so they overturn the convention basically saying that it wasn't fair to harvey weinstein to have to sit and listen to testimony from, from alleged sexual assault victims telling what his lawyers are basically saying are a bunch of lies. so having witnesses come in to help paint a picture of someone's character here. this goes beyond a, a procedural error, or if you will. i mean we did have one judge saying that harvey weinstein did not receive a fair trial at all. i'll explain that to a straight show when somebody goes to court,
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they're supposed to face charges and only hear evidence they're surrounding those charges. if you know if harvey weinsteins are accused of something and then you just kinda open the floodgates for anybody to come in and say whatever they, you know, deal happen to them. uh, that's not fair to the person who's on trial and wouldn't be fair to harvey weinstein. why those? why, the prosecution. when with those witnesses? i'm not exactly sure i wasn't in those boards mean. but the accusations, uh they seem to be in line with several other other of the accusations against harvey weinstein. so they wanted to paint the picture. but that doesn't necessarily work with the us justice system. and we know harvey weinstein is serving time in prison at the moment. does the reversal in this case?
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does this mean that he's going to be able to walk free until there is a new drawing? no, he's actually serving time for a nother conviction of race in los angeles, so he will remain bind bars. what will be interesting is if they expedite him to los angeles from new york to los angeles, there are several prisons here in california. they need to go to folsom in northern california. there's a few uh prisons in southern california in los angeles county. and it puts him closer to his family. it puts in closer to his money, puts in closer to is production company. so all of these things, so he's allowed to still have a life wellbeing and in the los angeles prison. even though we can't go out and actually run is business. it is a little, it's a little bit easier to conduct business when you're behind bars and your production company, you know, several miles down the road versus 3000 across the country. you are in los angeles, that is the heart of the us, the movie industry, the, how is this going down or,
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or people they're saying that need to, is being reversed into a he said she said legal system. so the visceral reaction is absolutely that, right? how to the day this is the need to movement. this is what we fought so hard for. we want it to bring a key, you know, abusers to justice, you know, people who commit sexual assault. and in hollywood is ramp that we tried to, you know, that's what we worked for. and how can this be over 10 sites? the visceral reaction, right, of like, oh, my gosh. and then the me to movement is probably going to rise up yet again, because now these victims may have to testify yet again. so if they have to be put through the same dramas that they were in the original trial, that's a pretty, pretty bad place to be. and i'm sure that me to move in will come out and force uh, several hollywood celebrities, reese witherspoon, was behind the me to move made ashley job clinic patio. all of these big time multi,
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you know, generational stars, they're out there now and they've got a lot of money. and that's what it's going to be really interesting is if they started throwing money at the, these kinds of things, hiring better lawyers, you know, and, and better friends to fight these of users that are happening in hollywood. so it's going to be interesting to see if there's i'm, i'm actually surprised there's not a press conference already from the me to movement or some sort of statement from the actual group. but i'm sure that are coming in the coming days. if not, ours doesn't happen only in los angeles days, and we appreciate your time and your analysis. thank you. thank you. well, the thing in the united states, the us supreme court has begun hearing arguments and immunity case brought by former president donald trump. justices are deciding whether drug can be prosecuted for conspiring to overturn the 2020 election results. trump argues former presidents cannot be prosecuted for crimes allegedly committed while in office.
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here's a look at how the case made it to the highest court in the way in the history making set of allegations. last august, former president trump was charged with 4 accounts of conspiracy and obstruction by the justice department, special account subjects, smith today, and then date, and then within sealed charging. donald j. trump, with conspiring to defraud the united states, conspiring to disenfranchise voters, conspiring and attempting to obstruct an official proceedings. but trump legal team argues he should be protected by presidential immunity. the claim, many legal experts are skeptical about. he doesn't have any text in the constitution to rely on, and that's significant because the constitution does grant and unity explicitly to members of the legislature. but it doesn't mention the president. according to his lawyers from who is acting with in his official responsibility was president. when
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he allegedly tried to overturn the results of the 2020 election, they say no president and us history was ever prosecuted for his official act. and neither should from but the case goes beyond donald trump. if the supreme court ruled that the president doesn't have immunity from prosecution, many fear it could open the door to criminal behavior and office to have the president, the above the law, and be able to commit crimes well in office would make our whole system vulnerable to dictatorship because the president could use the power of his office to subvert the vote. to subvert checks on the system like impeachment, and to try to remain in office past the end of our term. the stakes are high and the mere fact that the supreme court is hearing this case now is significant. even if the justice is here and to see reject terms, arguments. the procedure does by him time and many things. but it's exactly what the former for us, but once the supreme court is unlikely to decide before june,
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meaning that trump trial will be further delayed, possibly bringing on until after the november election in case of an election victory from codes, theoretically order the justice department to drop all cases against him we're not there yet, but the possibility does little to dial down tensions in the run up to the presidential elections. 2 and our washington bureau gc, this bowl sheet is standing outside the us supreme court dean is good to see you. the, to the focus of the trump try was, has been on new york until today. now it's exactly where you are set the mood for is there. yeah, right, friends and you know, just to give you a little bit of an idea of the space, the supreme court is right behind me in the capital is just a couple of 100 yards away. and this is of course, for a trump supporters. i tried to stop the peaceful transfer of power in january of 6 of 2021 day of feeding cards done by donald trump to do so. and then of course,
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it took donald trump a couple of hours before you ask them to stop trying actually to, to the wife present. so this is a very uploaded atmosphere here. there's a lot at stake, and that's what people told us who traveled to a to washington to business this historic day. no, i don't know one's above the law in this country. i think there's numerous laws he's broken and i think he needs to pay for him and face the music of unity. immunity charge. it should be dropped because there are certain to say without uh, just completely wiping the other side or charges that are against him. yes. he should be a knew it was practically the, you know, the assumption growing up in this nation that no one, not even the head of state is above the law. and, you know,
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the presidential own is to preserve, protect, and defend the constitution. the law of the land, if the president can break that presidential owes with impunity, then what are we as a republic? now these are not nearly present in august and having every day. i should not. you should not on you. that's what it's all about. nobody. i believe that this supreme court justices case says the way the terminal solid, preferably the present expect. that's what it is we can hear right there. there is a lot at stake with this supreme court decision. what will it mean if donald trump wins this case? and if he wins the presidential election in november spoke, he basically can do whatever he wants to do. he could basically order the killing of a political opponent. he could destroy the constitution because he would
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be immune of any prosecution during, of course, his presidency, but also afterwards this would open like a whole new of options for donald trump to well, it's kind of a, i guess, to restore or kind of keep him in power for however long he wants to be and brings you know, this really i think that is true, which would really attack uh the democracy as we know it right now in the united states. and if the court says he does not enjoy absolute community, where will this puts donald trump? now there is a, this big fear that it will take far too long before the core tier behind me makes the decision. some expect them not through before june. and that would basically mean uh that wouldn't be hold accountable and the strong terminal court before the
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elections. and then of course, if the then would be re elected, he would try to get rid of this uh, a court ruling all this accusation. and then basically would never be hold accountable. what you did just these couple of 100 yards away from me uh, in the capital, in january 6 in 2021 or the washington bureau chief, indisposed front of the us supreme court. it is. thank you. here's a quick look now at some of the other stories that are making headlines around the world. haiti has more need a transitional ruling counsel, and the prime minister, arial honor. it has resigned. the council is passed with the point of a new premier and with restoring law and order as he grapples with a wave of gain volumes. where the 50 people have been killed in weeks of flooding and can yet to ritual rains have brought much of the capital nairobi to a standstill, entire neighborhood to see right. there are underwater and thousands of fled their
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homes to see shelter, a fritz, president, emanuel macro, and his warranty that quote, europe could die if it's just not unite to face the challenges of a changing world. the stress today that the economy must take responsibility for its own sovereignty by boosting its joint defense and by relying less on us to support you. also, underlying that ukraine's victory against russia is key to the future of european secure. staying with the morgan ukraine, us officials have confirmed that ukraine has begun using long range missiles secretly shift to their in recent weeks. now the weapons were used for the 1st time in a strike on a russian airfield in crimea last week. the army tactical missile systems known as attack them's, were a part of a $300000000.00 us aid package, which was approved back in march. washington. previously supplied mid range
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versions of the system, the latest batch constraint targets 300 kilometers away or more. i'm going to pull in marina maroney, she's from the war studies department of kings college london. and it's good to see you again. we, we learned today that ukraine already used some of these attack and long range missiles last week when it bomb the russian military air field in crimea. what will be some other likely probable targets a good evening brand? indeed, according to the new york times, ukraine would have received some 100 out accounts. so if missiles in order to be able to strike target's far behind the line of contact. so we can assume that this will create the problem for the russians as a need to shuffle their logistics in order to bring so outside of the range of out accounts. now with a range of 300 kilometers. however, um that being said,
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we have to also consider as a possibility of ukraine using these missiles on the russian territory. and russia proper, for instance, on munition storage is or oil refineries. so targets are strategic importance, and that is, of course, a concern for many politicians in the united states, and also some in europe who don't consider it as crossing a potential red line. but i think that given the small number of missiles at greenhouse, they will have to choose a targets very carefully. and if it, you know, if it is likely that we're going to see some targets attacked inside russia. what's this going to mean for the dynamics of the war? moving full to unfortunately, the number of these missiles is too small, and of course the russians have seen the packing junk. boy, these are um, missiles that have a ballistic trajectory, and they are supersonic. so they can be interest,
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stop the meanings of the russians will most likely have to adjust and fill the gaps in the air defenses and potentially critical areas, making this obsolete towards the ukranian side and very costly for both ukraine and the allies. and of course, the russians have already claimed to have interest sap did an earlier version of app accounts, which the ukraine armed forces used back in september 2023. so right now it's not about an intersection per se, central jamming of gps signal bought um, adjusting to the actual range and trying to protect um, critical infrastructure. yeah. and these attack them systems as the name suggests that they can attack targets, but, and that gives you offensive power. but isn't the bigger problem right now for the ukrainian military? defensive power in median simply doesn't have enough air defense systems to protect itself from russian missile attacks, right?
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to that is correct. so the army tactical missile system, that's what the outcome stands for, is an offensive weapon, which is grayed to destroy a specific car, a targets a command post. we've seen that and drug cory airfield and so on. however, it is just one part of a very, very long equation of which the ukranian forces missing. so artillery shells shore to range artillery shells and of course era defenses. because while ukraine will be trying to orchestrate those surgical attacks using the small number of accounts that they have with their disposal, the russians movie problem, the premium critical infrastructure with impunity because ukraine doesn't have the necessary air defenses. so i don't think that these other accounts will change the battlefield, dynamics dramatically. ok when it came to rone,
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our military analysts from king's college. as always, we appreciate your time and your analysis tonight. thank you. thank you for having me. israel says that it's still planning a ground defensive against the city of rasa in southern gaza. despite international criticism, is really government says, most of our mazda is remaining forces are hiding out in rough of where more than a 1000000 tell us, the indians are currently sheltering. satellite images show rows of tents that 1st appeared earlier this month, unconfirmed reports. so it is real, has both 40000 tends to accommodate people displaced in any assault. sam rhodes is director planning at the you an agency for palestinian refugees in rougher we asked him whether previous evacuations, whether or not they've been successful, haven't works. no, i mean, what are the objectives that have been achieved? people have left with out anything they've left a short notice. they proceed leaflets from the ad's having them to move. within
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a matter of hours, we saw that in gauze assess feedback. and in october we store it and ross there and we saw it with this check about approach that was taken several months ago. so, so know these may give people time to move, but there is no west states to go to. we've all seen the repulse. we've all met the people whose relatives have been killed. we know all, but we have had people who been killed on that way from one spot. so i know that as they've been directed to by the authors, he's being being killed on on, on the way. so no, there is no safe place to go and it's people that haven't into an of a smaller area, it will become even more distance looked in terms of the conditions that, that facing, on our ability as a few minutes our and community to deliver the aid on the supplies that they need and for them to get to watch the sanitation to the health care of the food and the shouts of which will keep them alive. or palestinian protestors were camped out to
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edge university campuses across the united states leading administrators scrambling to respond some jewish students say the criticism of israel has veered into anti semitism and that they feel unsafe. the protesters complain that heavy handed tactics are being used to crack down on free speech. hundreds of students have already been arrested and interpret colleges have closed their campuses. that message for the speaker of the house was clear. as mike johnson visited columbia's campus in new york of his thoughts on the protest, as well, also unequivocal my message to the students inside the encampment. if you go back to class and stop the nonsense there, look, if we want to have a debate on campus about the merits of these things. let's do that. but you can't intimidate your, your fellow students and make them stay home from class. think about that, is that right? do you think that's right? stop wasting your parents money. congressman lawler says,
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i think that's right. pressure on the schools administration over is handling of the protest is intensifying with many, including speaker johnson, calling for the president to resign. i will say that the administration has done just about everything possibly wrong. it can do so far. and every single move they've made has only made things, was the worst of all being calling police on peaceful, perfect pro testers who are mostly undergraduates of 18. 1920 years old. demonstrators have been given until friday to dispatch the fall. the police will be called in. but despite the amounts to call up, the protests, students remain committed to the calls and supported by faculty. today marks one week since our 1st encampment on the south lawn, which was literally dismantled by n y p d at the direction of columbia a columbia university. after approximately 34 hours of our demands,
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are the state divest, disclose and, and this be for all i think it's just been wonderful. the students have been very peaceful. they're very committed young people who are anti war, anti violence, and pro palestinian liberation, colombia, notified students that classes and exams for the rest of the semester. it will be offered online, bringing it to be looked into the academic year. all right to me and martin now were fierce fighting between surgeon groups and the military government is pushing the nation towards collapse meaning bars, military stage to coo, back in 2021, strangling democratic reforms in jailing much of the countries of civilian leadership a 3 years on tens of thousands of people have been killed in the ongoing battle for control. this map shows how much territory is controlled by the resistance in which areas are controlled by the military junta as well as areas that are still heavily
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contested. a central points in the battle for territory and control the country has been the town of new warranty. on the in mars, eastern border with thailand in the me. almost city of milwaukee this week, explosions and smoke rising from buildings, attacked by helicopters, overhead, resistance flights and say they have for now partially withdrawn from the critical board. the city would thailand which they seized only earlier this month. their retreat follows the counter offensive by the ministry hunter, which sees control of me a ma in a 2021 crew, plunging the country into violent scales fighting and me a warranty has cause thousands to financing. they bring thailand, although thailand's foreign ministry set on wednesday some hudson's for tons. this is one me what it is. so important to have only a handful of border crossings between me and lawrence highlands located in the city
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. and more than $1000000000.00 us dollars of trade passes through me of what e each it control of the city means, control of an economic lifeline. and to me, i'm a thailand has wouldn't be on last minute truth. and so it's not so without fighting to spill over the pool to propose as in wide meeting to resolve the crisis. but a peaceful solution looks distance. the situation in the i'm a remains enormously complex with resistance groups opposed to the hunter at times also facing each other elsewhere. this particular concern. so they were hitting the people in the on most northern right kind states the, the most, the most of them ethnic group is quotes in the crossfire. a fist fighting between military and opposition forces. the car in violence, a potential escalation of debris, some 2017 cranked down by the military, which killed tens of thousands of ranges and caused the hundreds of thousands to feed them. whereas in 2017, the range of what targeted by one group,
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diane now tramped between 2 armed functions who have a track record of killing them. beneath the hunches veneer of control of a country crumbling, do united nations estimate some 18000000 people in the country currently require a humanitarian this the about a 3rd of the population? are you choose reminder now of our top story? new york's top court has over turned a movie mogul harvey weinstein conviction in the state for 6 crimes, including rates. the court of appeals ruling the weinstein was not given a flock fair trial. why seem to other convictions in california still stand? you're watching data, but you do is coming up next on dw news africa, 30 years on from apartheid. we hear from victims of violence and abuse. me were left out of south africa's national reconciliation process. that's up next with eddie. i will be back at the top of the hour with more will needs to see that
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the the, the view will tell you we are happy that we are boxing the story. we have a getting a visa is more difficult than finding gold hosted to use the sales force and the owners for the future in the stories and issues that are being discussed across the country. news africa next on d. w. poison is price. every day, many risk their lives working in indonesia as billy gold,
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gold mine. but workers also face another terrible threats. mercury. it is used to extract cool evaporates seats into the ground and devastating people's lives for ease and poverty. in 45 minutes on d w, the imagine that you're eating a hamburger and as you're biting into this juicy burner, your dining companion says to you, actually that hamburger is not made from cows. it's made from golden retriever's. 2 2 2 should we. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 in meeting cultures around the world, people learn to classify small handful of animals with edible and all the rest they
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classify as disgusting. w series about our complex relationship with animals. the great debate, what you know, on youtube dw documentary, the, the business, the, the news i forgot coming up on the program. betsy is off the south africans and the whites only rules who failed. the victims of a policy meets the movements elderly ladies protested against being shot out of the country is the truth and reconciliation process dmc government says they should end the demonstration and go home. also coming out in the democratic republic of congo is the end of an era, as the u. enforcement of school pulls out to who will protect the people now and cannot lead swear in crushing form either london mouth or not just one or 2. victor.


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