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tv   Planet A  Deutsche Welle  April 26, 2024 8:15am-8:31am CEST

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the venice is the 1st major city to run such an experiment, one that could become a blueprint for other destinations plague by over tourism. so you're watching the news. i'm terry martin. thanks for being with us. the we are all set and we are watching close to the, to bring you the story behind the new, the will on about come by as information for free might say do 2. and then this engine is a huge chatter for the shipping industry to clean up is that it
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runs on ammonia and that means a temper pellets it without anything. any common in theory is produced with renewable energy. ammonia submissions are close to 0, and the shipping industry really needs the silver bullet. it's not responsible for free for sent of global emissions, but this micro to 10 percent, because basically everyone is shipping goods around the world. but this engine has the potential to reduce those drastically. is this really the solution, the quick chemistry lesson before we get to the ends and ammonia, which even your body for uses annual sweats only will consist of one mattress and at them and 3 hydrogen atoms. what's not in their common, that's why that and any common emissions in the real world, it looks a bit different, but more on that nature. another advantage of the missing common item is that it makes ammonia cheap compared to other fuel options like methyl that's because for methyl no to become a neutral, you must cap. so the cabinet emits when burned,
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and that's why it's expensive to do with ammonia. there's no need for this. so projections are the ammonia will dominate the ship fuel market with a shell. 35 to 60 percent in 2050. but a few pieces of the puzzle are still missing a very big one. the ends up. well, that's one mess of ends. as of now, ammonia engines for large container ships have yet to go into commercial production . i'm really curious how this is actually going to save any fuel. as you can see, there are also lenders. most people don't realize it's actually a cylinder because they are so we know each of them is 50 centimeters wide. this is the research facility of engine design, a. m a n. somebody know them for the trucks, but they also develop really big engines. really, really big ships. they were the only company that would let us boom and ammonia
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engine in develop it pack $6700.00 holes. paula and when it's finished, it's going to be as big as a family home. and this is the guy showing me around today. rus most home bit straw . how is this ends in different from a normal diesel engine? first and foremost, we need to apply an additional set of components on the engine. and this is essentially the components you see right here. so 1st of all, you have the yellow piping right here. these parts deliver the ammonia into the cylinder to combust, but they are not the only modul pods. so one of the most essential components on the engine is actually that ammonia shooting fixtures. ammonia doesn't have a very, very high calorie freaked value. so. so what is color vision value? it is essentially the energy it can contain within a certain volume, sofa ammonia, we need to have very low fix to,
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to texas compact to existing fuel oil engine inject us and that, and that is, of course, a design challenge. this also makes it difficult to store enough ammonia on ships, but let's stick with the engine 1st. once i'm own yeah, enters the ceiling, the end is supposed to ignite, that's when it becomes really challenging, chemically speaking, ammonia is difficult to set the light as we can see here, inside the cylinder, it only self ignites at around $650.00 degrees celsius and it burns about 12 times slower, then fossil marine fuels. that's because the chemical bonds with in the ammonia, a molecule our relatively strong. and that's why we simply need to intake this loan amount of time to initiate and stabilize the converse. you basically help the ammonia to ignite with what's called a pilot fuel, so fuel, that'd be much easier than ammonia, diesel for example. like this. so,
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i mean, you just look at least massive cylinder and saying how they can actually this combustion also produces malta and nitrogen. these don't burn and slow down the combustion and a slow combustion can lead to byproduct and they are a big issue. the names almost sound the same nitrogen oxides and nitrous oxide. nitrous oxide is 273 times more potions executing the front of then c o 2 nitrogen oxides on the other side. and this man has been testing the engine since july 2020 free and with over $0.30 as if in measuring all kinds of emissions coming out of it. the good news they are between 85 and 90 percent lower than those of a heavy fuel. the ends of the major challenge bill is getting rid of both nitrous
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oxide and nitrogen oxides emissions. so one big concern i also nitrous oxide emissions with these engines. how do you get rid of them? well, meaning you have a lot of paternity. so when it comes to control need to come rushing pressure the combustion timings and that by also the temperatures. and those handles alone allow us to add why deformation of nitrous oxide as a rule of thumb, higher combustion temperatures lead to less nitrous oxide emissions. but how much oxygen you put it also plays a role tweaking these bear me just can reduce the emissions. so nitrous oxide emissions can be dealt with according to m am, but they are still the pores list nitrogen oxides emissions. this is the catalyst. and those require a catalytic reduction react to similar to a cox. the engines exhaust travels through honeycomb like filters and cars. ammonia needs to be added as it's essential for the process to work. but in an ammonia
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engine, you already have some ammonia left over in the exhaust gas, nitrogen oxides and ammonia, and to travel through the layers and outcomes. nitrogen, water vapor, and a small amount of nitrogen oxides compliant with emission regulations. this works rates when the engine is running, it's the power, but when it's not the temperature and the ends increases depending on how you engine this sets up. this can lead to more nitrogen oxides emissions which react what need to deal with. at the same time, the reactors, effective list decreases due to the low temperature of the eighty's and ongoing on the project and be able to scale it all from once and on. this, so forth and then does, and during that process we will gain a lot of valid inside. so when it comes to important details, so it says how the load depends when it comes to the emissions, etc. so right now you don't really know when such an engine would run at the level
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of what the emissions are going to be. that is correct. but you don't really release while your car and findings on the level of and this is, this is an ongoing on the process. and once we scale it up, once we get clarity and transparency, of course, those details would be communicated to the model. you're being a critical journal as though like we are not marketing people who are of these kindles emissions has been underestimate to before. for example, in the case of nita in for ships that run on l. n. z engines, i guess that is 28 times more potent as heating the planet compared to c o. 2. in 2015. the wording was maintained. slip has now been practically eliminated in some engine concepts and minimize in others. and the d. n v g l study, assume the methane slip for the full stroke engines at 1.5 percent off the fuel.
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today, we know it's more like 6 to 8 percent. thanks to scientists and literally over lindsey ships with a helicopter. and to measure those emissions stores this cancels out some of the assume climate benefits of those ships. why would you say that the probably, except for these, okay, these engines are fine now. well it, it's, it's, it's a fast point. so when it comes to ammonia engines in the future, of course, we will have to provide clarity and transparency in the industry that by also committing to to said, guaranteed levels of greenhouse gas emissions. m a n says the contract plan to deliver the 1st commercial design of the engine in 2024. the 1st ship, fitted with one is due to set sail in 2026. but for that to happen, even more things need to fall into place. for example, it fits need to be redesigned because ammonia has a low energy density and your regular marine diesel. so the tank needs to be bigger
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. to pack the same amounts of energy. that's an additional safety measure because ammonia is extremely toxic. if you're exposed to it for too long, you can died. so you need extra service tang systems to capture and recirculate the ammonia plus good ventilation and of cause these extra layers of security costs money and take up a valuable cargo capacity. and because of ammonia, a smaller energy density is, would need a lot more storage space, then fossil marine oil. but how much exactly we, we have the study on a $15000.00 container. so that rather large contain of this that goes to pacific chain singapore and europe. this is close call god, who researches, how to reduce shipping emissions as an industry think tech. if you look at what is the traditional storage capacity into an oil, maybe be about 8000 cubic meters. was a fuel one in the equivalent of ammonia,
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you would need about 20000 to business with. so the space that, that change, if it was a $1.00 to $1.00 comparison of the kind of research value you want to carry on board, of course, has a huge impact. and you would risk taking out, save a 100 based off, contain, or carrying capacity. but if you build it in smartly from the very 1st day of your new building design, you can actually very smart of the integrated and have a relatively limited impact according to their calculations, up to 1100 fuel containers if you want the same range. so ammonia comes with a higher overall price fix compared to fossil fuels, that is reviewed by the european maritime safety agency. assume using ammonia as about $3.00 to $3.00 and a half times more expensive. yet compared to other renewables. shipping fuels like methyl ammonia is still calculated to be cheaper and the price of the green ammonia
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from this tank heavily depends on where you generate the renewable electricity used to use it. and that's what another challenge stops. there is new green ammonia production at scale today. most of the ammonia produced today is great ammonia made from fossil fuels according to the international energy agency. while bonding it is clean, lots of carbon gets released before that total emissions even higher than those of conventional marine fuel. for the production, no green ammonia, you use renewable electricity to split water into hydrogen and oxygen using a process called electrolysis in a separate process. you isolate nitrogen from the air, then very simply speaking, you put nitrogen and hydrogen together, feed them up, put them to and i am capitalized in a process called the bush, and at the end of this process, you get an h 3. so ammonia, this process uses a lot of energy and for the ammonia to be sustainable, you need
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a lot of renewable energy. so you do it in places whether it's a lot of sun, for example, countries like spain, sheila, morocco, now media, egypt, for example. many of these countries have limited renewable energy capacity install it today. and this ex, board of green ammonia could compete with the colonizing the local grids based the global shipping demand space, as it is now. and if we don't have significant energy efficiency improvements between non 2050 global shipping voted by about 600000000 tons of ammonia to fully develop an ice. this is take us off this sustainable amount of time transport lead full the think tank, transport and environment. but some projections show that shipping industry is demand could increase by 50 percent between now and then. and that would mean that would need to have up to 900000000 tons of grand pneumonia assuming that the green and when it is the only sing along the fuel. the shipping industry eventually relies on just to give you an idea of how big of
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a lead for what is needed. remember, the electrolysis must so for electrolytes us for these and an industry scale. hardly the global capacity for these electrolyzer is 0.2 gigawatts, $213.00 gigawatts has been announced to be built according to the european mo, time safety agency. but the capacity required to meet demand for mon. yeah. would be 2000 gigawatts. like with every new attack, it looks great on, hey, bought, know, or a very small amount of emissions engines can be retrofits a and it's scalable. everything is perfect, but then companies won't release the data currently that testing it on one cylinder, they need to do for them. they need to build an actual commercial size engine and pass that for along the amount of time to get more data. so this technology needs to complete a little list before it can bring down shipping submissions by 90 percent. if you did like this video, please comment on it like it, share it,
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and don't forget to subscribe to. i'll tell we've posted it is on the environment. every friday the presidential elections in russia of the usual full going conclusion, with nothing left to chop, not even the death in jail of the leading opposition figure. i'll explain about me . whose name postern cousins bring himself to speak. my guest is the russian commentary to andre kalashnikov to head to foot kindly. he rush, are you ready? just sent that in moscow. wasn't a valid me such a serious threat to put in his regime, but he had to be killed even be in prison when it was a threat to pretend that competitor may be invisible in an information field about the same time. quite mighty. and with.


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