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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 26, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the news life from berlin. the us secretary of state raises concerns with china as president over to fort worth for russia's brutal war in ukraine. in talks with the president regent being antony, blinking, criticizes china as helpful rush out to make weapons. they also announced areas of cooperation, including controls of advanced a. i also coming up nato's instruction bag, phase berlin, a visit meeting with jim and johnston. all i've sold to discuss an upcoming defense summer. it's a washington and it does have a connection, is under way. it has a 45 day multi face process. correspondence is on the campaign train,
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criss crossing the country. we have the latest for you. the british manager, welcome us, secretary of state anthony, blinking has met with china as president on the pad. and finally, the day of for visit fraud with tensions speaking off of the meeting link and spoke of progress and the relationship between china and the us, including on issues such as organized crime and specifically cousins, lincoln stress of the maintenance of open channels of communication between the 2 supervisor, which remained of course on the importance of trying to work and recent contacts, including his own visits to be doing relations, a thought to blinking. also pointed out the very main serious differences, not least on chinese support for russia in the light of it's the attack on ukraine . and my discussions today, i reiterated,
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are serious concern about the p r. c. providing components that are powering rushes through. war of aggression against you. frank. china is the top supplier of machine tools, micro electronics, nitro, cellulose, which is critical to making munitions and rocket for pallets and other use items that moscow is using to ramp up its defense. industrial base, the defense industrial base that is churning out rockets, drones, tanks, and other weapons, the present pollutants using to invade a sovereign country to demolish as power. good. another, consider the end of the structure to kill innocent children, women and men. russia would struggle to sustain its assault on ukraine without trying to support to another source of tension in us. china relations is taiwan. blinked is visit began just as washington promised, more than $8000000000.00 of ministry aid for it in the pacific pop knows with taiwan chief among them. bridging views, taiwan as its own, that a 3 and
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a stretching to seize it by force. the dot loop east ational correspondent james church looks at the impact of the funding and lincoln's visit on taiwan. we don't walk away from our allies, we stand with it. stock is described it as an inflection point in history. the, the world us president joe biden, this week assign since a lot of phone, military aid package, west, more than $95000000.00 us dollars motion more than $8000000.00 if that is a marks for washington's in the pacific pond. this includes on supports in front of military financing for taiwan, the self pro democracy that china claims has its own. on the same day, the us secretary states america's top tips and not just me blinking visits, china face to face and pharmacy not included on the agenda, page, things, ministry threats to tie one percent paging. make a what 8 thoughts about the us funding for taiwan is defense. pretty well. military collusion between the us and taiwan will not bring security, nor can it save taiwan from the doomed faith of independent. sure. by the mean,
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a chinese presidency. jim pink has often said what he calls re unifying taiwan with china is a cool interest for badging recent years. china has room temperament. it treats invitation. flying military i crossed into ty, one's at defense identifications on almost every day in less than a month. taiwan with a new great, it's nearly elected president lighting though he's about to do everything he can to protect. high one from chinese attack is a way to live this reconciled his new national security team with many company equipped with years of experience, many diplomatic positions. they've welcome the latest stressful task on the soil movie. all. it shows that our primary goal is to complicate the calculations on the other side of the straight into cost. china is time table for potential reckless military actions always seem to be constantly postponed in order to maintain
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stability in the taiwan strait. i'd ship all tie t the that tie when he is officially is often said in self defense is that responsibility alone. but with a gap in military capability between type and aging whitening tie when he is exercises like this a couple of months ago. underlined the fact that the supports of washington would be critical to funding off a chinese attack. and although i spoke to james truth or who sent us that report an aust, what's taiwan is response has been to blinking visit. well dressed when it comes to these really contentious issues between the us and china. any type of communication, the side say on, on issues like thoughts of you did a positive lights. both sides saying communication is absolutely critical to avoid any type of military miscalculation or escalation invoices around tiwana federal field in the south china sea, underneath lincoln for his is paul reiterated comments and it we usually hear in
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these types of situations reiterating the importance of peace honest ability across the taiwan straits, but i think no one's under any illusions. hey, i think people recognize that those fundamental tensions between the us and china on this question are still there. and we heard much more forceful comments from chinese officials that following these meetings. chinese president region paying saying that over the past few months, the 2 sides have managed to improve some areas of the relationship. but the big questions and challenges remain behind the scenes. and then of course we have from china is 12 different, not one of you with probably more force will come in saying that the us should not use high one as a tool to contain china. so really, what we've seen over these meetings is improvements in some areas about relationship between this 2 present 2 superpowers. the, when it comes to those where the fundamental tensions or the taiwan still much disagreements. the corresponding james j to about speaking to be on there from taipei here in berlin, german johnson,
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the olaf schultz is hosting nato secretary general, just spelt him back for parks. the meeting is in preparation for the alliance, as i know a summit which will be held in july in washington. the water ukraine would be high on the agenda. the fed are also expected to discuss how to boost defense spending to count affects from russia and china. let's get more of this from the political correspondence, simon young, simon, what has the nature chief been saying here in berlin as well? the rest uh he uh, gave a uh, a brief statement to reporters at the tone story, at which he pretty much just confined himself to. so thanking gemini for what it has been doing to support ukraine in this war. and you know, he was also pointing out that spying and espionage efforts by the agent. so countries like russia and china are very worrying thing. but last night,
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sold and bag was also invalid and making a speech. he was a bit more expensive. and what do you have to say that was the, the, uh, that you cried and could still when it's more against a russia at and so, you know, he said, of course, following the decision by the us congress to key fob military support rules that all the countries like germany and the netherlands in the u. k. a and others. but at the same time, he's keeping the pressure on saying that now it's a question of really delivering the weapons and ammunition the ukraine needs, given that most go for its part, is also getting support from its international symbols. as a bubble, of course, china, speaking of support for ukraine and you did mentioned this, the us has approved this long delayed aid package for ukraine. this is in addition to sending the attack ends long range besides the keys. while the german chancellor
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continues to refuse to send the long range taurus, besides that, you can once did this issue come up at all or well, it's hard to know, but that is that it would seem highly likely that that would be a discussed certainly either various international partners, including the u. s. and the u. k. a teen for gemini to send a long range missile of the tourist miss all is a range of 500 kilometers. it's longer than the us. me so, so it is a weapon that key if once and a senior defense officials from washington are quoted as saying they hope that the decision to supply that so that you asked me. so i'll will ink cartridge, pull it political leaders in germany, a to send the tourist as well. but you know, what's being said behind closed doors. how to say right now. speaking of sophisticated weapons systems, the german and french defense ministers have mentioned patterson signed
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a deem to try to produce what's being called the bottles tank of the future. do we know more about this project? yeah, this is a very important project. b, m, g c s, it stands for main ground combat system. and it's a state of the art tank at the t as intended to replace the tank stocks of both germany and france. it's been in the pipeline since 2017. you know, it's a, it's a complex project, but it's going to take a long time, move in a tank, really a sort of network system. you can use cody like the operation of multiple vehicles . and it also includes things like all the official intelligence. so, you know, it should change the picture on, on the battlefields or the feature they say, the problem is it'll take a quite a bit longer. it's not due to be in operation until 2040 or leave it there for the time being, get the simon young. thanks so much for that. a quick look now at some of the
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stories making headlines around the world. students at the university of california, los angeles, have joined a wave of pro palestinian citizens on campuses across the us. demonstrate those are demanding a ceasefire and gaza and i'm calling on the university to cut all ties, which is where i'm hundreds. have you noticed that it's similar process as us of thought of these crack tone on the growing move on? policies in terms of the as a weeks of heavy rains have claimed a 155 lives and effective more than 200000 people. the n nino global weather phenomenon has combined with the start of the rainy season, bringing down falls to regions that seldom gets rain rains of also hit neighboring can. yeah. killing at least 50 people. atheist, prime minister arial. andre has stepped down to allow a transitional ruling town, so to be sworn in the council. this task that the pointing a new premiere and restoring law in all the country, struggles to the type of spiraling gang violence. gangs, i believe,
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to control most of the capital offerings autonomy and apologies have introduced a new 5 your fee for to is wanting to visit finish. officials here the fee is aimed at coming tourism to the fragile and the goal and safety and safeguarding spaces for residents. they also hope it will help monitor visit a numbers to be made over crowding to dining to india now, which is holding the largest democratic election in history. it stretches over a period of $45.00 days. the election kicked off a week is over the 1st of 7 election phases. now, phase 2 is getting underway with bullying across the 13 states and union territories. a total of $88.00 seats in the looks of the house of the indian parliament being contested in this phase. encumbered by mister names are more that you seeking a rad that is handled nation is beads if the policy is also aiming for a super majority,
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which could empower his coalition to change the constitution. while these challenges in the, in the alliance are seeking to end his will, but are struggling to find the message that resonates the deputies all the pots went to 2 neighboring constituencies in northern india to get a taste of what's at stake. the t lot drum gifts, so i can do got to leave the major quality and elections here in the queue in the clock to the end of northern india, about the, to the only indians live here. it's a strong hold of him, do not list b, g b appointments and the movie the party puts law job center stage needs campaign committee of the city of mid it to day. the line between real life and fiction is blood photo and google is a popular actor, hopefully law drum in the iconic television series around mind in the 1980s
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law, jerome is come to meet the voters and he's a b, b candidate. global is a 1st time candidate, he's not be involved in politics before a. he's a huge fan of prime minister molding, which seems to be his means. what to ration destroyed by virginia student and the motives vision, you know, which is the development. yeah. are they developed to make a different country? his vision, just doing of i can stall to make my doubts wait to see him. he knows how to use his popularity and the motions of his friends . i'm not promising anything to the general talking. you're just connecting to i, that's it. not far from the riley support for the wp,
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a po strong. but you can find some critical voices. but this is the worst time for poor people and a good time for the rich people. daily wages like me, is suffering and dying in these times. i've got a lot of i am very happy and excited to see that 2 types of movies has come to our town. it is good to be to be chose him as the candidate for elections. you should have thought moody has done in men's development work in the country like india, where the population is any rising status. the truth, he is like gold for us. you said you picked out job, do it here in the strategy. is that just so many people of every supposed to be did we have gained what the us, the body believe is prime, is the body's popularity really get the game with the defining factor the when the ceo's election. but here in a neighboring city of gauzy about the bodies shudder my advice, talk with something else, but the opposition eliza in the block. she has a book,
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this books, president of the indian national congress fucking and ran from me. i got the about and now she's challenging rudy's candidate in this constituency, for the national parliament seat or mean topics. women and safety stop changes for the constitution. democracies in danger, via looking at the instances reading the tools in chief ministers out in j. dante had some support to us, but fighting for the seat is an appeal back to. she seems. 6 odd, no god, god, anyone who supports the ideology of the be to be a safe coordinates all these days. corruption charges dropped against the position leaders who joined the beach ape party. good talk. just as how you doing. got this fucking meet it. go with reaps the benefit of merging. they made a lot rom,
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just political jump in that mixing of religion and politics. what do you use? many experts if you take good, why doing tears in india social fabric? let's get more from a correspondence, autocratic care. i wasn't the city of banga lulu in the south of the country that went to the falls today at charl. good to see you with the 2nd phase of this election getting underway. how would you describe the political mode in india or right now a little bit to see you to this? i think the political move will be best described by the words. as you know, by the end of today about the funding has taken place and about a ton of the door to see off the looks of up of the 53540 pieces and it looks about . and the 2nd round going to johnson wanted to know because you have to be combined . but the 1st one was little disappointing. and because of that,
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and the reports that b, u, b is anxious and because it was be just be, is about changing his strategy. so right now the political move, his answers and bodies of re, uh on the, on the, on the edge of their seats trying to wonder what do you like to this is thinking right? a battle general veteran general criticism of that invest edition of diversity and secularism has come under attack since prime minister m o the and is b j b came to bob if more the easily elected for the thought um, what can we expect on that front? on tell you what i'm looking at. i'll tell you what the opposition has this thing, the opposition leaders have been saying that if the b b comes back to follow sort of that uh it wouldn't be the end of democracy. no, it would be the end of the secular democratic credentials. i'm not sure how many people would agree with that and actually the uh the like some results. would it be a testimony to that? the, the just being 2090 you had a whole shuffle. the 37 percent. so that means more than 37 percent of thing does
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blow does a grievance of each of these perspective. now these collections that we do, these aiming to take it to about 50 percent remains to be seen. how many people are you with the opposition space and how many was of each of these pages? but i'm not, i'm seeing a san ramon off uh support on uh, a flood for either chance. uh, even in the south. the days when i am spend that's where i suppose the anxiousness comes in. meanwhile, last sunday, the prime minister made some statements up in election riley in the north that of raised eyebrows and led to accusations of east lama for the kate speech. less than listen to what the prime minister have to say 1st, are valid. i'm going to use that to god. when congress was in power. what they said, most of them have the 1st right to the nation's wealth is the you have some of these means though, collect people's wealth and distribute it to whom it does that. but it went up to those who have more children,
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to the empty tray to start doing your job. do you think your hall doing money should be given to infiltrate? is would you accept this? this is what the congress manifesto is saying. let's look at our charter will help us understand what prime minister movies saying that and why he things argument like that will appeal to voters. the most political analysts have a sized is around, analyzes, as a, as a very strong is number, fully sort of a speech. first, you mentioned the most names, and then he said that, but congress is going to do is that he's going to take away that this is the source of energy just to distribute the resources, the most names. and then he went on to identify or the most in as those will give us too much of an emerson's what infant traits us. now using this kind of language against the one particular community i have. it has been condemned by opposition
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bodies. and this is what political them just have been saying that since the turn off in the 1st phase was very low, which was not good news for the egypt be uh, maybe immediately decided to ship. it step is you to one of the station a so that all of his base would get would get a volt right up and would come on the one down. and, and this might change the 4th or the pgp in the next round. uh, in this round uh the sides of the country, many constituencies that have gone to the full jordan banker, banker lou, which is also going to the polls. what other agencies, prospect's in the south of the country. but i cannot you guys uh, this is a very interesting places. the only steve in south india would be is that a very strong presence for about 2 tickets? no. be just be as being paula as being in by one of the local level. uh, in the last, uh, volume into the next is out of the 28th each. here. the be just be headed back 25.
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so 10 almost swift. this days. uh, this time though, the convers appears to be the strong positions because the combs is in bower. here and uh, i spoke to a lot of analyst in june as the, and the mixing process. and then they said that since we give you a really sort of a subdivision point, last time around, its numbers might come down a little bit. so i do see a fair bit of a challenge that both gaps are given to each other. here in banking and other bosses could not pick up. you're talking about the 1st phase of folding and then there was a drop in the water turned out to be know why as well it's it's so it's only a matter of guessing. the 1st reason many people say is obvious that uh, some uh headsets in, in the low spots of the country and of those seats away that went to boys in the 1st round, the temperatures but very high and dump. a lot of it, i was there was heat a high game, there was dry heat as well as a lot of the following stations. uh,
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there were reports of at least 2 or 3 of the voters free being active voting, both because of the hydration. eventually they also died. so hot weather conditions is going to be one of the reasons behind the low voter turnout. but what's the budget is at the 18? and what the opposition is celebrating is that this would mean low interest among the voters to go out and vote on like of not being very celebrate to the about the voting process. we leave it there with the time being total conflict correspondent in banking a little thanks so much. i, i kind of thought it was mentioning the south and southeast asia as well out in the state of emergency optic stream, heat levels, record breaking temperatures in bunger. there's the philippines and thailand have let the school flow shows box voltages and heat related debts. on the streets of bangkok,
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torres and residents are coping with soaring temperatures. the countries heat index which combines air and humidity levels has risen above 52 degrees celsius, which is classified as extremely dangerous tire authorities are urging people to stay indoors for their own safety. but for those who make a living on the streets of the capital, that's not an option. i almost see like same thing when i work out all these days. but i can choose another job. can i? according to the countries health industry, there have been 30 heat related deaths nationwide. so far this year. that's compared with a total of $37.00 recorded across the island last year. sometimes i feel dizzy,
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but not yet like fainting. drinking ice water can help in the philippines. a centuries old settlement, submerged by a dam, built in the 1970s has reappeared. extreme heat and drought have caused the reservoirs water levels to drop nearly 50 meters. april in may are usually the hottest month. simself simself, east asia, but this, your temperatures have been exacerbated by the el nino weather phenomenon. as in india, where a general election is underway. sweltering temperatures caused roads administered in the team. cari to st at a campaign, riley for prime minister and a wrench promoting in the western state of maharaj truck searing heat is led to a surgeon, power usage and outages in bangladesh where millions of students have been told to stay home from school. as the south asian nation swelter through one of its worst
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heat waves on record of the a quick reminder sort of his reminder of the 2 top stories been following for you. us secretary of state anthony blinking has have the press conference and paging on the 3rd. i'm fine of the day of a visit fraught with tensions. lincoln thought positively about tended and constructive conversations on shared interests. he also raised us concerns about china support for russia's board in ukraine and its ability to create weapons. and india is holding the largest democratic connection, team history, income from prime minister. and that ends and will be seeking a wrapped up tom. and a super majority which could empower is endo national to speech therapy party to potentially change the constitution. while these challenges are struggling to find a message that resonates,
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that's all for the moments coming up next of the break eco india meets nope. do you by the enthusiasts we have done. influenza is, is more news on our website, the www dot com. i'm gonna respond to jean berlin season, the,
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