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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 27, 2024 6:00am-6:16am CEST

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the, the, you're watching dw nero's lar, from button in the us section 3 of the page confront charles president for support and brochure of war and ukraine avenue banking. first, china is the following. real shells military lots, despite the disagreements, both nations, federal for corporation, also coming up heavy monsoon greens and fast or east africa. all correspondence is in kenya where the southern just falls. tens of thousands from the the
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numbers address. while god you can join us. us next year you blink and has met with time us president on the toad and finally are off a visit for to attentions. the donations disagree on a range of issues from new cream to join us that assorted a plan, bought blinked, and stress that it was crucial for washington and vision to maintain open channels of communication. of the 2 rival powers try to find common ground. china as president shooting, being welcomed us secretary of state antony blinking in beijing. despite cord differences on trade, security and geo politics, she expressed hope for the future. china is willing to see a confident and open us with prosperity and development. it is hoped that the
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us can also look at chinese development positively. only when this fundamental issue is resolved and the 1st step is taken with china us relations be truly stabilized. improved had moved forward during is 3 day visit blinking raise concerns about china is territorial claims in taiwan and the south china sea. he also accused of the people's republic of china, or p, r. c of fueling the war and ukraine by supporting russia's weapons, industry. and my discussions today, i reiterated, are serious concern about the p r. c. providing components that are powering rushes through war of aggression against ukraine. russia would struggle to sustain its assault on ukraine without trying to support of china is foreign minister has accused the us of trying to stifle its economic and technological development as
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well as its regional expansion. the china, us relationship is facing more negative factors and all kinds of disruptions. china's legitimate to develop and drugs have been unreasonably suppressed, and all co interests facing challenges show to china and the u. s. stay on the right, the costs of moving forward with stability, or a ton to a downward spiral. so this is a major question facing all to countries and tests our sincerity and the ability. the path forward includes holding formal talks about the risks of artificial intelligence in the coming weeks. george mark must have an economist at all for general authorities. china sent up. he spoke to the view about read the china on the us can find common ground. that's very hard to say, i mean, you know,
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if you look at the areas where they think of where blinked comes, uh, the american readouts at least, you know, said that they had actually had some, some constructive discussions. it was about, you know, a, i governance about people to people exchanges. so students may be going backwards and forwards and academics because of a climate change, you know, is obviously something they can talk about. fentanyl control, you know, which the chinese have promised to get on top of the v is kinds of areas. obviously there's discussion about the ministry. dog actually has resume, so that's a good thing. but, you know, generally yellow was talking about over capacity when she was in china a couple of weeks ago. brinkman was talking about. ready again, today the you commission itself has kind of concerns about this as well. and the problem is that the chinese economy, you know, what it's endemic. it structurally kind of built into the model is to kind of over
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producer to concentrate on supply rubber band demand of the economy. so that's why we've had problems with steel and aluminum in the past. why we have programs nowadays will be electric vehicles and batteries of solar panels and so on, ship building and logistics. so there's no real kind of um resolution that i can see because you know what the chinese model is not gonna change for the benefit of the united states or europe. and they will just carry on doing what they do. and so we will have unfortunately more kind of trade friction, i think, to come and that was economists towards blackness. now and extreme heat wave is affecting millions of people across south and south east asia. for the past weeks, temperatures have been pushing phosphor decreases from india and bung leathers to thailand and the philippines. the severe heat has prompted authorities to close
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schools. i mean to search and heat related to on the streets of bangkok. torres and residents are coping with soaring temperatures. the countries heat index which combines air and humidity levels, has risen above 52 degrees celsius, which is classified as extremely dangerous tire authorities are urging people to stay indoors for their own safety. but for those who make a living on the streets of the capital, that's not an option. i almost see like same thing when i work out all these days. but i can choose another job. can i? according to the countries health industry, there have been 30 heat related deaths nationwide. so far this year. that's compared with a total of $37.00 reported across the island last year. sometimes
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i feel dizzy, but not get like fainting. drinking ice water can help in the philippines. a centuries old settlement, submerged by a dam, built in the 1970s has reappeared. extreme heat and drought have caused the reservoirs water levels to drop nearly 50 meters. april in may are usually the hottest month. simself simself, east asia, but this, your temperatures have been exacerbated by the el nino weather phenomenon. as in india, where a general election is underway, sweltering temperatures, cause roads administered in the team. good cari to st at a campaign raleigh for prime minister in the renter modi in the western state of maharaj truck. searing heat is led to a surgeon power usage and outages in bangladesh where millions of students have
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been told to stay home from school. as the south asian nation swelter through one of its worst heat waves on record that's done now to some of the other stories making news around the world. israel's foreign national security minister has been injured in a traffic accident. intel of the police say it's him, are been greed, was returning from giving a statement at the scene of a stabbing attack. when his call collided with another way, could he and treat all those were taken to hospital with minor injuries? german police have clear to pro palestinian camp near the fall and lived in chancery in berlin. please say some protesters repeatedly used ben, cymbals and slogan. the demonstrators are demanding. the government paused on sales to a strip. they said that movement is being unfairly criminal. lived. meanwhile,
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i sold in full dress, continue in the us over the history of how much for last week schools have demonstrated to us by the rest of the columbia university. some of the demands are, that's university. scott dias with companies helping as well as military efforts in gods out. but not all the protests at columbia have been for palestinian as yet another rally in front of new york's columbia university. but today people are calling for the release of those deducted by him. us and protesting against anti semitism home are a little bit to a rental. it is one of the organizers, he says, the pro palestinian protests on and off campus have left him and other members of the jewish community feeling threatened to so also some bed views and incidents inside campus. but what happened outside it's bad man. like i live close by the use drums to am glorifying and default uh, glorifying terrorist, you know, saying just from the river to the sci fi,
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this time will be our up to prevent outside us from hijacking. the protest university is now checking id that it's gates. the incumbent is for compass members, only jewish students and faculty members have also joined in there were chance in hebrew and, and get ish. everyone around was very respectful, also joined in and it's felt totally safe and secure. and actually what a university should be about what's happening outside of campus and what's happening inside the campus. a totally different things. the people who make them uncomfortable, the people outside on broadway, some of whom are quite extreme here on campus. we have seen that there's a wide range of different voices and views. both of the protesters as well as among your staff members and your students. the university administration is now facing the challenge of protecting freedom of speech on campus while also protecting students who have felt uncomfortable or even threatened. and taking a clear stance against anti semitism and other inflammatory behavior. it's
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a standstill mirror and many other students have yet to see not expecting columbia university to solve on the beautiful dress as a fully popular library at 100 year old conflict. expect them to give us a safe environment. give people the ability to study safe and quietly for their finals to end the year to graduate work here, whatever. while he says, facilities on campus have decreased compared to the 1st days of the protests. he hopes as university will live up to the responsibility it has towards all of its students. and that's the knowledge where your staff recover heavy montessori and so wrecking have tons of media is reporting at least a $150.00 dead from floods and then slides. and the government in kenya says the extreme weather has now claimed 70 lives since mid march, the slots of false tens of thousands from the homes. the w correspondent, felix noted in the reports from my toby this is the aftermath of heavy
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rains that have continued to pounce in a row be the past few days. just being the echo tries to see what is left after the diverse teaching flats that keeps the studio. so you lost all of my belongings that remind me of by broke it's bunks, leaving everyone to grasp for safety and doing any queue. i saw that death was my own eyes, a neighbor of mine was saved and rushed to the hospital. i don't even want to see the rain because when my sons seized the rain, he keeps telling me we need to please go to the countryside because we almost died yesterday to go to the got it will to go for then the floods have left shreds against the government has asked people to move to higher grounds to avoid that piece of what has taken place. but maybe let's just say i sort of options. send them to you. i don't have enough place to go here in nairobi is in the class. god could save me, at least i would have a place to go to. i'm going to say it in the bedroom and book. we're in the sofa. dozens of people have been reported dead across the country. the displaced victims
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have been shows had deals closed in churches, many between us timid and shock. we've lost everything and didn't save anything. children's books, there floats, matrices. there is nothing we could save all that. these left that they built in a word box. one. people have lots of houses, people, i've lost our belongings. people, i've lost the clubs. we, i'm dire need of medication, clothing and shelter. well, but we cannot stay in the school forever since schools open next week. if we get provisions like blankets, mattresses and money to start over again, will be good if it's like one felicia life for that's it to rain again and many residents would not even want to see a sound of the best thing that instead of there in being a blessing to them. this one has come with such huge losses. some of them do not even have anything else remaining. those ones who are being taken to temple or other cell tests feel that steve, any of those challenges,
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they're not safe. i told the victims no one to the government to act fast. so the government, the government should intervene faster and get us out of the shelter since our lives are all at risk. some even have 2 year old kids. their other kids are weeks old. we're not safe at all. our kids could get infected with pneumonia and other diseases that are feeling is about putting the money over and them. but according to the full cost, there is a set to continue into the month of me. the victims hope that don't pause and so that they can get on with that lives. a lesson with some sports news and greece. this falls through olympics lam, differential the misers, a spouse, profess to host the games. the summer olympic officials meet the handle in the athens stadium where the game started revised in 1896. the flame has remained at the french embassy overnight before 12, and you're welcome to and from on saturday the
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something to look forward to for everyone here at the summer. and with that here, up to date, but do stick around because up next, sponsoring far away on your partner, phone shift look, set of problems that's becoming increasingly common. i'm number such as well from me and the entire new team behind the scenes. thank you so much for being with us. the deal. we didn't force it on anyone, but we did sell them such products to isn't buy agreed in the 2000 storage of bank engaged in various high risk business practice. the sites the bank was basically involved in every shady scandal in the banking sector worldwide. a res. ever hire process if you made money that was by.


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