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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 27, 2024 1:00am-1:15am CEST

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the, the, you're watching the video of life from breland, b, u. s. secretary of state can from china as president for support in russia's war and you train, anthony blinking says china fall within rush of military. but despite the disagreements, both nation serial for corporation also coming up for these clear profile to send in demonstrators outside the gentleman, solomon protests to us were demanding for government. stop arms, export to us throughout the number such as well, thank you for joining us. us next year for your time's name,
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lincoln has met with china as president on the toad and final day off or visit front with tensions. the donations disagree on a range of issues from ukraine to china instead of the auto claims. but lincoln stressed that it was crucial for washington and beijing to maintain open channels of communication. of the 2 rival powers try to find common ground. china is president using being welcomed us secretary of state antony blinking in beijing. despite core differences on trade, security and geo politics, she expressed hope for the future. china is willing to see a confident and open us with prosperity and development. it is hoped that the us can also look at china's development positively. only when this
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fundamental issue is resolved and the 1st step is taken with china us relations be truly stabilized, improved and move forward during is 3 day visit blinking raise concerns about china is territorial claims in taiwan and the south china sea. he also accused of the people's republic of china, or p, r c of fueling the war and ukraine by supporting russia's weapons, industry. and my discussions today, i reiterated, are serious concern about the p r. c. providing components that are powering rushes through war of aggression against ukraine. a russia would struggle to sustain its assault on ukraine without trying to support china is foreign minister has accused the us of trying to stifle its economic and technological development as well as its regional expansion. the china
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u. s. relationship is facing more negative factors and all kinds of disruptions. china is legitimate to develop and drugs have been unreasonably suppressed and all cool interests are facing challenges show to china and the u. s. stay on the right . the costs of moving forward with stability or a ton to a downward spiral. this is a major question facing all 2 countries and tests our sincerity and the ability. the path forward includes holding formal talks about the risks of artificial intelligence in the coming weeks. audio and really my category from the center for strategic and international studies explained what the 2 countries wanted from this was that i think the point of this trip was certainly not to move the needle on substantive issues. i don't think that was the expectation really on either side coming into the meeting, but we've seen over the past year,
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a desire from both to buy in ministration and beijing to have a temporary, at least temporary stabilization of the relationship. there are some really good there are some really big deal. political issues is real guys that ukraine, that both countries are dealing with. the chinese economies slowing down the binding ministration and spacing and election. i think both want to continue the temporary stabilization that we have seen. so my assessment is that this visit, like the visits we've seen from, from y'all and a phone call between she and biden is an investment in that stabilisation, at least temporarily. and that's a sign us for the lady, because right now the us has announced it's providing ukraine, but then all the $6000000000.00 and $8.00 it comes to these off to washington agreed on a 61000000000 dollar security package for q defense secretary lloyd austin, said along with misfire for patriot ad defend system ukraine,
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but also to see volatility. i'm going to show us equipment and also allow you can solve it at our weapon rate to better integrate with western military systems. this is the largest and german johnston, olaf shoals, as host of nato secretary general against fulton book football field in berlin. the meeting was to prepare for the new to us and the summit in washington this coming july. but he does discuss the water and ukraine and how to boast, defense spending took onto the truck from russia and china salton. the prius strawman, a sort of commitment to supporting ukraine. both the, those oh, just need to allies to do more, to defend the country system. that's really let's take a quick look now at some of the other stories making headlines around the world over shows. and you can scepter cube, said the best evacuated patients from to the cities, hospitals, or will fios, they could be targeted by russian strikes. the decision came off to the head of the better rouge and security services, such as the hospitals will follow things,
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villages, cube for the administration, call the claims online and approval, and a publication bottle. seasonal, did you see at least 10 people have been killed in the hotel fire in the city are forced to our luxury and southern brazil. official said the building was used without authorization and lacked proper licensing. as well as emergency fire plans will be passed through a lot of photos of charleston. second round of india as mazda 5 search national election, millions of waters cost ballots to decide $18.00 each of the following months. $543.00 seats, and come with 5 minutes in advance mode. the is seeking a red taught to him his hand to nationalist, redid p. faulty is also aiming for a super majority which could allow the party to further consolidate power. and the following process in india has also been affected by an extreme heat with lots of south and south east asia, out in the state of emergency reco,
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breaking temperatures and bangladesh. the philippines and thailand have led to school closures, farmer shortages and heat related depths to on the streets of bang cost. torres and residents are coping with soaring temperatures. the countries heat index which combines air and humidity levels has risen above 52 degrees celsius, which is classified as extremely dangerous tire authorities are urging people to stay indoors for their own safety. but for those who make a living on the streets of the capital, that's not an option. i almost see like same thing when i work out all these days. but i can choose another job. can i? according to the countries health industry,
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there have been 30 heat related death nationwide. so far this year. that's compared with a total of $37.00 recorded across the island last year. sometimes i feel dizzy, but not yet like fainting. drinking ice water can help in the philippines. a centuries old settlement, submerged by a dam, built in the 1970s has reappeared. extreme heat and drought have caused the reservoirs water levels to drop nearly 50 meters. april in may are usually the hottest month. simself simself, east asia, but this, your temperatures have been exacerbated by the el nino weather phenomenon. as in india, where a general election is underway, sweltering temperatures, cause roads administered and 18 cari to st. at a campaign. raleigh, for prime minister and
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a wrench promoting in the western state of maharaj truck. searing heat is led to a surgeon, power usage and outages in bangladesh where millions of students have been told to stay home from school. as the south asian nation swelter through one of its worst heat waves on record now showed in berlin police of toyota profile as to noon toward a scam setup outside the german followed them into building the draw premier to the camp meant more than 2 weeks ago. saying they wanted the german government to stop sending weapons and military support to address. what do you see if they move to to other can off the sample test as repeatedly used to bend symbols and slogans out of 4 to spoke to protesters and police. so we've been here. what does this now uh, exist at 60 and 70 days, just over 2 weeks and we've been peaceful and we've been harassed by the police every single day. they have given us the stupidest restrictions they have forbidden
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us from using language, is that on german and english, they have a criminal lives now save permanent, live our prayers, our songs are workshops and now they are. they're a vision reasoning for a big thing that we had a sofa and that we are hurting the grass. that's a full test campus, trouble protest, compass being prohibited because there have been a piece of violations that the rules for public assembly and criminal offenses committed. thomas, also the protest leaders did not intervene to prevent this from happening disease for him not to that. so the protest of being deemed a threat to public safety. kind of made a mistake if there are no miles or measures to prevent more crime. so i can cite mentor hatreds for him, not dw political correspondence. simon young has more yeah. well, as you saw in this particular case, the police said that had been criminality and violence around this camp. i think
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probably they were also a bit concerned because it was low take to rights in the heart of the government districts here in berlin. but more generally, i think it's fair to say that police have often felt they needed to police these kind of pro palestinian demonstrations that we've seen over the last few months pretty closely in some cases breaking them up at there. is this a allegation of incitement coming from these protests in some cases? and they use all in particular of band slogans and band uh, images and so on a is a, is a problem. it can be difficult for the police to decide exactly when the law has been broken. for instance, with the slogans to the a just wanted in, in arabic or in other languages. you know, that may be difficult for the police or in some cases, phrases when maps of the region of the middle east region that held up in the
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palestinian colors. that may be problems. sometimes they've taken a sort of precaution, we approach pulling people out or even in the closing the demonstrations down and leaving it. of course in the end is the quotes that to decide when the lower has actually been broken. dw simon young, very speaking about the full tests and berlin, while students told us to continue under us over this road. how much for last week schools of demonstrators were arrested at columbia university. some of the demands are that universities cup ties with companies, helping israel's military efforts in god's up. but not all. the full address at columbia have been full, palestinian as yet another rally in front of new york's columbia university. but today people are calling for the release of those deducted by him us in protesting against anti semitism home or a little bit to a rental. it is one of the organizers. he says, the pro palestinian protests on and off campus have left him and other members of
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the jewish community feeling threatened to so also some bed views and incidents inside templates. but what happened outside it's bad man, like i live close by the use drums to am glorifying and default uh, glorifying terrorist. you know, saying just from the river to, to see all this time will be our up to prevent outside us from hijacking the protest. university is now checking id that it's gates. the incumbent is for campus members. only. jewish students and faculty members have also joined in there were chance in hebrew and, and get ish. everyone around was very respectful, also joined in and it's felt totally safe and secure. and actually what a university should be about what's happening outside of campus and what's happening inside the campus. a totally different things. the people who make them uncomfortable, the people outside on broadway, some of whom are quite extreme here on campus. we have seen that there's
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a wide range of different voices and use both of the protesters as well as among your staff members and your students. the university administration is now facing the challenge of protecting freedom of speech on campus while also protecting students who have felt uncomfortable or even threatened. and taking a clear stance against anti semitism and other inflammatory behavior. it's a standstill mirror and many other students have yet to see not expecting columbia university to solve on the beautiful dress as a fully popular library at 100 year old conflict. expect them to give us a safe environment. give people the ability to study safe and quietly for their finals to end the year to graduate work here, whatever. while he says, facilities on campus have decreased compared to the 1st days of the protests, the hopes is university will live up to the responsibility it has towards all of its students. and with that showed up to date produce to go down if you can,
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because very of as of next for the saudi, a power called and so on. so it has changed the industrial, whatever. that's up after the break of cost. wonderful. get it going. this gets more news on our website at eaton dot com. you can find us on youtube and on social media number such as well, thank you for being with us. the via do, humming does not get drunk. why do gravitational waves squeeze all bodies? how much do we need to put a stop fund cream for help find beyond says get smaller on d, w science, outtake talk channel. i'm just going to jump in and turn it on because the thought is what is sort of special great.


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