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tv   To the Point  Deutsche Welle  April 26, 2024 6:30pm-7:00pm CEST

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legal capital funds in the amazon. yes, the ultimate view industry doesn't care about the supply chains, profit. all that much. illegal level starts may said on d, w. the india is being referred to as the next global superpower with significant economic growth. india has become a solid off the international partner. thoughts behind and deals, growth story. bundle is head of global dialogue on presentation of the bill republic policy institute, g, p, a in berlin. and joining us via skype, from handbook we have media, improve thompson, cheerleaders such a major search fellow at german institute for global ad adf. so they've got a very long, but to come to all a few. thank you for joining was, are you have
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a long standing relationship with india? you went that as a 21 years old to discover the country to discover yourself. and then you'd have tired of a mazda bill. now you've seen and bill from 1970 is to 20 twenty's. how hasn't yet changed? well as, as a lot of things, in india, everything is to other countries. longitude. so it has not changed at all. and it has changed completely. no, it did change completely because of course there's no more than a state you don't see the other friends on the streets anymore and you have of the skies is a scope as everybody, if you're going to move by this is a different, a different groups. now everybody because i'm all done, so it is nothing reminds you on the india for 50 years ago. but if you look deeper and then you see to the ritual to see, to do see, to the culture of 7000 used in income in comparison with 7000 useful just for the 50 is nothings oh you have to reach was you have to campus if the most cuz you have all the culture of the insignia and enter. so this is all students are difficult to
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run. india, you'll find the india which you have seen 50 years ago, maybe 200 years ago. so modern india with traditional values. now you're not only an extra for the modules, so musician your also an all time you've written a book into, i'm going to be 5 me. think about it a little later on state and save the old rest on the new out what we should learn from india before it is too late. what should the rest learn from india? by those points, of course, one is to see the europe and the rest is not the rest of the road. it is 20 percent of the roads and 80 percent of the roads are a global solid countries. so when we had to do, you know, and very often we look too much into a euro, scientific way, german centigrade and think this is what the rest of the world has to think. no, it is not because still other points are fewer and the rest of the world. so this is, you'll see a more globalized world with indians. indians have, have a all the indians living in other countries in
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most of the countries of, of the world, maybe in 190 countries who have with us for an indian desperate. then of course, teachers at the station, then a young, a young generation, 50 percent under $35.00. and then you have to risk taking into bruno ships innovation to got, which is something typically they need deal with. so there are lots of things which we can learn from india and most of all the b should they became more time and should listen to india. thank you. let's go to museum. meaning voltage is a, gave us a glimpse of how india has changed in the last 5 decades. now, if you could specifically tell is how india has changed in the last one decade on the movie. could you think that's a big jump? i guess. i mean, i fully agree that there's a lot of continuity going on. um, i mean with my focus on sort of in yes, foreign policy and in the field of stature, i think the addition to play, and i think this is a quote from
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a ministry of external sales report to play the rightful place at 2222, read a see receive for the rightful place on the world stage. i think what has changed significant, significant base that india is now very close to this sort of self defined a global role. and i think moody and his sort of very vicious, international outlook on, in the global position, i think has contributed a lot to that. so i think whereas india has always been on the way of reaching global stature, of having a extremely important and retro my school position has always been there. i think it's never been closing to joseph for actually achieving this. now you'll go out to the report card in the off to 2024 elections and more the same set to win this election. so yeah, what do you think is going to change in the next 5 years under moody?
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i would expect not too much to change. i think the challenge is, i mean the most domestic, the them in the, at keeping up stuff that you can always development and the economic growth at the level that that indian needs to be to achieve some rich goals. i mean, that's been calculations that well in order to reach the, the, the size of, of marketing the size of the economy that is aspire to any growth rates of 10 percent. and i think that's a massive challenge. so i think that will be probably more or they're just very likely to be more engagement, more reforming the sector. i think in terms of again, foreign policies. i think in yes, doing a very good job at the moment to to go for its own interest in the way. so i don't, i do not expect too much change, but more going to genuity on, on that right front the you'll see any change in the next 5 years. i think the big thing for the moody government will be to really keep up this promise of, you know,
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making india developed country by 2047. the economy is growing at a 7 percent g, d, p growth rates, which is very admirable. and it's set to leap frog germany and japan, if it continues that to 3rd position behind the us and china. and so i think the economy and ensuring that job creation is there because it has an average 8000000 people go into the labor market. they need jobs to make it competitive and to also finding ways to continue not only economic growth but counterbalance to different security and the challenges that it has in the region and making sure to engages with partners across the globe while at the same time protecting its own national interest, which is economic development. so i think the big hurdle will be to continue this and i think that will be the biggest challenge for the, for the government, or continue talking about the economy. me, my voting is on the way in india,
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an open in full suggest an easy victory for not into more days. the heart, the agenda about the to be to be. so why doesn't more the have to worry about any opposition in the election? it seems to boil down to the often repeated phase. it's the economy, stupid, but also to more these identity politics. induce 1st, that's the ideology being used by prime minister moody to govern the world's largest democracy. and it's making him popular around 80 percent of indians are hindus, minorities, and opposition. members, on the other hand, have reported instances of intimidation. moody is popular because he has invested heavily in infrastructure and launch the social programs. during his 10 years of leadership, india has gone from 10 to the world's 5th largest economic power surpassing its former colonial ruler. great britain. india also wants to overtake germany and japan, by the end of the decade. the other high profile successes
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like the 2023 moon landing only underscores in these emissions to become a high technology nation. and yet poverty is still a visible problem and a country of approximately $1400000000.00 people with an average annual per capita income of around $2400.00. india barely out earns nicaragua, demographics, democracy, and diversity. from moody's point of view, this trip effect is responsible for india as new york. right. is india on its way to becoming a super power? let's go to a medium and understand what is a sofa fall exactly. everyone's talking about india being the next supervisor, but what does that mean as well? i think i think it's hard to going to be talking about super powers in the current international systems. i think we're going to talk about several great paolo's or a poles in our, in our sort of multi pull the system. but i do think, i mean, very concretely, it means for in the likely seat and the un security counselor,
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for example, a means to play. and i think that's going to india a string to not having to decide for one or the other for china or for the united states. i think that's one particular the power that it yeah at the moment exposes. um, and i think it's a b, b not being able to be overlooked in importance of world political decision making the climate change. be it a whatever resolution to their ukraine, cries it, be it sort of the next pandemic, so not to be overlooked. and to be considerate in and to actually not only be considered by to shape sort of the rules or norms that are gonna structure the solution. also the global challenges. so i think that so considering all of that in your opinion is india on the right path? is india on its way to becoming us? what about um yes, i do think that in yeah,
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is going to have to be considered in all of these issues. i mean, if we're looking to climate change, the parish falls cannot be achieved without the indian action on climate change. for example, um india does have to watch out that it's sort of it's, it is writing conflict intentions with china, of distracting it much from the past. but i do think overall now as the sort of indian moment i'm in the sort of times of polarization and conflict where you can play this sort of independence, a foreign policy out to its own strength. all right, good. when we talk about sort of our economy plays amazing. oh, and you were talking about the economy and you know, there are these 2 extremes. you have the rising economy, the infrastructure is getting better, absolutely no doubt about it. but whoever has been doing that recently would say that the apple, it's a better than i'm gonna have is that more data is etc. but forward to you on unemployment data mean big issues. how does that go hand in hand?
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look, i mean, india and indians have ambitions and aspirations, right? india is being quoted by countries all over the world. it says, you know, it's the voice of the global self. it has an economy that is the 5th largest in the world. but at the same time, it has a wealth gap that is tremendous. and it's got one of the largest income discrepancies in the world between those were really wealthy and those were really poor. but you have to keep in mind that the indian government has to do a balancing act. on the one hand, it's trying to go in the economy. but it also has to, it's responsible for 1400000000 people in this country. and it's not going to happen overnight. this will take time. and the india is one of the world's largest democracies. it's one of the misuse democracies. and you know, it's not going to just happen from one day to another. it's not going to happen within a decade. it'll take decades. so i do question if india is on its path to becoming
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a super power in the most traditional sense, right. like if you talk about the us hedge many decades ago, i don't think i think that will just behind us. but india is an important power, it's an influential power and it's voice matters. and it will increasingly matter as we move forward. what i asked is because it's a little counter intuitive that the economy is rising and yet they need an economy is not able to generate employment for such a big huge. it does generate employment and the government will tell you that it, it has generated employment. but the issue and critics, what they say is that the employment is in low paid jobs in agriculture and in jobs that are involving dates like they jobs, where much of it gets unpaid. for example, women do a lot of unpaid care work. so it's not that the job to not there, but they're not necessarily the jobs that the youth and people coming out of university want because it's not being generated as quickly as 8000000 people enter
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the workforce annually. that's the challenge for any government surveys show that you're unemployment is one of the biggest issues in this election. despite that most of your domains extremely popular and especially amongst butte, how do you explain that popularity? but like i said several reasons, of course one is, i mean he is, he is $12.00 twice a landslide victory. you can't win a landslide victory and the world's biggest democracy without being popular. so something along the way he must have done right. that people vote go out and vote for him in such a must be for a 2nd. um, there must also be some of something in the records which he leaves behind. economic reforms of shop creation says, confidence, building and other things of which are positive to the villages. thirdly, i think of course the concentration on his person and his p r machinery around him
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is also make, seem uh, a pop star. um, uh, with a fellow the photo was like full bark obama, i guess, and inch popstars. um. so there are lots of reasons and of course i was maybe one of the reasons is the critics say he's nice. he's the, the, the handle of the station of the country a positive. so this new set is raising the self confidence and awareness of indians that they have a so and so i was in the old unique culture of course, criticize this is shrinking spaces for the, for saving society, whatever. but this, the both of the decide, but i think there are a lot of reasons and after all this, he has also a kind of a background which is a very humble family background. and it's kind of us, kate, big lifestyle. why maybe are those in the old position cuz i don't have this and then here's also i don't know position which was for
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a long time. not really sure of. should they go for elections and should dave, which would be, who should be the candidate. so this was also a fact of each item. i would i agree with the investor said, but i would respectfully also challenge this notion of why he's so popular. it's not just because of everything he said, but the critics have said that he has glowing mainstream media coverage at the expense of suppressing press freedom. on the other hand, opposition leaders have their finances frozen in the bank. so it hampers campaign financing. and you'll also have opposition leaders who are imprisoned on mt corruption charges shortly before the run up to the election. so when you close down the spaces, it's not too difficult to become the main voice that people see. people here give it to you that he's done a fantastic job with social media since 2014 elections when he 1st came on. he
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really capitalized, but it's that's not paint or overly rosy picture. i think there's still a lot to be scrutinized and that's always systems. i mean that's what it's in terms of landslide. i mean, we are, we have uh, sort of 1st past the post election system where like 42 percent give you a vast majority in the parliament. so i think that was the last night. also, it's sort of an effect of the voting system and you have to be more than half a month voting for movie as well. ma'am, if you're going to follow the board that we just played in the studio, no more the stresses the importance of demography democracy and i was happy with everything that jewel is also said to declare that democracy and diversity of exactly what is under threat under movie and that's what he is advertising that, you know, this is what we need, even in your report, you have mentioned in the us and i called ever less democratic country. now, movies also seem as addicted order and figure out in the west. i would like to
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understand for someone who was that of how to do, how is it that we talk about line slide victories and that he's going to get a majority of how isn't that so many people want to vote for someone who is such a director told you the 1st not to be i want but i think i, i think it would be a little bit capitalistic tutorial. but i do, i mean, um, what us trust bins that i think the encroachment on democratic freedoms has been very tangible. but at the same time, i think moody has managed to pick up a, a sentiment that has always been there. sort of the nationalistic hindu focus sentiment that has always been there. i in preparation of today i've read about a polar where in 2974 percent off sort of a survey set that india, this is sort of, should be very proud of itself and has a better system than most of the places. something along the lines and that, that has not shifted them with some of the 74 percent in 2009 and in the 2019 it
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was still over 70 percent. so i think the managers to pick up the sentiment very much while at the same time that of utilizing that of you know, cause it makes it somewhat anti democratic means to, to enhance his brand and his grasp also on, on a, on society. right. and investment countries, i've also expressed concerns about this, but at the same time, we also want to strengthen that dies within the independent of its democratic regard. meanwhile, in the us, foreign policy is based on the principle of non alignment. whether it's that i show you green bar, or the goal is or conflict, india under warranty, has decided not to take any sites. let's take a look at how india is navigating between the various power blocks. indian prime minister moody received
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a standing ovation when visiting us congress in summer 2023. where he was celebrated as a champion of democratic values. chose to our partnership to our people, to the possibilities of life, had 2 great friends to great nations into a great power. the western democracies are according moody, partly because they see india as a strategic geo political alternative to the increasingly aggressive china. but india has its own objectives. it has not clearly condemned. is war against you claim, and it continues buying, oil and weapons from russia. the movie presents himself as a confident spokesman for many countries in asia, africa, in latin america, countries for whom europe's problems feel more distant. she said this today, india is the voice of the global sales. what foreign policy interesting is india
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pursuing under moody? walter, how do you explain more these foreign policy? i think he has a very skilful appointment just so that's one of the points which is i think a big asset of what they knew of today. a very skillfully but mere inside of the other side. he is maneuvering among all these big power interests and he's doing a great show up in, in making clear that india is not willing to be to follow the decisions of a new blog, some veiled veil. some nations gather together and think they can make decisions for the rest of the road these times are passing going and i think he's very right to doing so. if you see 20 percent of your, of, of, of the real this is is your being and the rest is not here. so why should 20 percent pass script? uh well how, how the rest of the road should look. so i think there he has done
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a good job, but of course he is back by the, by the, by the, by parameters the movie. so this kind of maneuvering and among different interests, where do you find these days? a country big country, which is good relationship to isn't ends to the palestine and to ukraine, who was just the other person and to russia and to the us. and even for china, very, those are kind of a pragmatic way of dealing with that. so doing this, i think you have to be skillful, and i think this is something that will be which we really need in the future more because you would need to countries like them, like like india, which could i wouldn't not say maybe age of but, but what would be the to balance international interest in the, in the 21st century drum. there are a lot of the dogs that have come up in the so called a movie and i like body has origin to make in the rest will go to the jumping up
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toward the leader of the word. and india is the wish to me through the friend of the word. how does this friend walk the tightrope with east and west of the 2 ends? and that's a good question. i would also question whether non alignment still really exists because what i see is india is moving slowly from non alignment to multi alignment . and what i mean by that is look at it security blocks and other blocks that it's part of. if you look at the sion high corporation organization, it's a security block. it's working alongside china and russia. if you look at the or breaks, it's again working alongside russia and china. but then if you look at the quote, it's working with the us, which has long, contentious relationships with both russia and china. so i think india is and the indian government is very carefully maneuvering this balance between on the one hand and becoming more open economically and security wise. but it has to balance this with also the political economic realities at home. and it's were willing to
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work with other countries that maybe it didn't get along with tool in the past, so long as it's pushing forward. india's agenda, which is economic development. and that is the main main balancing act there. let's go to meeting before we close the show meeting, we don't have a lot of time, but as you saw in the board more the claims at the end deputy is the voice of the globe. and so now india has bought at the entrance which i know relations with india and started with focused on have gone from back to us. and we saw this diplomatic grow with mondays. so with all these tensions, how does end up become the leader of the global south? but i think that that phrase has become very important in. yeah, but i don't think it's that important positively to the rest of the south, which still is very good relations with china. for example. i do think that it's a good sort of marketing way of putting in the even more on the map and, but a set i think a,
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as in yet has become most of the transactional and pragmatic. i think other countries of the global south as well. and so i think if interest align with in the great, if they align with china. great. so i don't think this sort of boy one voice for the global south as an exemption in this regard. thanks made them. that's unfortunately all the time that we have. but i would still like to us in one sentence by when can you expect and get to become the supervisor? time will tell you what that is. it's, it's already done a good way. so i think it's very close. that's all the time being called, what do you think about it? well, and that'll be the next up hour if us by right. and if you're watching us on youtube to let us know your thoughts really, but reading your comments, thanks for your time. goodbye. the
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. the, the
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live working as long been a male dominated industry and nigeria, but elizabeth defy, you know, will do, refuses to go with the flow. she designs and manufacturers, modern furniture in her own workshop and as a role model for many and not just when the feedbacks in 30 minutes on the w. w. is he merely an
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invention of the middle ages? not even today there, i believe we and they're casting him out. what really happens in an exorcism? what are the symptoms of evil? what does modern medicine make of it all dangerous dealings with the devil. in 75 minutes on d, w. the this shadows, these costs and video said lights on the dog history. the devastating colonial horror is infected by germany across and he employed the score farms and destroyed lights. what is the legacy of this wide spread races, depression, today? history, we need to talk about here, the stories,
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shadows of german colonialism. people and trucks inject, was trying to see the city center, the straight screen, the around the world, more than 130000000 people us we all mine because no one should have to make up your own mind. dw, may 4 mines the
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. this is daily news long from berlin, the us secretary of state res. this concerns with china's president over at support for russia's war and ukraine. intox with changing paying, anthony blink and criticized of china. it's help for russia to make weapons. but despite the disagreements, the to find room for cooperation in other areas. also coming up, nato is in stoughton berg pays a visit to were lim, meeting with german chancellor off shots to discuss an upcoming defense summit in washington. and for land police clear groups of pro palestinian protesters from.


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