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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 27, 2024 12:00pm-12:16pm CEST

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the, the, you're watching the don't we can use live from berlin to us, play just small patriot missiles for you, cried the pot of a $6000000000.00 a package, which doesn't include any additional patriot, a defend systems to launch them at the just by keeps asking for more also coming up, you monsoon, ryans vassar, east africa, closing city. a flooding kenya is government says the rising. was that simple ready killed at least 70 people the with more down pools full cost. the
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jared raid, welcome to the program. did you where it says it will provide you crying with more patriot missiles as part of a fresh 6000000000 the i package, but they won't be supplying any additional patriot systems to loads them just by keep insisting that they need more to defends ukraine, cds from russian ariel attacks the us defense secretary, lloyd austin and made the announcement which also included a pledge to rational artillery munitions to the country. i would point out that it's not just patriot that, that, you know, they need, they need other types of systems and interceptors as well. and so i would caution us all in terms of making patriot the silver bullet. i would say that it's got, it's got to be the integrated aaron mentor missile defense, as we said so many times before that really turns
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a tight and so there are other capabilities that they need that we really pushed hard to get. and we may be able to get to to the ukrainians a bit faster. but this work continues on lloyd often day it will fall my u. k. intelligence office, the frank language has been following developments, and i asked him earlier, what difference his 1st us military i package will make on the battlefield a morning judge. well, in the woods of general austin, i wont ton, the tie to us. it will do is blunt russian advances in 2 ways. the 1st way obviously is by reinforcing you. credit is vital artillery um with the western supplied 155 shelves. that's not so important. they've been, i've gotten so daily on the front for a long time now. concerning high defenses, that's almost equally important. and it is disappointing that the americans have not forwarded more patriot batteries. they have 80 boxes in the pantry, 400 launches. i suspect the problem is that they are wanting to keep those gates.
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any conflict with china spot easy credit is not, but to the extent that they've got some already to set this the pick besides themselves. and i think as we go forward, more in the form of other systems that last had mentioned that will allow the credit is to push back the russian arrow advances that have been made to ukraine in line. so good stuff and i badly under what's called god on the glow. i bones, thousands of them, some people say which happen, i think the best, se decisive of the last few weeks. however, what none of this will do, and this is really important, is generate more man power. then ukraine has been taken fond of casualties and they've been telling us they are under the i'm going to see was pressure on the exceptional front. and that's not the got. this is a war of attrition. and in the non profit, the russians have the advantage that there's nothing that west can do about generated forecast. it's a very big topic, but it's absolutely central. frank, speaking of this pressure that you just talked about, keith say, is russia has
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a tax energy facilities in 3 regions on saturday, part of a renew bombardment of the ukraine of ukraine's energy sector. what's the strategic purpose of these attacks? do you think so will i be conducting as you say, strategic attacks, which is to say, attacks essentially, against across the, across the ukraine in economy and indeed into the civilian sector. since late 2022 . with the objective 1st of undermining the morality of credit and population. and secondly, disabling the crating economy. i think even equally to so i'm not have some effect, especially over the last few weeks. it's worth saying, however, that ukraine is really resilient with respect to its electrical supplies. and let's not forget that much of it. so much of it supply supply by nuclear power, which the russians are highly unlikely to touch unless it's doing damage of almost equal importance. however, is they approach lessons taking now in the talk to ukraine's roadway network.
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there's something i think that many of us would be wonder when, when i was gonna happen. it seems to be happening with farmer intensity now. and that's really important. it's in a centralized again, of course, the vital importance of high end, highly effective ad defense systems. frank, given everything you just said, what do you think, what we can expect the war to how it will progress in the coming weeks? i think the russia will continue. somebody could fonts is over the next few weeks as well as saying that none of the very few of these supplies, although the americans are working on other allies of work and very, very effective and efficiently to find for these supplies. the bulk of the month, right, right for the over the next few weeks, unless you will undoubtedly take advantage to the high ages. i think the paintings are expecting an offensive at some point to the next few weeks, as well as content to continue the to continue and reinforce event advances i've made. so to expect that i think beyond that, we're looking at political decisions. but for the next few weeks,
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we can expect continued rushing pressure, perhaps a rather larger offensive comp paid by then. i expect the credit is to lock the to hold, but they will have to give temperature, i think. okay, military analyst, frank language, the frank, always good to talk to you. thanks a lot shot or to east africa now where weeks of monsoon ryans have been reaching how they could cross the region. tons of media is reporting at least $150.00 days from slots and land slides. the government in 10, yes, is extreme whether there has now claimed at least 70 lives since mid march. so the flooding has forced the thousands from the hines as well. the w corresponded phoenix, maureen, go, reports now from nairobi. this is the aftermath of heavy rains that have continued to pounce in a row be the past few days. just being the echo tries to see what is left after the diverse teaching flats that to keep this area. she lost all of my belongings that remind me of by broke it's bunk, leaving everyone to grasp for safety. and doing any cube i saw death with my own
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eyes, a neighbor of mine was saved and rushed to the hospital. i don't even want to see the rain because when my son sees the rain, he keeps telling me we need to sleep. go to the countryside because we almost died yesterday. the will to go again. the floods have left residents by. the government has asked people to move to higher grounds to avoid a piece of what has taken place. but maybe let's just say i sort of options. send them to you. i don't have enough place to go here in nairobi is in the class. god could save me, at least i would have a place to go to. i'm going to say during the bedroom and book we're in so far, dozens of people have been reported dead across the country. the displaced victim, subbing shows, had been schools and churches, many between activity and shock to live with. we've lost everything and didn't save anything. children's books, there floats, matrices. there is nothing we could save all that is left that the clothes are
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nowhere box. go on. people, i've lots of houses, people, i've lost our belongings. people, i've lost the clubs. we, i'm dire need of medication plugin on shelter. well, but we cannot stay in the school forever since schools open next week. if we get provisions like blankets, mattresses and money to start over again, will be good if it's like $1.00 thing they chalet for. that's it to rain again and many residents with not even want to see if it's found to be the best thing that instead of there in being a blessing to them, this one has come with such huge losses. some of them do not even have anything else remaining. those ones who are being taken to temple or other cells has feel that steve, any of those challenges, they're not safe. i told the victims no one to the government to act fast. so the government, the government should intervene faster and get us out of the shelter since our lives are all at risk. some even have 2 year old kids, their other kids are weeks old. we are not safe at all. our kids could get infected
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with pneumonia and other diseases that are feeling is about putting the money over to them. but according to the full cost, there is a set to continue into the month of me. the victims hope they don't pause and so that they can get one that lives squarely. are i asked kenyan social rights activist, wilford happy, allow, the nairobi, the planning of urban areas has exacerbated this crisis. you know, like 70 percent of skins leaving slammed, suddenly it's almost settings because they cannot afford to that more more planned a small, me look less katy as we sell profile the black we did today and they just thought of that. so they only houses they can afford that they, they was in the mountains because they're cheaper and they, they phenomenal vision of the country is not very good. so that's why law salons middle because i'm the one i didn't, 16 slots. one of them don't have any do you think system s,
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i will know most people have be not fit to continue go. uh, i just wanted to ask you is this scenario then given what you're saying, likely to continue into the future and, and happen again. it's it's, it's, god forbid, it's kind of good to you this way because the, the advice now the government is telling people to go to hire brown's. they are not providing it any assistance i bought from william diaz and today that was a sense dogs and other people. as you see this is that some of the government is, you know, desk. i mean, i'm giving people a few stuff in before needs to get a place where they can lead their is as the low. so we are getting most divided by everybody sports with that being offended the next street. so they have to move out of this was the last us dealer. they don't have a ton of things. so that is being built in at the moment. it's very, very, very,
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very, very wide. and that's, we might problem more. most cases is they don't they government does it. it's now wilford happy, allow social rights activists and i right be we really thank you so much for your time. take care. i or here's some other news headlines now is rouse, fall ride national security minister has been entered in a traffic accident intel of eve, police say he's not been giving. it was returning from giving a statement at the scene of a suspect in stopping when he's a cock collided with another vehicle he and 3 others were taken to the hospital with minor injuries. dozens of tornadoes have struck parts of the us, destroying hundreds of hines and farmland may be mainly around the city of omaha. in nebraska, they've been reports of injuries, but no debt. so far, the tornadoes have left 11 around $11000.00 homes without power. the us national weather service is wanting. the storms will continue to recite today. us secretary
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of state antony blink and has wrapped up his licensed visit to china during torques . on friday we have china as president, she didn't ping blinking stress. the importance of quoting responsibly, managing differences between the 2 nations, well also raising concerns about trying to support of roches warren ukraine to rival powers try to find common ground. china as president, choosing being welcomed us secretary of state antony blinking in beijing. despite core differences on trade, security and geo politics, she expressed hope for the future. china is willing to see a confident and open us with prosperity and development. it is hoped that the us can also look at china's development positively. only when this
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fundamental issue is resolved and the 1st step is taken with china us relations be truly stabilized, improved and moved forward, or during his 3 day visit blinking raise concerns about china's territorial claims . in taiwan and the south china sea, he also accused of the people's republic of china, or p, r. c of fueling the war and ukraine by supporting russia's weapons, industry. and my discussions today, i reiterated, are serious concern about the p r. c, providing components that are powering rushes, brutal war of aggression against ukraine. russia would struggle to sustain its assault on ukraine without trying to support china is foreign minister has accused the us of trying to stifle its economic and technological development as well as its regional expansion. the china
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us relationship is facing more negative factors and all kinds of disruptions. china is legitimate to develop and drugs have been unreasonably suppressed and all cool interests of facing challenges should china and the u. s. stay on the right. the costs of moving forward to a stability or a to, into a downward spiral. this is a major question facing all 2 countries and tests of sincerity and the ability the path forward includes holding formal talks about the risks of artificial intelligence in the coming weeks. just before we go, greece has passed the olympic flame to french, organize as this power, as proposed to hoist the games this summer on friday, olympic officials, night the hand or the in the athens stadium where the gains were revived back in 1896. now the flying will begin its journey today across the mediterranean sea to
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france, it's expected to arrive in must say on may the ice now the port city has been celebrating with fireworks and a drones display olympics begin at the end of july. you're up to date here on dw, i'm tired, reading building, thank you for watching. have a great day. the shannon with c w 12 or emphasizing the award winning offer is available worldwide. every language level reading gentleman has chosen to go do big automobile companies play a role in the destruction of the rain forest the letter will actually cost awesome comes from and.


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