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tv   The Day  Deutsche Welle  April 25, 2024 10:30pm-11:00pm CEST

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and tend to shake tomorrow. join us and register now for the d. w. global media, for in 2024. the . his name is synonymous with the abuse of power against women. in 2020 the hollywood movie mogul harvey weinstein was found guilty of rate. the verdict became key to what became known as the me to movement. well today, new york's highest court overturned to that conviction, saying several witnesses, a given testimony about allegations unrelated to the charges against weinstein. how could that happen? and what does it say about us justice? and what about me to? is it now just another case of? he said she said, i'm very comfortable with. this is the day i as the
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from our collective hundreds of years of experience. we knew that harvey weinstein did not get a fair trial. this is what it's like to be a woman in america. i got to say it made me sick to my stomach. we are devastated for the survivors who are connected to this case and our institutions betrayed survivors as male sexual life. and what a woman are going to be kind of scared coming out, or they're not gonna find the worst states coming out because it's like, what's the point of anything? somebody says results in the if the system is not going to do anything about it. yeah, just as hasn't been serv just this week as a clarion. and we are prepared to answer that also coming up in this week, jews are celebrating passover, want to judaism is most sacred holidays. but this, your sensitivities are overshadowed by the war in gaza and the more than 100 is
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really hostages, held by home us. this is a holiday that celebrates freedom. so we don't come on the right people here. we try to remind other people that freedom is still possible and that people should be free to our viewers watching on tv, as in the united states and to all of you around the world. welcome. we begin today with a studying court case reversal involving sex hollywood and alleged abusive power from a movement known as me to, to people saying, and shock. who knew? who knew that new york's highest court would overturn the rate conviction of disgraced movie mogul harvey weinstein. well, it was 4 years ago there weinstein was found guilty of sexually assaulting women women who accused weinstein, of abusing his power in the movie industry is able to make or break a young actresses. career hopes if she dared to reject his sexual advances. in 2020
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a jury handed down a guilty verdict that would become part of the genesis of the me to movement. what does today is reversal mean for me to or to, to take a listen to what the founder of me to said earlier today, we are down for the survivors who are connected to this case. and the virus list of solace problems include our annual originals right around many, many suppliers and those loans. i probably thought that that original verdict match. it was going to be a change there. we will honor roll to see a different an error and this moment it makes it feel like we were all right. there's a lot to pick through here. and to do that i'm joined by nancy erica smith. she's a civil rights attorney in one player, new jersey, nancy,
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it's good to have you with this. let me start by just giving your reaction to this reversal decisions that we found out about today. i'm. i'm devastated, i'm disgusted. it's just another way that the legal system has failed women. they, the legal system has failed women since there was a legal system all around the world. and this is just another horrible failure of the legal system. weinstein rates and abused women for 30 years and got away with it because our system is stacked against women. a women are not believed. how powerful man get the right lawyers or know the prosecutor, which is well proved in the weinstein case. and, and also a powerful man, no, the newspaper editors that keep their bad acts out of the news. so me to which is very recent. yeah. let me ask you the about what, what we heard today from these, these judges. they said that the, the guilty verdict cannot stand because the judge in the original case had
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improperly allowed testimony from women who made allegations about a case that had nothing to do with the charge against wind speed. that it sounds like that what the prosecution was doing. was trying to build a picture of harvey weinstein character. um, is that allowed? i mean, for our international viewers, is that standard practice in us court rooms? i don't think it was character evidence. i think it was showing his modus operandi, which is admissible evidence. if you have a serial killer who uses the same methodology in all of his killings, the jury can hear about that. but this is a special rule for women. i mean, it look at the history of, of rape jurisprudence around the world. first, women had to prove that they had a human, a cry that they complained, and not while a man had a nice to her throat wiley's raping her dad and so extremely recently and not in
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every country. her husband was allowed legally to rape his wife. um, so i and i'm still in many countries if the read this mary's his victim, he was hoping he'd prosecute it. so it's crazy to me that they want every single serial rapist or serial sexual abuse, or to be able to play the he said she said the game. but the jury ted here. he said, she said, what is, is that she lives there. isn't that isn't the problem, but with these cases, if you have no other witnesses to the, the alleged crime, then you are working with. he said, she said, and if we're talking about power dynamics here, between men and women, is a court room. is that the place where you can bring these dynamics to a level playing field? i mean, or do you think society jimmy demanding that to happen somewhere else? or?
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no, it should take place in the court room because these men never go to prison. bill cosby is not in prison because of some ridiculous pennsylvania supreme court ruling that said that he had a special deal with the prosecutor. that wasn't in writing very unusual that he could testify about how he drugs and sex and in order drunk women in order to have sex with them. and so by so he couldn't be prosecuted because he admitted it. it, the court room is the place because these men have to be stopped and put in prison, which almost never happens to rich and powerful, sexual predators repeat, sexual private with nancy. also these richard, powerful men mean these are people who have money in, in the us justice system. you cannot continue to appeal cases and to follow the proper channels of the legal system unless you have money to pay for attorneys. you'll be here all the time that to us, just as just as for the rich. is this an example of that?
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would harvey weinstein would have been able to appeal this case? had he been a 4 person? it is. well, i don't know. luckily in the united states, we also provide free legal representation to people who can't afford it, but you're absolutely right. that power and money which often go hand in hand. but power has insulated, repeat sexual abusers since the beginning of time. and that definitely has influence. how harvey weinstein for 30 years. just look at all the n. da's the gods sign. hate that women to sign non disclosure agreements about their sexual abuse and exchange for money. how is that even legal? it's not legal. thank goodness, in new jersey, the only state in the united states where it is a legal but the system is staff. if you assume that all women are wires and that they want to go through the process of being cross examined the way every woman was in the weinstein case. yeah. really cross examine because why for fun?
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there was no money at stake. they were, they always wanted to do was stop a repeat sexual creditor, and the jury should have that information. now, i'm moving forward. how do you see today's decision effecting how evidence is presented in cases involving sexual assault in the future? i mean, is this a precedent setting case that we sold today? i hope not. it's certainly precedent setting in the very large state of new york where a lot of rich and powerful men lives and work. so it's precedent setting in new york because it's the new york supreme court. it's may not be the law in other states. maybe we need a federal law that allows other victims to testify subject to cross examination. because of course, the, you know, every defendant is entitled to cross examine accusers, but to say that you have to have every single woman alone on the stand. with
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reasonable doubt is all that the prosecute and all that the defense has to show with some reasonable doubt. nobody else is there when you're getting raped, so not to allow the jury to know other women had the same experience with this same defendant is really wrong. i hope we can fix it with a law. is this going to have a chilling effect on the other sexual assault victims and their willingness to come forward into final charges? absolutely. victims of sexual violence all over the united states. and maybe the world are devastated by this ruling. and it makes it much harder to come forward and be alone. when you know there are other women who have been abused in the same way by the same man. and some of these women just want to stop it so that there are no more victims. that's why they go through this horrible process. but this,
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this ruling definitely has devastated victims of sexual violence everywhere. civil rights attorney, nancy erica smith, joining us from new jersey is it we appreciate your time in your valuable analysis tonight. thank you. thank you. the will staying in the us and another story about power and what are its limits if it has any limits at all. the us supreme court today heard arguments for and against the limits of presidential immunity. the court's decision will be critical for the man or woman who governs from the white house. in this case, it is especially important for former us president donald trump. justices are being asked to answer the question, can trump be prosecuted for conspiring to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election? trump and his attorneys contin that former presidents cannot be prosecuted for crimes allegedly committed in office. they say absolute immunity gives a president the freedom needed to make difficult decisions. and our washington
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bureau, gd, this bowl sheet as standing outside the us supreme court dean is good to see you. you know, the focus of the trump trials has been on new york until today. now it's exactly where you are set the mood for is there. yeah, right. friends and you know, just to give you a little bit of an idea of the space, the supreme court is right behind me in the capital is just a couple of 100 yards away. and this is, of course we're a trump supporters. i tried to stop the peaceful transfer of power in january of 6 of 2021. the feeding card stood by donald trump to do so. and then of course, it took donald trump a couple of hours before you ask them to stop trying actually to, to the wife present. so this is a very uploaded atmosphere here. there's a lot at stake, and that's what people told us who traveled to you a to washington to business this historic day. no,
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i don't. no one's above the law in this country. yeah, i think there's numerous laws he's broken and i think he needs to pay for him and face the music of unity. unity charges should be dropped because there are certain to say without uh, just completely wiping other side charges that are against them. um, yes, it should be a new it was practically the you know, the assumption growing up in this nation. no, on not even the head of state is above all and you know, the presidential own is to preserve, protect, and defend the constitution. the law of the land, if the president can break that presidential oath within community, then what are we as a republic? now these are not nearly present in august or not every day. are you sure not one
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unit? that's what it's all about. nobody lives, i believe that this supreme court just took this case to go away. criminal trials for the president expect. that's what it is. we can hear right there. there is a one at stake with this supreme court decision. what will it mean if donald trump wins? this case and if he wins the presidential election in november, so he basically can do whatever he wants to do. he could basically order the killing of a political opponent. he puts a destroy the constitution because he would be immune of any prosecution during, of course, his presidency. but also afterwards, this would open a like a whole new of options for donald trump to well, it's kind of a i guess,
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to restore or kind of keep him in power for however long he wants to be and brings, you know, this really i think that is true, which would really attack uh the democracy as we know, it's right now in the united states. and if the court says he does not enjoy absolute community, where will this puts donald trump? now there is a, this big fear that it will take far too long before the core tier behind me makes the decision. some expect them not through before june. and that would basically mean a that wouldn't be hold accountable. and the strong terminal court before the elections . and then of course, if the then would be re elected, he would try to get rid of this uh, a court ruling all this accusation and then basically would never be hold accountable. what you did just these couple of 100 yards away from me in the
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capital in january 6 in 2021 or the washington bureau chief and his bowl in front of the us supreme court is thank you. the members of the jewish faith or observing passelberry celebration of freedom from slavery. but it's a somber occasion for jews in israel this year because of the war with him off in gauze in our next report. the is really hostages, still held by who mosse. how their relatives are co and bring them home. that's the message. these is railways are sending to prime minister benjamin netanyahu. they've set up a pass over table outside netanyahu's house. but all the chairs are empty. symbolizing the missing hostages. they're sick of waiting and sound like use netanyahu of deliberately stalling hostage negotiations. we believe that the government in the business and you know,
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don't want them here. the dental and the hostage box. you want to keep the war is the free, the free, the just want to keep the war. now. 6 6 the protesters burned a tables, not a ritual, but a gesture of defiance and desperation. intel of the families and friends of hostages taken from it, could boats near gaza gather in a plaza. the city council officially renamed hostages square, mixed emotions, running high. so my feelings are very complicated because this is the holiday of the literacy and the full address is not receiving a dvd, my my that was also said nonsense or richard enough to assist you all day. so we
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are very confused with the situation is very we see is broken because my father is not here and on the other, then we'd know our 1st focus then is reminding the other people around us that she is still alive. and we can still bring her back, and this is, this is a holiday that celebrates freedom. so we don't come on the right people here, which right to remind other people that freedom is still possible and that people should be free. meanwhile, across the border and gaza, the war rages on, bombardments, troops and tanks, with no deal for the hostages return insight. well, my next guest is a living witness to one of the most important moments. it is really history. your age romeo was present spokesman for the government's and to is really prime
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ministers, exec ravine in chicago, and paris in the 19 ninety's as the oslo accords were negotiated inside is also a former is rarely airforce officer. if he is the founder of the jerusalem press club, i'm happy to welcome you. redraw me to the program tonight. mr. jeremy, it's good to have you with this. i want to start out by just asking you about the situation with the is really hostages being held by her boss. some of the relatives of those hostages say that their release is being postponed if you will, in order to keep the prime minister benjamin netanyahu in power. help our viewers understand this accusation. the use is that the possible? do you think that is what is happening here? as well uh, if we were talking about the benjamin you know, only i would the unfortunately have to agree to this because ation but
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uh in the emergency coalition that the form will also have people like a, a many gods and guy the eyes in co. these are serious people and is as long as they are both of the guard collision, i don't think the government is uh, doing uh these kind of things to just to, to be in the bar. but as i said in the beginning, if each were for that, then you only, i wouldn't be surprised. well, we don't, we often hear that nothing you all who was very unpopular among israel is particularly among is really voters. so is it true when i say, as long as israel is at war with her mos niche and yahoo will remain in power as well that so that's the assumption right now. eh,
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there's more, more is varies. who are um, you know, reluctant to voters when the war is going on, people are, have been mixed feelings about is i personally must admit, i myself. found it difficult to protest against the government while we are waging war and goes up. but now i think the more more is where these are in a, in starting to understand that this government let them, you know, is the government that brought us to this situation by uh, pretending to contain come us by extremely electric from us oppressed or where they put the money in, so drop it and then uh, what did you do more with the war? a switch are not realistic. you know,
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within the hour keeps talking about the type of victory. this is nonsense. there's no such thing going. we are 6 months and the war would come us, which is not a, an army or whether it's an organization and, and this is standing on their feet. so more, more is ladies are weary of, uh, the hell government and the zip codes add to this, of course, the effect that the under the so the 3 hostages us back into the hands of the how much. and who knows how many are alive, still oldest lease many is released to really protest against the government, the code for its adoption. and i want to ask you about that. there are reports today that the tomas it has made an offer to completely dispatch. and if, and only if a palo city and state is created, either you come from an error in is really history. when there was the strong belief in the 2 state solution to do you think that it's viable at all to consider
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this? if it's true, what to mazda is offering that a 2 state solution could be created. moving forward, if a moss is allowed to continue to exist. well, are you talking to a swarm optimist. so yes, i think a, the to state is to the only of i've heard a solution to the problem and because it is up to people's claiming the right to the same piece of man. so the only solution is dividing glen between them and, and as you mentioned in the beginning, i should have done the robina version. uh huh. and also times when the, there was the beginning of this. uh and you know, far though, sticking late a month is now according for a 2 state solution, which is i think i most is one issue that embrace it and,
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and what not to mention to. so they all, they are the initiative of 2002. yeah. which called for the same thing. wow. okay. except the government, the current government is what it is not ready for this. so we'll have to wait. mr . trump, do you think that, that israel is running a danger here of missing an opportunity? so let's say a loss is being truthful that it will display on. if there's a 2 state solution that becomes reality, then the burden is on is real in the west bank to pull back these illegal settlements. do you, can you imagine is real doing that a well not the is the kind of government a unfortunately, i hate to say that because in the, in the car on condition there are some masonic and, and, and, and the arch in the city settlers who would make
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it the difficult would, they would then other government, us, i doubted this, the big several months can go because they're already accomplished that. but some kind of a settlement different they, they should be achieved the, especially if other are countries are joining and some of them already have joint under the abram of course. right. so there's a, there's a potential here, there's a paternity, but we need to defend it. is really government to stand up to this kind of focus in drawing. we appreciate you taking the time to talk with us. i'm fascinating insights. thank you. thank you so much. i as well the day is almost done, but you can keep off by following our team on social media f d w news. you can probably get frank golf tv and remember what ever happens between now and then tomorrow is another day. we'll see you next time everybody the
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this is dw news live and from berlin, the guilty verdicts against him helped ignite the me to move. but now one of the harvey wanting to these convictions has been overturn new york's highest court today. quash the 2026 crimes conviction against the disgrace, hollywood producer. but weinstein will not be leaving prison as a result. also coming up protesters and supporters of donald trump. the other outside the us supreme court inside justices hearing arguments, showed that the president, the immune from prosecution for alleged crimes committed while in all. and vintage introduces an entry fee.


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