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tv   The 77 Percent  Deutsche Welle  April 27, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm CEST

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one to one you have you have a one to start doing the different quotes on this vehicle. despise and unexpected side to side. enjoy the service that you told me about leaving the code because the way that in boston during christmas, well guess was today i'm bringing you the show from the beautiful, sunny beaches of the smiling coast of africa. i've gotten the people of food i most importantly the one enough for a vibrant to be welcome to the 77 percent magazine show. i am your host deposit any company, rosie the here's what's coming up today . i joined as really rush i the victoria for bridge is on the off in zines, about yolanda and yours. i innovation,
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unique coping skills of 5 as well as being the island ben, it's 2024. as best 5 of us, the nation and opinion must side to guide is breaking gender cedar dives in our community. now to my adventure at the victoria falls of rain, which is suspend that just below the magistrate, victoria flows at the water line of zambia and as in bob white, this place is not just acidic attraction. i see a little over 3 because far dice. so in trying to look on my see is i took a little space and long g. john's. it had pounding 111 meters power on while hanging by a rope. yes i did, and i kid you not. it was terrifying at 1st. check it out. this is a victoria falls bridge crossing over then be the river, which one is the board that between them the ad zimbabwe. the bridge however, links the 2 countries. now this is not the only thing,
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the doors here. oh doors that are coming. yeah. find inviting, one of the most daring things to do on this bridge is to jump over this stretch, which is a 111 meters is williams down to the rule. the question is, will i be able to do this or not? let's find out if i'm burying enough. i'm checking all righty the, that's my number the all right. my worth the
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the going. all right, great. thank you. by doing the. yeah. i know you're wondering if i will do that again. all i can say is that it was liberating. let us know if you are diving enough to know. i know most of you have had lots of, i've done. but this, you know,
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so that it is known as the size haven of off because east coast sensors of supply as well as have separate, sends any in gems. but innovation has become the name of the game. just imagine the lively market right to the secluded plantation. mazing the vibrant on to bring yours really finding that is the best icon across with rest and creative to it was indeed had warming essentially the island of the east coast africa for centuries. spices have brought this since i knew i could political wealth and global renown, but residents here not resting on their laurels, all across the islands. entropy in use of finding new and creative ways to use the iconic crops. going up, it goes by the spaces, a list of parking for life spaces, part of the tradition of for to, for our culture. part of how are you calling me from black. the 2 vanilla nutmeg
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and more spices came here via the indian ocean trade route from us. follow away as indonesia and beyond eventually taking root, incense, the bus for towel, tropical soil. more than 150 s spices in the product that i made tons of better known to the was there a lot of flaws here? love seeing them one love the speed flows in particular made the island to rich, but the spice boom also had its dock side under the celtic, of online sense if i became the center of east africa, slave trade and boss strikes of christine for us to put being cut down to make way for crew plantations, it's a legacy of environmental damage that continues to the state. many thomas loc cronin spice. you can always but live owns the family, started to use chemical for the laser as to how based more and most of the they can say a lot of flux and get more money. we decided to do things in a different way,
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but sensory bus spice industry is changing only, and these companies source, this prices from funding corporate has come across the ocoee political and train gro was, do not get any funding practices. the spices harvested dried and then used whole owing power to home and in the hands of all these customers, we have sometimes transformed into something entirely different. so this is like love. so we started off with oil. we will mixing them. they've been put in a mold, that being cuts them and package flows have both been type on go in and type material properties. and through this custom brand, the sold incense above and beyond. but it's still in town. central market, essentially bus spices continue to be sold much the same way as they have been for
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generations for a company. it's just the beginning spaces of the hurry days and coalitions of sense . but it can also be a future the and to continue from why we just left off. that's about a lot in just spots to the country. still in town is a melting part of culture. but not only is everybody, because in the rest of the licensed edition, we add 3 more gen brezza view must 0 and time a late so we can call it as symbolic. yet adventurous mise. this is hor, hello. there's somebody 30 percent off. my name is because then all the you follow me in and i won't be in gonna, i won't come to somebody calmly. i saw somebody tom lessons. i have interest in somebody. somebody is going to be the fastest growing city in west africa when
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a population of nearly 1000000 west of in the city is famous for east share about talk to about isn't just the cosmetic product. it is also used to prepare local delicacy for phone spots of the cost of people across the world. and in some ali, we also have all new color terms as um, tools that for you all sees it. and um, it, it would look all called brand as well as you saw the initials sites and get food. some of these people celebrate who would teach to the traditional smoke, all but the main screen and be the fabrics, while men cross the final product. we still preserve outside this in by making it without her aside to fund that there is more do you need to we still hold the frame once while i try this, it was to make it with all brands and this is a will for 13, i'm for 7, i'll try visits and this is where the problem i have. if it's a product seller, my system tends to sell it and how to fill out fits more sense. so i live
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as last old tim, tony takes us to come at least extraordinary read place to do. it's like stepping into another well read play was published by renowned gun. you an artist, you buy him a hama who wanted to get visited the opportunity to engage with at technology and history. and the we have a lot of things old in general objects, including oats or sign boxes. and some of the brands that we use during the world war and then also we have the copico corpses, which is middle o t life brought together by this young and talented month just to inspire or bring back to life. the history from someone is dry savano. let's take a splash in brussel field. the city on the banks of the columbia river willow, family high communities of a nice. i'm down baby. ok. this done so and perform i. i'll show you my beautiful
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city. both available are welcome russell to press on us locals. call it is the capital of the republic of campbell with about 2000000 people. it is also the biggest city in the country of some $5500000.00 inhabitants. prattville sits on the north bank of the mighty kugal river across the water as can satisfy the mega capital of the neighboring democratic republic of coal. i'm in brazil, and this case shot that they are the 2 nearest comfortable cities in the world. although keisha alone has 4 times the, the nation of my entire country also was always like looking in the mirror. our countries have similar name and then what our histories are very different. we maybe closest, but there are many contrasts. of course, there was a crazy one thing the 2 carpets always do having come on adequately suppose the society of tirelessly dressed people. maxime people, my bonzai is a famous icon here today this movement has
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a lot of influence on our congo. these culture, every kind of these wants to be a part today being status is in our blood in congo, bradley village, there's no substitute. we have the kings of this type of movement. excuse me, some of the stuff by mid the, it's sweltering in the typical heat. some noise, the perfect place to cool off. and speaking of cooling off less head to the much cool kingdom in the skies list. so to run a, so i want to come to the mountain kingdom over the soto. i'm going to take you to my beautiful city, missouri set out of foothills of the truck, inspect. oh, my low to mountains, low to is and cycled by side of the car. and the best way to view it is of quotes from the mountains mountain is cold, come on to see when it means the mountain of the night. this is where we defended our country. you know, our king was fighting for our country and the worst thing,
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right? they on top 200 years ago came which, which way defended his kingdom from columbus and neighboring nations from his mountain fortress. and these days, people still high up to see his grades with a population of about 330000 must say was by far the largest city in the so to sometimes the hustle and bustle gets a bit much for marina. luckily, there's no shortage of gold, just mountains around the city, the perfect place to find stability and inspiration. marina's favorite cliff top overlooks his mother's house was where he grew up. again, to me is this place so most every time i'm out of the country, i kind of way to get back here because this is like a refreshment place for me. and i get my energy back. you know? so it means a lot to me is place in the in the evening. what do you not invites us to look at my client where he's performing
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his use to tory and across to south africa and which one on. but there's nothing wide like feeling the support of the home, the like to invite and encourage young people all over the was to harm and experience the kingdom and the mountain. you know, the, our beautiful tons. we have a 3rd of love squared, a one as and yeah, and the see me when you go to the cities, it was a journey around the coach of beauty and history. now i hope you're enjoying the beauty and jim on the continuing, because the country of benny i just received a special on it was named best and travel 2024. by the job. i've left no lead time . it's been maybe a small country with only a few assistance, but it presents as far as in atlanta, corrosion along side side,
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which is rustic and where i live on cultural museum. interestingly, it is also the birthplace of the do religion. yes, that's another layer to it's diverse. got some hesitate. but 1st let's take a look at the do's and don'ts of the wait. i have is less than 24 hours before my trip and i have so much to pay. and my suitcase is not even packed yet. so what do i need to remember? oh, i definitely need this pack appropriately according to the weather or your schedule . whether it's having comfortable shoes. if you're going hiking sunscreen and a swimsuit, if you're in a warm area or having motors coating, if you're in a religious area. okay. i'm done. the next thing don't pack everything in your suitcase on the off chance, but your luggage gets lost or doesn't arrive on time. it's important to have
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carriers for your most important items like smart medications for an extra change of clothing. you don't want to be sleeping at a bus stop like me make sure your accommodation is sort of october long trips. you want a shower food and a place to pick them up. if you don't want to stay at a hotel, there are options, like a hospital or backpacking area. just make sure that the website you're using is safe and legitimate. okay, let me check if i have everything. passport, check travels, documents, check. always have an extra copy of your passport or travel documents printed out, or on your phone. using this documents well on your trip is horrible. and you don't want to be walking around with the original. what do brush up on the local language of the area you're going to knowing the basic words like thank you. thank you all. how much does this cost? monthly costing guppy expressions you might want to learn,
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by the way those expressions you can use if you go to them, if you and want to speak the language editor to listen, don't explore the city on your own or travel with a friend. most importantly, ask the locals if a place is safe to travel to or not, they will know best. also keeps on the emergency numbers on hand, in case you get in some sort of trouble. okay guys, i really need to go the, let's see my colleagues steps and did all of this on this trip to benita. do you like to go for a walk you through this? yeah, you're all america. i knew the place rincon in the minds of africa. you it's what, what it means. there are so many different places in africa. sally. yes, you've been a republican. but he didn't. jim of west africa, bennett republic. despite the small size, the nation post a wealth of natural resources,
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culture and breathtaking sides. the vibrant city of wheat at the cottle of we'll do the what's the village of guns, the african van is the mess and the rising graffiti was incorrect. so now let's trust the majestic m, as in statute, in cartoon. for here we are also placid dilemma zone in english. so the spectral, as on square on the this image is a representation of all the female. what are you all making them lead? it is a group of female. what are your letter by queen or possibly hungry? queen hyundai, the ruler of the old kingdom of the whole may possess 2 remarkable qualities. a female ami regal authority, had talents. female awareness ensued. few in the open. it's due to the exception of skills in building the much of these as water is accept as an inspiration and with to fix it into hollywood blockbusters. the black cleanser and the woman king is put
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to here a police fire man, and women of all man on the corner of the gun who's been bridgewater. he is also has the longest square fee to all the vividly that rates the captivates in history, rich culture and service. traditions of this remarkable nation. the from course a new it's about to 20 minutes votes rights to the captivating guns, the floating village. this to make village is home to over 20000 people who in gmc construct a colorful wooden houses. and who can you imagine the experience of living in a place where everything happens? some water eric. oh is life? yeah. why go? you know, uh the like the, essentially from fusion, a 5th here at the men go to fishing and the women says, fish. when we have on here. the 1st thing is to learn how to see. and after you know how to see you learn how to drive boats. well,
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we also want to drive a boat, but not just any booth. we are trying out the hydro k a. what's a bicycle that is perhaps not so practical, but a fun way to get around to how are you guys are going to use the waste over 400000 square minutes of water in the southern parts of been a republic. this country has with potential for supports from the hydro recreation center. we travel about 35 kilometers to read the regional capital of the vote in video. and finally, we yeah, at the temple, the phone, the temple of pipe from look of the shows to have the roman catholic church established in 19 owner. wow. okay. by michael and i, there's also also have the temple of martin or somebody go under. but for us just to get and they're both causes to get up to show, to simple life, i mean, really just of tolerance. so what this is that we're going to see inside. we will
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get this before you will see the parts some parts on here. we present that full time for some form of that. ok in without here that i full time so that was shipped like and i'm i got ok for them. so the protective. i'm that what should be so cool about i can feel the movement. i don't feel this movement. can we remove this thing satisfied? oh no, no. i said, okay. well thank you very much. uh huh. so uh, i don't need to hold in. the city is home to conflicts, gods and goddesses. and it's probably host an incredible animal international vote and become friends, completes wisdom as memorize an illegal must create festival that celebrates the spirits of the ancestors that you've been of your property. thank you for watching dw, the selling some present, a figure, one more inspiring story, imagined the waist and lifted up the escaping of pace of beings rated for calls. at
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this end, the age of 9, there was a major breakthrough for barbara in this area. she did not only overcome the trauma of child marriage, what has become and leaving customers that stereotype constructed to barbara is not our tools. i didn't catch your eye clinic, my financial results, and hopes that young girls in her community can set the pace for their own, empowering narrative. at the end, do we have a cam in the hospital? can you as mess i, mara, barbara in this area and is coming gen to variance by being one of the 1st be natural guides can talk to you about live choices, define a mess i community street to patriarchal norms. they receive a lot of the system from the 1st my dad because law, he was actually that the most of the people of them is that i'm supposed with respect, then they get from my brothers and then know the intel uh, on the at the age of 9 her father wanted to marry herself for
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a dowry. she refused to eventually fled to a rescue center. the one in the monthly community is to the trade the thing because, you know, when one is one of the be go this one into a tool. the daddy's happy because he's most of cause he's seen calls. so you know, for us there is bread price that is being paid and when that is paid it is an exchange of the go with cost. so for you, when you really grow at the age of about $9.00 to $12.00, that's when know another person's gonna come and talk to a dad. and then of course you can be margot necessary and grew up in narrow request of nairobi. just a few kilometers away from the mass lay mara, national park. she used to hood latch stuff and often encounters wildlife. that's what her passion began. i swear that good in seed was amending the knitted
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the field. and as pull what i went to actually really wanted to, to control my strength. and all that i taught was from going for something extra or the united that really it's a bit of a challenge for no tree to tell him. but a lot of people really is to have that perspective that it does for many women leading the charge in the tourism industry is not a common slash in kenya or the coming challenges and prejudice. these limit of ember with the trailblazers and that turning hits in the hoss of the mass. i more of a 50 percent of their employees, a female to get the working to change the narrative about the role of women in the ma community. anesthesia is such a head walk up, she's actually got into a head of department, and she has a team of male and she, she's able to manage the appliance and she's able to lead them at, you know, with the baby split them, considering that most of my team members are from them as a community,
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which at some time the notes regarding the women empowerment and women in leadership with visions. but she's able to turn these around and be able to be a voice for women. in my say, myra bush and the syrians coverage to break cultural norms has also come with its fair share of challenges fluctuates as when those well received by her family at least trust. but she's gradually shifted the perception of her community . so my dad's really no, he's a happy dad and he's no supporting fully what they do and he's even in kind of do more lead use of turned out to do what of them being and for now of changing my youngest his does don't really have but i had time of going to school and suck. now he is forcing them. if you don't really want to go to school, you have to go. because now he's really seeing that for you, you know,
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one. so he tests related. his bus fixed is completely in missouri and continues to grow in her journey as a guide. she plans to keep pushing boundaries and changing norms by inspiring the next generation of women. well, enjoy the show as much as id reach out to us as well shows or send me an e mail. now i'll type it up with this very beautiful song. i was your host 5. any company, rosie. i see they're bringing me some very nice metro jews. yeah, thank you so much. i see you again. a lot of the
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. busy the,
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the, the business, what's new, we'll tell you we are happy that we are back to the story. we have a, getting a visa is more difficult than finding gold hosted to use force. and for the present in the stories industries that are being discussed across the country, news africa in 30 minutes on the w point isn't a surprise. every day, many risk their lives working in indonesia is billy gold gold mine. but workers
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also face another terrible threats. and mercury, it is used to extract it, evaporates seats into the ground, and devastate people's lives for ease and poverty. in 75 minutes on d, w, the comes out seeing the highlights new every week in your inbox, subscribe. now this shadows, these costs and video shed lights on the dog is devastating. colonial har is infected by germany across and he employed schools post tactic farms and destroy nights. what is the legacy of this wide spread race as depression today?
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history, we need to customizing the stories, shadows of german colonialism. the same. it is some of the current key, more people that are in such a passion, life kind of in part that's the, that's the best the best and find out about baby story info, migraines, reliable news to migrate wherever they may be. the
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. this is definitely news. slide from further south africa box freedom day, 30 years after the historic collection that marks the official end of a positive president, rema pose of mocks. the anniversary with a celebration in victoria. but this illusion is growing and these party looks at the elusive column entry majority in next month's elections. will start coming up. russia steps up its attacks on q, cried, getting a psychiatric hospital and palace stations. it comes as long as a live military aid from the us is set to arrive in the country. the .


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