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tv   DW News Africa  Deutsche Welle  April 26, 2024 7:30am-8:01am CEST

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should to make more than 2 minds of the german institution. the george of back story may seconds on d w. the business, the, the news for gas coming up on a program. betsy is up to us out africans, and that's why it's only room who failed. the victims of a policy meets the movements now that the ladies protesting against being shut out of the countries to the reconciliation process. dmc governments, as they should end the demonstration and go home. also coming out in the democratic republic of congo is the end of an era as the you enforce when the school pulls out to who protects the people now and cannot lead swear in crushing form either london mouth or not just one or 2 victories on terrorist of church or
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smashed the wealth records matching is from her own mental the i, eddie mike, i junior and you are welcome to the program 30 years ago. so it has started a fall south africans. the countries fast to democratic elections brought an end to apartheid. and decades of violent races, twice, minority rule. so it advocates fresh governments lead by nelson mondale. i chose to press you forgiveness over persecution, introduced the truth and reconciliation commission preparatory tests and victims of violence and human rights abuses, could give testimony and request amnesty from both criminal and civil prosecution. but till today, thousands in south africa still few let down, some of them elderly citizens who often for
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a pop type demanding reparations for the crimes. the suffered ass down whole cat reports from johannesburg as the what they say is applied to justice on the step. so, so that if it has to institutional members, if that the movement for spent the last 5 months attempting here on the quote, the states, they say many victims of a particular crime, a be ruled. even though the government has a fund with a $100000000.00 us dollars for reparations. number actually up with nazis, the groups leader and says many of the members missed out on the truth and reconciliation process. i feel is down. and i feel that the government does look to an end, it just is not all new to me, to use in a what a victim in south africa,
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by not allowing the by not even creating that platform. because i feel like it's a pie. one is a healing is a healing, is assist you to speak out, to be listened at. at the same time, to be at least the last. when i say say she was beaten by a party police while working as an activist, back perhaps the most painful school is the loss of her brother. she sees you was murdered by the army. 1993. during the vigil for liberation, active as chris time took about a week look know we way use with about these boards and to i had to go to the government which was introduced to way i found it picked off a clubs the dead bodies with pick like a like a bags of cement on top of in order to get to know hughes body. i have to ask
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also the person was we can good. can you help me? because i feel like my pride that you may be among those when i see these days wasn't able to investigate the system organization, the cool money support group has a 150000 statements from people who missed out during the t. r. c. process improve statements, it says the government should consider that has been, it says many victims would not comfortable to speak out so soon off to apply to it . while others didn't have the means. the states and you have an honest with the way the to i see statement take is would be, i mean it was to lack if you even heard of it. and then also because people had basically really destitute already at that time. they didn't have money to take texas to go to the statement to you cuz there's really some of the very practical programs we have documented this. oh,
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for the department of justice because we think it's completely unjustified to disclose the tools we all this week has been documented and, and the fruit was actually on the side of the state. she, despite the research and despite the government sees it's too late to reopen the case when it comes to the people that are currently living outside the constitutional court. are you saying that they should simply go home? yes, they can go and we're the one with that. but the, there's no need for them to, to be that out in the quote on this thing. because our so there is nothing that we can do the payment history has the list is closed. that munitions are done through the process of public and it will be a lot of people as to, to open the list of this of everything government sees it will use the reparation fund for housing, education, and health key for the 21000 people on the current list,
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members of the victims group say the only thing stopping the government from putting more people on that list. even lack of political will off to decades of writing niches in lobby. they hope the physical presence at the heart of the justice system might shame the government into action. joining me now is yasmin suca for much truth and reconciliation commission. hello and welcome to the program of them. with so many victims of apartheid not being had and still waiting for compensation that the t l. c fail. you know, i think the ti i see with a huge success and that is set to meet, but she was, it was managed to do in terms of the legislation. i think the failure to do with what we call the unfinished business of the truth commission. must last squarely at
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the fees all the stage and also the national prosecutorial, or far as the because, you know, it has always understood that if people did not apply for amnesty, which was conditional or if they failed to get honesty, been a little would follow its course and so in 1998, when the commission completed these hearings, it hadn't been a list of more than 300 cases, to the national prosecutorial authority. and of course, seem to speed it up. i would say 26 years. less than 20. are seeing the lights of day and that is why i think be looking at this question of what political interference they watch in dealing with these issues. right sir, you seem to be pointing fingers at the government. so let me ask you, there's a government says it's too late to reopen cases. is it really too late, or is it
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a lack of interest to compensate victims of a pop? i era crimes, i think is the political will. and you know, if these cases had been investigated and these public traitors had been put on trial 20 years ago. mean, of course, i think you'd have seen more just as for victims because we discover the cause of forcing the state to do its job. back, in fact they had been political interference on the part of the state names about a modern, tall young really was switching place not being based again, these cases not to prosecute these cases. and that is why so many, yes, nature, i think the victims are really struggling for justice. i don't think it's ever to date, you know, to deal with these cases. and in fact,
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if you look at between the cases which we have been pursuing on behalf of the victims, we have a number of successful inc waste. and right now we have at least 3 trials we to ongoing and the courts. and i think this is the same as the many countries, including places like argentina and should a way prosecutions continue. many, many years data. i think the biggest problem, of course, is that, you know, perpetrators of bossing on. and of course, the families of victims are not young either. and so this, i think creating watson in bus definitely did quite an impasse. can you really helped me understand why on e and c governments that was part of the liberation that somehow suppressing cases of victims? when you consider the bitches, but most of the victims that we're speaking all what people okay about the lives in
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the struggles for the duration. it does seem rather strange. i mean, fact when one has us many amc stalwarts. one of the answers we've received is that, you know, if we prosecute, then they going to mon, private prosecutions, which i think really is a nonsense. but i think and more interesting response which i haven't received is that these are real still, that you know, many people who are informed as, as, as in most conflicts that they would be lost. and i think fact lives at the heart of why and, and the government didn't do with it. we had the cost of saying that we want to get to the choose of why the investigations and prosecutions didn't happen. they need an independent commission of inquiry water to have the 4 weeks to call the
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former president in big as well because he didn't use the machine that tomorrow toria was put in place. right. so how often mistake can we be that the ongoing public activism and protest could force the government to address the issue, especially if we had over elections, or i think we have to activism both by the families of victims. and of course, you know, the foundation for human rights, which has been the primary civil society organizations, which is really push this question of justice will victims as a directions. and i think that we've been quite successful. but of course is a lot more work to do and we're good to have to continue with that struggle. i think the saddest thing of course is that now we have the intergenerational issue. we need the children who are very young at the time. the family man,
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this was killed, went off, taking off the bison, and you know that that is a tool that he's being bossed on to the children as well. right? um, let me get your thoughts on this quickly before you go. that's still so many victims of a pop, i'd still waiting for some form of reparation. what's your recommendation? what would you like to see down today to address this? we say that in fact, you know, on the question of reservations, peaceful money that he's missed in the prison spot and you know, the community that the rations was never really paid off. and we believe that the government really needs to look at this issue again. and what they go to look at is what kind of criteria we can put in place to at least compensate the victims that are still alive. and the family members were needed. i mean, the case of prosecutions. we said, send up a special court, set up a quote with switching judges from the only job is,
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is to deal with these cases and set up a team of special prosecutors for the boat to, to only dealing with these cases. i mean that way we can move these issues forward . right. yasmine suca form. i choose and reconciliation commission. i thank you very much for your time. i thank you. let's now go to the democratic republic of congo, where the un peacekeeping mission, when new school is leaving after 25 years. the pots are requested by the congolese authorities. that's worrying some people, especially in remote areas like the high plateau, a south cable, where in security passes use powell as the report from eastern d. c. it looks like the commodities armies are filed. the sea is in the fight with one of the many groups. so bearing thinking says cable but this is an
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exhaust size, the name was again from pakistani, please keep pearls before the app to continue to hold around that a 3rd to show us my man are learning from a new sco, alimony sco eh, we're preparing from a noose goes, departure, and i put in the budget, i'm so we're learning what we'll have to do after they leave it. i think it depends on what they've read through many basic techniques together. and by the end of april, the 120 basically for us will leave the amazing. so if you guys are, if we can get to the computer, it's mandy terry. the reason that i called you was to repeat the signing includes accusation and so on by the payments of sort just that i read, but the departing team, c's and they do, we are getting the, if you already see troops, we've been conducting that training for about 15 days now, we have bring them in the basic one bedroom, basic uh for uh,
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a normal safety precautions indeed, or turn link handling with the locals. and they are already since they have the locals. and if you already see it blows their locals and they are better than most and with a little bit of custom, envision, says it's a people living in this camp pulls up by just any contingent as being you have to protect since 2020. now some 2500 to year is it for the kids or coming that conflict which found up again in 2019 with fresh violence between differential cause groups. so then i've been forced from that homes and mainly in the camp outs kept just use of peacekeepers defaults minnesota fema. visually, we are very sorry. was that what we're sorry to seem a new sco leave for about, but if you need to see, because we're worried that in security will return. little excited safety is up. we fled here even though the congolese military was in our village punk or lot. so we
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have no assurance that they will be able to protect us. like i'm a news. go, did a bundle with dish. is there any? so drills are leaving. these relates to the chevy for a base for the know when you school he's living, come go. because the government ask them to go, so you need that schifflet's or these by to more than 20 years, things the country. so you install jail. so it'd be gone from south cable by the end of april and from the rest of the country by the end of the year to come on this, let's bring in powell law, jerry dw, correspondence in the democratic republic of congo. hello, paul. i called in to the withdrawal plan, one of the school will transfer all of its basis to come release of sorry, tease and security forces by how prepared are they to take over? yes, indeed, according to these transition problems which has been approved by companies october to like november, also bases and overall to community security policies. which means that police will
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take over mainly in your bank areas and city centrals. why is the company's army corps of pharmacy will be posted in a remote place? these we've, i'm good presents such as me think it while i was. so i don't want to predict anything on whether the communities of the capacity to own those of the protection of those bases and those tvs will leaves there. we know that communities, i mean, so for us from on but then months and the lack of material about 2 terms of truth on my way back from me. 10 gay, i stopped by the city of come on, your la wells. the 1st one is go based, west prince fell to the police and let's february, what i found is on the place and not coming to us. so who knows the area police man inside didn't receive any surprise of food. the seems money is go left. it was at least a case a week ago. uh huh. that's a has interesting doesn't sound like uh, a team ready to take over about. well, whenever i know how things go from here, also, what was interesting from your report is that some people are concerned about their withdrawal of new school. give us
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a sense of how much supports that is for them with new school withdrawal. yes, you're in use, don't come go. we've got to do so. difference between people living and city centrals, such as grandma, where i stand now. and we might say we as the name on cheese that you've heard the . yeah. and those are people i've talked to were afraid, the said, well, you don't see as good spoke again, but still still, steve was pretty quiet tubs of my months though up north. so you need to be present . for instance, a really valued on config is to going on, tends on sales, done. so people to prepare different, different moves, go basically if and when you go tell peter is i really concerned to leave this place even though local authorities, as sure of the many policemen out to, they being trained and they'll be able to fulfill the victim. so here's the thing, after more than 20 years of windows school security in the d l. c. knew where i criticized by many, right. what main issues that people have against them as well before monday was call you uh monday which uh,
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peacekeeping. nissan settled back in 1999. any changes to one east coast diabetes, a showing of the country was uh to the monday, but congress told me to change these updates extra, and of course the blue inmates can protect people, but the conflicts in different are we as well when you school was just kept going and nothing was actually really stabilized. according to people who organize demonstrations, they were afraid up to see trends, earls driving because i know needing a lot of money without any seeing any change. this isn't the least what i've been told. right, so people don't go go to us and walk us on to the m 23 and we've been group adults by rhonda rebuilding from as she's elaine 2021 after being defeated in 2013 by the monday school. but this time be to k to add of the new school. it was this, this was she said that the security council, which decided companies to printed unfinished certificate need to ags are withdrawal. so your social security forces on the ground has not stopped the
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conflict between especially the m. 23 rebel group and can release forces. this has led to international calls for a diploma. i think solution about how realistic is if you magic solution like i need to do a little introduction because the situation or run goodnight is getting worse and worse. hundreds of thousands of people are ref, pulse their homes and know, leaving cams around the city, close to a 1000000 people around like 20 displaced within so city which is today surrounded by the n. 23. many follow through the piano and i'm talking about community service mess. and i raised following for us here. and i'm groups. what kind of work together showing the president decided it decided to, to fight towards on talk study. the only way to a panel discussion today would be positive, run that for the done or take them each week because of supports of m, twenties for fighters. and so it presents upfront that different for us to have income go and then to a verbal of some of the company's thoughts. but as long as we will deny it,
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it looks like the situation will be just frozen. clearly a lot still to be. so it's about how allow us to add e w correspondents in the democratic republic of congo. thank you. now east africa not leads way in dominance form of the 44 london marathon, erased out so not just one by 2 canyon victories. and then women's tournaments, the reading and then pick champ, deanna. pettus church are killed. victory. well smashing the world's record at time of 2 hours. 16 minutes and 16 seconds, wiping out the woman's only cost records set by kenya's mary chi tawny. in 2017. i think signed up with you, so when you all made it a kenyan double with his victory in the men's race, now trail dates, you'll count a long distance legend and a niece of the candidate through the streets of london. only to put my head in the final clematis and take the man's race. and churchill pass a eyes set going on. i'll double in paris, look at us and i know this,
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this was the most easy. it was wendy. and this, i know the ladies was wrong, so i told myself lets me wait. yeah. and deal with the last 2 minutes. i'm feeling good. this is the, let's do this for kenya to so it makes seem for them to. so i was trying to pick a hug. i them good. i know know of the air from i think it's the batteries. yes. to . and michael league, little id id with you from. these are useful. it's joins us here in the studio. that'd be nice to have you here, jeff central taking it wald record from one of our canyon women. mary. k. tiny. it's like, well record really for them. what's the secrets of the success? the opinions uh, tradition of math on run as and parents jump teacher taking this record. i mean just plays into the game because she looked up to mug cataneo when she was i,
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a teenager, a was a, i don't have a mental and now just sticking the record from my eyes just continues like i turned his hand in the bunch one over but also just teacher is not new to the game. she was told she only begins milestone golden middle when a new york milestone. we are both the mos on when she's not turned a bonus. you one i the mos on last year to go this year. so it's progress or high and she could be a new force, another forced to do an empty games this year. so i was like all she does is wayne wayne wayne, no matter what, but it's not just that women team went in the men also enjoyed success. tell us more. alexander, i'm when you all can. yeah. defeated you see will be on good candidates. i'd be too late to complete the math and also uh for one year. how did you get the title to he's rich friend kelvin, keep to the guy who won the model to last your who unfortunately died in february
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this year. you know, so it's kenya on kenya. again that over and over again. so this is just the legacy of running in kenya is huge and going into don't even pick. yeah. we were expecting that kelvin. keep to him. was of them a world record holder? yeah. would go come into the sea and i really do great things, but he died. yeah. but his legacy leaves on, you know, i guess it's fair to seek danielle has a weld record holder in haven't that's, that's done. so definitely to put it looking at the success being chopped, enjoyed by team kenya, overall. does the olympic games coming up? what can we expect from jim canine? indeed, the african team, i think kenya has quality. all of the truck, you know, every new raise. there's a new name coming up on difficult grids like a control gets to in the in line for the olympics. so would jump to to the
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defendant, jumped down in the, in the women's also. so you hit the, i think kenya still has it, but they'll be, you'll be on the heels and uganda, you know, and, but it makes one interesting of impact games and see in paris. yeah. just to be plan. i'd say it has no child's any of this. oh no nigeria will be competing only i think in the women's hurdles and the women's them john. uh, but i think we have because nigeria has so was record hold ended, women's organization is a female pride. we say, yeah, we in terms of that, they hold onto that upright until team gone out takes, you know, that's where it goes away from you guys. well, this is the noun ad. my news. i haven't seen any gotten in run. i was the of that with you about this is your christmas read. i say you expect say when they got in and live here in a salting sports, and since i was going to be a little bump him up. thank you very much, but he's not zillow related to i do. we found deed of useful. thank you very much.
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thank you. and on that last note to me and the program. thanks for watching. see you next time, bye for now the, the, the,
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into the conflicts own with tim sebastian presidential elections in russia of the usual full gun conclusion with nothing left to chop. not even the best in jail as the leading opposition figure. i'll explain about me, my guess is the russian come and say to andre collapsed, recall for tiny he rushing, you're ready. just send it in. most of the valley such as serious, correct? the bluetooth had to be to conflict in 30 minutes on the w to the point strong opinions, clear position, international perspective. prime minister names and will be able to modernize in
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the on position. it's a significant geo political clue while skilfully navigating between various follow blocks until the point we are discussing is india on the won't be on under data. to the point in 90 minutes on d w the, the hello guys. this is the 77 percent. the platform for advocacy issues and share ideas the, you know, or the. so that would be a not of great to catch. and then a good topic. applicant's population is really fast. the young people clearly have the
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solution. the future is 77 percent every weekend on dw, in charlotte the g. more people than ever on the news world volume in such a fashion life. one of us hassle, jessica admitted god the castle. josh, the piano, is it going back on the car? battery or something then that's okay. that's the nanda foundation. one bucks to the find out about robina story in for migraines? reliable news for migraines. wherever they may be. the
8:00 am
. this is the w news coming to line from berlin. china is foreign minister, warrants of a downward spiral and relations with the us. contentious issues dominate us secretary of state pens, lincoln's visit to china, including tensions over tie one and the war. a new prey. also coming up counting the dead, the grim task of finding and identifying ball the use of those killed in the war and ukraine. we have a special report from ukraine, sprint law, the .


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