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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 27, 2024 4:00pm-4:16pm CEST

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the, the business dw news lived from breland, south africa marks freedom day. betsy is also the historic election of mocked the official end of a pop side. will hear from a group of elderly citizens, still demanding reparations. lucy, the restaurants out of the country is truth and reconciliation process. also ahead . us says it's send a new picture of miss house to ukraine. pounds a v $6000000000.00 a package, which doesn't include any additional patriots at defense systems to launch them. despite the key some question
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the i, i'm eddie micah junior and you are welcome to the program. so it africa is celebrating its freedom day saturday as on from its transition to democracy from the racial segregation of apartheid precedence. there are my foresight has led celebrations in victoria, claiming in his speech that the countries in, quote, an infinitely better place than it was in 1994. but his routing amc policies expect that's a phase a stand test in a nation wide election next month. so it africa is one of the continents leading economies, but severe economic challenges and verizon unemployment dump on the optimism effect 2 years ago. many of those who fought against apartheid are still demanding justice, but of crimes. the suffered span, whole car reports from johannesburg,
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of what they say is applied to justice on the steps to south africa is constitutional. members of the movement for spent the last 5 months attempting here. under quote, the states they say many victims of a particular crimes, a being ignored, even though the government has a fund with a $100000000.00 us dollars for reparations. no more actually up with nazis, the groups leader and says many of the members missed out on the truth and reconciliation process. i feel is down and i feel that the government does look doing and it just is not all new to me to each and a but a victim in south africa a by not allowing the by not even creating that platform because i feel like it's a pie one is a healing, is a healing,
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essentially to speak out, to be listened at, at the same time, to be at least the last. when i say say she was beaten by a party police while working as an activist. back perhaps the most painful school is the loss of her brother. she sees he was murdered by the army. 1993 during the vigil for liberation active as chris. hi, nick took about a week look know we way use with about these boards and to i had to go to the government which was in to miss the way i found it, pecked off a cups the dead bodies with pick like a like a bags of cement on top of in order to get to know hughes body. i have to ask also the person was we can good. can you help me? because i feel like my pride that you may be among those when i
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see these days wasn't able to investigate that says the organization, the cool money support group has a 150000 statements from people who missed out during the t or c process, improve statements, it says the government should consider that has been, it says many victims would not comfortable to speak out so soon off to apply to it . while others didn't have the means. the states and either an honest with the way the to i see statement take is, would be, i mean, it was turned back if you even heard of it. and then also because people had basically really dis, did you feel really at that time they didn't have money to take texas to go to the statement to you? cuz there's really some of the very practical programs we have documented this all for the department of justice because we think it's completely unjustified to disclose the tools we all this week has been documented and, and the fluids are actually on the side of the state. you know,
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despite the research and despite the government sees, it's too late to reopen the case when it comes to the people that are currently living outside the constitutional court. are you saying that they should simply go home? yes, they can go and we're the one with that. but the, there's no need for them to to be that out in the quote on this thing. because our so there is nothing that we can do. the payment history has the list is closed, the positions are done through the process of public and it will be a lot of people as to, to open the list of this of everything government sees it will use the reparation fund for housing, education, and health key for the 21000 people on the current list, members of the victims group say, the only thing stopping the government from putting more people on that list is the
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lack of political will. after decades of writing niches in the lobby, they hope the physical presence at the heart of the justice system might shame the government into action. correspondents, diane hawkeye, who you just had in the report as in victoria, where those freedom days had abrasions out taking place. i asked her how she will describes that advocate steps toward ratio the quality over the past 30 years in the progress to achieve freedom. in south africa, i would say, has had some positives and some negatives. to a certain extent, there has been a lot of progress made and the lives of many south africans have visited the improve as a result of attaining demo democracy. small things like even being able to come to the union buildings where i spent the day as a black south african would not have been allowed on the project because it was amongst the public spaces in which black people was not allowed to freely access.
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they also added things like some of families advertise every c s received the housing from the government. things like war to provision has also improved over the years. and it's been it extensively a rollout of electricity to parts of the country that didn't have. that being said, there's also a lot of concerns that how democracy and freedom has not gone far enough because of the high levels of inequality. the high level of the job is to add to a certain standby level of frustration that many people are feeling in south africa at the moment. so how is the government responding to these challenges? because get right, people still view the government has not done enough for me or reports, we saw people that still say that the seeking compensation, but that doesn't seem to be appetite from the government to address that issue and many other issues. absolutely. i think that the issues are
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frustration go far and wide and they go across social economic backgrounds. today, for example, at the events that i was attending, a young man was protesting saying that he protested, thank freedom is not free in south africa. and he explained the reason that he was protesting to say as a young side of african of 55 years old. it's difficult for him to get a job. it's difficult for him to pursue his preferred career pos. and he feels that the dockman should be making it easier for young. so i've asked for tends to be able to get jobs. so there are a lot of frustrations like that that you come across where the south african government is addressing it. it really depends on who do you speak to. some people say that they feel the government has done enough and that the live has changed. but habits are saying that it's time for new political parties to take the home and for them to be given a chance to make a change in south africa cause it's an election. yes. yeah. and that means that,
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that issue, those issues will be firmly on the table when it comes time for south africans to vote. it'll be a correspondence. diane hall call in south africa. us is send a new feature on this house to ukraine as possible. the fresh, $6000000000.00 that i aid package, but i won't be supplying any additional patriot systems to launch the miss house. that's the spice keeping system that it needs mall them to defend you train cities from russia's area attacks. the us defense that gets relied often maybe announcements, which also include that a pledge to rush more munitions to the country. i spoke to dw correspondence, kindly, not shamal i n g 's. he told us how you train has responded to this leads us to us a package while ukraine is not only depending on the petri a as a defense system, eddie, they also have the package and this will definitely have a very positive impact on ukraine's,
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the army we do know that this package contains the air defense systems, also long range, missiles and munitions. so these are elements that the ukranian military and urgency needs. and they will be arriving probably in days because the united states has been already preparing fees. and the, the, the military aid is already on the basis us basis in poland and in germany. so we're expecting this a to arrive in a couple of phase as the patrick systems are already being prepared in spain. for example, there is still hope that some more of the patriot systems could be delivered as well to ukraine, right? it's keeping home i live in recent days. russia has been targets in real. we and energy infrastructure in ukraine, organized key says, russ, i hit full power plants, several civilian buildings including your hospital compound. how is the green coping with these sustained attacks?
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yes, i think just yesterday we had 34 missiles attacks from russia into your brain. 21 of them were intercepted by ukraine's military. however, as you just mentioned, critical infrastructure was to target like, for example, power plans. we do know that engineers are already working on these power plants, but of course, as they are many damages and a lot, a lot of interest people, employees were working the power plant. and we can definitely see that the attacks from russia has been intensifying, especially in the past month. and this is also because uh, as, as you know, the, a package from the united states was on hold in that country. so this 6 months have definitely given russia an advantage not only to advance and take cities like i've discussed, but also to keep on planning their next their next target. like the missile attacks we saw yesterday. right. you correspondence kyle, you not you, mike? thank you. that's it got some more stories making headlines around the world.
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ukraine has paid tribute to the victims of the channel. the media does that stuff on the that's a anniversary of the event. 19861 of the problems react to is exploded, costs into wealth west nuclear accidents press. the has lensky has warmed up the risk, so be repeat it, russia tax, nuclear sites. the us federal appeals court has reject. i'd think our candy's challenge against this 20 year prison sentence about child sexual abuse. the call to reject that his lawyers claim that the case was filed too late. it is very starting. the style is already 70 concannon's. fact t, yes enzymes probably set free trial for comparing sex trafficking. israel's fire rights national security administer has spinning shared any traffic accidents instead of the police. a, it's a mob. gabriel was returning from given the statements of the scene of the suspect
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that stopped an attack when his cock lighted with another vehicle and 3 others were taken to the hospital with mine angels. and what's one i had solve, and deans at he pose have become stuck in the model. dry it up tons. conservation authority said the guy in dang, job dying south africa has been affected by severe drought cost by d. l. nino web off in i'm in several countries in that region have recently declared the state of national disaster. us and us tornadoes, half tone, 2 parts of the country is midwest with the state of nebraska, amongst the hottest, that these were a suburban homes. but they were no match for the tornado that swept through this part of omaha, nebraska to a city that's home to hundreds of thousands of people. police say there were no fatalities and only some injuries reporters. i mean, i had as best i could of my family and then the noise came and you can see the
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tornado come. and it was just talking to her just ducking cover and you could hear you could hear things that and people's houses rest of the off like everything we watch to touchstone about 200 yards over there. and then we went to the shelter we came but we could hear going through and we came back out for a fence has gone. we looked up with the northwest and on saturdays had warned of tornadoes in nebraska, which gave residents time to seek shelter. but the twisters have left their mark damaging hundreds of homes and businesses across the state sides ends up being left with power and gas leaks of also being reported omaha, the airport was also forced to close spring time is tornado season in central parts of the us as cool, dry air in the region caps, warm, moist air that flows up from the gulf of mexico. perfect conditions for the
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formation of storms. with forecasters warning of more to come up next report on looks of how cocaine has become columbia is most important. exports. you can get more use on our website, dw. com on all youtube and social media channels. i am eddie micah junior station from the deal. we didn't force it on anyone, but we did sell them. such products are driven by agreed in the 2000 star, 2 bank engaged in various high risk business practice. the types of unc was basically involved in every shady scandal in the banking sector. well, twice a raise for ever higher process. if you made money that was the question.


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