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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 27, 2024 8:00am-8:15am CEST

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the, the, you're watching data we can use live from building heavy monsoon rains, bass a east africa closing city of flooding. can you, as government says the rising waters have killed at least 17 people will get more from nairobi, and alignments. also coming up us secretary of state and to me blinking and confronts china as president for supporting russians war in ukraine. but despite their disagreements, both nations, the room for cooperation, the jared raid,
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welcome to the chart. we begin in east africa way weeks of monsoon. ryans have been reaching halfway across much of the region. tons of media is reporting at least $150.00 data from slides and land slides. the government in 10, yes is the extreme, whether there has now claimed at least 70 lives since mid march. so the funding has fulls thousands from the hundreds, dw correspondent, felix marine, good reports now from nairobi. this is the aftermath of heavy rains that have continued to pump in a row be the past few days. just seen, the echo tries to see what is left after the divest, teaching flags that keeps these idiots. she lost all my belongings that remind me of by broke its bunks, leaving everyone's progress for safety. i don't any queue i saw death was my own eyes, the neighbour of mine was saved and rushed to the hospital. i don't even want to see the rain because when my sons seized the rain, he keeps telling me we need to sleep. go to the countryside because we almost died
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yesterday. the will to go again. the floods have left your incidents by. the government has asked people to move to higher grounds to avoid that piece of what has taken place. but maybe let's just say i sort of options. send them to you. i don't have enough place to go here in nairobi is in the glass. god could save me, at least i would have a place to go to. i'm going to say it in the bedroom and book. we're in sofa. dozens of people have been to put a dead across the country. the displaced victim, subbing shelves had deals closed in churches, many victims, activity and shock. so we've lost everything and didn't save anything. children's books, there floats, nights, receipts. there is nothing we could save all that is left that the clothes are nowhere box one. people have lots of houses, people have lost our belongings. people, i've lost the clubs. we, i'm dire need of medication, clothing and shelter. well, but we cannot stay in the school forever since school is open next week. if we get
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provisions like blankets, mattresses and money to start over again, will be good if it's like $1.00 thing they chalet for. that's it to rain again, and many residents do not even want to see a sound of the best thing that instead of their being being a blessing to them. this one has come with such huge losses. some of them do not even have anything else remaining. those ones who are being taken to temple or other cell tests feel that steve, any of those challenges, they're not safe. i told the victims no one to the government to act fast. so the government, the government should intervene faster and get us out of the shelter since our lives are all at risk. some even have 2 year old kids there. other kids are weeks old. we're not safe at all. our kids could get infected with pneumonia and other diseases that are beyond that, but putting the money over to them. but according to where the forecast varies, the set to continue into the month of me. the victims hope they don't pause and so
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that they can get on with that lives as well across the world from kenya in south and south east asia, an extreme heat. why is affecting millions of people for the past week? temperatures have been pushing 14 degrees celsius and beyond from india to bangladesh, to thailand and the philippines. severe hate has led to a surgeon hate related deaths as well on the streets of bangkok, torres and residents are coping with soaring temperatures. the countries heat index which combines air and humidity levels has risen above 52 degrees celsius, which is classified as extremely dangerous tire authorities are urging people to stay indoors for their own safety. but for those who make a living on the streets of the capital, that's not an option. i almost see like same thing
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when i work out all these days. but i can choose another job. can i? according to the countries health industry, there have been 30 heat related debts nationwide so far this year. that's compared with a total of $37.00 reported across the island last year. sometimes i feel dizzy, but not yet like fainting. drinking ice water can help in the philippines. a centuries old settlement, submerged by a dam, built in the 1970s has reappeared. extreme heat and drought have caused the reservoirs water levels to drop nearly 50 meters. april in may are usually the hottest month. simself simself, east asia, but this, your temperatures have been exacerbated by the el nino weather phenomenon in
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india where a general election is underway, sweltering temperatures, cause roads administered and 18 good. carry to st. at a campaign, riley for prime minister in the venture modi in the western state of maharaj truck searing heat is led to a surgeon power usage and outages in bangladesh where millions of students have been told to stay home from school. as the south asian nation swelter through one of its worst heat waves on record to china. now, way us to country of state antony blinkin has wrapped up his license to visit to the country during torques on friday with china is president change and paying lincoln the stress, the importance of quite responsibly managing the differences between the 2 nations while also raising concerns about issues including taiwan and china, support of russia's war in ukraine to rival powers try
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to find common ground. china is president using being welcomed us secretary of state antony blinking in beijing. despite core differences on trade, security and geo politics, she expressed hope for the future. china is willing to see a confident and open us with prosperity and development. it is hoped that the us can also look at china's development positively. only when this fundamental issue is resolved and the 1st step is taken with china us relations be truly stabilized, improved and move forward during his 3 day visit blinking raise concerns about china's territorial claims. in taiwan and the south china sea. he also accused of
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the people's republic of china, or p, r c of fueling the war and ukraine by supporting russia's weapons, industry. and my discussions today, i reiterated, are serious concern about the p r. c. providing components that are powering rushes through war of aggression against ukraine. russia would struggle to sustain its assault on ukraine without trying to support china is foreign minister has accused the us of trying to stifle its economic and technological development as well as its regional expansion. the china, us relationship is facing more negative factors and all kinds of disruptions. china's legitimate to develop and drugs have been unreasonably suppressed, and all co interests facing challenges show to china and the u. s. stay on the right, the costs of moving forward to a stability or a ton to
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a downward spiral. so this is a major question facing all to countries and tests our sincerity and the ability. the path forward includes holding formal talks about the risks of artificial intelligence in the coming weeks with georgia, magnet is an economist at oxford university's china center piece spoke to dw about way the china and the us can find common ground. that's very hard to say. i mean, you know, if you look at the areas where they think of web link them's, uh, the american readouts, at least, you know, said that they had actually had some, some constructive discussions. it was about, you know, a, i governance about people to people exchanges. so students may be going backwards and forwards and academics because of a climate change, you know, is obviously something they can talk about. fentanyl control, you know, wish the chinese have promised to get on top of the v is kinds of areas. obviously
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there's discussion about the ministry. a dog actually has resume, so that's a good thing. but, you know, generally yellow was talking about over capacity when she was in china a couple of weeks ago, blink, and was talking about it again today. the you commission itself has kind of concerns about this as well. and the problem is that the chinese economy, you know, what it's endemic, it structurally kind of built into the model is to kind of the producer to concentrate on supply rubber band demand of the economy. so that's why we've had problems with steel and aluminum in the past. why we have problems nowadays will be electric vehicles and batteries of solar panels and so on, ship building and logistics. so there's no real kind of, um resolution that i can see because, you know, the chinese model is not gonna change for the benefit of the united states or
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europe. and they will just carry on doing what they do. and so we will have, unfortunately more kind of trade friction, i think, to come to that was george magnus from oxygen universities. china sent to them here in germany, police in berlin have cleared a, put a pro palestinian protest. com set up outside the gym. and paul, them and building the group created the income much more than 2 weeks ago, saying they wanted the german government to stop sending weapons and military support to israel released it on friday that day cleared the camp off to some protest is repeatedly used band symbols and slogans, dw spike to protest is under police. we've been here. what does this now uh, exist at 60 and 17 days, just over 2 weeks, and we've been peace when we've been harassed by the police every single day. they have given us like the stupidest restrictions they have forbidden us from using
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language, is that on german and english, they have a criminal lives out save criminalized our prayers. our songs are workshops and now they are their official reasoning for a victim discount that we had a sofa and that we are hurting the grass. this to test campus. the trouble protest campus being prohibited because there have been a piece of violations of the rules for public assembly and criminal offenses committed. thomas about the protest leaders did not intervene to prevent this from happening. it is for him not to that. so the protest has been deemed a threat to public safety. kind of made a mistake if there are no miles or measures to prevent more crimes, i can cite meant a hatred for him. that is a quick look now at some of the world news headlines or is rails file rise and national security minister has been injured in a traffic accident in tel aviv police. say it's a mob been the it was returning from giving a statement at the scene of
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a stabbing attack. when his cock collided with another vehicle, he and 3 others were taken to the hospital with money injuries. tens of thousands have rallied in humans capital. so not in a show of solidarity with palestinians in concepts, the weekly event is organized by iran backs tuesdays. the groups is day fide 3 missiles at a british oil tank, a traveling through the red sea of an ice causing mine, of damage to the sea. us defense secretary lloyd austin, says washington, we'll provide additional patriot missiles or to ukraine as part of a $6000000000.00 ip package. that will artillery and munition will also be delivered by know any new patriot defense systems, which you crime shows desperately means. the announcement follows the sentence, approval of a 61000000000 dollar security package for keith and officials in ukraine's capital say die if evacuated patients from to your office. if these hospitals are the fees
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that they could be targeted by russian strikes, the decision came off to the head of the bill of lucy and security service. so the hospitals were housing soldiers keeps a cd gets ministration called the claims a life and the provocation. before we go, grace has passed the olympic flame to french organizes as power as per pay is too high. as the games. this sum up on friday, olympic officials made to hand over in the us and stadium where the games were revived. back in 1996, the fine will begin it's to any today across the mediterranean sea to france and is expected to arrive in the port of my se on may the 8th, the southern french cd celebrated at the beginning of of it's this find a link to friends by putting on fine works and a drawing display. the olympic games begin at the end of july.
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you're up to date here on dw, after a short break is ok level also ability. so read this more in detail for you to comment on social media or as dw, i'm tired, great, thank you for watching. the driven by greed in the 2000 georgia bang, engaged in various high risk business practices raised for ever higher profit. and then the epic des moines, overdetermined the institution, the dodge of back story to may seconds on the w. i'm just going to jump in and turn it off because the thought is wanting story special. great.


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