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tv   REV  Deutsche Welle  April 27, 2024 1:15am-1:31am CEST

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fall of its students and with that showed up to date, produced to go down if you can, because ram is up next with a saudi, a power called and so on. so it has changed the industrial, whatever. that's up after the break. of course, one progressive government gets more news on our website at eaton dot com. you can find us on youtube and on social media. i'm number such as well, thank you for being with us. the why do humming does not get drunk. why do gravitational waves squeeze all bodies? how much do we need to put a pond claim for help find the offices, get smaller on dw science and i'll take talk channel. i'm just going to jump in and turn it off because the thought is, what is sort of special. great. i mean,
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come on the idea of the phenomenon and this is stupid comp loan thing. how the world's most successful call influence that has tons, things upside down the last 7 years. i've literally dedicated every single day of my life to tracking down the world's crazy as an cool is cause there's her many amazing cause out there that if adding film them, you know, you just never see them. sometimes thing into female stereotype. the but always great kingdom. oh yes, good. that's the only thing you have to do something different. obviously, you have to purchase things differently and you don't have to love what you do on conventional provocative marketing and competing on the same playing field as men
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in what as a male dominated, spans the way more because i'm not sure about the role with this one the football oh, here we go. single handedly cracked a male dominated market frustrating and bone. alexandra his she a k supercop. lindsey initially faced enough to reject it was hot. it was hard. i'm not gonna lie. it was hard when i got really, really, really bad. i actually had to go see a therapist. now her social media pages receive a $2000000.00 hits a month and she's contributed to a shifting communication. what influence is, and now the auto industry is favorite palm. we must accept that there was a store that we change now creating information about cost goes for this or some new car companies of buying to what with honda, prepared to spend a lot of money on the collaboration. she re presents the voice of potential
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customers and we have to have the ready co revolution total. what's the social media channels? it's the most expensive bmw and she knows exactly the success formula of how to communicate via you tube via instagram, via take talk. the news, the goal every year, you know it higher and higher and higher. what's next? starting high right in studio where she develops calm himself to design something where people go, oh wow. that is cool. and a brand new online auction platform with which she plans on shaking up how the world's most expensive cause of boats hutton. so there's a lot of money out there among young. the younger people,
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a lot of these new tech 1000000000 is very welcoming new and tech in fresh hooks. the secret to success is this with the angel music comes into play. ok, are you ready? with meticulously staged videos from the wells of automobiles hub loans. he has already gained more than a 150000000 follow as songs social media. tokyo was yesterday. today, it's because of the world super copland. these camera man and manager is her husband nick here. she's a former swiss banker. he moved to do buying in 2008 with alexandra who initially worked as a radio present for when she posted the 1st videos in 2017. they immediately went viral. and so her 2nd korea was born brand clumsy
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loans as clever. i just wanted people to feel like that here with me. i grew up in a very small country town in australia, only 3000 people. i never got to see calls like this. and there are a lot of people around the world who navigate just because like this. and so i want people to feel like call everyone can enjoy costs on like a male counter pumps. sleep accomplish doesn't take himself too seriously. instead she plays the girl next door perfectly featuring the most expensive and foss this calls in the world, sometimes slightly amateurishly, but always in a way that's easily understandable for absolutely every one. the 1st of all, i approached it differently than anyone else was. i came from,
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as i said before, like a layman's perspective, someone who literally, if you get given the keys were ferrari or a land beginning, what would you think is the coolest thing about it? it would be something like the doors going off. it would be something like a cool button inside old lights or something, not news. you need to show them something cool, something moving something, lighting up. so it always has to be very visual. without using too many words, supercop don't do, conveys the pure emotion. that's exciting, cause if i can have the, the, the, i really want people to feel like cause our phone unaccessible because for a long, long time the call world has been quite in cielo. it's been quite intimidating. the call well to get into. it's being very protected by like a male dominated kind of society and, and so i want people to feel like call everyone can enjoy costs.
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well, she began participating in the mail dominated see, because seen in 2017 the, it was hot. it was hard. i'm not gonna lie, it was hard. i would go to call press events and i would literally be the only woman in the room and there would be a lot of hate. they call themselves the, the real call guys. and i got pushed back online as well. right, so i got the typical comments like get back to the kitchen, make me a sandwich. you know, i like women don't belong here. being criterias, massaging mistake, and sometimes threatening response. so means, and that certainly felt the tire at the time. the, it was such an emotional rollercoaster,
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like i would get amazing feedback and then really bad feedback and it was just like i was on a high and then a low and a high and alert for years. and they're like, really took an emotional toll on me when i got really, really, really bad. i actually had to go see a therapist. i then i, you know, there's no shaving, not that's fine. when you're really struggling with some things. if you talk it through with a professional that can really help you today to come, well just opened up to see a complementary and that includes formula one tracks where she's able to put calls with 1000 p s 3 that paces. now, you know, i, i do have the biggest audience in the world, i'm most sorry than any man in the space which is just mind boggling to me. uh so i think now it doesn't worry me so much because i'm of kind of proving myself and what i can achieve she particularly enjoys making films about women and cause
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might be a re, b, and dissolves. for example, like groups of professionally successful women in dubai who also have a po, sean so fast called a business magazine named one of the 50 most influential women in the arab. well, not bad for a former radio present. the. it's called that one. but i feel like they have similar aspect she goes with is a hyperlink with the par. and then with the height, the guy with the, with a boat that apply with the, with those lot of things. i mean, she's super woman for me is she's good. you're famous, if you're a good into the ones or you are a boss or a mass of everything, i think me just representing in base male dominated space. this is me doing something for female empowerment.
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the super complimentary has changed the way the world interact with old things cause now social media has become one of the most important marketing tools in the auto industry. is this in another form? oh, yeah, the, it's a different form of communication. the, as we've seen over the years traditionally, also shows are and so well received any longer coming. i need to know. so would i'm the lead missed cut off the thought experiences play an increasingly important role in this aspect of that to a representative on social media. oh, no, yeah. i speak to them for shy and when an engineer speaks about the car, it's a different language. genuine supercop blondie space about any of the immediate sympathy and since she always has her finger on the pulse of the industry,
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it's no surprise that she has a nothing new idea. to the last 7 years, i've literally dedicated every single day of my life to tracking down the world's crazy. it's in coolest cause i've been in contact with collectors and dealers from all over the world who have all of these beautiful calls, but they're not connecting in one space. so i kind of fix that. i've actually just launched a cx cost dot com, and that is my very or premium call auction platform. and she's going to mission to compete. you've reorganized the way the world's most expensive cause of traits. on how online auction platform, you can buy the most valuable calls in the world in a matter of seconds, using a via credit code. there's a whole new williams police cars, so there's a lot of money out there among young the younger people. a lot of these new tech
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building is they don't want to fly to. busy some old school, you know, this place that's been around for the last 50 years. they want to is they want us, they want something new and tech in fresh. it's going to open up the will. busy of cause to the wealthy people in markets who haven't never had an option to buy an auction. they've been on the served people in asia, people in africa, people in australia, middle east, super copland. he wants to shake up the $1000000000.00 market for the most expensive calls in the well, until now it was in the hands of a few auction houses and private dealers, exclusive and only accessible to the leads. that's exactly what she wants to change . and tell the dogs like simon kingston who ends millions from trading
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rarities now have to brace themselves to competition. i think what they do is just a whole different world. and i think we in this world can learn a lot from them. it's exciting, those that bringing those new people into uh wells cuz people have pretty huge followings. but i'll be watching what they, what they do with a lot of interest. who knows, we, we may end up doing something in some shape or form together in the future. people who have been in the auction world for years and years and years are even excited about this and, and that's the lowest one line. that's incredible. um, you know, it will completely transform the way that people buy and sell. so because women on top, are you ready? we've had a numerous following on line. she's changed the or the oh wow. the
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and to jenny is that me just speaking the, my dream is buying multi $1000000.00 costs for myself. no firing them and driving them. uh, buying them for myself and driving them without a camera on me. just send me just for me to experience secure, driving pleasure. again. a lot of the time when i'm in these cars, it's about work, and i'd love to flip it again into just pleasure. the cameras on or off. it's the sheer pleasure of driving that much of a, to this work ethic impression form the basis of her success. innovative, unconventional, and cosmopolitan super copland is now
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a brand. this is setting up the traditional or somebody who's saying what do you think? let us know in the comments that to get to subscribe to our channel, the, the business date of the news i forgot coming up on the program that he is up to south africans and the whites only rules who failed. the victims of a policy meets the movements out of the ladies protesting against being shot out of the countries through the reconciliation process. d n. c. government says they should em, demonstration and go home. also coming out in the democratic republic of congo is the end of an era as the you enforcement of school pulls out to who will protect the people now and cannot lead swear in crushing form either london
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mouth or not just one or 2 big.


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