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tv   Exorcism  Deutsche Welle  April 26, 2024 8:15pm-9:01pm CEST

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attention the and that's awesome. the news for now, next we have a documentary on modern day exorcise operating. here in europe, there is of course more news on our website, w, w dot com. and on our youtube and other social media channels. there is the, the we news. thank you so much for your company. the good news innovation, green, the green revolution global. so listen to a whole lot of time. it's probably up to speed. if the carriers subscribe to those channels, we've got new videos every friday. subscribe to plan. it's a really
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sweet that'd be one mega you and father romana you don't. you don't have been a priest for about 12 years and an exorcist for 8 years. don't i usually read is the prettiest cause i have no doubt that god and the devil exist. i have real evidence that the devil is here that he's active and that we need to be aware of him truly to all the same belief in the devil to many it sounds like maybe for rural, but in the 21st century, sation is making something of a come back, some people have no doubt the devil exists, including those who hunted him down. x. this is typically keep a lung profile the we me except for to see what they have to say the something with a z move the verse of welcome victory. we're thrilled to welcome you here for your
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baptism. sits a rule for cause a baptism is always a very special occasion to you in a chance to meet the future member of the community who thinks that to move in buttons if we make this sign on the forehead. sugarloaf whole digital in the catholic tradition. when someone is baptized, they sometimes undergo an initial exorcism upon entering the church and not only going about the way. so here at the baptism, we try to banish all able from the heart. the. the last one is your ancient riots. describe the notion of a minor exercise and to be conducted on the child. you know, physically, political because of all a citizen. respect them would explain that it was not about evil deeds, but that it was our human nature that required purification. because we are marked by original sending the musky, they'll say not to follow fish shelby. he said just about i baptize you in the
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name of the father is the sheets and the son. it is the end of the holy spirit. a man a. 2 pipe is the touch were you trying to find me? can we pin me. 6 so like it's just completely looks like there are a lot of move some of the general public that i've always described to it. but then i don't see why we shouldn't talk about it. 2 for that as well or, and then i see that so you see, and i usually meet with people here in the rectory here. it's a religious building with statues and religious symbols have done this at this point as we already get an idea of a person's level of infestation or vexatious to does accessory on up to. so a person who is severely scrooge. we infected small, i can't even walk through the rectory store sea level direct you what would be easy to start here? i have
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a container with the eucharist inside to to look if someone in your team was possessed, they would have already left this room. it is because it triggers a very strong reaction to the actual default of you have the host in your pocket, sort of the piano, you'll see, you know, controls, but exactly. then another thing that is, when i examine a person who feels possessed, i sprinkled them with water that hasn't been blessed. do we cannot buy it? they've been, it should not be so lucky. i just think the person reacts very strongly cic one. that indicates that it cycle sematic the so much so a lot, some of the been a tough and i can say there's a good chance it's not a reaction from the devil because the water wasn't less the extra 100. yep. that's consistent total guessing. just if you break your leg, you know why and how it can be healed. but if you have a spiritual problem and you're completely helpless, confidentiality means it's going to you and could you see yourself as an assist
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exhausted? no, no, i don't talk about it. many of my parishioners don't know, just finished research. we have to we have all age groups, slightly more women than men warranty. but sometimes parents bring their children full, sometimes teenagers, usually they come because they're grappling with a deep malays performed by that. they feel things inside them that they can't explain, was condensed bike speaking, the default seasonal culture. sometimes they've already seen a psychiatrist that push and either they feel the diagnosis didn't resonate swipe or that the psychiatrist didn't understand what they were experiencing. so cute savannah. they've often visited. fortune tellers or card readers did use the cop to
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school. and at some point someone has said, what you have is terrible. i can't do anything for you. you have to go to an exorcist and then they just assumed the village sharman, that's me and then we'll solve the problem immediately with a prayer image. but that's not how it works. successful the, the suv that clung for turbo. i remember the very 1st time i'd heard you could pray for people who would practice spiritualism. a person came to confession and said, well, i've been practicing spiritualism for a long time. use my civil, i feel bad. i don't know what's going on us. and i said listen, it's all right, see, i'll give you absolution and then i'll pray for you. yeah. for you. and as i started to pray, she started screaming. you're hurting me for a month is and i realize something unexpected was happening. get it,
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get it. but preview g d, i was amazed that a prayer could do something like that. so h and things i had never seen before. i mean, just a, just like a person rolling on the floor, this person reacting because i was wearing the store, additional things like that. it's incredible. it really works. that's not an option, franco. that's just how much. what i knew the goose book is about the rituals of exorcism and prayers of supplication. i don't mean it's not something you can just find in any corner bookstore. put me at the age of what can i read about these rituals? i know it's kind of, you could read it, but there aren't many copies and circulation 50 say they'll send you through. suits usually handed out personally from the day, also some the bishop to the priest in charge of the exorcism, or that the board exec she's, it's a condo now just story. it's like giving a scalpel to someone who knows nothing about medicine or surgery v. a better just
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to we put the dangerous if it falls into the wrong hands only to one. so it has to be accessed isn't take place is less constant lock. can you describe it because well, not dr. kids must be to a look. i love it. so it was my tailor the ritual to the person and their individual needs the stub. so salty mall during the 1st stage, the dominant feeling as hostilities. and i think like there's something that wants to tear us down the past. so this is the vexation or obsession stage, up to me pretty full. when someone reaches the stage of infestation, there are stronger symptoms. what the person finds objects had been moved around at home. she more these we experienced bad smells during the waking up at night in terror for sensing a presence, a solid email to please. unfortunately, for these people, this is often only seen or felt by them. it is this investigation is the only one that faced us through study team see don't come up with the issue. the last page, dispossession law,
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this is extremely rare. a person slips away from themselves. often it's not the person himself who reports it, but people around them who say, listen, i don't know what's going on. suddenly they've gone into a kind of frenzy. i don't recognize them anymore. they don't, eunice pace, deceased person is no longer themselves. certainly pretty frequently. a pixel, an a model name, they pretty much that's if they could define what's also quite common in possession is limitation. call those i've got the position, you see the body contort in the person speak the language. they don't no longer via email. that's very disturbing. kids with that more evil ones to silence use it gets controls, keep this, keep in mind that will fit the the scene all this with you? oh not isn't we? yes, sikesdale proceed. good control is also a phenomenon that looks like normal vomiting at 1st of the book and last 10 to 15 minutes up. so do you want that possible? it doesn't seem to stop at all or so not a thought measure. i think it really is the demon little demo to see
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a class that's good, it's hard to believe or even imagine what to say to skeptics or the i would read it . so now i can only report what i've seen with my own eyes at the risk of being called crazy. but i don't care about that. so magenta got it. looks as though you really believe definitely exist. now we, yes, without a doubt is your point. i think the church needs to be clear about is clear, i think so. the catholic church has always recognized the existence of sation, but it's long being weary of focusing too much attention on this change with the integration of pope francis and his speeches, the pope proclaimed that the devil really does exist, thereby legitimizing the practice of exorcism. but in switzerland, certain church represent to suppose this fee based approach. in 2020 to the bishop
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of church, announced that he would illuminate dx, assist post in his diocese, sparky debate, bidding decided minus 4. think the hutton, i mean, during the time of my pre to assess it, we had mixes, and i'm on the senior christoph cassette. he's got an influx of people came to him from our diocese, from other diocese on that and also from a brewer show at ocean house. then she laid 2 inc. looks like say that created demand and then on to but you don't see a need for this extra fee escaped. i could do from the spreadsheet. i mentioned there is a need because many people are suffering through feeling tormented, hurt, and exhausted. all my more team, but you have to build a team of experts who can deal with these requests. i'm stuck in the out of items all task, but all the lease requires cooperation and exchange between different textbooks and
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each blows what i didn't notice just priests little. so psychologists and psychotherapists, the people trained to recognize what situation that particular person is in beneficial to add to your irish think that the phone so you should be faint to come and get prices or leave because it gets on the exhaust. i read in a press release that issues of exorcism can be dealt with by medication and psychiatry just some of that. i'm sorry, but that's not. that would mean that there are no extraordinary demonic acts if it can be treated medically, just accessing the problem. it's missed your tools to collect a strong kit kit piece. but what really saddens me is to hear there isn't a priest there who can help people in need for these items. are they packaged in washington to be shown to use? for me, it's a stepping back on the part of a church that's good. think it's a great shame, like people speaking as a former soldier,
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i believe in facility. my duty at all costs is a school and this duty includes liberating souls and casting out the state. and when he's there in the shots, he says that the if the church steps back from this duty, others will step in adult or could be the exercises of the catholic church these days are careful to credential, it's very dangerous. i understand them. i'm sure they have the bishop's mandate and i missed you, but that doesn't mean they have a gift for this work. you know, they're wary of the devil each other. the new p a do long was a day and as a priest in the galaxy church, the branch of the catholic church not recognized by rome. we made the feel and ex assist in a small village in the gaze department in the south of france. and we are the only ones waiting for him is a hi, is this activity outside his phone,
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the this demon hunters reputation goes back to the seventy's, the 2 assigned to but i will proceed. i feel a little depressed and tired now to to i still feel blockage is gabriel kindly such with all of your inner self deals that you know so exactly it's the spirit is that that's normal. it can take them any money then don't worry. it's because you're still possessed to accomplish. normally, catholic priests don't allow existence to be film to be a diesel, isn't camera shot literally. the only thing you do soon says pre is what you said. your uncle simulation. so you also tell me who, you know, be able to actually be able to get the vision of the village of what contributing potential. and you can do is we'll say a month and we need to know a balance and will talk to somebody about the, you know, say well, what if he's available? if you look into that, potentially is what evolved north or south another cool, because to be your senior meeting senior like they'll say about what you're going
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to say. you also tell me who he only want this piece and you all to because i'll be able to do to be off. could you do? you want to do sort of a mental dick on monday while you to don't when the gift of healing was revealed to me in the a force arose in the an inner forest stronger than myself. in the shop i see all the people who come to me have often tried everything. i need, nothing works for them and they don't understand why he complained about are equal decisions arriving here. i felt and wells of this it got switched to the functions that something inside your still possessed. you can see when nothing else works, that's often what's behind it. and it's not always you have to check for as much as you want to know. you don't know why it happens to most i see myself doing it, but i can't stop it. the clinicals assume you've had treatments that we used to
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say. well this is joshua says yes, i've been to psychiatry since i called a just i'm enough to assistant myself and he's a see come on. what else? so i'm familiar with conventional medicine because oh, so the symptoms correspond to what doctors called depression. the son of the preschool. yeah. point and it says this is the things are going to say good morning position or not. during the 45 minute session, we witnessed real agony. the sort of person can pounced on you. you can't be alone with it. it can kill you. treat does evil tool. what is the dialogue me? sometimes i wants to ask what his name was and why he was in this body. so i said
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the body wasn't his and to return it to god. what did he say? you're annoying me, stop it. you can't hurt me. okay, so to speak of for you about our santa claus. and we said you took a look at the 3 quarters of the people who come to me now have practiced spiritualism in you know, exhausting you 1st. and they wanted to know something or talk to their grandfather, grandmother, uncle. i'm the type of young people to be where this is dangerous either the demon will speak exactly like your loved one. you'll pretend to be that most, but it's the demon. and bobby difficult. zillow, did you go back to michigan? i thought with lucifer and even said you had a rough voice and i have
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a decent that it makes you to me. it was terrible degree. but yeah, there's usually, while i to other examples the to discuss this income and how do you know the diamonds a good g? i knew 51. if the person has eliminated him, the person has to eliminate him from the front door back from the loan. but i, you know, i need to sit down come on both of these sessions, lock me. do you remember me? just go to this, i'm aware of everything. here he yourself is screaming. yes. yes i do, and that's really the studies are some of the eval. did you have a think you do feel present to susie? no, no, sure. but i feel like i'm in a negative vicious zach. oh really? that's nice. yeah. you're getting the we're not getting the time to sleep. it says,
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yeah, he's also teaching the you and then there's another pot to miss you, but it's good that i could come tonight. it does you good? is it, can you go home? yes, i don't. how many exorcisms to be done in the last 40 years? i don't know, probably thousands got them show me. how much does it cost to 45 year old will be exactly the same as 40 years ago. don't forget that easy. all the sessions as a violent so you're going to be to yes, terrible. one person spat out a snake jump on. this is make sense? yes, that long. what do you mean by some people is basically what is it based on your personal? i've seen people speaking spanish who didn't know it or arabic. german. you can't
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understand them. you know, no, that's one person who was possessed for 4 or 5 years was levitating the 4 people trying to hold her down. she levitated with a new sort of a dissertation levitation pi. oh yes. 50 centimeters. unbelievable. cause even though she stayed there for a while and then fell back again out of me. it's gonna say strongly said, you know, to set the you with this one view as well. i just think you're completely crazy or charlotte says, or is it a charlotte on this? of course i'm going to when you're not the one with the problem, it's easy to call someone to charlotte them. let me just see that. but when that changes and medicine can help, and neither can anyone else does when you might be glad to meet the person like me a person like do don't you know, speaking i'm no language. it's knowing unknowable information. having super human pallets. these are all cry too,
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is that the vatican has recognized as signs of possession. but is there a rational explanation in search of answers from the medical profession? as a scientist for the extent to see these assigned systems physician, i'll leave that diagnosis to the next. this is the vatican, this one is to these are extreme situations that we psychiatry has done see in hospitals to student onyx. let me just ask you, do you want exam police limitation? we'd say it does. a possessed person rises above the bed. more anyone would be frightened to see this. so there is a symptom in severe psychiatric cases. usually when people get terrible muscle contractions. and they form an odd show me on the phase of sheets over them. so it
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might look like the inflow thing with the salt solver, and that's the and it goes these precepts told you they sold the devil, it was a job. i love my most. he tribute 2 days will do man. will i do to every day? is a doctor working with a diction? don't you have 20 year olds with the heroines? the range in their arms telling you like sucks. i mean, if that isn't the devilish it by their job, despite his scientific background check, the soul advocates for the use of x. this isn't within an appropriate framework. psychiatrist has collaboration with priests and the practice of spiritual liberation. most could see what was that exhaust cease and i don't see it. i think we need to move beyond these outdated hollywood exorcisms for you. you can't scare people these days with a smiling devil with cones. so i think it would be a good idea to develop a contemporary approach to exercise. and if you have to accept that evil exist,
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it's going to, it's something that concerns people's a particular demand they left with on met, spiritual needs in a disenchanted will just be the plague by x, a central emptiness. so some wound is also the day the way it would be to just offset the feeling an existential void satisfying, spiritual needs. that's exactly what the evangelical church claims to our phone. the home we were in the gospel center on a place of worship, in the heart of the industrial district of rome. the theater in french speaking, switzerland these believers, life is a constant battle between good and evil. demons are everywhere,
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and the cost is joy to drive them away. the sound of the gospel center is van and a man, a terrace magic seek is presented by the congregations that his powers of deliverance . june was echoed see, the old god distributes his gifts. and i believe i have received many spiritual gifts, but we're not superhuman. you folks can tell me if they think the term exorcism often scares people is required, but i think deliverance is usually a more appropriate term that's less frightening them get present, pull p a k more. i don't have to tie people up about that. i've never had to hold anyone down so they don't hit me that the tip is not listed on the list of people pay you to deliver it this sunday. no, no. so too, god bless you. i don't try to earn a living from praying for others in the fact that others make money from it doesn't
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bother me by the accept this get additional you've done. yeah. yeah. it's one to judging of what to do on this team a busy day. and you know, i was just confirming those things deliverance. hello, the voice of a difficult to confuse when someone has something in their life that prevents them from living a good, normal life. all people have suffered grievances, things that have hurt them this way. when people wallow and hatred, absolute non forgiveness, and the profound anger. they opened themselves up to evil spirits, but torment them. amelia told update to the case and you get to choose to many of the crews extra come, let me explain how the enemy works. so say i'd say the most common entry points is rejection. does it show that sounds like money was on a vacation with my wife? i met a woman who became agitated when she saw me the spirit through the woman to the ground and began to speak about it. she said, this is my home and i'm not leaving. who's with them? i'll kill her, and you'll have a dead woman on your conscience. i spoke to the spirit. i don't normally come in.
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if you said he was there because the woman's mother had cursed her. my wife grabbed her wrist and said in the name of jesus, i untie you a man. that's why she then told us her mother wanted to avoid her devil, but it was complicated. and in her desperation, her mother said the child belonged to the devil. pray helped us in your thoughts on it this way. i told her to say that it was lord jesus, i released myself from this curse and the spirit said homo and i want to go and we pray for him. and he went to the people that is the best thing, the deliverance, what it gives you a kind of power. most of the stuff i don't believe. so i believe that our ever really resides in us. since we have an authority that's given to us by god so, so it's given to all who are believers? this?
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yes, but you shouldn't ever steal the need to say yes i can deliver you. i have the power or anything. but it helps make you count as massey, but yes, of course, of the validate eagles, we talk about deliverance. but the paradox, the glee during the deliverance process, people seem to get more tied off in the evangelical will view and deem and a logical symbolism. then they will have the full set to close as well, the stakes, some of the sick a. what's the point of this about these relationship is the a symmetry to sort of, it's always the pasta oldest spiritual leader. who knows what's good for the person on the receiving end ski boat for that purpose, any systematically placed in an asymmetric relationship with their inferior of
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n. as in the past, it uses their words to describe the person's disturbances and to experience deliverance. they must degree to enter into the past of symbolic weld. it's an extremely high price to pay that i didn't to feel liberated, should they have to internalize a world view in which demons are everywhere. can they did most of the publishers to cool. i'm system cooling, i'm married with 2 children, i'm 50 and i leave the evangelical alliance in french speaking, switzerland eventually through. so i'll just say in but until 1010 acres or i've been practicing deliverance for 30 years, and i've seen that it works for i don't see the devil or angels or what did i say? demons and evil spirits those and the deliverance. you might see here or smell of
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them is salty, hosea and there are some spirits that have a very specific smell, but he's on the roots of control. really geometry dominance. and witchcraft, smell like ammonia slippers based on my experience or walk of cable. did you say on the most ideal of the, for the long side, his role is lead to look into that as a bishop christy, and coon is also an expert on the team. and he even organized his 1st courses in deep knology for prospective cost is in french speaking, switzerland. because if you're a big, tough guy and it's because of the, are you afraid of demon specificity? no, no, no, no, no, no, no. the authority of jesus christ is all encompassing, which is actually set it down. it says that these spirits are cornered easily so sometimes they try to trick you or disguise themselves sort of an older quite some spirits also claimed to be satan, which is laughable because satan doesn't incarnate in people's lives. and holes angels have a heavenly bodies, but demons don't get on their spirits. and in the same matter of fact, tone,
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christiane explains how demons interest itself an outgoing fault. tr boss could exist multiple one minute put a dispute. i think there are basically 3 ways in which to be are it's can get into our lives, go into our body. so if i want is through repeated sending shop and you don't invite a lying spirit by lying ones. but if you persist, then you eventually get and a tangle of the gate opens. yeah. then there are dramatic circumstances. for example, if you have an accident, you're very vulnerable physically, but also spiritually. but the, this can happen in operating rooms under anesthesia. you'll see the final sentence on there are certain circumstances like these in which spirits are given the right to enter these s p. so most of the, the lamp of content from a gas, if you have cause a 3rd way, is heredity. if he does, the sins of your ancestors can affect you approve of. well, i'm not talking to someone i deal with the bible says the open gate can be passed down 3 to 4 generations or 10 generations. in the case of brewster,
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children's music, there's a now soldier now. so what do you mean by that to children? and these are 2 or 4 pictures children conceived out of wedlock or something like that, or a special case for new simple side. we usually talk about curse is passing onto the next to 3 or 4 generations. one of this to was because the, the spend, the disturbing moved view is also hills. because the direct to the evangelical lines in french speaking, switzerland, and shit, by many believe it's a man. it doesn't stop in the gateway sexualities behavior. who's shooting men? do you see homosexuality is a comfortable gateway clip? was mostly that middle federal cube or haven't had the opportunity to pray for that
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particular problem up says it's a life choice. each of them is as long as people live regular secular lives without engaging spiritually with god. so it can work magic too. but when they come to god, they may see there are things in their lives that need to be sorted out as to the body. it's an obstacle, an obstacle? yes. the most extra to, to say best to you don't fit to it is the fishy homosexuality. according to their interpretation of the bible is one of the scenes, but it strengthens the demon since refinements lifted by demons. it's my fault. indeed, despite the attempts of deliverance, the dame and candle the costs down, it's because i failed to fully confess to something offices. so it's a system that's extremely deals oriented. external experiences at 2 or 3 and steve full code, the burden of built around for years. people's for team, what do you move to switzerland with these parents coming from an evangelical
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family, to join the church, community, and hope to find spiritual fulfillment that with audrey and soon realized he was attracted to boy, oh, do you move? only possibly i use it. not to the moment i told the church about as they said, it was not god's plan for me and that it was possible to be sealed from it. don't give a yeah. i think the best stuff to my company as well. in that, to the pastor of the church that there was a spirit associated with homosexuality. had attached itself to me through a puppet from burma that was in my parents house the engine in my unit. if you don't mind me, sufficient about the products that the next page read, it was set on fire in the garden with petrol hills. best customer more. he always said playoffs to sell newspapers because at that time it was believed that if an object was possessed by a spirit, the only way to drive it away was to burn it. if someone to go over the use
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audrey and experience mounting pressure from his church in geneva, he decided to take part in intensive a week long conversion therapy program in new york. was led by a pasta code holly walters at the easy cuz during the therapy i wrote down what happened every day and all those years. i kept a diary as well and that's and actually also done with the move at the charlotte commands, the demon that's bound to pain. it was loveless, nose and silence to leave and join the throne of god. the demons begin to laugh and laugh. so making fun of the little boy suffering in the desert, feel stupid because even worse, if i had physical symptoms during the therapy, would you like to show the it was like i could feel spirits coming out of me. do speak to the professional children want assess what was it like?
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i touch my neck and it's been leviathan to the long neck of a reptile physic i. i feel its sticky scales. definitely, the leviathan is a dragon and most that's a kind of long snake with legs. he lives in deep waters inside me. the leviathan doesn't want to leave the can fill my throat constricting something. i'm being strangled by the leviathan who was tormenting me. don't juggling some ship oscar just thought i'd been liberated when i left i thought i could be with god wanted me to be better, a sexual or 6 and i could fit into his plans and also it guess what happens next send if you've all seen and you uh guess, cuz this deliverance less than to your wonderful human nature takes over again, you know, vanity or penalty when you start to live according to your desires. again, what is your dreams and the things that make up the richness of your humanity. how
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have you to that it's just a divorce community, a lot of music, i'm at that moment due to an enormous goop. that's going to destroy you even more of twos. is your thoughts to think i was manipulated and that it was in fact spiritual abuse is going to tell you what's the absolute truth and there's no other way in the bottom portion of this doesn't tony happening? evangelical circles, clergy from other religious groups, also engage in frequent and excessive deliverance. an exorcism practices. in the south of france, we mesa will include lucy. this is a 2 year old, is originally from metal gasket. she was adopted by a family, it was close ties to the society of st. pius the 10th of fundamentalist catholic community founded in switzerland,
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in 1970. the group has been controversial. have done that in society. the father has a dominant pro. he's that to come on. yes. and make sure the whole family stays on the right path of religion. do that. he's the patriarch on the bus. yes. lucy met her husband through the society. she married to him with a teen, became pregnant to 20 and had 5 children. kind of lose things with him. so that's pretty, not very bad too. there was a lot of violence. cindy could slaps kicks punches to show the credits. i sought help from the priests and my parish. one priest in particular, even though he blamed me mid street, told me i'm too dominant towards my husband, that i should be submissive with me for you to, to, to make you sad for my outbursts of anger. what triggered by a demon,
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appealing to my past, because of it that i was adopted by a muslim tribe and the crisis had to be removed from me for that. so you miss out. just see of us to do 3 views. and when you see the queen, diesel, she's had about 20 extra systems. and 6 years of success, they take place in the prior, in the priests office, you who do put see an access isn't last up to 15 minutes. so you're on your knees. you have to confess your sins. you will have to wait for the priest to say his prize and press on your chest because of the demons. come out, charlie didn't come to the security and catholic. i really accepted the priest's advice because i wanted to save my family and my marriage is just recommended for pre mesh. despise her efforts, the beach and was continues to see finally asked her husband to leave the mer to home the societies and attempted one last ecstasy isn't to change. her mind said
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no. so i've got this you that night there was a knock at the door. i opened it and the priest came in and told me into the seller . she wanted to cost out the demon and me by trying to get me to say i was wrong, just don't the g. i was afraid to do something bad to me. i told myself he wouldn't attack me in my own home, and he didn't have the right to take. my children's name is often enough attorney to take to gloves about the definitely the society of st highest. the goal is not to go to health. please don't exorcism is common among the priests to just see thought he put it, who are you still in the society today? nations? did you talk to leslie? no, not anymore. i'm still believe, but i'm not practicing. i'm very glad i laugh as you just sweetener phones. on it was of lucy is not an ice slice case of the testimonies engine,
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internal documents, copywriting. the practice of exorcism within the society suggest is performed regularly. we contacted the society in switzerland, but received no response. the bishop of children, which is extreme caution. when it comes to exorcisms is with us to share that altitude. she stayed in vc insistence on exorcisms is not good pastoral can. the primary task that christ entrusted to us was not to find tables for to proclaim salvation and goodness on that. and that's kind of the school day. so for the couldn't disappear. i know the feel of the devil drive people towards god 9. but that's been, this is at the the, the to the see. no,
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because driving people would main forcing people to do something. and then not free us and that has no value to god. the greatest gift god has given to us is now freedom. we can only love if we are free. be pretty annoying for i hide, leaving the disney to separate at all times. with my former evangelical community so i'm just trying to move out cool. about 10 years ago i reached a point where i felt like a bill was being lifted. it won't be easy if i use it, cuz i realize that maybe everything i believe had actually been drilled into me and was not from god has. and if i didn't you yes. in the yes s. and this made it possible for me to reconcile my identity and my spirituality,
8:57 pm
the must really try to take ca, dreamforce so don't they did use the shop, the antenna, l g b, t i geneva group in the protestant church here because of your personal experiences to mid when she was yeah. okay. i probably felt ready to offer others that space of self discovery and reconciliation that i had been missing a delinquency. i spoke to to my mom. okay. let me but up we were here neither to judge nor to impose our views on other people. such symbols as a class. obviously been a guest show spa school. my fly, the of a steve, i believe in things we can't see me since i think my faith is still alive and real couldn't sell it to the home. but of course, it's very different from my former face of moment because there be ideal was lined, face is drawing for intelligence and freedom of thought and interpretation more stifled results. investigative. i'll see that that's critical to just the most,
8:58 pm
cuz most of t, how did i manage it perhaps by the grace of god? did you protect the people in india are fighting over fish the money and the economy or the economy. it's very important. i will survive, but he allows the company to him, so i know since a chinese fish mill factory opens here, everything has changed. now, an impending ecological disaster is threatening the livelihood. the fishermen? what can they do? the co operate in 30 minutes on d w. the
8:59 pm
c w, this is everything else is available to them and it has never been since the germans do. big automobile companies play a role in the destruction of the rain forest. i have kind of raise all over brazil union. we process $30000.00 hides a day and 90 percent of that is one of the forward market. the auto industry, for example, the, the full actually cost awesome comes from illegal cattle farms in the m as in. yet the automobile industry doesn't care about the supply chain. process. all that much illegal as a starts may said on d w the,
9:00 pm
the the, this is the, the we news line from for land. the us secretary of state raises concerns with china as president over its support for rush us war and ukraine, and talks with changing thing. and as in a blink and criticize of china saying it's helping russia to make weapons. but despite the disappointments to find room for cooperation in other areas, also coming on berlin, police, clear groups of pro palestinian demonstrators outside the german parliament. the protesters were demanding that the government stop arms exports to israel.


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