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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 26, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm CEST

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the, the, basically the, the news line from berlin, the us secretary of states page has concerns with china as president over its support for rushers broker war in ukraine. in talk to preston street, just being anthony blinkers, criticize this child's help for russia to make weapons. he also announced areas of cooperation including controls of advanced onto personal intelligence. what's coming up nato was again starting back, pays a visit to berlin, meeting with german johns, the own our souls. to discuss an upcoming defense summit in washington. and in the epic election is on the way it is a 45 day multi face process. correspondence is on the campaign trail and criss
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crossing the country. we don't have the latest for you, the managed manager. welcome us, secretary of state anthony blinking has met with china as president on the 3rd and final day of a visit fault with tensions following the meeting link and spoke of progress and the relationship between china and the us, including on issues such as organized crime and artificial intelligence where we made lincoln stress, but it was crucial for washington and begging to maintain open channels of communication. any welcome to chance to visit the country with the. but thinking also pointed out that serious differences remain named tooting chinese support for russia. following its attack on ukraine. in my discussions today,
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i reiterated are serious concern about the p r. c, providing components that are powering rushes, brutal war of aggression against ukraine. tried as the top supplier of machine tools, micro electronics, nitro, cellulose, which is critical to making munitions and rocket proponents and other do use items that moscow is using to ramp up this defense industrial base defense industrial base that is churning out rockets, drones, tanks, and other weapons the president put in his using to invade a sovereign country to demolish its power grid and other consider the end of the structure to kill innocent children, women and men. russia would struggle to sustain its assault on ukraine without trying to support. and as we just had been completely called out, china for being a supply of rushes boar and ukraine. i aust journalist 5 democrats by in beijing where the blinking visit has brought any movement on that topic. so yeah, so 1st of all, i'm blinking made it his point very clear. he has an excuse to china and exporting
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machine toilets to russia. also a to use products, russia and those things that are really important for proteins, ballistic missile program. and he also stated that, um, if china continues to do so, then you know, it will cost him something in terms of a possible thanks. and he has not named concrete the what the us is planning to do . but he said this will have consequences. so. so far this no, um, no progress that china will change his its position and you know, they basically use it, it's influence. so to, you know, a stop it will make, put in stop this. what, but i would say that when i talked to x, what they say that, you know, china understands the language of strength, of the language of poet and blinking, not only made his point. he also said, you know, we have some leverage here. we can, you know, and implement some economic um, you know, sanctions. so let's see in the coming weeks where the, you know, the us can draw
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a red line saying that, you know, china will property then, you know, stop exporting the self, the product. but in terms of fundamental change of position, i don't think that it china will do so because china and russia is strategic interests are really quite aligned to hm. but uh, speaking from a position of friends, i think anthony, thinking there was a new thing to do in his a pressing production. the, the type of sanctions on, on china that we would sanctions imposed on china really work. and given that the impact of sanctions on russia are already questionable to what i think this is really not really a fair comparison, a china is much more into linked with global trait. um, you know, the, the, the biggest trade putting us to europe in union. but in terms of single country, the biggest market for china, then, i mean, it's also with america, so it would cost
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a lot. and right now the economic situation in china is not very bright. there's a high use unemployment, this a real estate prizes, etc. so it, china is depending much stronger on, you know, exporting its products to the global market to also to the west. so i would say that at least um, from a rational point of view, it should make a seating thing to think twice, whether it is successful. i mean, we're speculating here, but i would say that, you know, there was already at least one success that western state. he does have a gotten from seats and ping and bid was last year when putting was open to threatening with a nuclear tech. then seating thing said no, that's in an acceptable we don't you know, except tolerate any, you know, uh, threatening of a nuclear force. and many experts believe that this, that had some influence on poor teams. so i mean, that was some success. and i think that can be repeated. now again, we live at the time being 5 democrats by engaging thanks very much for that's another contentious issue between washington and aging has been us,
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complains about cheap chinese exports. both of us and germany. se back on makers are coming under increasing pressure from chinese rivals. this is how i know of a trade for a chinese exhibit, as have been demonstrating that ability to go total in specialties, but used to be the preserved of germany. jonya and from the douglas chinese surveys visited the show, to find out more just become a common size in germany. chinese companies which come from h technology looking to sales, they'll be, as german assumes complained that chinese over production is leading to a lot of cheaper goods for chinese manufacturers here. take a different so this is tamilia that i know you go to the united states. china has developed cutting edge technology in new image of vehicles like the export has been used to europe and the global market isn't due to over capacity as anybody. but because we have adopted so many excellent ideas,
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technologies from europe in certain fields you'll show to asia, you said in english. and china now has unique advantages while you're here, such as enroll materials and your tech expertise, which will also explore, take to get you. so you go to jamalia, who is an example of how into connected and usually supportive global trade is this . for now, germany on the you see or losing the a competitive age. they say china, i'm fairly blocks some foreign competitors, well pulling billions into homegrown businesses. i would consider china today to be at risk market a lot of times the market. the major reason being by the way, not so much the geopolitical effect, but also the current chinese administration nationalizing data industry. and we have seen parts of our industry, constructive hip and is a good example. but international supplies are almost down to 0 because china ones, chinese equipment in china. one sector we are, chinese firms are gaining
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a foothold. cos companies like b id on site are increasing their exports to the u. y 4 and comic a struggle in china. the fear is that other european industries, next china, us exports are becoming more competitive. the country is catching up in high a tech, on exports a booster to buy subsidies and over capacity producing more than it can sell at home. and it's not just about the chinese sales in germany. german companies are increasing fighting chinese companies in global markets, a survey of german comedy because over 18 china shant, nearly $0.64 believing the competitors will become industry leaders, leasing the next 5 years. that's up from just over a search in 2018, one tool being considered by europe restrictions on chinese imports bought that car
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was political risk. so therefore we have to be clear and we need evidence that sort of think she got a so this is not a protective america. and also regarding the electric because what the investigation top of it goes on, we can react. and my experience is indeed was china, if we can demonstrate that, says evidence on congress because i'm trying us accepting the 3 year lease here is that the trading relationship between germany and child has gone from we've been to 0. so i quickly found some other stories making headlines around the world. students of the university of california and los angeles have joined a wave of profile listing institutions on campuses across the us demonstrate terms of demanding a ceasefire and gaza and not calling on the university to got to old tires with is run hundreds. have you noticed that at similar full tests as us a ton of these track down on the growing movement,
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german police have begun setting a profile listing and company of the fall a month and job 3 in berlin. let me say some protest has repeatedly used band symbols and slogans. the demonstrators of demanding the government hold on sales to israel. they say they move once is being unfairly criminalized. authorities intensity is here. weeks of heavy rains have claimed a 155 lives unaffected. more than 200000 people. we are lean, your global weather phenomenon has combined with the start of the rainy season. bringing down falls to regions that seldom gets rain rains of also hit neighboring kenya, getting at least 50 people as a german jobs. the old of souls is hosting nato secretary general e installed and beg for talks. yeah, and been in the meeting is in preparation for the alliance has annual summit, which will be held in july in washington. the boy and ukraine will be high on the agenda. the fed are also expected to discuss how to boost defense spending account
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of threats from russia and china minds and the other political correspondent simon young has been following. yeah, and the salting bags visit to berlin. he told me what the nato chief had to say, as well, bearish, uh, he, uh, gave a uh, a brief statement to reporters at the jones 3, which he pretty much just confined himself to. so thanking gemini for what it has been doing to support ukraine in this war. and you know, he was also pointing out that spying and espionage efforts by the agent. so country like russia and china are a very worrying thing. but last night, sold and bag was also invalid and making a speech, it was a bit more expensive. and what do you have to say that was the, the, uh, that you cried in can still when it's more against a russia at and so, you know,
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he said, of course, following the decision by the us congress, the key fob military support. those other countries, like germany and the netherlands in the u. k. a and others. but at the same time, he's keeping the pressure on saying that now it's a question of really delivering the weapons and ammunition that ukraine needs, given that most go for its part, is also getting support from its international samples as a bubble of coast china. speaking of support for ukraine and you did mentioned this, the u. s. has approved this long delayed aid package for ukraine. this has, in addition to sending the attack ends long range besides the keys. while the german chancellor continues to refuse to send the long range porous main sides of you can once did this issue come up at all as well. it's hard to know, but that is that it would seem highly likely that that would be discussed. certainly either various international partners,
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including the u. s. and the u. k. a teen for gemini to send a long range missile of the tourist me saw as a range of 500 kilometers is longer than the us at me so. so there's a weapon that key of once and a senior defense officials from washington, i quoted you the saying they hope that the decision to supply that so that you asked me. so i'll will ink cartridge, pull it political leaders in germany to send the tourist as well. but you know, what's being said behind closed doors. how to say right now. speaking of sophisticated weapons systems of german and french defense ministers have mentioned patters and signed to do to try to produce what's being called the battles tank of the future. do we know more about this project? yeah, this is a very important project. b, m, g c, s, it stands for main ground combat system. and it's a state of the art tank at the t as intended to replace the tank stocks of both
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germany and fronts. it's been in the pipeline since 2017. you know, it's a, it's a complex project, but it's going to take a long time, move in a tank, really sort of network system. you can be cody like the operation of multiple vehicles. and it also includes things like all the official intelligence. so, you know, it should change the picture on, on the battlefields of the future. they say problem is it'll take, uh, a, quite a bit longer. it's not you to be in operation until 2040 or leave it there for the time being. do the simon young thanks so much for that. dining to india now which is holding the largest democratic election in history. it stretches over peter to $45.00 days. the election kicked off a week ago with the 1st of 7 election phases on friday, pulling 4, phase 2 across the 13 states and union territories was held a total of $88.00 seats and the looks of the house. they didn't follow them and
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being contested. and gump in 5 minutes to another, remove the seeking a rad that tom, here's him. the last one is b, j. p. faulty is also aiming for a super majority, which could, and by his coalition to change the constitution. most of these challenges in the, in the alliance are seeking to and he's ruled, but are struggling to find the message that resonates the demos of, in part when to 2 neighboring constituencies in northern india to get a taste of watts at stake. the t lot drum give so i can do good please. immediate policy and election c a in the q u klux native northern india about the to the only indians live here. it's a strong hold of him. do not list b, g b appointments. and the movie the party puts law drum center stage needs, campaign committee of the city of mid it today,
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the line between real life and fiction is blood photo in google is a popular act of hopefully law drum in the iconic television series, around my in the 1980s, law jerome is come to meet the voters and he's a b, b candidate. global is a 1st time candidate. he's not be involved in politics before a. he's a huge fan of prime minister molding, which seems to be his means. what to ration destroyed by virginia student in their motives vision, you know, which is the development. yeah. are they developed to make a different country his vision, just doing of items to, to make so that the grounds wait to see him. he knows how to use his popularity and the motions of his friends. i'm not
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promising anything to the general talking. you're just connecting to i that's it's not far from the riley suffered for the wp abuse strong, but you can find some critical voices. but this is the worst time for poor people and the good time for the rich people, daily wages like me, is suffering and dying in these times. regardless is the yes, i am very happy and excited to see the 2 types of movie that has come to our town. it is good that be to be chose him as the candidate for elections. you should have thought moody has done in men's development work in a country like india, where the population is any rising. that's the truth. he is like gold for us. you said you picked out job, do it here in this probably is a testimony to the of every supposed to be did we have gained what the us the body believes prime is the body's popularity really just again be the defining factor
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the when the ceo's election but here in a neighboring city of gauzy about the bodies shudder my advice to offer something else. put the opposition eliza, in the block. she has worked a spokesperson of the indian national congress fucking around for me. i don't see about enough. she's challenging rudy's candidate. and this comes to n, c for the national parliament seat or mean topics, women and safety stop the changes for the constitution. democracy is in danger via looking at the instances reading the tools in chief ministers out in j. dante has some support to us, but fighting for the seat is an appeal back to she seems odd. no, god, god. anyone who supports to the ideology of the beach i. p is safe coordinates all these days. corruption charges dropped against opposition. leaders who joined to be
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j b party. so just as how you doing got this fucking meet it. go with groups the benefit of merging. they made up a lot drum, this political jump in that mixing of religion and politics, worries many experts feel good. why didn't there's in, in the social fabric the and the correspondent shuttle gothic. yeah, he's in the southern india, in the city of banga ludo which went to the polls on friday. this as part of the 2nd phase of connections. i also try to, to describe the political mode in india at this stage of the weeks long for process the 0 to the days. i think the political move will be best described by the words. as you know, by the end of today about the funding has taken place in about
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a ton of the door to see off the looks of over 5 door to find 40 pieces and it looks it up. and the 2nd round going to johnson wanted to know because he has to be combined. but the 1st one was little disappointing. and because of that, they have been reports that b, u b is anxious and because of what speed is about changing it strategy. so right now, the political more just answers and bodies are re, uh on the, on the, on the edge of their seats trying to wonder what the link to this is thinking, right? delta dental veteran general click. this is a love that invest edition of diversity. and secularism has come under attack since prime minister imo the and is b j b came to bob if more the easily elected for the thought um, what can we expect on that front? smooth village. i'm tell you what i'm looking at. i'll tell you what the opposition has this thing, the opposition leaders have been saying that if the b b comes back to bob before
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that, um, it would be the end of democracy. no, it would be the end of 10 years. secular democratic credentials. i'm not sure how many people would agree with that and actually the uh, the 2 results will be a testimony to that. the feature being 2090 you had a whole shuttle hold of 37 percent. so that means more than 37 percent of him does photos of treatment of each of these perspective. now these directions that we do have to take it takes about 50 percent, remains to be seen. how many people are you with the opposition space and how many was a visual inspection? but as not, i'm seeing a san ramon off uh, support on uh of course the hybrid can even in the south of the days when i am. and that's where i suppose the anxiousness comes in. meanwhile, last sunday, the prime minister made some statements up in election riley in the notes that have raised eyebrows and lead to accusations of east lama for the kate speech. less than listen to what the prime minister have to say 1st, are valid. i'm going to use that to god of when congress was in power. what they
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said, most of them have the 1st right to the nation's wealth is the us. some of these means though, collect people's wealth, and distribute it to whom drive that, but to whom, up to those who have more children to the empty tray to start doing good job. good. do you think your how doing money should be given to infiltrate? is, would you accept this? this is what the congress manifesto is saying. let's look at our shuttle help us understand what time mr. movies saying that and why he things argument like that will appeal to voters. the most political analysts have uh sizes around any license as a, as a very strong smell. i'm a fully sort of a speech. first, you mentioned the most names, and then he said that, but gomez is going to do is that he's going to take away that he says the sources
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and read this to distribute the sources of my most names. and then he went on to identify all my students as those will give us too much of an emerson's what infant traits us. now using this kind of language against the one particular community i have. it has been condemned by opposition bodies. and this is what political them just have been saying that since the turn off in the 1st phase was very low, which was not good news for the egypt be maybe that'll be just me decided to ship it step is you to one of the station a so that all of his phone base would get would get a volt right up and would come on to one jam. and, and this might change the 4th or the be just be in the next round. uh, in this round uh, the sides of the country. many contingencies that have gone to the full jordan banker, banker lou, which has also gone to the polls. what other agencies prospect in the south of the country? what up cannot you guys a?
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this is a very interesting place is the only steve in south india where b b is that a very strong presence for about 2 tickets now we just be as being paula as being involved at the local level in the last parliament to the next is out of the, to the 28th each here, the be just behind back 25. so to almost swift this days, this time the congress appears to be a strong position because the cms is in power here. and i spoke to a lot of analyst in june as the in the mixing process. and then they said that it was be just me and really sort of a saturation point. last time around it's numbers might come down a little bit. so i do see a fair bit of a challenge that both gaps that give me do each other here in banking and another positive. good not to go. you're talking about the 1st phase of folding and then there was a drop in the, the water turned out to be know why was it so it's only a matter of guessing. the 1st reason many people say is obvious that uh,
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some uh headsets in, in uh, lost lots of the country and of those seats away that went to boys in the 1st round, the temperatures but very high and dump. a lot of it, i was there was heat a high game, there was dry heat as well as a lot of the following stations. uh, there were reports of at least 2 or 3 of the voters free being active voting both because of the hydration and they basically they also died. so harsh weather conditions is going to be one of the reasons behind the low voter turnout. but what's the budget is and just eating, and what the opposition is celebrating is that this would mean low ink 1st among the voters to go out and vote, and like of not being very celebrate to the about the voting process. we leave it there with the time being total complicated correspondent in banking. little thanks so much. i as a quick reminder now if our top stories, us secondly estates anthony blinking has have the press conference engaging on the
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3rd and final day of a visit for all with pensions. lincoln thought positively about tended and constructive conversations on shared interests. he also raised us concerns about china support for rushes, water new created, and its ability to create weapons german jobs. not all of trolls is hosting nato circuitry general against dalton, back adults and berlin. the meeting is in preparation for the alliance as little summit which will be held in july in washington. and india is holding the largest democratic connection in history, in comp and prime minister nat ain't that. i'm all the seeking of at the time. and a super majority, which could empower his him to nation his be just the party to change the constitution. most of these challenges are struggling to find a message that resonates. that's all coming up next off of the break to the point. takes a look at indian prime minister and that ends remove these efforts to modernize the country and elevated to a significant geo political plan. as i,
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there's more news on our website, the, the blue dot com, and you can follow us on our social media channels as well. i'm british manager in billing, thanks so much for watching, by the or the
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to the points. strong opinions. clear position, international perspective. prime minister names and will be able to modernize in the on position it's a significant geo political play, a while skilfully navigating between various follow blogs until the point we are discussing is india on the won't be on under data to the point next on d,
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w good working as long been a male dominated industry and nigeria, but elizabeth defy, you know, we'll do refuses to go with the flow. she designs and manufacturers, modern furniture in her own workshop and as a role model for many, and not just when the feedbacks in 16 minutes on d w, the d big companies play a role in the destruction of the rain forest the letter full actually cause awesome comes from illegal capital funds in the amazon. yes, the ultimate view industry doesn't care about the supply chains,
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profit. all that much. illegal level starts may said on d w, the in the us being referred to as the next global supervisor with significant economic growth in deal has become assault off the international partners. thoughts behind and deals, growth story and.


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