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tv   The Day  Deutsche Welle  April 27, 2024 12:02am-12:30am CEST

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can far, extreme an offer right for the countries 3rd, conservative political action conference build as an event. concentrating on liberal night mirrors the to day gathering, brought together the save proclaimed woke busters of the world, united in their nationalism, their hatred of the press, which they largely excluded from the event and their admiration of one person. former us president donald trump, nicole for lincoln, berlin, and this is the day the l. o. c pack hungry. i want to begin by thanking my friend prime minister victor or a bad at the civil liberals field of danger. replacing this gear
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means replacing them. and it means the end of the progressive world spirit v. as president, i was proud to work with prime minister or event, by the way, a great man, meek america, great again, made futile upgrade. so down to go, donald trump, also on the day indigenous peoples protesting in brazil over new law. they say, threatens their existence by opening the door to destroying their ancestral lands. jane, she must clinic, the people our planet is dying. and this planet does not only belong to indigenous peoples, says if we don't look after it, if we don't use things that nature offers, we are going to die. welcome to the day, the hun, gary, m, capital. budapest is the focal point of europe's radical right. this week with to
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a gathering of the conservative political action conference or c pac c fact originated in the united states where in recent years it has mostly served to rally support for a former us president. donald trump. trump is seeking closer ties with like minded politicians, including congress, prime minister, victor autobahn, and a message to the gathering. trump hailed oregon as a great man with whom he wants to work again now for his part, oregon is one of the few european leaders who courts relations with russia, as president vladimir putin or bon, spoke at the pack and said upcoming european and us elections were a chance for right wing forces to the feed, what he called the progress of world spirit. i'll get insights from an expert in a moment about your radical rights and efforts to cement relations with radical conservatives in the west. but 1st,
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our corresponding alexandra phenomena reports from budapest, where she was not given access to the conference. outside the conference venue, a police car is ordered to block our view. at one of the entrances, a security guard tells us to stop filming. to learn with us stevie 40 movie, somebody at the entity is here at the far right. politicians and influencers gathering here in budapest seem to prefer a close door setting. unfortunately, dw was bad for me attending the conference along with some of the big outlets. it's organizes rejected our requests saying that the conference is in the work so and that we will be welcome if we become less woke. and what does this, does it mean no walk soon? no vote zone. that's good, this is no, no to for people. i don't really and this is what kind of identity about the very best. originally the term words describe someone who is informed and conscious of
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social injustice and racial inequality. but in conservative circles, it's being used with negative connotations. can you tell us what is the no oh, focus on you. don't understand though. our purpose is uh, the conservative as well as to come back to the send. okay. inside the then you 5 minutes to the, to all bun filed up the crowd that hung gillian. leader who's been widely criticized for dismantling the country's democratic institutions, made clear he believes the upcoming european and you asked selection. so we'll see the far right on the right. best see, but i'll just show people betsy. progressive liberals feel the danger replacing this era means replacing them. it means the ends of the progressive world spirit, the media comerica, great again. me you to upgrade or down or go. donalds, trump go. you repeat in southern tips. the government in budapest once to use the
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then to present itself is a lighthouse for right wing forces. but all one is facing. serious pressure says this is on us too many of foreign policy expert domestically, due to economic recession and internationally as well. his badly needing this international support because he's also so they're isolated in europe. so this conference is more a message to europeans then to hon gary ends. he can not really make a big when a hungry on this conference. what he wants to demonstrate is that he's strong and that he is able to make alliances to the then participants have different ideas and concepts. what unites them? the policy expert says, is the culture war against liberal. kristin, so we can take a closer look down with political analysts, brendan born, he's
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a member of the battles mun, foundations, europe, program brand. and welcome back to the day brothers in arms and the culture wars. who are these self proclaimed international woke busters? well, the make up of feedback this year is a mix of the populist anti european and frankly in many ways, anti democratic segments of europe's political fluoride leads of. for example, you see, get billed as of the netherlands, giving a speech you see members of the ousted law and just as party of poland also delivering speeches as well. the far right, a member of a box is also in attendance, a close ally the doorbell. and what's interesting from my perspective is that it's who's not there. you do have some seniors, us representatives mainly of conservative organizations based in washington. some political candidates leading into the elections later this year, but no senior us congressional officials and attendance. you also noted we don't
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see other major members of yours political far right. either a sardine maloney, the pen. these are individuals who are not in attendance, and i think it goes to show that not all far right parties are created equal. that while there might be a anti european thread connecting these parties, there's a distinct difference in approach. one more moderate, one certainly more extreme. yeah. this event was hosted by hungry speak to all, but he's also been a guest at b american c. pac explained to us what his role in the european right is right now as well. it's interesting to, to think about those individuals i just mentioned, uh, these or of course, the leaders of the far right in europe. but they're not in members of leadership in their countries of origin. get to this party in the netherlands. might have won the dutch elections last year, but it's extreme positions were moving to another lens from european union,
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disallowed it from funding coalition partners. the launch of this party slip severe marks on police democracy as we know, as we know it. um, but it is of course not, not in government. now the box party in spain performed quite poorly in last year. spanish election, but still victor or born is a, represents the vision of europe that, that really resonates with several segments of the european political far right. for example, in germany, the populace alternative for germany hold its european conference last last summer . and during this conference, due to oregon was a labeled a symbol for the future of europe. now keep in mind the if these platform that supports creating the fortress of europe against migrants and also pushes to abolish the european parliament. yeah, at the opening remarks were given by a video link by donald trump. now it's,
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it's somewhat clear why oregon would want to be associated with donald trump. but what does trump stand to gain by closing up to oregon? i think this goes to a level deeper. there's a reason that the c pack has now been held 3 times and hungry. there's a reason that the conservative heritage foundation has entered a formal partnership with the conservative daniel institute and hungry. there's a reason that when victor orval and visits the united states, conservative circles and donald trump rule out the red carpet for him, it's because in their eyes hungry is a success story hungry has been able to implement many of the reforms to its democracy. the conservative circles in the united states would like to implement to american democracy. now just to put this in perspective, the bertelsmann transformation index, which looks at democratic developments in a $137.00 countries around the world, is found that year after year hungry is drifted further away from
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a democracy towards in our talk proceed through dismantling checks and balances, consolidating power, meet media, freedom. if these are the examples that the, the major us political party are wish to emanate in united states, then i think there's room to worry for the state of american democracy. moved forward with a look at the elections. some very slippery slope at, let's look at the european elections because those are also coming up. what role do you think the right wing alliances that we're seeing at c pack this, these past 2 days are going to play. so what we've seen and see talk in some ways as a mobilization effort to european parliament elections are just 6 weeks away. and one of the most worrying trends leading into those elections is the rise of the far right. the far right is, is performing incredibly well and almost all corners of the european union. and there's a reason this week that of 350 members of european parliament interviewed by political
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the, the, the common trend, the con, worry, is the far right. all signed support to the european pro and shifting further to the right. the european conservatives and reformist group bcr and identity and democracy groups are, are both expected you to experience very large gains. and this of course, will trouble for those who support the european union as we know with moving forward, this would have severe consequences for climate initiatives and migration the were and you train over the next 5 years to spread them board member of the federal swan foundation 0 program. thank you so much for those insights. it was fascinating to have you on thank you. the relations between the us and china had a low point last year, but a mutual desire to de escalate has seen cooler heads, prevail in recent months. despite the sauce divisions and challenges remain,
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that became clear once more during the us secretary of state's trip to beijing. on the 3rd and final day of a visit fraught with tension and to be blank and sat down with the chinese president, eugene ping. talking to the press after the meeting, blink, and spoke of progress and the bilateral relationship, including on issues such as organized crime and artificial intelligence. lincoln stress that the maintenance of open channels of communication between the 2 super powers remains of crucial importance. and welcome to recent contact including his own visit to beijing. but the us top diplomat also pointed out that there remains serious differences, not least on chinese support for russia in the lights of its attack on ukraine. fuel investors defense industrial base, not only threatens ukrainian security, it threatens your team, security vision cannot achieve better relations with europe while supporting the greatest threat to european security since the end of the cold war. and i'm joined
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now by bonnie glazer. she is a managing director of the german marshall funds in the pacific program. bonnie: welcome back to the day i want to jump right in and talk about blinking warning there that relations with your cannot improve as long as basing supports moscow. is that true as well? i do think that europe is increasingly concerned about china's support for its defense industrial base and enabling moscow to prosecute the war in ukraine and footprint is not just to ukraine. it is the fact that russia is acquired capabilities that in the future it could use against europe. so this has become a really high priority for europe and also for the united states. is it a priority for beijing now? well, i think that the russian china relationship is a priority for badging, but it also wants to maintain stability in its relationship with the united states
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and improve ties with europe. and we will say china is leader siege and pinion. fact, go to europe and visit 3 countries very soon. so i think the china wants to read this needle carefully. it really does not want to damage its relations with any actor. mm hm. but it's not only china that is interesting and interested in stabilizing relations, though, right? the us has the same interest in mind and blinking threatened sanctions if china continued to support russia, how risky a move is that at the moment we're both washington and beijing seem rather keen to to mend the ties. well, the optimal outcome is that if china takes actions against the companies that are supplying these defense capabilities to rush or and, and where, of course we're talking about components and machine tools that don't use equipment
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for parents. for missiles. i believe that the united states and probably europe have shared specific information with page writing and hope that they will shut down these companies. but yes, if those efforts do not produce the results that us and your point to say, it looks like the united states is considering imposing sanctions on chinese banks, which would cut off their access to the us dollar. now of course, there are some banks in china, regional banks that don't rely on the dollar and 90 percent of the interactions between russia and china actually are done now in currencies other than the us dollar. but of course, imposing sanctions on chinese banks would be very consequential. trade is always a big topic between the world's 2 biggest economies, isn't it? let's listen to some of what lincoln had to say on the matter. i also expressed are concerned about the peers. he's unfair trade practices and the potential
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consequences of industrial over capacity for global and us markets. especially in a number of key interest uh, industries that will drive the 21st century economy by solar panels, electric vehicles, and the batteries. the power over capacity is the buzz word right now when it comes to china. is it bonnie blinking accusing time of engaging an unfair trade practices being on the other hand. so as the west is hampering it's economic development. who's right, or will i associate myself with a secretary state blanking on this issue? china has presumed unfair trade practices for a very, very long time. we see massive subsidies given to their industries. they have not respected intellectual property, many cases of stealing ip and, and given preferences to trying these companies over western companies. so they
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don't give fair access to the chinese market. but yes, there's a and an issue that over capacity is, is raising not just for the united states, but for many countries around the world. i believe that the secretary state blinking, sent that china is contributing to about one 3rd of global production and about 110th of consumer spending. so china really needs to boost consumer spending of they need to balance this. they can't just export all of their, of their capacity, their excess production to other countries or 0 or i think will be a really significant response. and that will contribute negatively to try his relations with the world. and we're talking about some developing countries to like brazil, not just europe in the united states. you know, another point of contention are china's territorial claims in the south china sea and to me, blink and repeated the us position of iron clad support for the philippines. and
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it's all room claims. how do you see that playing out in the future? a tiny has been harassed and that's still a pain nose as they try to provide food and water to a very small number of marines that sit on this dilapidated rusting out ship. that is on a rock that is the low water at high tide. so it is hard to believe that we could go to war over this kind of issue. and i think that that's exactly what the united states wants to prevent. so the messages to the chinese are, please recognize the united states has a treaty commitment to the philippines. if there is an injury to a filipino if the philippines ops to invoke the treaty with the united states, washington will come to the aid of the philippines. so the united states doesn't
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want to see any miscalculation on this issue. that was bonnie glazer of the german marshall fund. always a pleasure. thank you so much for all those insights. thanks for having me. thousands of indigenous peoples in brazil have been demonstrating at an annual protest camp in the capital brazilian. they say a controversial new loss threatens their way of life, their ancestral lands, and with that their very existence. this is an unusual plan, spends brazilian indigenous group to be performing the ritual, but then one of around 208000 people who travel from remote locations often for days in boston sometimes. but they've come to the cafeteria for the,
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for an event that they heard the only one like the challenges they face as indigenous people. but also address the cooling, the biggest step back to the right decade, a new lo, known as a time mock hello. you've got to michael dump on my mouse. well, she's got blue style, but also the time walker law is in a 10 by the brazilian state. it's leaders and pull additions to try to continue. and i late thing, indigenous peoples. yeah, that's completely up. that's the right to be indigenous, and to be indigenous in your own territory. to recognize that these territories belong to indigenous peoples. these territories connect our lives, former our beings as indigenous peoples before the, our existence of these things. yeah. so the indigenous peoples here at the camp and present here and across the country. and you know, represent, was a shed moment. we can say claims to that effect alone. thing. these can only be
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recognized if they prove that occupied the territory in 1988. it also pay the way from mining road building and other construction projects activist say this would be a disaster for the environment which indigenous peoples protect jane. she must clinic, the people our planet is dying and this planet does not only belong to indigenous peoples. says if we don't look after it, if we don't use things that nature offers, we are going to die. we are talking about climate change and we are talking about green forest alone, which needs to be looked off to just stick with that. being digit is people's bench that range as a demonstration for the government district. the process is taking place within sight of congress. the body that approve the lo facing now threatens the bible.
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still dominated by wealthy landowners and the rights we allies, agribusiness. congress signed off on the measure, despite opposition from lecturing. presidents knew that the silver supports is on key. the law is needed to establish legal certainty and protect commercial interest . but the indigenous people say without the alarm, the way of life and culture died. without those, the forest will die, which will likely have an impact on climate change that could have consequences to everyone. to new york now or pro palestinian students at columbia university say they will keep up there and camp and protest until their demands have been met. they've been in negotiation with the universities administration, seeking a cause and financial ties to israel and divestment from companies that profit from the war and gaza. some jewish students say they have felt threatened by the protest
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. yet another really in front of new york's columbia university. but today people are calling for the release of those, abducted by him us and protesting against anti semitism home are a little bit to read, not is one of the organizers. he says the pro palestinian protests on and off campus have left him and other members of the jewish community feeling threatened or may have. and so so also some bed views and incidents inside the templates. but what happened outside it's bad man, like i live close by the use drums to am glorifying and default uh, glorifying terrorist. you know, saying that from the river to to see all this time will be our up to prevent outside us from hijacking the protest. university is now checking i d 's that it's gates, the incumbent is for campus members. only. jewish students and faculty members have also joined in there were chance in hebrew and, and get ish. everyone around was very respectful,
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also joined in and it's felt totally safe and secure. and actually what a university should be about what's happening outside of campus and what's happening inside the campus. a totally different things. the people who make them uncomfortable, the people outside on broadway, some of whom are quite extreme here on campus. we have seen that there's a wide range of different voices and views. both of the protesters as well as among your staff members and your students. the university administration is now facing the challenge of protecting freedom of speech on campus while also protecting students who have felt uncomfortable or even threatened. and taking a clear stance against anti semitism and other inflammatory behavior. it's a standstill mer, and many other students have yet to see. i'm not expecting columbia university to solve on the beautiful dress as a fully popular library. at 100 year old conflict. expect them to give us a safe environment. give people the ability to study safe and quietly for the
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finals to end the year to graduate work here, whatever. while he says, facilities on campus have decreased compared to the 1st days of the protests, the hopes is university will live up to the responsibility it has towards all of its students. and that's or time that make sure to stay informed, stay engaged at the same time, she can follow our team on social media, our handled there is at the the news, if it's leaving the headlights, you're looking for it. there's always our website, www. dot com for now though, from the entire team here on the day. thank you so much for spending part of your day with us by the
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